The document discusses the importance of holistic innovation for leadership in businesses. It argues that the pressure for companies to innovate is increasing, as firms may disappear within 15 years if they do not innovate. Holistic innovation involves adopting an innovation-centric leadership approach, flexible organizational structures, and empowering employees to experiment and challenge the status quo. It provides examples of how adidas implemented holistic innovation through its Run Base Prague location, which created partnerships and empowered local teams to drive new initiatives. The document urges businesses and subsidiaries to challenge themselves by focusing on local innovation opportunities and leveraging both internal and external resources.
David Bradford - From LinkedIn - 50+ skills with 2000+ Skill Endorsements Rec...David E. BradfordThis document lists skills that LinkedIn users have endorsed each other for, along with the number of endorsements each skill has received. It then provides a table with more details on individual endorsements, including the endorser's name, the endorsement status, and date. The most commonly endorsed skills are start-ups, strategy, strategic partnerships, entrepreneurship, and leadership.
European University Barcelona Campus: Beyond Budgeting – A (Secret) Performan...Fabiola EyholzerBarcelona, Spain | Mar-12-2015
Forbes Magazine calls Agile “The Best Kept Secret in Management” and industry leaders and key players across all industries are already embracing lean | agile – a leadership philosophy with a set of tools and techniques based on specific values and principles – with the goal of making their organizations more responsive, innovative, and engaging.
Besides applying a toolset instrumental for driving innovation, reducing time-to-market, and improving customer satisfaction, companies are revising and realigning their leadership approach in order to ensure not only precise, but also fast and flexible decisions, swift accomplishments, and valuable interactions. This will alter their approach towards providing, managing, and monitoring their initiatives and resources and help them meet the demands of a constantly and rapidly changing business environment. Lean | agile provides them with an unparalleled competitive advantage that will impact their bottom line in a positive and sustainable manner.
This presentation focuses on the characteristics of Lean | Agile enterprises and how they approach financial planning and investment approaches in a more flexible way. We talk about “Beyond Budgeting” (also known as “Beta-Complex”) that eliminate traditional budget and budget reporting and discuss their validity and impact.
The enterprise architect’s role in business innovationNUS-ISSNUS-ISS - Architecture Community of Practice: Architecting Innovation, by Mr Tony Murphy, Business Leader, MasterCard
Be a Gamechanger!Gamechanger InnovatieBe a Gamechanger is about people who have the passion and talents to change leadership. To help others and the world resulting in sustainable profits.
SUMMIT KICK OFF WITH OPHTHALMOLOGY INNOVATION CYCLE & FINANCING UPDATEHealthegyWilliam Link gave a presentation on the ophthalmology innovation cycle and financing update. He discussed key constituents in the innovation cycle including inventors, clinicians, financial partners, and industry leaders. He provided an overview of trends in healthcare investments and exits in recent years. Venture financing has regained momentum while IPO activity remains strong but will be more moderate in 2016. M&A activity is still strong but impacted by industry changes. The relative attractiveness of the ophthalmic sector remains solid due to immense unmet needs and strong connections between key constituents. Innovation in ophthalmology is gaining rather than losing momentum.
Entrepreneur toolkit - 10 minute introPeter Jones [LION:]The document is a presentation by Peter Jones of Blue Oyster Business Growth about an innovation toolkit for startup CEOs and product managers. It discusses entrepreneurial mindset, the roles and responsibilities of CEOs, critical pre-business questions, and 10 foundation stones for business growth such as leadership, product-market fit, and marketing. The presentation provides an overview of the innovation toolkit and Peter Jones' background to help entrepreneurs and product managers.
Renewal in an Established Business and Product PortfolioThoughtworksThe document discusses the need for innovation to evolve and mature. It argues that barriers are vanishing, markets are becoming more open, and unprecedented creative capacity exists. However, innovation needs to focus on creating complex new ecosystems of value, delivering ecosystems through diverse domains, and organizing for continuous change. Big innovations require dreaming disruptive dreams, inventing ecosystems of value, and focusing on outcomes rather than outputs.
Adventures with Agile: Traditional HR has failed us! How to convince them to ...Fabiola EyholzerLondon, UK | May-19-2015
Do you remember the frustration that comes from trying to make traditional HR instruments like performance reviews work for your Agile teams? Do you feel HR is undermining your best efforts at collaborative leadership and is holding you back? Do you find yourself in a constant dispute with HR over people processes?
It is inevitable: HR must embrace Lean | Agile values and principles in order to engage and energize Agile talents. It’s time to show HR how key people challenges like retention, talent development, and performance management can be addressed successfully with Lean | Agile.
This session will let you
– gain valuable insights into the world of Human Resource Management
– recognize the impact of Agile HR practices through stories and examples
– discover why Agile needs HR and vice versa
– identify compelling arguments and tactics to convince HR to go Agile
– discuss the topic with other practitioners
Quality Mindset. Health & Care Radicals Inspiring Industrial Quality ImprovementCeline SchillingerHow do you change a corporate culture, from top-down command-and-control, to purpose-based and activist? How do you leverage the power of communities and massive volunteerism, to reload engagement? Can Quality lead the change? This presentation was made at the International Forum on Quality and Safety in Healthcare organized by the British Medical Journal in London on April 22 2015.
Stan IIR keynote presso 14 oct09 v5Stan SthanunathanThis document discusses the need for the marketing research industry to transform and advance beyond a focus on quality and technical aspects. It argues the industry is too slow to adapt and change, while client expectations are accelerating. The marketing research process also needs to change as how people interact and access information changes. The document envisions a transformed future where all information is available to provide insights, and marketing research helps shape changes rather than just reacting. It calls for the industry to provide inspiration to drive changes, work with new technologies and talent, and focus on outcomes over inputs to reach this new frontier.
TC19 LEAD Wednesday - Patti Muldoon - Culture change during uncertainty globa...ChristinaElezajThis document summarizes a case study of Global Fusion, a company with 200,000 employees across four businesses that was undergoing a culture transformation effort. It describes how the company had a traditional hierarchical culture that was no longer effective, so it deployed frequent short surveys and aligned questions with leadership priorities to better understand employees. It shows how initially there was resistance from HR but managers became engaged once given access to results. Sentiment analysis revealed improvements in empowerment scores over time. Finally, it discusses maintaining momentum during a planned corporate separation by ongoing two-way communication and adapting programs based on employee needs.
Beyond the EVP: The experience of Subsea 7Havas PeopleGlobal changes in the way organisations operate and the economic slump that the oil and gas industry is facing, mean that Subsea 7 have had to drastically adapt their ways of working. Key to this is creating a sense of purpose in the work they do so that their people go through change with them.
What is Business Innovation Management? A Brief IntroductionChristopher MichaelThis presentation on Business Innovation Management evolved based on questions from busness owners that I have been in touch with and helped understanding the concept.
Zero Risk InnovationJos BerkemeijerThis document summarizes a presentation on innovation given by Jos Berkemeijer AAG. The presentation defines innovation as the process of translating ideas into goods and services that create value for customers. It discusses different types of innovation and notes that innovation inherently involves risk, both for innovators and investors. The presentation then examines areas of innovation relevant to actuaries like big data, new economic models, and digital platforms. It provides examples of innovative insurance, banking, and pension products from the Netherlands. Finally, it discusses challenges to innovation in the Dutch financial system like a focus on zero risk and challenges in communicating with pension plan members.
Lean agile The Agile PMO – Practical Value Driven Change Leadership in Proj...Michael Nir Business Agility Speaker and CoachThe Agile PMO – Practical Value Driven Change Leadership in Projects and Portfolios
Approximately 50 percent of Project Management Offices (PMO) are terminated in 2 years. Yet, the same mistakes are repeated in the implementations! We use generic, project control processes to stifle project and product delivery; focusing on cost time and scope, rather than leading our projects to deliver value.
In this presentation the audience will learn an alternative model for a value driven PMO as an integrator, enabler, differentiator, and change agent in business, development and the organization.
ERC Showcase March 2019enterpriseresearchcentreThe document summarizes research being conducted by the Enterprise Research Centre (ERC) in the UK. The ERC studies small and medium-sized enterprise (SME) innovation, productivity, and growth. Key points:
- The ERC undertakes primary research and knowledge curation to understand what drives SME innovation, productivity, and growth. Research themes include leadership, diffusion, innovation/growth, finance, and productivity disparities.
- Research is policy-focused and informed by a funders group from government departments. The ERC team conducts various projects on topics like resilience in SMEs and productivity in different sectors.
- The ERC also develops key data sources by linking different datasets and
PMG Building Successful Product Management Teams March 2013Derek PettingaleBest practices for attracting talent, and the keys to successfully building a dynamic product management team. Career path options, and strategies for developing a career in Product Management.
Pmg building successful product management teams BCTechReportCardThe document summarizes a presentation given to the BCTIA Product Management Group in March 2013. The presentation by Julie Clark of Corporate Recruiters Ltd discussed best practices for building successful product management teams, including attracting talent and developing careers in product management. It provided an overview of the current state of product management, factors important for success like access to leadership and financial skills, and ways to advance one's career through education, different roles, and staying innovative by following new markets and technologies. The next event for the group was announced as a talk on evaluating product marketing profit and loss statements.
GI Net 10 - Ensuring Sustainability in Organizational TransformationHora TjitraMaterials presented during the 10th GI Net: "Ensuring Sustainability in Organizational Transformation" on May 07, 2013, by Prof. Dr. Hora Tjitra, Director of Tjitra & associates ( & Associate Professor for Applied Psychology at Zhejiang University
Product Management: The Innovation Glue for the Lean EnterpriseJosiah RenaudinAt a time when organizations of all sizes both want and need innovation, exciting approaches including lean startup and agile development have risen to the forefront. Although there is no shortage of resources and expertise on these approaches, less guidance is available on the daunting challenge of introducing and increasing innovation in our organizations. Organizations of different sizes face different challenges in innovation which, if not dealt with, end up stifling the potential results. Mimi Hoang and George Schlitz share experiences from many years of successes and failures introducing and increasing innovation in diverse companies. Mimi and George explore the difference between the challenges that startups and big companies face increasing innovation and how product management can help overcome them. They share innovation killers, give top insights on how to be successful, and present participants with an assessment they can take back to their own workplaces.
An Integral Agile Transformation Approach - Miljan BajicagilemaineThis document discusses a holistic approach to agile transformation that focuses on four key areas: environments and systems, practices and roles, mindset, and culture. It emphasizes that true transformation requires changes across all of these areas, including updating organizational structures and strategies, roles, individual mindsets, and shifting organizational culture. Barriers to agile adoption are also examined, such as culture, lack of buy-in, and traditional mindsets. An integral approach is recommended to drive comprehensive and lasting change throughout the organization.
business ideas 2015thammasat universityThis document discusses various business ideas and entrepreneurship topics including:
- Three potential business ideas are presented: a fluorine resin coating, waterstops for construction, and a pen that takes digital notes on a mobile phone.
- Toothbrush development is discussed as a potential business idea, providing examples of innovative electric toothbrushes.
- Business idea evaluation is mentioned, with a suggested 12 slide format for presenting a business idea.
- Additional sections cover topics like finding big ideas, business creation processes, new perspectives on business, and using trends and combinations to generate ideas.
Delivering More Breakthrough Products FinaltheungoyThis document discusses practices for developing breakthrough products in the food and beverage industry. It finds that breakthrough products are rare in food and beverage, while NPD efforts are declining. However, some companies have achieved breakthroughs by making big commitments to radical innovation based on trends. The document recommends 7 practices for cultivating breakthroughs, including articulating an innovation strategy, keeping the front end of innovation fuzzy, understanding macrotrends, creating the right culture, and managing portfolios and investments.
Corporate Innovation & Digital Transformation: Innovation PortfolioJohnny OrdóñezThis document discusses corporate innovation and digital transformation. It begins by defining innovation as the process of transforming hypotheses into customer-centric solutions. It then addresses common challenges with innovation initiatives such as innovation labs failing due to a lack of viable business models and disconnects from company strategy. The document advocates applying lean startup principles through experimentation and iteration to successfully scale innovation across an organization. It emphasizes aligning innovation efforts with strategic themes using an innovation portfolio approach.
Building Mindfulness Into Conferences & Events Devin NashEnsure your event attendees are present and getting the most out of every branded engagement you host! Learn how to build mindfulness into your experiences.
Lead the Responsive Organization Revolution #responsiveorgDux Raymond SyThis document discusses how organizations can facilitate business-driven IT by becoming more responsive to change. It argues that the rate of external change is accelerating due to factors like mobile technology and social media. To keep pace, companies must break down silos and prioritize responsiveness, experimentation, and transparency over planning and control. The document provides tips for IT such as understanding business needs, delivering contextual training, establishing scalable support, and measuring outcomes both qualitatively and quantitatively. The overall message is that IT must work closely with business units and focus on enabling innovation and customer value in order to remain relevant in today's fast-changing environment.
Future Trends for CEOs on Social Media - XinfuSavage Marketing"- why are CEOs using social media?
- Who are the top CEOs on social media and why?
- What should CEOs be focusing on in social media?
- What we expect to happen with CEOs on social media next?"
Pete Newell & Steve Blank on Diagnostics and Metrics for InnovationBMNT PartnersBMNT's CEO, Pete Newell & Steve Blank walk through how diagnostics and metrics can be used to create a disciplined innovation pipeline
Quality Mindset. Health & Care Radicals Inspiring Industrial Quality ImprovementCeline SchillingerHow do you change a corporate culture, from top-down command-and-control, to purpose-based and activist? How do you leverage the power of communities and massive volunteerism, to reload engagement? Can Quality lead the change? This presentation was made at the International Forum on Quality and Safety in Healthcare organized by the British Medical Journal in London on April 22 2015.
Stan IIR keynote presso 14 oct09 v5Stan SthanunathanThis document discusses the need for the marketing research industry to transform and advance beyond a focus on quality and technical aspects. It argues the industry is too slow to adapt and change, while client expectations are accelerating. The marketing research process also needs to change as how people interact and access information changes. The document envisions a transformed future where all information is available to provide insights, and marketing research helps shape changes rather than just reacting. It calls for the industry to provide inspiration to drive changes, work with new technologies and talent, and focus on outcomes over inputs to reach this new frontier.
TC19 LEAD Wednesday - Patti Muldoon - Culture change during uncertainty globa...ChristinaElezajThis document summarizes a case study of Global Fusion, a company with 200,000 employees across four businesses that was undergoing a culture transformation effort. It describes how the company had a traditional hierarchical culture that was no longer effective, so it deployed frequent short surveys and aligned questions with leadership priorities to better understand employees. It shows how initially there was resistance from HR but managers became engaged once given access to results. Sentiment analysis revealed improvements in empowerment scores over time. Finally, it discusses maintaining momentum during a planned corporate separation by ongoing two-way communication and adapting programs based on employee needs.
Beyond the EVP: The experience of Subsea 7Havas PeopleGlobal changes in the way organisations operate and the economic slump that the oil and gas industry is facing, mean that Subsea 7 have had to drastically adapt their ways of working. Key to this is creating a sense of purpose in the work they do so that their people go through change with them.
What is Business Innovation Management? A Brief IntroductionChristopher MichaelThis presentation on Business Innovation Management evolved based on questions from busness owners that I have been in touch with and helped understanding the concept.
Zero Risk InnovationJos BerkemeijerThis document summarizes a presentation on innovation given by Jos Berkemeijer AAG. The presentation defines innovation as the process of translating ideas into goods and services that create value for customers. It discusses different types of innovation and notes that innovation inherently involves risk, both for innovators and investors. The presentation then examines areas of innovation relevant to actuaries like big data, new economic models, and digital platforms. It provides examples of innovative insurance, banking, and pension products from the Netherlands. Finally, it discusses challenges to innovation in the Dutch financial system like a focus on zero risk and challenges in communicating with pension plan members.
Lean agile The Agile PMO – Practical Value Driven Change Leadership in Proj...Michael Nir Business Agility Speaker and CoachThe Agile PMO – Practical Value Driven Change Leadership in Projects and Portfolios
Approximately 50 percent of Project Management Offices (PMO) are terminated in 2 years. Yet, the same mistakes are repeated in the implementations! We use generic, project control processes to stifle project and product delivery; focusing on cost time and scope, rather than leading our projects to deliver value.
In this presentation the audience will learn an alternative model for a value driven PMO as an integrator, enabler, differentiator, and change agent in business, development and the organization.
ERC Showcase March 2019enterpriseresearchcentreThe document summarizes research being conducted by the Enterprise Research Centre (ERC) in the UK. The ERC studies small and medium-sized enterprise (SME) innovation, productivity, and growth. Key points:
- The ERC undertakes primary research and knowledge curation to understand what drives SME innovation, productivity, and growth. Research themes include leadership, diffusion, innovation/growth, finance, and productivity disparities.
- Research is policy-focused and informed by a funders group from government departments. The ERC team conducts various projects on topics like resilience in SMEs and productivity in different sectors.
- The ERC also develops key data sources by linking different datasets and
PMG Building Successful Product Management Teams March 2013Derek PettingaleBest practices for attracting talent, and the keys to successfully building a dynamic product management team. Career path options, and strategies for developing a career in Product Management.
Pmg building successful product management teams BCTechReportCardThe document summarizes a presentation given to the BCTIA Product Management Group in March 2013. The presentation by Julie Clark of Corporate Recruiters Ltd discussed best practices for building successful product management teams, including attracting talent and developing careers in product management. It provided an overview of the current state of product management, factors important for success like access to leadership and financial skills, and ways to advance one's career through education, different roles, and staying innovative by following new markets and technologies. The next event for the group was announced as a talk on evaluating product marketing profit and loss statements.
GI Net 10 - Ensuring Sustainability in Organizational TransformationHora TjitraMaterials presented during the 10th GI Net: "Ensuring Sustainability in Organizational Transformation" on May 07, 2013, by Prof. Dr. Hora Tjitra, Director of Tjitra & associates ( & Associate Professor for Applied Psychology at Zhejiang University
Product Management: The Innovation Glue for the Lean EnterpriseJosiah RenaudinAt a time when organizations of all sizes both want and need innovation, exciting approaches including lean startup and agile development have risen to the forefront. Although there is no shortage of resources and expertise on these approaches, less guidance is available on the daunting challenge of introducing and increasing innovation in our organizations. Organizations of different sizes face different challenges in innovation which, if not dealt with, end up stifling the potential results. Mimi Hoang and George Schlitz share experiences from many years of successes and failures introducing and increasing innovation in diverse companies. Mimi and George explore the difference between the challenges that startups and big companies face increasing innovation and how product management can help overcome them. They share innovation killers, give top insights on how to be successful, and present participants with an assessment they can take back to their own workplaces.
An Integral Agile Transformation Approach - Miljan BajicagilemaineThis document discusses a holistic approach to agile transformation that focuses on four key areas: environments and systems, practices and roles, mindset, and culture. It emphasizes that true transformation requires changes across all of these areas, including updating organizational structures and strategies, roles, individual mindsets, and shifting organizational culture. Barriers to agile adoption are also examined, such as culture, lack of buy-in, and traditional mindsets. An integral approach is recommended to drive comprehensive and lasting change throughout the organization.
business ideas 2015thammasat universityThis document discusses various business ideas and entrepreneurship topics including:
- Three potential business ideas are presented: a fluorine resin coating, waterstops for construction, and a pen that takes digital notes on a mobile phone.
- Toothbrush development is discussed as a potential business idea, providing examples of innovative electric toothbrushes.
- Business idea evaluation is mentioned, with a suggested 12 slide format for presenting a business idea.
- Additional sections cover topics like finding big ideas, business creation processes, new perspectives on business, and using trends and combinations to generate ideas.
Delivering More Breakthrough Products FinaltheungoyThis document discusses practices for developing breakthrough products in the food and beverage industry. It finds that breakthrough products are rare in food and beverage, while NPD efforts are declining. However, some companies have achieved breakthroughs by making big commitments to radical innovation based on trends. The document recommends 7 practices for cultivating breakthroughs, including articulating an innovation strategy, keeping the front end of innovation fuzzy, understanding macrotrends, creating the right culture, and managing portfolios and investments.
Corporate Innovation & Digital Transformation: Innovation PortfolioJohnny OrdóñezThis document discusses corporate innovation and digital transformation. It begins by defining innovation as the process of transforming hypotheses into customer-centric solutions. It then addresses common challenges with innovation initiatives such as innovation labs failing due to a lack of viable business models and disconnects from company strategy. The document advocates applying lean startup principles through experimentation and iteration to successfully scale innovation across an organization. It emphasizes aligning innovation efforts with strategic themes using an innovation portfolio approach.
Building Mindfulness Into Conferences & Events Devin NashEnsure your event attendees are present and getting the most out of every branded engagement you host! Learn how to build mindfulness into your experiences.
Lead the Responsive Organization Revolution #responsiveorgDux Raymond SyThis document discusses how organizations can facilitate business-driven IT by becoming more responsive to change. It argues that the rate of external change is accelerating due to factors like mobile technology and social media. To keep pace, companies must break down silos and prioritize responsiveness, experimentation, and transparency over planning and control. The document provides tips for IT such as understanding business needs, delivering contextual training, establishing scalable support, and measuring outcomes both qualitatively and quantitatively. The overall message is that IT must work closely with business units and focus on enabling innovation and customer value in order to remain relevant in today's fast-changing environment.
Future Trends for CEOs on Social Media - XinfuSavage Marketing"- why are CEOs using social media?
- Who are the top CEOs on social media and why?
- What should CEOs be focusing on in social media?
- What we expect to happen with CEOs on social media next?"
Pete Newell & Steve Blank on Diagnostics and Metrics for InnovationBMNT PartnersBMNT's CEO, Pete Newell & Steve Blank walk through how diagnostics and metrics can be used to create a disciplined innovation pipeline
Aktuálne trendy HR marketingu na Slovensku pre rok 2015HRLeadersVýsledky celoslovenského prieskumu Aktuálnych trendov HR marketingu na Slovensku pre rok 2015
HRL2015 - Petronela Zainuddin - Pracovne prostredie ako zdroj inspiracie, mot...HRLeadersPracovne prostredie ako zdroj inspiracie, motor tvorivosti a uspechu timu
HRL2015 - Marian Bezak - Zijeme informacnu revoluciuHRLeadersThe document discusses the technological revolutions that have occurred throughout history from the Industrial Revolution to the current Age of Information and Telecommunications. It notes that we are now beyond the inflection point of an installation phase and entering a transformation phase where industries will be transformed. It suggests that many jobs will be automated in the coming years and that the internet of things will grow exponentially to 50 billion connected devices by 2020, up from 5 billion connected people after 100 years and 1 billion connected places after 20 years. The document argues we are entering a new era of a Networked Society.
Maxim Strashun - How Lenovo engages employees (HRLeaders 2014)HRLeadersThe document discusses Lenovo's shared service center in Bratislava, Slovakia and various initiatives undertaken to improve employee engagement. It describes projects launched to enhance communication, cross-functional teaming, career development opportunities, and community involvement. Surveys showed employee engagement and management ratings significantly increased after implementing recommendations from employee workshops. Examples of successful projects included creating promotional videos, developing guidance for new/remote employees, and establishing an internship program with local universities. The center also organized various charitable events that increased volunteer participation and funds raised for community partners.
Luboslava Fabryova - HR strategia 2015HRLeadersThis document outlines the 2015 HR strategy journey at Vodafone Egypt. It involved a two-day workshop with the HR management team to develop the 2015 HR strategy. The strategy focused on building a high-performing organization, an admired workplace, developing future leaders, embedding company values, and transitioning HR processes. The strategy was then aligned through goal-setting and performance management. Workshops were held across HR departments to align departmental goals. An execution model was developed using champions and pillar leads to monitor progress. Communication of the strategy involved various channels to engage employees. Lessons learned included translating global strategies locally, involvement bringing ownership, and balancing planning details with agility.
Top City of Reno Police and Fire Salaries in the 2024-2025 fiscal yearThis Is RenoThe top paid police and fire department salaries at the City of Reno in the 2024-25 fiscal year.
Navigating Payroll Compliance: Future-Proofing Payroll in an Evolving Regulat...Aggregage
Payroll compliance is a cornerstone of business success, yet for small and midsize businesses, it’s becoming increasingly challenging to navigate the ever-evolving landscape of federal, state, and local regulations. In this webinar, we’ll explore the key compliance challenges businesses face today and provide actionable strategies to address them.
Webinar - Smart Job Description ManagementPayScale, Inc.Don’t let outdated job descriptions hold your organization back! See how Payscale’s Job Description Management solution can help you optimize job management, reduce compliance risks, and empower your HR team.
Programmable Logic Controllers Programming Methods.pdfProgramable The Ultimate Platform for Coders and Tech Enthusiasts
In the ever-expanding digital landscape, finding a dedicated space to share insights, tutorials, and deep dives into technology can be challenging. That’s where comes in—a revolutionary platform designed exclusively for coders, software developers, computer hardware enthusiasts, and tech professionals. If is the go-to for general content, is the specialized hub for everything tech-related.
What is is a knowledge-sharing platform built specifically for those passionate about programming, computer science, hardware innovations, and software development. It serves as a community-driven space where experts, beginners, and tech enthusiasts alike can publish articles, read insightful pieces, and engage in discussions tailored to the fast-paced world of technology.
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Final Thoughts
If you’re a tech enthusiast looking for a platform to learn, share, and engage with the latest in software, hardware, and programming, is your ultimate destination. Whether you're a developer, engineer, or tech entrepreneur, this specialized space is tailored to keep you informed and connected. Join the growing community today and elevate your tech knowledge to the next l
HRL2015 - Peter Virsík & Gabriela Koleková - Holistic innovation – a game - changer for leadership
1. Holistic innovation – a game-changer for leadership - Peter-Marcus Virsík & Gabriela Koleková 111.06.2015
Holistic innovation –
a game-changer for leadership
2. Innovation is
not an option…
Holistic innovation – a game-changer for leadership - Peter-Marcus Virsík & Gabriela Koleková 211.06.2015
3. Holistic innovation – a game-changer for leadership - Peter-Marcus Virsík & Gabriela Koleková 311.06.2015
4. The pressure on innovation leadership is increasing
Ø retention of top 500 US companies within S&P’s 500 index [# years]
18 15
1958 2015 2025
Firms may
disappear in 15
years if they don’t
Holistic innovation – a game-changer for leadership - Peter-Marcus Virsík & Gabriela Koleková 411.06.2015
5. Do you remember these companies?
Holistic innovation – a game-changer for leadership - Peter-Marcus Virsík & Gabriela Koleková 511.06.2015
6. And what about these companies?
Holistic innovation – a game-changer for leadership - Peter-Marcus Virsík & Gabriela Koleková 611.06.2015
7. 40.4%
1971 2010
Innovation is not only a matter of business sector…
Netherlands - Religious affiliation [members in % of total population]
By 2018 the NL will
close down…
• 1,000-1,200 churches
• 150 out of 170 existing
Other religions
Unaffiliated with
any religion
Holistic innovation – a game-changer for leadership - Peter-Marcus Virsík & Gabriela Koleková 711.06.2015
8. The “recipe for
has changed
Holistic innovation – a game-changer for leadership - Peter-Marcus Virsík & Gabriela Koleková 811.06.2015
9. Innovation leaders are the darling of stock markets
Market capitalization / Net Sales June 2015 [P/S ratio]
1.6 1.1 0.8 0.6
Alibaba Facebook Tesla Google Apple Amazon Siemens adidas Daimler
Holistic innovation – a game-changer for leadership - Peter-Marcus Virsík & Gabriela Koleková 911.06.2015
10. What is driving innovation today?
Holistic innovation – a game-changer for leadership - Peter-Marcus Virsík & Gabriela Koleková 1011.06.2015
11. Holistic innovation – a game-changer for leadership - Peter-Marcus Virsík & Gabriela Koleková 1111.06.2015
15. “Keep the engine
Top-down driven
innovation process
Based on R&DAvoiding risk
Focused on NPD
Rigid budgeting
Holistic innovation – a game-changer for leadership - Peter-Marcus Virsík & Gabriela Koleková 1511.06.2015
16. Flexible budgeting
(“Pilot fund”)
employees to
Broad innovation
Innovation from
(trickle-up innovation)
(Why not?)
Open source
(internal + external)
Holistic innovation – a game-changer for leadership - Peter-Marcus Virsík & Gabriela Koleková 1611.06.2015
20. Hiring mainly for
“knowledge and skills”
Employees as
“cost drivers”
Employees follow the
obvious practice
Hiring also for
“obsession to invent”
Employees as
“out-of-box thinkers”
Employees act as entrepreneurs
(eager to challenge status quo)
Holistic innovation – a game-changer for leadership - Peter-Marcus Virsík & Gabriela Koleková 2011.06.2015
21. Highly specialized skill set
Uniform employee profile
X-functional generalist mindset
Quest for diversity
Holistic innovation – a game-changer for leadership - Peter-Marcus Virsík & Gabriela Koleková 2111.06.2015
23. Can a subsidiary
drive “holistic
Holistic innovation – a game-changer for leadership - Peter-Marcus Virsík & Gabriela Koleková 2311.06.2015
24. Holistic innovation – a game-changer for leadership - Peter-Marcus Virsík & Gabriela Koleková 2411.06.2015
25. adidas Run Base Prague
Holistic innovation – a game-changer for leadership - Peter-Marcus Virsík & Gabriela Koleková 2511.06.2015
• Create differentation in Running in Prague
• Focus on young urban runner
• No inhouse solution with edge available 26
Holistic innovation – a game-changer for leadership - Peter-Marcus Virsík & Gabriela Koleková 2611.06.2015
Holistic innovation – a game-changer for leadership - Peter-Marcus Virsík & Gabriela Koleková 2711.06.2015
Holistic innovation – a game-changer for leadership - Peter-Marcus Virsík & Gabriela Koleková 2811.06.2015
Holistic innovation – a game-changer for leadership - Peter-Marcus Virsík & Gabriela Koleková 2911.06.2015
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Holistic innovation – a game-changer for leadership - Peter-Marcus Virsík & Gabriela Koleková 3011.06.2015
31. BOOST your Career
Holistic innovation – a game-changer for leadership - Peter-Marcus Virsík & Gabriela Koleková 3111.06.2015
The Challenge
• - To hire the BEST interns
Holistic innovation – a game-changer for leadership - Peter-Marcus Virsík & Gabriela Koleková 3211.06.2015
• - Organized in our SHOWROOMS
• - Testimonials from REAL people
• - Real case study with our EMPLOYEES
Holistic innovation – a game-changer for leadership - Peter-Marcus Virsík & Gabriela Koleková 3311.06.2015
34. • Line Managers could OBSERVE and
PRE-SELECT their future interns
• High IMPACT and SPEED for affordable
• The concept is now considered to be
used in GERMANY
Holistic innovation – a game-changer for leadership - Peter-Marcus Virsík & Gabriela Koleková 3411.06.2015
Holistic innovation – a game-changer for leadership - Peter-Marcus Virsík & Gabriela Koleková 3411.06.2015
36. Which areas of innovation do we
need to focus on locally?
Where can we take own initiative?
Holistic innovation – a game-changer for leadership - Peter-Marcus Virsík & Gabriela Koleková 3611.06.2015
37. How can we position our subsidiary as a
“pilot incubator” to HQ?
How can we mobilize project
funding outside of our department /
Holistic innovation – a game-changer for leadership - Peter-Marcus Virsík & Gabriela Koleková 3711.06.2015
38. Can we share resources with other
How can we leverage our teams
with external resources / business
Holistic innovation – a game-changer for leadership - Peter-Marcus Virsík & Gabriela Koleková 3811.06.2015
39. If it’s not strictly forbidden,
Do we really need formal approval
from HQ for everything?
Holistic innovation – a game-changer for leadership - Peter-Marcus Virsík & Gabriela Koleková 3911.06.2015
40. Let’s be bold to
Holistic innovation – a game-changer for leadership - Peter-Marcus Virsík & Gabriela Koleková 4011.06.2015