Este documento presenta una visi¨®n hist¨®rica de Miguel Enr¨ªquez y el MIR chileno de los a?os 1960 y 1970. Resume que representaron la tentativa m¨¢s decidida por una revoluci¨®n socialista mediante la toma del poder, captando el estado de disponibilidad revolucionaria. Si bien tuvieron ¨¦xitos iniciales, carecieron de tiempo y su proyecto fue derrotado tres veces, aunque sus ideales de justicia e igualdad siguen vigentes. Concluye que es necesaria una reevaluaci¨®n te¨®rica para construir un nuevo tipo de socialismo, rescatando la herencia moral
La luz que no llega a los ¡®barrios subnormales¡¯. Uni¨®n Fenosa y Repsol en Col...Cr¨®nicas del despojo
Un d¨ªa sin nevera equivale a perder todo el alimento en una casa; qu¨¦ decir en un comercio. Y sin embargo, esa es la situaci¨®n a la que deben hacer frente, casi a diario, las 440 familias que habitan Malambo, un barrio popular de la periferia de Barranquilla; una comuna, como dicen en Colombia. Sus habitantes sufren cortes continuos y el suministro el¨¦ctrico es tan deficiente que conectar un equipo electr¨®nico a la red implica arriesgarse a perderlo. En Malambo, como en tantas comunas y favelas de las periferias urbanas latinoamericanas, el tendido el¨¦ctrico es un amasijo de cables sin mucho orden y concierto, prueba de que fueron los habitantes del barrio quienes, con sus propios y limitados medios, levantaron la red. Pero aqu¨ª no se pinzan ilegalmente al sistema, como es tambi¨¦n com¨²n en las comunas: aqu¨ª, cada vecino recibe su factura de la luz, por importes que a veces alcanzan la mitad del ingreso familiar...
Reportaje de Nazaret Castro
ICANN es una organizaci¨®n sin fines de lucro que se encarga de asignar direcciones IP, identificadores de protocolo y dominios de primer nivel, preservando la estabilidad de Internet. Para registrar un dominio .com se elige un nombre disponible, se compra por cierto tiempo y se dan detalles de configuraci¨®n. Una vez registrado, se debe contratar alojamiento web y renovar peri¨®dicamente el dominio.
Mais uma apresenta??o, desta vez sobre a Pra?a de Armas, Lima. Tem informa??es geogr¨¢ficas com v¨¢rias hiperliga??es, como pequenas informa??es sobre os edif¨ªcios a volta da pra?a. Tamb¨¦m tem link duma visita virtual a pra?a. Qualquer d¨²vida - mandem mensagem.
The document provides 5 ways for businesses to grow sales through renewed channels. The ways are: 1) Get referrals from existing satisfied customers; 2) Ask existing customers about their experience with your marketing to improve it; 3) Simplify the process of hiring you to make it easier for customers; 4) Get your business online to streamline operations and potentially reach more customers; 5) Use testimonials and success stories from satisfied past customers in your marketing. The key is to focus on boosting sales by leveraging existing customers and improving marketing based on their feedback.
Three members of a famous all-female band have adopted a punk rock style, going on tour to prove they are still the best despite nearly breaking up over the past year due to losing their close bond and one member feeling she could succeed on her own. The magazine provides reviews to help readers decide what music is worth buying.
Heart of healing hma-2011-ardy roberto slidesArdy Roberto
This document discusses the importance of hope in healing. It provides the story of the author's wife who was misdiagnosed with a terminal illness but miraculously recovered. It argues that as leaders in healthcare, doctors, nurses, and hospital administrators must act as dispensers of hope through their words, actions, and attitudes. Specifically, it emphasizes that hope has been shown scientifically to have medicinal benefits for patients. Therefore, healthcare leaders should prioritize giving patients hope as part of the healing process.
The Role of Cloud Computing In Your Data Center StrategyVISIHOSTING
The document discusses cloud computing trends and options for moving an organization's data center to the cloud. It provides an overview of public versus private cloud, outlines factors to consider when evaluating a cloud migration, and presents a maturity model for data center services from basic colocation to fully outsourced cloud solutions. The key benefits of public cloud include scalability, pay-per-use pricing, and reduced costs, while private cloud offers dedicated resources and more control but requires capital investment and management overhead.
This document provides an update on Cortona Resources Corporation (CRC). Key points include:
- CRC's Dargues Reef project in New South Wales has the potential to be a financially attractive shallow underground "Starter Mine" producing around 250,000 ounces of gold and 73,000 ounces of silver with a high grade of 7.24 g/t and C1 cash costs of $697/oz.
- CRC has excellent partnerships in place to progress development at Dargues Reef and near-mine exploration success suggests potential to significantly improve mine life and project economics.
- Key milestones are on track, including contracts awarded for mining and processing, major underground equipment procured, and mandate with
A webinar presentation by Geoffrey Plague, Independent Sector, to the chief development officers from National Health Council member organizations. October 3, 2011
This presentation defines social media, how to use social media for marketing, benefits of social media marketing, facts and successful implementation of social media.
Este documento presenta una gu¨ªa para crear una aplicaci¨®n Android b¨¢sica para encontrar restaurantes cercanos utilizando Mapas de Google. Explica c¨®mo generar un proyecto base en Android, agregar una pantalla inicial, integrar Mapas de Google usando una API key, mostrar marcadores en el mapa y probar la aplicaci¨®n. Tambi¨¦n presenta informaci¨®n sobre el grupo de usuarios de tecnolog¨ªa Google Lima GTUG.
MobiU2011 Forrester Keynote: STRAT 101 Industry OverviewKimberly-Clark
Mobile is everywhere. Stats on the numbers and the size of the industry change constantly but it¡¯s common knowledge that it will be big. Now that 75% of brands have tried mobile what are the key stats that will help guide future decisions? Julie¡¯s state of the industry will provide insights into what¡¯s currently happening in the mobile space and a five-year forecast. She will also provide best practices in developing an outstanding, transactional mobile experience. Her expertise in mobile commerce will give you insights into what to expect and how to prepare for the future of mobile.
This document contains a collection of sayings and words of wisdom about various topics including friendship, ego, love, change, dreams, the present moment, knowledge, and saying goodbye. The sayings offer advice and perspectives on living life to the fullest with love, humor, patience and by focusing on growth rather than past mistakes or an imagined future.
Three members of a famous all-female band have adopted a punk rock style, going on tour to prove they are still the best despite nearly breaking up over the past year due to losing their close bond and one member feeling she could succeed on her own. The magazine provides reviews to help readers decide what music is worth buying.
Heart of healing hma-2011-ardy roberto slidesArdy Roberto
This document discusses the importance of hope in healing. It provides the story of the author's wife who was misdiagnosed with a terminal illness but miraculously recovered. It argues that as leaders in healthcare, doctors, nurses, and hospital administrators must act as dispensers of hope through their words, actions, and attitudes. Specifically, it emphasizes that hope has been shown scientifically to have medicinal benefits for patients. Therefore, healthcare leaders should prioritize giving patients hope as part of the healing process.
The Role of Cloud Computing In Your Data Center StrategyVISIHOSTING
The document discusses cloud computing trends and options for moving an organization's data center to the cloud. It provides an overview of public versus private cloud, outlines factors to consider when evaluating a cloud migration, and presents a maturity model for data center services from basic colocation to fully outsourced cloud solutions. The key benefits of public cloud include scalability, pay-per-use pricing, and reduced costs, while private cloud offers dedicated resources and more control but requires capital investment and management overhead.
This document provides an update on Cortona Resources Corporation (CRC). Key points include:
- CRC's Dargues Reef project in New South Wales has the potential to be a financially attractive shallow underground "Starter Mine" producing around 250,000 ounces of gold and 73,000 ounces of silver with a high grade of 7.24 g/t and C1 cash costs of $697/oz.
- CRC has excellent partnerships in place to progress development at Dargues Reef and near-mine exploration success suggests potential to significantly improve mine life and project economics.
- Key milestones are on track, including contracts awarded for mining and processing, major underground equipment procured, and mandate with
A webinar presentation by Geoffrey Plague, Independent Sector, to the chief development officers from National Health Council member organizations. October 3, 2011
This presentation defines social media, how to use social media for marketing, benefits of social media marketing, facts and successful implementation of social media.
Este documento presenta una gu¨ªa para crear una aplicaci¨®n Android b¨¢sica para encontrar restaurantes cercanos utilizando Mapas de Google. Explica c¨®mo generar un proyecto base en Android, agregar una pantalla inicial, integrar Mapas de Google usando una API key, mostrar marcadores en el mapa y probar la aplicaci¨®n. Tambi¨¦n presenta informaci¨®n sobre el grupo de usuarios de tecnolog¨ªa Google Lima GTUG.
MobiU2011 Forrester Keynote: STRAT 101 Industry OverviewKimberly-Clark
Mobile is everywhere. Stats on the numbers and the size of the industry change constantly but it¡¯s common knowledge that it will be big. Now that 75% of brands have tried mobile what are the key stats that will help guide future decisions? Julie¡¯s state of the industry will provide insights into what¡¯s currently happening in the mobile space and a five-year forecast. She will also provide best practices in developing an outstanding, transactional mobile experience. Her expertise in mobile commerce will give you insights into what to expect and how to prepare for the future of mobile.
This document contains a collection of sayings and words of wisdom about various topics including friendship, ego, love, change, dreams, the present moment, knowledge, and saying goodbye. The sayings offer advice and perspectives on living life to the fullest with love, humor, patience and by focusing on growth rather than past mistakes or an imagined future.