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What is Texture.pdf
What is Texture.pdf
Texture is frequency
Frequency? About what? : Texel
Frequency? About what? : Texel
Frequency? About what? : Texel
??… ??/Object? Texture? ????
Texture Analysis
Structure Analysis
Texture Analysis
Structure Analysis…? Not for Real World
Texture Analysis
Statistical Approach!
Law’s Texture Energy Measures (1987)
Texture Analysis
Statistical Approach!
a breif outline of the texton theory of human vision (1980)
Texture Analysis
Statistical Approach!
representing and recognizing the visual appearnace of materials using three-dimensional textons (2000)
Texture Analysis
Statistical Approach!
TextonBoost for Image Understanding: Multi-Class Object Recognition and Segmentation by Jointly Modeling Texture, Layout, and Context
Texture Analysis
Statistical Approach!
lter banks for texture recognition, description, and segmentation (2016)
~ ??… SIFT ? CNN? ??? Texture? ?? “?? ??”?? ?
Texture Analysis
Fourier Approach
Texel?? ??? ?????
Texel ~= Low Level Feature
Texel Texel…?
??? Edge ???, ?? Shape Matching
~> ??? Constraint? ???, ? Robust? ? ???!
CNN == Statistical Approach + Bag of (Texton) Generator
Why CNN is Texture sensitive?
<CDH ??>
Texture? ? ???/?? ????? ? ??, Object Shape? ??? ??
== Texture? Object ??? ?????, Shape? Object ??? ??
== Shape Extractor? ??? ????? ?? ?? ???, Texture? ?? ???? ?? ??
Why CNN is Texture sensitive?
Texture Kernel (Low Level)
Object Kernel (High Level)
Many Activation Middle Activation
One Activation No Activation
Maybe CNN is Texture Mapper… Not Template Matching
V1 is Fixed?
plasticity in primary visual cortex
V1 is not Fixed
By age
Development of Glutamatergic Proteins in Human Visual Cortex across the Lifespan (2017 Neuroscience)
V1 Protein developed through lifespan
V1 is not Fixed
By Seeing Phase
Development and Plasticity of the Primary Visual Cortex
Also, vision is not robust
Scale and translation-invariance for novel objects in human vision (Nature)
Scale and translation-invariance for novel objects in
human vision (Nature)
Scale Exp
- Target / Test : Same or Not
Also, vision is not robust in size
Even not N-shot
Scale and translation-invariance for novel objects in human vision (Nature)
Non Korean Korean
Texture De
- https://courses.cs.washington.edu/courses/cse455/09wi/Lects/lect12.pdf
- https://blogs.unity3d.com/kr/2019/02/14/procedural-stochastic-texturing-in-unity/

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