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Analysis of ¡®Inbox¡¯
Overthe shouldercameraemphasisesthe expressiononthe shopkeepersface showingthe
audience theyneedtofocusonthe expressionof the manthat suggestshe hasotherintentionsthan
justservingthe womaninthe shop.
Thisis a two shotthat clearlyshowswhatishappeninginthe shop.Betweenbothactorsisthe main
subjectof the film,the redbag; ithas clearlybeenshowninthe scene aslateron inthe filmthe red
bag becomesamain subjectand the audience can see thisbeingforeshadowed aspartof the
Analysis of ¡®Inbox¡¯
The depthof field Inoptics,particularlyasitrelatestofilmandphotography,depthof field(DOF) is
the distance betweenthe nearestandfarthestobjectsinascene thatappearacceptablysharpin an
image. Inthisshot;the camerafocusesonthe closestobjecttous,inthis case the red giftbag,it
clearlyshowsthe bagis a significantobjectinthe filmwhichisrevealedthroughout.
The two shoton the scene showsthe exchange of the bagclearlyzoominginonthe bagto implyto
the viewer¡¯sthere¡¯saconnotationtothe bag than justthe denotation.The colourof the bag has
connotationsof love andexcitementwhichlaterisrepresentedwhenbothcharactersmeet.
Analysis of ¡®Inbox¡¯
Again,the depthof fieldon thisscene isat a highlevel,the camerafocusesonthe redbag which
againimpliesthatthe redbag isa significantobjectinthe film.
The camera is filmingatamediumshotwhichallowsthe audiencetofocusonthe actor whichisthe
intentionasitfocusesonthe expressionof confusionastowhatto do for the actor whichis
reflectedtothe audience.
Analysis of ¡®Inbox¡¯
Again,the camerafocusesonthe bag whichisreflectedinthe depthof field.EventhoughInthe
previousscreenshotthe camerafocusedonthe character,the red bag impliesthatitisbecause of
the red bag that the man isusingthat expression.
The angle of the camera nowisthat lookingdownonthe vital aspectof the scene,whichfocuseson
the writingonthe piece of papershowingthatthis particularmovementinthe scene playsabigpart
inwhat happensfurther oninthe film.
Analysis of ¡®Inbox¡¯
The camera is nowat a lowangle shotthat impliesthatthe characterwantsto take pride inwhathe
wearsas the camera filmstothe top of the outfit,italsoimpliesthatthe character wantsto impress
the mainfemale character.
The positioningof the femaleshowsthatshe isrelaxedyetthe expressiononherface implieselse,
that she isgettingalmostfrustratedandimpatient.
Analysis of ¡®Inbox¡¯
Afterthe shotof the frustratedactress,the shotof the bag reflects the happiness ¡®lying¡¯inthe bag,
foreshadowingthe shotof the bag at the beginningof the film.
The final shotof the filmendsona happy mood,confirmingtothe audience thatthe bagwas
indeedasymbol forhappiness.

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Analysis inbox

  • 1. Analysis of ¡®Inbox¡¯ Overthe shouldercameraemphasisesthe expressiononthe shopkeepersface showingthe audience theyneedtofocusonthe expressionof the manthat suggestshe hasotherintentionsthan justservingthe womaninthe shop. Thisis a two shotthat clearlyshowswhatishappeninginthe shop.Betweenbothactorsisthe main subjectof the film,the redbag; ithas clearlybeenshowninthe scene aslateron inthe filmthe red bag becomesamain subjectand the audience can see thisbeingforeshadowed aspartof the context.
  • 2. Analysis of ¡®Inbox¡¯ The depthof field Inoptics,particularlyasitrelatestofilmandphotography,depthof field(DOF) is the distance betweenthe nearestandfarthestobjectsinascene thatappearacceptablysharpin an image. Inthisshot;the camerafocusesonthe closestobjecttous,inthis case the red giftbag,it clearlyshowsthe bagis a significantobjectinthe filmwhichisrevealedthroughout. The two shoton the scene showsthe exchange of the bagclearlyzoominginonthe bagto implyto the viewer¡¯sthere¡¯saconnotationtothe bag than justthe denotation.The colourof the bag has connotationsof love andexcitementwhichlaterisrepresentedwhenbothcharactersmeet.
  • 3. Analysis of ¡®Inbox¡¯ Again,the depthof fieldon thisscene isat a highlevel,the camerafocusesonthe redbag which againimpliesthatthe redbag isa significantobjectinthe film. The camera is filmingatamediumshotwhichallowsthe audiencetofocusonthe actor whichisthe intentionasitfocusesonthe expressionof confusionastowhatto do for the actor whichis reflectedtothe audience.
  • 4. Analysis of ¡®Inbox¡¯ Again,the camerafocusesonthe bag whichisreflectedinthe depthof field.EventhoughInthe previousscreenshotthe camerafocusedonthe character,the red bag impliesthatitisbecause of the red bag that the man isusingthat expression. The angle of the camera nowisthat lookingdownonthe vital aspectof the scene,whichfocuseson the writingonthe piece of papershowingthatthis particularmovementinthe scene playsabigpart inwhat happensfurther oninthe film.
  • 5. Analysis of ¡®Inbox¡¯ The camera is nowat a lowangle shotthat impliesthatthe characterwantsto take pride inwhathe wearsas the camera filmstothe top of the outfit,italsoimpliesthatthe character wantsto impress the mainfemale character. The positioningof the femaleshowsthatshe isrelaxedyetthe expressiononherface implieselse, that she isgettingalmostfrustratedandimpatient.
  • 6. Analysis of ¡®Inbox¡¯ Afterthe shotof the frustratedactress,the shotof the bag reflects the happiness ¡®lying¡¯inthe bag, foreshadowingthe shotof the bag at the beginningof the film. The final shotof the filmendsona happy mood,confirmingtothe audience thatthe bagwas indeedasymbol forhappiness.