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Jemma Shaw and Zara Bhatti
The reason for which lights are necessary in filmmaking is that films do not
respond to light the same way human eyes do. Both film and video see things
in a much more contrasting way.
In other words, they cannot cope with the lighting contrast of real life: if you shoot a scene without
artificial lights, either the shadows will darken or the highlights will go completely white.
All this means that if you want a scene to look natural, ironically, the only way
to do that is to have enough light to make film see the scene the way our eyes
see the scene.
For the best results, the mood of the film must be carefully crafted with
lighting, amongst other things. Not to mention the fact that there are many
situations in which natural light will not result in exposure at all.
For example, there is no way you can do an exterior night shoot without lights, even if there is a full
A popular technique in film lighting
is to use a diffuse light source from
the front and a stronger, more
directional light from the back, so
that the subject has a hot edge. The
soft frontal light is known as the fill
light; the strong light at the back is
the backlight.
 Using lights of different colour
temperatures can be used to great
effect. This simply means using
lights of different colour in the
same shot. This was used to great
effect by James Cameron in the
steel mill scene of Terminator 2,
in which he used blue and orange
light (motivated by moonlight and
molten steel respectively).
Backlight is generally essential in
film, because without it everything
tends to go unclear. But there are
also plenty of exceptions  e.g.
Minority Report, which has some
beautiful shots with no backlight.
Lack of backlight can work well if
the scene has a chiaroscuro quality
to it, like Caravaggios paintings..
 Silhouetting means dark subject
against very bright background
For example: Di Caprios meeting
with his dad in the bar in Catch Me
if You Can.
 The dark mood of the lighting
reflects the context of the scene:
as his dad now knows that his
son is a fraudster, and Di Caprio
is upset because his dad refuses
to ask him to stop.

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  • 1. Jemma Shaw and Zara Bhatti LIGHTING
  • 2. The reason for which lights are necessary in filmmaking is that films do not respond to light the same way human eyes do. Both film and video see things in a much more contrasting way. In other words, they cannot cope with the lighting contrast of real life: if you shoot a scene without artificial lights, either the shadows will darken or the highlights will go completely white. All this means that if you want a scene to look natural, ironically, the only way to do that is to have enough light to make film see the scene the way our eyes see the scene. For the best results, the mood of the film must be carefully crafted with lighting, amongst other things. Not to mention the fact that there are many situations in which natural light will not result in exposure at all. For example, there is no way you can do an exterior night shoot without lights, even if there is a full moon. WHY DO FILMS NEED LIGHTING?
  • 3. A popular technique in film lighting is to use a diffuse light source from the front and a stronger, more directional light from the back, so that the subject has a hot edge. The soft frontal light is known as the fill light; the strong light at the back is the backlight. SOFT FRONT LIGHT / HOT BACKLIGHT MIXING COLOUR TEMPERATURES Using lights of different colour temperatures can be used to great effect. This simply means using lights of different colour in the same shot. This was used to great effect by James Cameron in the steel mill scene of Terminator 2, in which he used blue and orange light (motivated by moonlight and molten steel respectively).
  • 4. Backlight is generally essential in film, because without it everything tends to go unclear. But there are also plenty of exceptions e.g. Minority Report, which has some beautiful shots with no backlight. Lack of backlight can work well if the scene has a chiaroscuro quality to it, like Caravaggios paintings.. BACKLIGHT SILHOUETTING Silhouetting means dark subject against very bright background For example: Di Caprios meeting with his dad in the bar in Catch Me if You Can. The dark mood of the lighting reflects the context of the scene: as his dad now knows that his son is a fraudster, and Di Caprio is upset because his dad refuses to ask him to stop.