Feta per Elena, Pablo i Nico com a treball de l'asignatura Ci竪ncies de la Naturalessa, en 5辿. de Primria. Explica qu竪 辿s un ecosistema i quines s坦n les principals caracter鱈stiques.
The document summarizes an E-Classroom project where students from different countries introduced themselves and prepared worksheets about each other. Students from Turkey prepared worksheets with questions about a student named Berke and another named Uygar Deniz. These worksheets were completed by students in Poland, Croatia, and Greece as part of getting to know each other in the E-Classroom project.
Feta per Elena, Pablo i Nico com a treball de l'asignatura Ci竪ncies de la Naturalessa, en 5辿. de Primria. Explica qu竪 辿s un ecosistema i quines s坦n les principals caracter鱈stiques.
The document summarizes an E-Classroom project where students from different countries introduced themselves and prepared worksheets about each other. Students from Turkey prepared worksheets with questions about a student named Berke and another named Uygar Deniz. These worksheets were completed by students in Poland, Croatia, and Greece as part of getting to know each other in the E-Classroom project.
This document provides an agenda and overview for a marketing research project on fashion shopping in Italy from the perspective of UK online retailer ASOS. The summary is:
1) The document outlines an agenda to analyze ASOS's business goal and methodology in Italy, including data auditing, statistical analysis, and managerial implications.
2) It provides context on the growth of e-commerce globally and in apparel/accessories specifically, noting opportunities in the Italian market as online shopping is still underdeveloped there compared to other countries.
3) Details are given on ASOS as a company targeting 16-34 year olds internationally with over 850 brands, free shipping to over 200 countries, and strong growth in retail
Misteriose le origini di questo centro dedicato agli studi di medicina. Una contaminazione culturale che rappresenta uno dei maggiori eventi
scientifici del Medioevo
Les cadres des grandes entreprises et la digitalisation des Ressources Humaines Harris Interactive France
Les cadres des entreprises de 1 000 salari辿s et plus et les Ressources Humaines - Enqu棚te Harris Interactive pour Elia
R辿seaux sociaux : int辿r棚ts et strat辿gies B2B pour les entreprisesAgence Tiz
Tiz a eu l'honneur d'棚tre invit辿e par la Chambre de Commerce et d'Industrie dAlsace le 21 Janvier 2016 pour assurer une conf辿rence sur les r辿seaux sociaux.
Alexi TAUZIN, Community Manager et Responsable du P担le Visibilit辿 Web chez Tiz, a pr辿sent辿 les 辿tapes cl辿s d'une approche B2B sur les r辿seaux sociaux.
Comment se lancer et d辿finir une strat辿gie coh辿rente et efficace sur les r辿seaux sociaux lorsque l'entreprise se place sur un march辿 BTB ?
This document discusses the scope and applications of chemoinformatics. It outlines how chemoinformatics is used in drug design, clinical research, synthetic chemistry, pharmaceutical industries, pharmacogenomics, systems biology, and nanotechnology. Specifically, it describes how chemoinformatics provides virtual structure libraries, docking capabilities, and QSAR studies to aid in drug discovery and development. It also notes applications such as storage and retrieval of chemical data, common file formats, creation of virtual libraries, virtual screening, and using QSAR to predict compound activities from their structures.
This document provides an overview of topics related to the Indian political system and constitution that could be asked about in an examination. It includes sample questions from previous years on subjects like the president and vice president, parliament, state legislatures, judiciary, fundamental rights and duties, and emergency provisions. Key parliamentary terms are also defined at the end such as adjournment, appropriation bill, budget, and money bill. The document aims to equip readers with knowledge on various aspects of the Indian constitution and governance system.
This document lists the names of 22 people. It does not provide any other context about these individuals, their characteristics, or what they have in common. The only information given is a list of names in Spanish and Catalan.
The document lists the names of 10 students and whether they brought their homework ("mot" in Catalan) to class. Miriam Rocio is marked with an x, indicating she did not bring her homework, while the other 9 students' names are unmarked, suggesting they did bring their homework.
The document contains a grid of letters with the names Alejandra and Sofia hidden within. The goal is to find where the names are located in the letter grid.
La lista incluye art鱈culos como filferro, l叩piz, papel de cocina, papas de seda, olla, encendedor, regla, vela, alicates, tijeras y pegamento en barra, que podr鱈an usarse para diversos proyectos manuales o de bricolaje.
Este documento presenta un examen de castellano para estudiantes de 3er grado. Consiste en 10 preguntas que cubren temas como adivinanzas, palabras compuestas, conjugaci坦n de verbos, tiempos verbales y seguir indicaciones en un mapa. El examen eval炭a las habilidades ling端鱈sticas y de comprensi坦n lectora de los estudiantes.
El 8 de mar巽 辿s el Dia Internacional de la Dona Treballadora. Aquesta tradici坦 comen巽a al segle XX ( vint). El 1908, un grup de dones treballadores de Nova York va fer una vaga per demanar millors condicions laborals i el dret a vot. El 1910, a una confer竪ncia a Copenhaguen (Dinamarca), dones de molts pa誰sos van decidir celebrar un dia per reivindicar la igualtat. El 1917, dones de R炭ssia van organitzar una manifestaci坦 per la pau i la just鱈cia. Avui, el 8 de mar巽 hi ha manifestacions, debats i homenatges a tot el m坦n per recordar la lluita de les dones per la just鱈cia social.
Exhibici坦 p炭blica - Programa de m - 2425 2TLes Vinyes
Paula jornet
Paula Jornet Jornet 6辿A
Assignatura: medi
2. Les plantes absorbeixen laigua i els nutriens de la terra grcies a les arrels, i
mitjana巽ant la fotos鱈ntesi ho transformen en aliment, creixen i produeixen les fulles i
els fruits.
5. Quan un animal mor,les seves restes no es desaprofiten perqu竪 hi ha animals
que se nalimenten, els carronyaires.
6. Els cucs, els insectes, el bacteris, els fongs i altres descomponedors
transformen les restes que han deixat els carronyaires en hums, que s坦n
substancies riques en nutriens que queden al s嘆l.
7. Tots els ess竪rs vius segueixen el cicle de la mat竪ria orgnica o cicle de la vida. Les
cadenes alimentries es basen en les relacions entre 辿ssers vius que sestableixen en
aquest cicle.