The document summarizes the International Atomic Energy Agency's (IAEA) safety standards publications. It explains that the IAEA establishes safety standards for nuclear safety, radiation safety, transport safety, waste safety, and general safety. These standards are published in the IAEA Safety Standards Series and include safety fundamentals, requirements and guides. The document provides information on how to access the standards and encourages users to provide feedback on implementing the standards. It also briefly mentions some of IAEA's other safety related publications.
The document summarizes the IATEFL Learning Technologies SIG, a group within IATEFL (International Association of Teachers of English as a Foreign Language) focused on raising awareness of how learning technologies can assist language learning. The SIG was founded in the early 2000s and currently has over 1000 members. However, activity has been declining, with only around 15 posts per month. In comparison, a new Social Learning Community shows more growth, emphasis on sharing, and use of newer Web 2.0 technologies.
A mind-shift from just 'Quality Assurance' to 'Quality Analysis'! Even if a feature has 0 bugs, is it worth pushing to production if no one would use it?
This is a fun and instructive exercise that encourages teams to experience simple but profound lessons in collaboration, innovation & creativity. It challenges you to find hidden assumptions in business requirements & learn to Fail-Fast-Fail-Often! In 18 minutes, teams must build the tallest free-standing structure out of spaghetti, tape, string and one marshmallow which must be on top.
After revolutionizing the automobile industry, Lean principles have been successfully applied to different knowledge areas including software development. This workshop is intended to master Lean concepts like Waste, Push&Pull systems, systems thinking,Kaizen etc.! In this interactive game, the participants will work in a small Lego production line, experiencing problems and applying Lean practices to overcome them.
1. Els ecosistemes i ses feixes Introducci坦: Vaig a fer unes diapositives de ses feixes
2. Que es un ecosistema? Un ecosistema 辿s un conjunt format per un bi嘆top, una biocenosi i les relacions que es produeix entre els diferents 辿ssers de la biocenosi, i entre els diferents 辿ssers de la biocenosi, i entre aquests i el bi嘆top. t
3. Que es un bi嘆top? El bi嘆top es la part no viva del medi.
4. Bi嘆top de Ses Feixes El bi嘆top de Ses Feixes est format per les roques, la terra, l'aire etc.
5. Que es la biocenosi? Es el conjunt d'辿ssers vius que poblen el bi嘆top
6. La biocenosi de Ses Feixes La biocenosi de Ses Feixes es els cany鱈s, llong, salic嘆rnia, sal-sona, els insectes, el peixos, els amfibis...
7. Relacions alimentries d'un ecosistema Segons el tipus d'alimentaci坦 es poden classificar en: Productors :
8. Els productors s坦n els aut嘆trof; 辿s a dir, 辿ssers vius, que fabriquen els seus aliments. Els productors s坦n la base de l'alimentaci坦 de tot l'ecosistema.
17. Minerals, aigua i gasos, que queden en el medi per fabricar els seus aliments.
18. Relacions alimentries de l'ecosistema de Ses Feixes Els animals m辿s habituals de Ses Feixes son: l'agr坦, l'agr坦 blanc, la gambussia, la granota, la lib竪l揃lula ...
19. L'agr坦 es menja a l'agr坦 blanc, tamb辿 la granota, o la gambussia.
24. Altres relacions que ocorren dins de l'ecosistema de Ses feixes Tamb辿 les plants tenen relacions alimentaries, per exemple salicornia agafa sal per que no s'elmengin y veu aigua.