
際際滷Share a Scribd company logo
Fadi Farid Issa
Mobile Phone: 962-79 9523455
Home Phone: 962-6 5520242
Date of Birth: April 07th
, 1985
Nationality: Jordanian
Marital Status: Single
 Through a challenging four years as an MIS student, I have developed a
strong sense of business & information technology.
 Rigorous technical classes and undergraduate life have provided me
with a solid base to launch my abilities as well as my career.
 I believe that through learning and application of what you learn, you
can solve any problem, overcome any obstacle and achieve any goal
that you can set for yourself.
 I would welcome an opportunity to work with your esteemed company
and I am willing to make the necessary extra commitment to ensure
2008 Al-Ahliyya Amman University
 Bachelor degree of Management of Information Systems
(MIS) with a GPA of 74.9% (Very Good)
 Major Academic Courses: Visual Basic, C, and Principles of
2004 High School Diploma / Scientific Stream
Sales Marketing Executive
Seasons (Marketing / Sales Department)
From November, 2015 till present
- Job Duties:
 Create data base & Search for Architects / Contactors / Engineer contacts
who could benefit from company business objective or services.
 Visit Architects / Contactors / Engineers at their offices.
 Establishing new and maintain existing, long-term relationships with the
Architects / Contactors / Engineers.
 Managing and interpreting Architects / Contactors / Engineers requirements,
listening to clients and hold meetings to understand, anticipate and exceed their
 Track Competition product pricing & work towards improving specification &
 Support the sales team in achieving the sales objectives;
 Administering client accounts by tracking on project schedules & follow up
with team on regular basis.
 Supporting marketing activities by attending trade shows, conferences and
other marketing events.
 Providing pre-sales technical assistance and product education.
 Liaising with other members of the sales team and other technical experts
and solving client problems.
 Prioritize both time and projects, working independently
 Submit periodic review reports & attend review meeting.
 Prepare & Submit daily call Reports.
Sales Marketing Executive
New Suppliers Company (Marketing / Sales Department)
From August, 2015 till November 2015
- Job Duties:
 Achieves marketing and sales operational objectives by contributing
marketing and sales information and recommendations to strategic plans
and reviews; preparing and completing action plans; implementing
production, productivity, quality, and customer-service standards;
resolving problems; completing audits; identifying trends; determining
system improvements; implementing change.
 Accomplishes marketing and sales objectives by planning, developing,
implementing, and evaluating advertising, merchandising, and trade
promotion programs; developing field sales action plans.
 Identifies marketing opportunities by identifying consumer requirements;
defining market, competitor's share, and competitor's strengths and
weaknesses; forecasting projected business; establishing targeted
market share.
 Sustains rapport with key accounts by making periodic visits; exploring
specific needs; anticipating new opportunities.
 Provides information by collecting, analyzing, and summarizing data and
 Accomplishes marketing and organization mission by completing related
results as needed.
 devising and presenting ideas and strategies
 promotional activities
 monitoring performance
 managing campaigns on social media
 Develop new business opportunities to meet trends
 Facilitate client requirements meetings  both in person and/or remotely
using current online presentation applications
 Report weekly sales forecasts
 Develop market analysis to identify customer needs, price schedules, and
discount rates
 Stay current with client needs, competition, and industry trends
 Responsible for assisting with sales/marketing and advertising campaigns
 Visit potential customers for new business
 Provide customers with quotations
 Negotiate the terms of an agreement and close sales
 Gather market and customer information and provide feedback on buying
 Identify new markets and business opportunities
 Review your own sales performance
Sales Account Manager
Yousef M. Haddad Co. & Partners / (Sales Department)
From November, 2008 till November, 2014
- Job Duties:
 Achieving sales targets
 Attending client meetings
 Matching client accounts
 Maintaining and expanding relationships with existing clients
 Completing administrative work, as required
 Coordinates the involvement of company personnel, including
Support, service, and management resources, in order to meet
Account performance objectives and customers expectations.
 Meets assigned targets for profitable sales volume and strategic
objectives in assigned accounts
 Proactively assesses, clarifies, and validates customer needs on an
ongoing basis.
 Completes strategic customer account plans that meet company
 Maintains high customer satisfaction ratings that meet company.
 Services existing accounts, obtains orders, and establishes new accounts
by planning and organizing daily work schedule to call on existing or
potential sales outlets and other trade factors.
 Focuses sales efforts by studying existing and potential volume of
 Submits orders by referring to price lists and product literature.
 Keeps management informed by submitting activity and results reports,
such as daily call reports, weekly work plans, and monthly and annual
territory analyses.
 Monitors competition by gathering current marketplace information on
pricing, products, new products, delivery schedules, merchandising
techniques, etc.
 Recommends changes in products, service, and policy by evaluating
results and competitive developments.
 Resolves customer complaints by investigating problems; developing
solutions; preparing reports; making recommendations to management.
 Provides historical records by maintaining records on area and customer
 Contributes to team effort by accomplishing related results as needed.
 Work with marketing staff and customers to generate ideas and create
 Determine length and timing of promotions.
 Measure promotions effectiveness and optimize if needed.
 Maintaining information on promotions and clients.
 Developing ideas for promotional marketing campaign.
 Ms Office
 Regular access to the Internet
 2013 British Council, English Course (Pre-Intermediate 2 & 3)
 Arabic: Mother tongue.
 English: Very Good command of written and spoken English.
 Italian: Good command of written & spoken Italian passed four
intensive courses in July, 2005, starting at the beginners level.
 Physical activities including swimming and football.
 Internet & new technologies
Upon request

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Fadi Issa CV Doc

  • 1. Fadi Farid Issa Mobile Phone: 962-79 9523455 Home Phone: 962-6 5520242 Fadi_issa85@yahoo.com Date of Birth: April 07th , 1985 Nationality: Jordanian Marital Status: Single SUMMARY Through a challenging four years as an MIS student, I have developed a strong sense of business & information technology. Rigorous technical classes and undergraduate life have provided me with a solid base to launch my abilities as well as my career. I believe that through learning and application of what you learn, you can solve any problem, overcome any obstacle and achieve any goal that you can set for yourself. I would welcome an opportunity to work with your esteemed company and I am willing to make the necessary extra commitment to ensure success. EDUCATION 2008 Al-Ahliyya Amman University Bachelor degree of Management of Information Systems (MIS) with a GPA of 74.9% (Very Good) Major Academic Courses: Visual Basic, C, and Principles of Management. 2004 High School Diploma / Scientific Stream Occupation Sales Marketing Executive Seasons (Marketing / Sales Department) From November, 2015 till present - Job Duties: Create data base & Search for Architects / Contactors / Engineer contacts who could benefit from company business objective or services. Visit Architects / Contactors / Engineers at their offices. Establishing new and maintain existing, long-term relationships with the Architects / Contactors / Engineers. Managing and interpreting Architects / Contactors / Engineers requirements, listening to clients and hold meetings to understand, anticipate and exceed their needs. Track Competition product pricing & work towards improving specification & competitiveness. Support the sales team in achieving the sales objectives; Administering client accounts by tracking on project schedules & follow up with team on regular basis. Supporting marketing activities by attending trade shows, conferences and other marketing events.
  • 2. Providing pre-sales technical assistance and product education. Liaising with other members of the sales team and other technical experts and solving client problems. Prioritize both time and projects, working independently Submit periodic review reports & attend review meeting. Prepare & Submit daily call Reports. Sales Marketing Executive New Suppliers Company (Marketing / Sales Department) From August, 2015 till November 2015 - Job Duties: Achieves marketing and sales operational objectives by contributing marketing and sales information and recommendations to strategic plans and reviews; preparing and completing action plans; implementing production, productivity, quality, and customer-service standards; resolving problems; completing audits; identifying trends; determining system improvements; implementing change. Accomplishes marketing and sales objectives by planning, developing, implementing, and evaluating advertising, merchandising, and trade promotion programs; developing field sales action plans. Identifies marketing opportunities by identifying consumer requirements; defining market, competitor's share, and competitor's strengths and weaknesses; forecasting projected business; establishing targeted market share. Sustains rapport with key accounts by making periodic visits; exploring specific needs; anticipating new opportunities. Provides information by collecting, analyzing, and summarizing data and trends. Accomplishes marketing and organization mission by completing related results as needed. devising and presenting ideas and strategies promotional activities monitoring performance managing campaigns on social media Develop new business opportunities to meet trends Facilitate client requirements meetings both in person and/or remotely using current online presentation applications Report weekly sales forecasts Develop market analysis to identify customer needs, price schedules, and discount rates Stay current with client needs, competition, and industry trends Responsible for assisting with sales/marketing and advertising campaigns Visit potential customers for new business Provide customers with quotations Negotiate the terms of an agreement and close sales Gather market and customer information and provide feedback on buying trends Identify new markets and business opportunities Review your own sales performance Sales Account Manager Yousef M. Haddad Co. & Partners / (Sales Department) From November, 2008 till November, 2014 - Job Duties:
  • 3. Achieving sales targets Attending client meetings Matching client accounts Maintaining and expanding relationships with existing clients Completing administrative work, as required Coordinates the involvement of company personnel, including Support, service, and management resources, in order to meet Account performance objectives and customers expectations. Meets assigned targets for profitable sales volume and strategic objectives in assigned accounts Proactively assesses, clarifies, and validates customer needs on an ongoing basis. Completes strategic customer account plans that meet company standards. Maintains high customer satisfaction ratings that meet company. Services existing accounts, obtains orders, and establishes new accounts by planning and organizing daily work schedule to call on existing or potential sales outlets and other trade factors. Focuses sales efforts by studying existing and potential volume of dealers. Submits orders by referring to price lists and product literature. Keeps management informed by submitting activity and results reports, such as daily call reports, weekly work plans, and monthly and annual territory analyses. Monitors competition by gathering current marketplace information on pricing, products, new products, delivery schedules, merchandising techniques, etc. Recommends changes in products, service, and policy by evaluating results and competitive developments. Resolves customer complaints by investigating problems; developing solutions; preparing reports; making recommendations to management. Provides historical records by maintaining records on area and customer sales. Contributes to team effort by accomplishing related results as needed. Work with marketing staff and customers to generate ideas and create promotions. Determine length and timing of promotions. Measure promotions effectiveness and optimize if needed. Maintaining information on promotions and clients. Developing ideas for promotional marketing campaign. COMPUTER LITERACEY Ms Office Regular access to the Internet LANGUAGES 2013 British Council, English Course (Pre-Intermediate 2 & 3) Arabic: Mother tongue. English: Very Good command of written and spoken English. Italian: Good command of written & spoken Italian passed four intensive courses in July, 2005, starting at the beginners level. INTERESTS Physical activities including swimming and football.
  • 4. Internet & new technologies REFERENCES Upon request