[???????]Day #1 MySQL ????, ??, ?? ? ??, ???????Ji-Woong Choi
MySQL ??
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version history
MySQL ???
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MySQL ??
MySQL ????? / ?? ??
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MySQL tuning ?? ? ??
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MySQL Upgrade
10 r¨¨gles pour construire une communaut¨¦ sur FacebookFastory
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The Proxy Wars - MySQL Router, ProxySQL, MariaDB MaxScaleColin Charles
This document discusses MySQL proxy technologies including MySQL Router, ProxySQL, and MariaDB MaxScale. It provides an overview of each technology, including when they were released, key features, and comparisons between them. ProxySQL is highlighted as a popular option currently with integration with Percona tools, while MySQL Router may become more widely used due to its support for MySQL InnoDB Cluster. MariaDB MaxScale is noted for its binlog routing capabilities. Overall the document aims to help people understand and choose between the different MySQL proxy options.
A presentation on how automatic memory management and adaptive compilation impact on latency of applications. Includes some ideas on how to minimise these affects.
Utiliser les r¨¦seaux sociaux pour promouvoir sa marqueEditoile
Comment utiliser les m¨¦dias sociaux pour promouvoir sa marque et d¨¦velopper son chiffre d'affaires ? Que peuvent faire concr¨¨tement les entreprises sur Facebook, Twitter, Google+, LinkedIn, etc. ? Quel retour sur investissement en attendre ? Quelles sont les bonnes pratiques ?
Conf¨¦rence anim¨¦e par Gabrielle Denis, directrice associ¨¦e d'Editoile, au 1er BiznetCamp de Bordeaux organis¨¦ par l'ESCEN (Ecole Sup¨¦rieure de Commerce de l'Economie Num¨¦rique) le 3 d¨¦cembre 2014.
Enabling independent teams by creating decoupled data flowsconfluent
This document outlines an organization's journey to enable independent teams by decoupling data flows. It began with all development done by one centralized team with tight dependencies. To scale, the organization split into multiple teams but they remained tightly coupled through a shared database. The organization is now moving to an event-driven architecture with decoupled services communicating asynchronously through event streams. This will allow independent teams, improved scalability, and reduced operational costs by removing dependencies between services. Challenges include ensuring idempotency and handling events at least once.
The Proxy Wars - MySQL Router, ProxySQL, MariaDB MaxScaleColin Charles
This document discusses MySQL proxy technologies including MySQL Router, ProxySQL, and MariaDB MaxScale. It provides an overview of each technology, including when they were released, key features, and comparisons between them. ProxySQL is highlighted as a popular option currently with integration with Percona tools, while MySQL Router may become more widely used due to its support for MySQL InnoDB Cluster. MariaDB MaxScale is noted for its binlog routing capabilities. Overall the document aims to help people understand and choose between the different MySQL proxy options.
A presentation on how automatic memory management and adaptive compilation impact on latency of applications. Includes some ideas on how to minimise these affects.
Utiliser les r¨¦seaux sociaux pour promouvoir sa marqueEditoile
Comment utiliser les m¨¦dias sociaux pour promouvoir sa marque et d¨¦velopper son chiffre d'affaires ? Que peuvent faire concr¨¨tement les entreprises sur Facebook, Twitter, Google+, LinkedIn, etc. ? Quel retour sur investissement en attendre ? Quelles sont les bonnes pratiques ?
Conf¨¦rence anim¨¦e par Gabrielle Denis, directrice associ¨¦e d'Editoile, au 1er BiznetCamp de Bordeaux organis¨¦ par l'ESCEN (Ecole Sup¨¦rieure de Commerce de l'Economie Num¨¦rique) le 3 d¨¦cembre 2014.
Enabling independent teams by creating decoupled data flowsconfluent
This document outlines an organization's journey to enable independent teams by decoupling data flows. It began with all development done by one centralized team with tight dependencies. To scale, the organization split into multiple teams but they remained tightly coupled through a shared database. The organization is now moving to an event-driven architecture with decoupled services communicating asynchronously through event streams. This will allow independent teams, improved scalability, and reduced operational costs by removing dependencies between services. Challenges include ensuring idempotency and handling events at least once.
Approximate nearest neighbor methods and vector models ¨C NYC ML meetupErik Bernhardsson
Nearest neighbors refers to something that is conceptually very simple. For a set of points in some space (possibly many dimensions), we want to find the closest k neighbors quickly.
This presentation covers a library called Annoy built my me that that helps you do (approximate) nearest neighbor queries in high dimensional spaces. We're going through vector models, how to measure similarity, and why nearest neighbor queries are useful.
How to implement realistic fabric material by Unreal engine?
This slider shows the way. You can make realistic and physically correct fabric shader by this method.
This document discusses behavior trees, which are commonly used to direct behaviors for AI in games. It provides an overview of behavior tree theory, including the basic components of behavior trees like composites, services, decorators, tasks, and the blackboard. It then discusses behavior trees in Unreal Engine 4 specifically. The document also provides an example of how behavior trees could be used for an airplane dogfighting AI and includes references for further information.
Developing Success in Mobile with Unreal Engine 4 | David StelzerJessica Tams
This document discusses the advantages of using the Unreal Engine 4 (UE4) for game development compared to other game engines like Unity. It notes that UE4 is a complete toolset that supports multi-platform development including PC, console, web, VR/AR and mobile. It has visual scripting using Blueprints that allows artists and designers to code without programming. UE4 also has C++ integration and provides full source code access for free along with flexible licensing options.
Difference between Discriminative Learning and Generative Learning
Cosine distance as a Basic metric of Deep Learning
Multi-layer Perceptron as a common part of Deep Learning Variants
Analogy between Similarity in Deep Learning and Wave Coherence
Deep Neural Net. as a Wave Extractor
Luigi is a workflow management system that allows users to build complex data pipelines. It provides tools to define dependencies between tasks, run workflows on Hadoop, and visualize data flows. The speaker describes how they developed Luigi at Spotify to manage thousands of Hadoop jobs run daily for music recommendations and other applications. Key features of Luigi include defining Python tasks, easy command line execution, automatic dependency resolution, and failure recovery through atomic file operations. The speaker demonstrates how Luigi can run multi-step workflows on the command line, including a music recommendation example involving feature extraction, model training, and evaluation.
16. Pixel Operation
? Get pixel value
? Put Pixel Value
? Area Operation
>> print img[ i ][ j ][ k ]
for i in range(img.shape[0]):
for j in range(img.shape[1]):
for k in range(img.shape[2]):
if i>=200 and i<300:
if j>=200 and j<300:
img[i][j][k] = 0 * img[i][j][k]
>> img[ i ][ j ][ k ] = 0
>> img[200:300][200:300] =
0 * img[200:300][200:300]
or Simply,
46. Kalman Filtering
? Kalman Filtering
# Kalman filter example demo in Python
# A Python implementation of the example given in pages 11-15 of "An
# Introduction to the Kalman Filter" by Greg Welch and Gary Bishop,
# University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Department of Computer
# Science, TR 95-041,
# http://www.cs.unc.edu/~welch/kalman/kalmanIntro.html
# by Andrew D. Straw
import numpy
import pylab
# intial parameters
n_iter = 50
sz = (n_iter,) # size of array
x = -0.37727 # truth value (typo in example at top of p. 13 calls this z)
z = numpy.random.normal(x,0.1,size=sz) # observations (normal about x, sigma=0.1)
Q = 1e-5 # process variance
# allocate space for arrays
xhat=numpy.zeros(sz) # a posteri estimate of x
P=numpy.zeros(sz) # a posteri error estimate
xhatminus=numpy.zeros(sz) # a priori estimate of x
Pminus=numpy.zeros(sz) # a priori error estimate
K=numpy.zeros(sz) # gain or blending factor
R = 0.1**2 # estimate of measurement variance, change to see effect
# intial guesses
xhat[0] = 0.0
P[0] = 1.0
for k in range(1,n_iter):
# time update
xhatminus[k] = xhat[k-1]
Pminus[k] = P[k-1]+Q
# measurement update
K[k] = Pminus[k]/( Pminus[k]+R )
xhat[k] = xhatminus[k]+K[k]*(z[k]-xhatminus[k])
P[k] = (1-K[k])*Pminus[k]
pylab.plot(z,'k+',label='noisy measurements')
pylab.plot(xhat,'b-',label='a posteri estimate')
pylab.axhline(x,color='g',label='truth value')
valid_iter = range(1,n_iter) # Pminus not valid at step 0
pylab.plot(valid_iter,Pminus[valid_iter],label='a priori error estimate')
¡ù z : ???? ??? ??
xhat : ??? ??
¡ù ¡°?? ???? ?? ??? ??? ?? ???.¡± (NASA)
¡°Stanley? ??? ?? ????.¡± (???? ??)
¡ù ??? ???? ???
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