Going From Blogger to Social Media ConsultantSarah Pinnix
Presentation by Sarah Pinnix and Amanda Henson for Type A Parent Blogging Conference, June 2011.
This document discusses the importance of mobile engagement strategies for small businesses. It provides statistics that show the growing dominance of smartphones and mobile platforms. The key points made are:
- Over 90% of adults own smartphones and use them to search for local information and services.
- Having a mobile-friendly website or mobile app allows small businesses to connect with customers anytime and drive more store traffic and sales.
- Mobile apps can increase employee productivity and access to information while away from the office.
- Businesses that ignore mobile are at risk of losing customers and business to competitors.
- The mobile app industry is growing rapidly and provides opportunities for small businesses to engage customers and grow their business in a flexible
Dear Students
We can help you to write total dissertation/project report.
Our 9 step method of project writing:-
Step 1) Helping you in Selection of topic.
Step 2) Group discussion / conference call with in team of professors.
Step 3) Helping you in Preparation of Synopsis/ proposal & sent to project guide
Yellow Medya'nin kobilere 旦zel uygulamas脹. Bu uygulama sayesinde iletmenizin mobil ortamda sayfas脹n脹 oluturun, m端terilerinizin sizi daha kolay bulmas脹n脹 salay脹n.
The world of Journalists is changing. Their business model seems to vanish. That is not really true. Their world is only shifting. This lecture focus on the change brought to Journalists by Big Data.
Big Data is "hype-term" but being data-driven creates new possibilities for Journalists. The talk goes through the 5 V's of Big Data and why we should focus on small Data.
Several use-cases for Journalists are discussed from Influencers over Reach Metrics to Trend Prediction and Content Validation. A few tools supporting the Journalistic work are introduced.
This document discusses whether social media can pay for itself. It outlines some key problems with social media, including noise and lack of proven engagement. It recommends focusing on quality over quantity, and using sanity metrics like leads and customers rather than vanity metrics. The document also provides tips for building an inbound marketing framework using tools, skills, content and automation to attract, convert and delight audiences. It stresses starting with the sales team's needs and using different content for top, middle and bottom of the funnel prospects. Evaluation of sources, on-site behavior and CRM data is also recommended.
thoughts on Mobile and the shift it represents compared to classic web layouts, which were derived from print but had their own morphology. Concludes with a few notes on how to optimize designs for mobile platforms.
Zdenk Kl哲c is a designer who specializes in graphical user interfaces, web design, product identity, and printing design. Some of his past projects include work on a graphical user interface, a website for a hotel billing service, web design projects, developing product identity, and printing design work. He also has some unrealized projects.
Pr辿sentation donn辿e SudWeb 2013 (http://www.sudweb.fr/2013), le 17 mai, sur le Responsive Web Design BBC News (http://m.bbc.co.uk/news).
La technique "Cutting the Mustard" est document辿e en d辿tail sur le blog de l'辿quipe Responsive News: http://responsivenews.co.uk/post/18948466399/cutting-the-mustard
The document summarizes the objectives of the ALWANE Coalition country committees across North Africa, the GCC, and the Levant regions. The coalition aims to advance women's participation and leadership through creating collaboration opportunities between leaders, raising awareness, advocating for policy changes, and influencing regional and international policies. Each country committee focuses on issues relevant to promoting women's rights and representation in their national context through advocacy campaigns, capacity building, and policy recommendations.
CSS digunakan untuk memisahkan konten dari tampilan dengan mendefinisikan gaya tampilan elemen HTML secara terpisah dalam berkas CSS. CSS memungkinkan pengelolaan tampilan situs web menjadi lebih mudah dengan mendefinisikan gaya sekali untuk digunakan berulang kali. Terdapat tiga cara mengaplikasikan CSS yaitu inline, internal, dan eksternal. Selector digunakan untuk memilih elemen mana yang akan diterapkan gaya CSS.
The document summarizes Paul's letter to the Colossians chapter 2 verses 13-15. It discusses how Christ has provided complete salvation and victory over sin and death for believers. Specifically, it notes that (1) God made believers alive with Christ through forgiveness of sins, (2) He canceled believers' debt of sin by nailing it to the cross, and (3) He disarmed the spiritual rulers and authorities that had power over humans due to sin. Believers are now complete in Christ and have victory over all enemies through faith in his saving work.
This document discusses using media queries and responsive web design to adapt content for different screen sizes like desktop, tablet, and smartphone. It recommends using CSS media queries to check for device features rather than specific models or vendors. Media queries allow setting custom CSS styles based on conditions like minimum/maximum width, display ratios, and other features. This allows fitting important content on smaller screens by resizing, rearranging, or hiding less important elements to avoid horizontal scrolling. The goal is to show content in a way that matches the user's device.
AMA Nonprofit Conference Presentation: Your Nonprofit is Using the Internet ...James Hutto
Presentation to the American Marketing Association Nonprofit conference in Washington, D.C. - July 15th, 2013 #AMANP
A 3-hour workshop titled "Your Nonprofit is Using the Internet Wrong (and what to do about it)"
We started with a analysis of each attendees' digital marketing efforts and outline some basic goals for the workshop.
Then we dug into an analysis of each nonprofit website:
- Calls to Action
- Funnels
- Conversion rate
- Blog
We did a complete SEO site audit of all sites and walked through those with attendees, and then we spent a good bit of time talking about email marketing best practices and answering questions.
Finally, as I started to run out of time, we talked about retargeting ad campaigns and then went back to the original "grade" from the beginning of the class and I had everyone develop an action plan for the priorities that they need to focus on for their site.
Yellow Medya'nin kobilere 旦zel uygulamas脹. Bu uygulama sayesinde iletmenizin mobil ortamda sayfas脹n脹 oluturun, m端terilerinizin sizi daha kolay bulmas脹n脹 salay脹n.
The world of Journalists is changing. Their business model seems to vanish. That is not really true. Their world is only shifting. This lecture focus on the change brought to Journalists by Big Data.
Big Data is "hype-term" but being data-driven creates new possibilities for Journalists. The talk goes through the 5 V's of Big Data and why we should focus on small Data.
Several use-cases for Journalists are discussed from Influencers over Reach Metrics to Trend Prediction and Content Validation. A few tools supporting the Journalistic work are introduced.
This document discusses whether social media can pay for itself. It outlines some key problems with social media, including noise and lack of proven engagement. It recommends focusing on quality over quantity, and using sanity metrics like leads and customers rather than vanity metrics. The document also provides tips for building an inbound marketing framework using tools, skills, content and automation to attract, convert and delight audiences. It stresses starting with the sales team's needs and using different content for top, middle and bottom of the funnel prospects. Evaluation of sources, on-site behavior and CRM data is also recommended.
thoughts on Mobile and the shift it represents compared to classic web layouts, which were derived from print but had their own morphology. Concludes with a few notes on how to optimize designs for mobile platforms.
Zdenk Kl哲c is a designer who specializes in graphical user interfaces, web design, product identity, and printing design. Some of his past projects include work on a graphical user interface, a website for a hotel billing service, web design projects, developing product identity, and printing design work. He also has some unrealized projects.
Pr辿sentation donn辿e SudWeb 2013 (http://www.sudweb.fr/2013), le 17 mai, sur le Responsive Web Design BBC News (http://m.bbc.co.uk/news).
La technique "Cutting the Mustard" est document辿e en d辿tail sur le blog de l'辿quipe Responsive News: http://responsivenews.co.uk/post/18948466399/cutting-the-mustard
The document summarizes the objectives of the ALWANE Coalition country committees across North Africa, the GCC, and the Levant regions. The coalition aims to advance women's participation and leadership through creating collaboration opportunities between leaders, raising awareness, advocating for policy changes, and influencing regional and international policies. Each country committee focuses on issues relevant to promoting women's rights and representation in their national context through advocacy campaigns, capacity building, and policy recommendations.
CSS digunakan untuk memisahkan konten dari tampilan dengan mendefinisikan gaya tampilan elemen HTML secara terpisah dalam berkas CSS. CSS memungkinkan pengelolaan tampilan situs web menjadi lebih mudah dengan mendefinisikan gaya sekali untuk digunakan berulang kali. Terdapat tiga cara mengaplikasikan CSS yaitu inline, internal, dan eksternal. Selector digunakan untuk memilih elemen mana yang akan diterapkan gaya CSS.
The document summarizes Paul's letter to the Colossians chapter 2 verses 13-15. It discusses how Christ has provided complete salvation and victory over sin and death for believers. Specifically, it notes that (1) God made believers alive with Christ through forgiveness of sins, (2) He canceled believers' debt of sin by nailing it to the cross, and (3) He disarmed the spiritual rulers and authorities that had power over humans due to sin. Believers are now complete in Christ and have victory over all enemies through faith in his saving work.
This document discusses using media queries and responsive web design to adapt content for different screen sizes like desktop, tablet, and smartphone. It recommends using CSS media queries to check for device features rather than specific models or vendors. Media queries allow setting custom CSS styles based on conditions like minimum/maximum width, display ratios, and other features. This allows fitting important content on smaller screens by resizing, rearranging, or hiding less important elements to avoid horizontal scrolling. The goal is to show content in a way that matches the user's device.
AMA Nonprofit Conference Presentation: Your Nonprofit is Using the Internet ...James Hutto
Presentation to the American Marketing Association Nonprofit conference in Washington, D.C. - July 15th, 2013 #AMANP
A 3-hour workshop titled "Your Nonprofit is Using the Internet Wrong (and what to do about it)"
We started with a analysis of each attendees' digital marketing efforts and outline some basic goals for the workshop.
Then we dug into an analysis of each nonprofit website:
- Calls to Action
- Funnels
- Conversion rate
- Blog
We did a complete SEO site audit of all sites and walked through those with attendees, and then we spent a good bit of time talking about email marketing best practices and answering questions.
Finally, as I started to run out of time, we talked about retargeting ad campaigns and then went back to the original "grade" from the beginning of the class and I had everyone develop an action plan for the priorities that they need to focus on for their site.
7. Vilnius
Lietuvos sostin ir did転iausias 邸alies
miestas, Vilniaus apskrities, rajono ir miesto
savivaldybs centras. 町sik笛rs 邸alies
pietryiuose, Neries ir Vilnios santakoje.
Vilnius yra arkivyskupijos centras,
nuo 1579 m. universitetinis miestas.
Mano miestas 7
8. Naudota literatura
Mano miestas 8