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NotKind Introduction
for Image Matting
Segmentation 手規
Image Matting is
Image Matting is
Image foreground background
Only deciding alpha! [0,1]
Image Matting is
Image foreground background
Only deciding alpha! [0,1]
Matting is commonly with
For decide
History of Matting
A long time ago,
Approaches  Sampling Based
> Mishima Method 1993  patent
Calculating closest F/B Distance for decide alpha : globally
* Feature
- First method of matting
- Look feature globally
- Developed for Blue screen matting
Approaches  Sampling Based
> Knockout software - not sure 1998?
Calculating closest F/B Distance for decide alpha : locally sampled
* Feature
- First method of matting with Trimap
Jumping matting history
Closed Form Matting 2006
- Locally Matting
KNN Matting 2012
- nonLocal Matting
Approaches  Deep Learning Age
> DCNN Matting - 2016
Mix Local-Nonlocal information
* Feature
- First method of matting with Deep Learning
Input is
RGB + KNN Matting + Closed Form Matting
Approaches  Deep Learning Age
> Deep Image Matting - 2017
* Feature
Fully Deep Learning
Refinement Stage is for alternative Image Guide Filter
Input is
RGB + Trimap
Want more?
Meet Ya脹z Aksoy who starts from 2012
html kind lecture for matting

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