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Syed Abdul Farooq
Post Box No-3070
Al khobar  31952 KSA
+966 558289071
genuine ~ communicative ~ independent ~ ethical ~ intelligent ~ driven
A well qualified, experienced, and educated person with genuine knowledge about business
administration in regard to effective management, modern technology and automation, With a
Commerce background, in-depth experience in sales administration, for execution of Saudi
Aramcos Projects in various multinational organizations of Saudi Arabia and India. Involved in
Purchasing of various types of material (both consumables and installation) for executing
prestigious projects of SAUDI ARAMCO SABIC and SWCC and others since 7years and
interpersonal communication will lend invaluable professionalism to the Procurement and
logistic position.
Professional Experience:
11/2008present, Sales Administrator and Logistics Planner.
Saudi Fal Co. Ltd Alkhobar, Saudi Arabia
 Worked in controls division of this process automation company, a representative of
Emerson Process Management
 Executed purchase orders from purchase requisitions, covering a variety of materials,
consumables, and services required, including consignment notes, certificate of
conformity, export documentation, and subcontract paperwork.
 Responsible for updating all the data & records related to sales & purchase &
correspondences through Email and as well as telephonic conversations with supplier
and customer.
 Responsible to forward all updated Supplier info for the SPOs to the Material supply
department for Logistics and follow ups, and advise to the Supplier for shipping
instructions as per wait & dimension of the shipment in order to select the best price
from the freight forwarders price list and ship the material according the SAUDI
 Conducted progress chasing of orders from suppliers, dealt with day to day issues
concerning late deliveries and shortages, updated confirmed order dates, amending
orders as necessary, closed off of purchase orders, and booked in goods received
 Develop close work relationship with the Emerson (Fisher-Rosemount)/other Principal
 Developed close working relationships with all key personnel, especially in finance,
production, engineering, and with suppliers
 Monitored stock levels, updating reorder levels and reorder quantities according to
 Created and maintained all manual, blanket, and automatic PO requirements
 Ensured that all master data on suppliers, products, and services were maintained
 Sought new and more efficient ways of working so as to improve the process
 Maintained and contributed to quality assurance procedures and documentation
 Informed management of procedures found to be impractical, helping benefit the
development of company solutions.
 Operate to company QA procedures/ documents, Contribute to department QA
 Make aware to the manager for Quality Manager or delegate any working with in a
2006-2008, Bachelor of Commerce (Specialization in Management)
Osmania University, Hyderabad, AP.
Additional Qualifications:
 Excellent interpersonal, communication, team building, conflict management, analytical,
problem solving, and motivational skills
 Experience working with people from different ethnic backgrounds
 Excellent oral, written, communication, and presentation skills
 Short learning curve, adapting to different environments easily
 Technical Databases
 Technical Operating Systems
 MS-DOS, Windows 9x, Me, XP, Windows NT 4.0, Windows 2000
 Technical Programming Languages
 MS Office, MS Word, MS Excel, MS Power Point, MS Outlook, ERP package IFS
Industrial Financial Systems.
 Profile: Male , 29 , Unmarried
 Nationality: India
 Current Location: Saudi Arabia(Dammam)
 Current position: Sales Administrator
 Company: Saudi Fal co ltd.
(Reporting to: Commercial Manager)
 Preferred Locations:
 Salary expectation: Not Specified/ Negotiable
Date: Sincerely
Place: Dammam Syed Abdul Farooq
Syed Farooq Sales.A.

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Syed Farooq Sales.A.

  • 1. Syed Abdul Farooq Post Box No-3070 Al khobar 31952 KSA +966 558289071 syed_farooq19@yahoo.com genuine ~ communicative ~ independent ~ ethical ~ intelligent ~ driven A well qualified, experienced, and educated person with genuine knowledge about business administration in regard to effective management, modern technology and automation, With a Commerce background, in-depth experience in sales administration, for execution of Saudi Aramcos Projects in various multinational organizations of Saudi Arabia and India. Involved in Purchasing of various types of material (both consumables and installation) for executing prestigious projects of SAUDI ARAMCO SABIC and SWCC and others since 7years and interpersonal communication will lend invaluable professionalism to the Procurement and logistic position. Professional Experience: 11/2008present, Sales Administrator and Logistics Planner. Saudi Fal Co. Ltd Alkhobar, Saudi Arabia Worked in controls division of this process automation company, a representative of Emerson Process Management Executed purchase orders from purchase requisitions, covering a variety of materials, consumables, and services required, including consignment notes, certificate of conformity, export documentation, and subcontract paperwork. Responsible for updating all the data & records related to sales & purchase & correspondences through Email and as well as telephonic conversations with supplier and customer. Responsible to forward all updated Supplier info for the SPOs to the Material supply department for Logistics and follow ups, and advise to the Supplier for shipping instructions as per wait & dimension of the shipment in order to select the best price from the freight forwarders price list and ship the material according the SAUDI CUSTOM RULES & REGULATION. Conducted progress chasing of orders from suppliers, dealt with day to day issues concerning late deliveries and shortages, updated confirmed order dates, amending orders as necessary, closed off of purchase orders, and booked in goods received Develop close work relationship with the Emerson (Fisher-Rosemount)/other Principal factories/supplier Developed close working relationships with all key personnel, especially in finance, production, engineering, and with suppliers Monitored stock levels, updating reorder levels and reorder quantities according to demand. Created and maintained all manual, blanket, and automatic PO requirements Ensured that all master data on suppliers, products, and services were maintained Sought new and more efficient ways of working so as to improve the process
  • 2. Maintained and contributed to quality assurance procedures and documentation Informed management of procedures found to be impractical, helping benefit the development of company solutions. Operate to company QA procedures/ documents, Contribute to department QA procedures. Make aware to the manager for Quality Manager or delegate any working with in a procedure. Education: 2006-2008, Bachelor of Commerce (Specialization in Management) Osmania University, Hyderabad, AP. Additional Qualifications: Interpersonal Excellent interpersonal, communication, team building, conflict management, analytical, problem solving, and motivational skills Experience working with people from different ethnic backgrounds Excellent oral, written, communication, and presentation skills Short learning curve, adapting to different environments easily Technical Databases Technical Operating Systems MS-DOS, Windows 9x, Me, XP, Windows NT 4.0, Windows 2000 Technical Programming Languages MS Office, MS Word, MS Excel, MS Power Point, MS Outlook, ERP package IFS Industrial Financial Systems. SUMMARY: Profile: Male , 29 , Unmarried Nationality: India Current Location: Saudi Arabia(Dammam) Current position: Sales Administrator Company: Saudi Fal co ltd. (Reporting to: Commercial Manager) Preferred Locations: Salary expectation: Not Specified/ Negotiable Date: Sincerely Place: Dammam Syed Abdul Farooq