Asthma in pregnancymothersafe1) Asthma affects approximately 4-8% of pregnant women. While pregnancy does not typically impair lung function, it can intensify the effects of lung diseases like asthma.
2) The pathophysiology of asthma involves chronic airway inflammation from factors like allergens, viruses, and environmental irritants. During pregnancy, changes in lung volumes and capacities can increase a woman's risk of hypoxia from asthma exacerbations.
3) For chronic asthma, treatment focuses on education, environmental control, and pharmacological therapy like inhaled corticosteroids and bronchodilators to maintain lung function. For acute exacerbations, therapy aims to quickly reverse bronchoconstriction and prevent
Management of COPDUtai SukviwatsirikulReal life practice in COPD,
รศ.พญ. เบญจมาศ ช่วยชู สาขาวิชาโรคระบบการหายใจและวัณโรค ภาควิชาอายุรศาสตร์ คณะแพทยศาสตร์ศิริราช พยาบาล มหาวิทยาลัยมหิดล