The document discusses the Renaissance period in Europe, which began in Italy in the late 1300s and spread north over the next 200 years. The Renaissance focused on rediscovering classical knowledge in arts, literature, and architecture from ancient Greece and Rome. This movement was known as humanism and emphasized that individual humans are important and that life on Earth is significant. Key figures like Leonardo Da Vinci, Michelangelo, and Niccolo Machiavelli helped drive changes through their art, sculpture, architecture, and political writings that represented a shift away from traditional religion and the focus on the afterlife towards reason and emphasizing this life.
This document provides guidance for using assessment for learning (IDEAL) in marking student work. It aims to give regular, content-specific feedback to students and parents to inform students of their level and how to improve. The process involves using Bloom's taxonomy to set targets linked to curriculum levels. Staff provide written feedback and targets using a spreadsheet template, which is then printed onto labels or stickers for students. The goal is for marking to be more meaningful and provide clear guidance on next steps in learning.
The document discusses applying ecological principles from natural science to social science, specifically in the contexts of adult education services and online professional networks. It introduces the communicative ecology approach and network approach as methods for analyzing these systems as ecosystems. The goals are to understand how knowledge is accumulated, transformed, and flows through the systems by mapping the networks of actors, ties, and communicative actions between actors. Case studies will examine how vulnerability characteristics may restrict access to adult education opportunities, and analyze content sharing and turn-taking in online professional network threads. Workshop activities will involve collecting and mapping data on these systems using communicative ecology and network analysis tools and frameworks.
How to engage students in real open source projectsscottw
The document provides 5 tips for engaging students in real open source projects without requiring coding skills. The tips are to start with soft skills like documentation and testing instead of code; let students choose their own projects; teach students how to navigate a project's resources; encourage students to interact directly with project communities, not just the lecturer; and assess students based on their public interactions like issue reports and mailing list conversations.
Geocaching involves using a GPS device to locate hidden containers, called caches, around the world based on geographic coordinates. Participants navigate to the location using the GPS, then sign a log and trade trinkets before re-concealing the cache. The document provides an overview of how geocaching works, the necessary equipment, educational benefits, and additional resources for those interested in taking up the hobby.
High blood pressure, also known as hypertension, is when the force of blood against artery walls is too high. It is measured by two numbers, systolic and diastolic pressure. High blood pressure can be caused by factors like age, weight, diet, stress, and family history. Symptoms may include headaches, confusion, and vision changes. Treatment focuses on lifestyle changes like diet, exercise, and medication to control blood pressure and reduce health risks. Regular checkups are important to monitor blood pressure levels.
The document appears to be a collection of math and numeracy problems for students. It includes questions about numbers of objects, measurements, conversions between units, and calculations involving addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. The questions cover a wide range of topics including art, science, history, geography and more.
These are the slides from a May 7, 2010 Advisory Committee meeting. The meeting included our CAD, Electronics and Networking Advisory Committees. The entire presentation was created on and presented from my iPad.
Reading lists nowal exchange of experience web versionDavid Clay
- A pilot project was conducted with four academic departments to collect reading lists from module leaders and process them in the library catalog and other systems.
- Response rates for receiving reading lists from module leaders ranged from 47-60% across the departments.
- Of the reading lists received, 70% of recommended books were either not stocked by the library or there were insufficient copies for students.
- The reading lists were processed in the library catalog and exported via RSS feeds to embed in guides and Blackboard for students. Issues around long lists, updates, and access remained.
Carr辿 4.0, Op辿rateur de Proximit辿 - 息MarcDuchesne 2011Marc Duchesne
Id辿e pour un op辿rateur de services la personne et de maintien domicile.
Projet pr辿sent辿 en 2011 un tr竪s grand acteur fran巽ais de la Banque & Assurances...
The document describes several Chinese New Year workshops being held at the Ricefield Chinese Arts and Cultural Centre in Glasgow, including Chinese lantern making, the Chinese zodiac, and Chinese lion dancing. The lantern workshop notes that lanterns are traditionally made and displayed on the 15th day of the new year. The zodiac section provides details about the personality traits and fortunes associated with the years of the Snake, Dragon, and Rabbit. The lion dance workshop discusses the origins and traditions of the Chinese New Year celebrations, including the lion dance performance.
A plan of action devised to bring together health and fitness organizations in the Katy, TX area to educate and prevent cardiovascular disease from occuring in Katy, TX residents.
This document provides an overview of social networking and recommendations for libraries looking to utilize social media. It defines social networking and discusses popular platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and blogs. The benefits for libraries include free marketing and accessing valuable usage statistics. Effective use involves understanding the audience, having clear goals and policies, and sharing engaging content rather than just information.
New Brief for DesignManoeuvering the Behavioural Iceberglodaya
Increasingly, designers are being asked to apply their skills and talents to achieve a 'behaviour-change' objective. Why is this happening? What do designers know and do that makes them specially competent for such tasks? This presentation aims at holding up a mirror to practitioners and hopefully showing them a way ahead to equip themselves even better for next-generation challenges.
Please do see the NOTES section for my accompanying commentary.
This document discusses several digital ecosystem solutions developed by Kai Pata and Tallinn University. It describes tools like LePlanner for developing and sharing digital learning scenarios, DigiMirror for monitoring school digital maturity, and eDidakikum for competence-based learning and analytics in higher education. It also outlines informal learning tools from the Learning Layers project and the Open Adventure Trail for gamified outdoor learning. The tools aim to support digital transformation across K-12, higher education, and workplace learning.
This document discusses how narratives can be used as spatial stories in hybrid ecosystems. It presents three options for how narratives function in these environments: 1) Representing stories in new formats like microblogging, 2) Using narratives to mediate actions, and 3) Forming community niches for narrative mediation. Narratives may enhance spatial storytelling by visualizing niches and attractor areas that guide community members' activities. Open questions remain around telling and reading distributed story fragments and maintaining mutual awareness in hybrid spaces.
How to engage students in real open source projectsscottw
The document provides 5 tips for engaging students in real open source projects without requiring coding skills. The tips are to start with soft skills like documentation and testing instead of code; let students choose their own projects; teach students how to navigate a project's resources; encourage students to interact directly with project communities, not just the lecturer; and assess students based on their public interactions like issue reports and mailing list conversations.
Geocaching involves using a GPS device to locate hidden containers, called caches, around the world based on geographic coordinates. Participants navigate to the location using the GPS, then sign a log and trade trinkets before re-concealing the cache. The document provides an overview of how geocaching works, the necessary equipment, educational benefits, and additional resources for those interested in taking up the hobby.
High blood pressure, also known as hypertension, is when the force of blood against artery walls is too high. It is measured by two numbers, systolic and diastolic pressure. High blood pressure can be caused by factors like age, weight, diet, stress, and family history. Symptoms may include headaches, confusion, and vision changes. Treatment focuses on lifestyle changes like diet, exercise, and medication to control blood pressure and reduce health risks. Regular checkups are important to monitor blood pressure levels.
The document appears to be a collection of math and numeracy problems for students. It includes questions about numbers of objects, measurements, conversions between units, and calculations involving addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. The questions cover a wide range of topics including art, science, history, geography and more.
These are the slides from a May 7, 2010 Advisory Committee meeting. The meeting included our CAD, Electronics and Networking Advisory Committees. The entire presentation was created on and presented from my iPad.
Reading lists nowal exchange of experience web versionDavid Clay
- A pilot project was conducted with four academic departments to collect reading lists from module leaders and process them in the library catalog and other systems.
- Response rates for receiving reading lists from module leaders ranged from 47-60% across the departments.
- Of the reading lists received, 70% of recommended books were either not stocked by the library or there were insufficient copies for students.
- The reading lists were processed in the library catalog and exported via RSS feeds to embed in guides and Blackboard for students. Issues around long lists, updates, and access remained.
Carr辿 4.0, Op辿rateur de Proximit辿 - 息MarcDuchesne 2011Marc Duchesne
Id辿e pour un op辿rateur de services la personne et de maintien domicile.
Projet pr辿sent辿 en 2011 un tr竪s grand acteur fran巽ais de la Banque & Assurances...
The document describes several Chinese New Year workshops being held at the Ricefield Chinese Arts and Cultural Centre in Glasgow, including Chinese lantern making, the Chinese zodiac, and Chinese lion dancing. The lantern workshop notes that lanterns are traditionally made and displayed on the 15th day of the new year. The zodiac section provides details about the personality traits and fortunes associated with the years of the Snake, Dragon, and Rabbit. The lion dance workshop discusses the origins and traditions of the Chinese New Year celebrations, including the lion dance performance.
A plan of action devised to bring together health and fitness organizations in the Katy, TX area to educate and prevent cardiovascular disease from occuring in Katy, TX residents.
This document provides an overview of social networking and recommendations for libraries looking to utilize social media. It defines social networking and discusses popular platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and blogs. The benefits for libraries include free marketing and accessing valuable usage statistics. Effective use involves understanding the audience, having clear goals and policies, and sharing engaging content rather than just information.
New Brief for DesignManoeuvering the Behavioural Iceberglodaya
Increasingly, designers are being asked to apply their skills and talents to achieve a 'behaviour-change' objective. Why is this happening? What do designers know and do that makes them specially competent for such tasks? This presentation aims at holding up a mirror to practitioners and hopefully showing them a way ahead to equip themselves even better for next-generation challenges.
Please do see the NOTES section for my accompanying commentary.
This document discusses several digital ecosystem solutions developed by Kai Pata and Tallinn University. It describes tools like LePlanner for developing and sharing digital learning scenarios, DigiMirror for monitoring school digital maturity, and eDidakikum for competence-based learning and analytics in higher education. It also outlines informal learning tools from the Learning Layers project and the Open Adventure Trail for gamified outdoor learning. The tools aim to support digital transformation across K-12, higher education, and workplace learning.
This document discusses how narratives can be used as spatial stories in hybrid ecosystems. It presents three options for how narratives function in these environments: 1) Representing stories in new formats like microblogging, 2) Using narratives to mediate actions, and 3) Forming community niches for narrative mediation. Narratives may enhance spatial storytelling by visualizing niches and attractor areas that guide community members' activities. Open questions remain around telling and reading distributed story fragments and maintaining mutual awareness in hybrid spaces.
1. Reti neuronali, reti linguistiche e reti informatiche Concetti teorici e operativi utili nella teleformazione Presentazione a cura del prof. Alfio Bonfiglio del Liceo Scientifico Statale G. Galilei di Catania prof. Luigi Aprile Universit degli Studi di Firenze - Facolt di Scienze della Formazione Corso di laurea in Formatore multimediale
2. Indice Architetture di reti interne Organizzatori cognitivo-linguistici di rete Generatori formali di rete Architetture interattivo-sociali di rete Processi di comprensione e integrazioni di architetture di rete Esci
3. Architetture di rete interne Esci prof. Alfio Bonfiglio Nel cervello umano sono presenti Architetture di rete interne formate da Reti neuronali LTP : Long-Term Potentiation stati di potenziamento a lungo termine dellattivit bioelettrica dei singoli neuroni e delle sinapsi LTD : Long-Term Depression stati di disattivazione a lungo termine dellattivit bioelettrica dei singoli neuroni e delle sinapsi Segue Le reti neuronali sono caratterizate da attivit bioelettrica dei neuroni e delle sinapsi
4. Architetture di rete interne Esci prof. Alfio Bonfiglio Attivita' neuronale complessa associata ad "apprendimento probabilistico" La ripetizione degli stati LTP o LTD LTP attivazione LTD disattivazione Genera Costruzione di memorie Destrutturazione di memorie Genera LE RETI NEURONALI COSTITUISCONO SISTEMI DI MEMORIE SOGGETTO EPISTEMICO Reti neuronali complesse esempio Segue
5. Architetture di rete interne Esci prof. Alfio Bonfiglio Criteri guida dellazione didattica. Presentazione sistematica dei contenuti sotto forma di immagini visive e di parole I II III IV Selezione accurata dei materiali stimolo, visivi e verbali Proposta di pochi materiali stimolo per unit didattica Ripetizione sistematica dei contenuti presentati e ripetizione con espansione La ripetizione sistematica determina la costruzione di nuove connessioni nel cervello che si organizzano in sistemi di memorie La conoscenza di informazioni, genera la costruzione di nuovi sistemi motivazionali che inducono il soggetto a elaborare costruire e ricercare nuove informazioni Uninformazione eccedente i limiti attenzionali (60 min. circa) genera un sovraccarico del sistema mente che produce dispersione e quindi pu嘆 comportare la demotivazione del soggetto Ricerche svolte sullo sviluppo del linguaggio, sui processi motivazionali e sui processi attenzionali
6. Architetture di rete interne Esci prof. Alfio Bonfiglio Neurone: la cellula costituente il tessuto nervoso. E lunit di base del sistema nervoso centrale e periferico Sinapsi: connessione tra le cellule nervose. Non vi 竪 Contatto diretto tra le cellule, ma esso avviene attraverso dei neurotrasmettitori e dei recettori dove il messaggio chimico viene trasformato in impulso elettrico
7. Organizzatori cognitivo-linguistici di rete Il cervello e la mente comunicano e interagiscono costantemente con le informazioni presenti nellambiente interno ed esterno Esci prof. Alfio Bonfiglio Cervello, mente Mondo esterno Si generano organizzazioni delle conoscenze che elaborano le informazioni in modalit Categoriale Funzionale Prototipica Segue
8. Organizzatori cognitivo-linguistici di rete Esci prof. Alfio Bonfiglio Costruisce una organizzazione cognitiva gerarchica verticale: categorie sovraordinate e sottoordinate fino alla singolarit Modalit Categoriale Modalit Funzionale Modalit Prototipica Elabora linformazione in modalit distinte (300 - 600 millisecondi) SOGGETTO EPISTEMICO Costruisce una organizzazione cognitiva secondo linee orizzontali, trasversali: le conoscenze sono connesse in base alluso e alla funzione Costruisce una organizzazione cognitiva sulla base di nuclei informativi pi湛 centrali (modelli forti) e pi湛 periferici (modelli deboli) Questi organizzatori cognitivo-linguistici (reti neuronali) hanno una corrispondenza nelle reti informatiche e nella loro modalit organizzativa delle informazioni Segue
9. Organizzatori cognitivo-linguistici di rete Esci prof. Alfio Bonfiglio Indicizzazione intelligente delle risorse in rete (categorie e subcategorie) Subject Catalogs (m. categoriale) Search Engines (m. funzionale) Meta-Search Tools (m. prototipica) I Motori Di Ricerca possono operare con modalit diverse nella elaborazione dei dati RETE INFORMATICA Analisi del contenuto testuale e altri indicatori (parola chiave e operatori booleani) Utilizzo contemporaneo di pi湛 search engines (comparazione dei risultati, inventari di biblioteche virtuali) Predominanza della modalit prototipale nellinterfaccia tra soggetto e rete Nella teleformazione 竪 importante sviluppare anche le altre due modalit. Ci嘆 rende i soggetti pi湛 critici, abili e capaci di cooperare in rete
10. Generatori formali di rete Esci prof. Alfio Bonfiglio Magismo Nel cervello, mente esistono strutture, architetture che hanno la funzione di generare simboli Gioco GENERATORI FORMALI Comportamenti magici. Produzione di riti magici, riti di sepoltura e rituali propiziatori; uso di simboli Processi irrazionali Modalit di comportamento Comportamenti ludici. Produzione di fantasie, attivit disinteressata, simulazione; uso di simboli
11. Architetture interattivo-sociali di rete Esci prof. Alfio Bonfiglio Cervello, Mente Il sociale 竪 dentro o fuori dalla nostra mente? Il cervello, la mente sono strutture neurobiologiche che evolvono da uno stato di individualit verso il sociale Psicologia del senso comune Il cervello, la mente sono una organizzazione neurobiologica che da uno stato interattivo-sociale su base genetica evolve verso lindividualit Lev S. Vygotskij : la mente umana nasce come organismo sociale e il suo sviluppo consiste nei processi di individuazione. S. Freud : Super-Io, Es Architetture interattivo-sociali della mente : Strutture neuronali che controllano in modo indiretto e mediato i comportamenti e attivano moduli comportamentali sociali programmati geneticamente: Comunicazione, formazione di gruppi, dinamiche di gruppo, scelte valoriali. Sensibilit ai vincoli, ai limiti sociali Segue
12. Architetture interattivo-sociali di rete Esci prof. Alfio Bonfiglio Linterazione sociale avviene tramite atti comunicativi, linguistici La parola in quanto azione 竪 un atto sociale che ha un impatto sullinterlocutore e sulle sue architetture interattivo-sociali della mente Distribuzione del potere La rete informatica 竪 una struttura interattivo-sociale: dal personal computer alla rete (LAN, MAN, WAN) Il Teleformatore opera immediatamente a livello interattivo-sociale e pu嘆 favorire i processi di sviluppo dei comportamenti interattivo-sociali dei soggetti in formazione = Il rapporto parole-mente costituisce un vero Linguaggio Lessicale che ci permette di esplorare le architetture interne al soggetto Contestualizzazione Decontestualizzazione - Atti linguistici - Linguaggio narrativo Importanza del contesto sociale e riferimento a modelli sociali per comprendere le azioni. Aree di ricerca Articolazione gerarchica Suggerimenti
13. Processi di comprensione e integrazioni di architetture di rete Esci prof. Alfio Bonfiglio Integrazione delle architetture neuronali Architetture interne, organizzatori cognitivo-linguistici, generatori formali, architetture interattivo-sociali Lavorano in parallelo in modo specializzato e contemporaneamente costruiscono sistemi di interconnessione che producono meccanismi di attivazione Comprensione Processi con caratteristiche diverse Produzione sono necessari studi pi湛 approfonditi e complessi Segue
14. Processi di comprensione e integrazioni di architetture di rete Esci prof. Alfio Bonfiglio Processi di comprensione Sono sensibili alla sequenza delle informazioni stimolo. Attribuiscono un significato alla sequenza I per Parafrasi Presentare informazioni in rete secondo una sequenza predeterminata dopo attento studio Strategie applicative per il Teleformatore Agiscono nella mente riempiendo i vuoti tra le informazioni e creando ponti di connessione (inferenze) II Inferenziali Prestare particolare attenzione al tipo di inferenze e ponti di connessione che possono crearsi Il cervello, la mente producono deduzioni logiche partendo dalle informazioni stimolo III Logico-deduttivi Organizzare le informazioni secondo unarchitettura logico deduttiva coerente con gli obiettivi formativi Linformazione stimolo presentata viene valutata dal cervello, dalla mente IV Critico-valutativi Valutazione critica delle informazioni stimolo oggetto del corso di formazione Sensibilit = apertura verso gli stimoli Produzione=generativit di informazioni V Estetico-Poetici Pianificare le informazioni stimolo per ottenere un maggiore coinvolgimento emotivo, affettivo e motivazionale