Open棟梁による社会インフラシステムへのアーキテクチャの提案 (Proposal of architecture to social infrastructure system by OpenTouryo)
Open棟梁について - OSSコンソーシアム
This document outlines an workshop on game design improv. It introduces the concept of game design improv and describes several design challenges that participants will complete during the workshop to explore key design principles in a playful way. The challenges include designing a game from existing intellectual property, modifying an existing game concept to be multiplayer, designing a board game simulating a Civil War battle with an unconventional victory condition, and creating a game using only index cards. Contact information is provided for the workshop leaders.
Open棟梁による社会インフラシステムへのアーキテクチャの提案 (Proposal of architecture to social infrastructure system by OpenTouryo)
Open棟梁について - OSSコンソーシアム
This document outlines an workshop on game design improv. It introduces the concept of game design improv and describes several design challenges that participants will complete during the workshop to explore key design principles in a playful way. The challenges include designing a game from existing intellectual property, modifying an existing game concept to be multiplayer, designing a board game simulating a Civil War battle with an unconventional victory condition, and creating a game using only index cards. Contact information is provided for the workshop leaders.
We can’t hide behind the web any longer, to get your company and yourself adaptable for the 21st century learn the real life story of how MACPA has used blogging, twitter, and other tools to reach out to current members and find new members. Learn what it was necessary for the MACPA to do this in order to keep up with the younger generation. Learn what it took to get there, what it takes to keep it up, and what wasn’t such a good idea.
Este documento presenta los criterios de evaluación para la contratación docente. Se evalúa la formación profesional (títulos, grados), capacitaciones y actualizaciones, y experiencia laboral docente de los postulantes. Se lista la información académica y laboral de varios candidatos, incluyendo sus nombres, títulos obtenidos, instituciones donde estudiaron, capacitaciones recibidas, y a?os de experiencia docente. Finalmente, se muestran los puntajes totales obtenidos por cada candidato según los criterios establecidos
Developing My Online Professional Learning Networklisbk
This presentation on "Developing My Online Professional Learning Network" is the final submission by Brian Kelly, Innovation Advocate at Cetis, University of Bolton for a virtual symposium which is an assignment for the Hyperlinked Library MOOC.
The slides and audio track were initially created on 13 November 2013. An updated version was made in
El documento describe la experiencia del autor en un taller de capacitación para maestros sobre el uso de herramientas TIC en la ense?anza. Asistió a varias sesiones del taller que se llevaron a cabo los martes de 2 a 6:30 pm en la Universidad del Valle durante los meses de agosto y septiembre. En el taller, aprendió sobre nuevas herramientas digitales como tabletas y planeó un proyecto educativo llamado "?Cuál es tu cuento?" que usaría fotografía para ense?ar sobre la relación entre el hombre
This document provides an introduction to learning guitar, including the different parts of the guitar, how to hold it correctly, open strings, major and minor chords, various strumming patterns, and how to play songs using chords. It explains that different guitar parts generate sound and the proper posture is needed to hold the guitar. It also lists some common strumming patterns and notes that being able to play chords allows one to play songs on the guitar.
We combine our years of experience with creativity, strong ideas, and collaboration, to incorporate special features such as multi-touch, 2D graphics, and even Facebook integration.
Este documento presenta información biográfica sobre Rubén Llanquiman Vargas, un hombre de 20 a?os que disfruta leer revistas de dise?o y música, trabajar en Photoshop y el teatro. Estudió en un colegio adventista particular hasta el 2002, luego en un colegio en La Cisterna hasta el 2006 y actualmente estudia en la Universidad de Santiago de Chile desde el 2008.
Message Queuing (MSMQ) technology enables applications running at different times to communicate across heterogeneous networks and systems that may be temporarily offline.
This is the journey of Tech backpack's founder Usman Naeem Khokhar, who is a backpack journalist and a community manager
Curso de Mini-Basket Baloncesto FormativoEducagratis
El documento presenta un curso sobre la ense?anza del básquetbol a nivel inicial en escolares. El curso cubre conceptos básicos como las reglas del mini básquetbol y básquetbol oficial, así como tácticas ofensivas y defensivas de una manera más avanzada. El curso utiliza recursos escritos, gráficos y audiovisuales para desarrollar los contenidos y evaluaciones. Está dirigido a profesores de educación física, entrenadores y estudiantes.
How to Prepare for Information TechnologySudheer Paidi
The document provides an overview and study tips for the Information Technology (IT) subject in the CA Intermediate exam. It discusses the need for studying IT given its prevalence. It outlines the course contents including topics like data storage, computer networks, internet technologies, flowcharting and decision tables. It provides strategies for studying each chapter effectively and tips for preparing well through periodic review. The document also discusses the different types of questions asked in the exam and rules for answering them clearly and concisely to score well.
Este documento presenta el proyecto ambiental educativo de la Institución Educativa 20 de Julio. El proyecto busca articular la naturaleza, la cultura y la sociedad para formar ciudadanos mediante estrategias educativas. Se realiza un diagnóstico de la situación ambiental de la comunidad e institución educativa y se plantea como problema la falta de comprensión de las dimensiones naturales, sociales y culturales. El proyecto se basa en principios como la interculturalidad y la resolución de conflictos para lograr una educación ambiental
The document discusses the Agile Manifesto, which was created in 2005 by a group of software developers. It outlines four values that underpin agile software development: individuals and interactions over processes and tools, working software over comprehensive documentation, customer collaboration over contract negotiation, and responding to change over following a plan. The manifesto emphasizes that while there is value in the items on the right, the items on the left are of greater value. It also lists 12 principles for agile software development.
This document discusses using Post-It Plus, an app for iOS devices, to take notes digitally instead of using physical Post-It notes. It recommends the app for easily organizing, searching, and sharing notes across devices.
This document is a portfolio for Tomoharu Nagasawa who is a senior evangelist. It contains his Twitter handle and a link to his blog where readers can find requests. The portfolio is intended to provide information on Nagasawa's background and qualifications for potential clients or employers.
This document summarizes a presentation given by Tomoharu Nagasawa, a senior evangelist at Atlassian. It discusses Atlassian's products like JIRA, Confluence, and Bitbucket. It provides an overview of Atlassian as a company, describing how it has grown and become a $5 billion company without a sales team. The presentation demonstrates how these tools can be used together to help teams with development, operations, and business functions collaborate effectively.
This document discusses different levels or stages and provides a hyperlink to a website with information about those levels. It also lists several references to the same case study from 2013 about implementing Kanban in an enterprise setting, written by Mattias Skarin. The document focuses on stages or levels and cites the same case study multiple times.
Business value pipeline with atlassian products智治 長沢
You should establish such as flow of value as pipeline. You can find one of toolchain with Atlassian solution.
This slide is an evangelist eye, this is not Atlassian's official contents.
13. UGSS | User Group Support Services
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