This document summarizes the key learnings and takeaways from a design thinking course. The student learned that the course transformed them into a design thinking person by focusing on both information and the process of transformation. They gained confidence in their ability to find solutions through trying and recognized that failure is just part of the learning process. While the peer grading process had some flaws, the student found the course to be very time-consuming but valuable overall. They plan to apply the design thinking process to all situations going forward and now feel confident about starting a business.
The document summarizes a student's prototype for a job facilitator to help students become more responsible. The student designed two posters, one with a Winston Churchill quote about responsibility and the other a hand drawing. The student tested the prototypes by posting on Facebook and a Chinese social media site, receiving feedback from 5 people. The feedback noted the simplicity but could add more drawing details. The student reflected on learning to use social media for feedback and that poster design was easier than expected. Going forward, the student would make more posters, improve aesthetics, create digital posters, and use a blog to further describe the project.
The job facilitator at a training center faces several challenges: 1) about 50% of students lack motivation to find jobs after training; 2) some employers complain about students' poor work ethics; and 3) parents are worried about their unemployed children. The facilitator believes the key for students to get jobs is to be self-directed learners with a positive attitude. The facilitator wants to find a way to teach students to be responsible so they can improve their chances of career success.
The conference at III Digital Education Institute, 20080613.
Discuss about the Web 2.0 and e-Learning 2.0 issues. And the trend of open architecture and its impact.
Prashant, a software developer from India, was struggling with work-life balance as his job was taking up most of his time and energy. Thomas Bell introduced the concept of ROWE (Results Only Work Environment) to Prashant, where employees are evaluated based on results rather than time spent working. Prashant suggested this to his boss, who agreed to let Prashant lead a project on implementing ROWE. After one month of ROWE, employee engagement and productivity increased at the company as employees had more flexibility and time for other aspects of life while still getting their work done. Prashant was happy with the improved work-life balance.
The document discusses ideas for helping students become more responsible. It proposes using posters to remind students about responsibility, having the Ministry of Education make responsibility promotion a priority through public campaigns, and inviting career experts to speak with and guide students. The goal is to impart the importance of responsibility for success in work and life.
This document summarizes the key learnings and takeaways from a design thinking course. The student learned that the course transformed them into a design thinking person by focusing on both information and the process of transformation. They gained confidence in their ability to find solutions through trying and recognized that failure is just part of the learning process. While the peer grading process had some flaws, the student found the course to be very time-consuming but valuable overall. They plan to apply the design thinking process to all situations going forward and now feel confident about starting a business.
The document summarizes a student's prototype for a job facilitator to help students become more responsible. The student designed two posters, one with a Winston Churchill quote about responsibility and the other a hand drawing. The student tested the prototypes by posting on Facebook and a Chinese social media site, receiving feedback from 5 people. The feedback noted the simplicity but could add more drawing details. The student reflected on learning to use social media for feedback and that poster design was easier than expected. Going forward, the student would make more posters, improve aesthetics, create digital posters, and use a blog to further describe the project.
The job facilitator at a training center faces several challenges: 1) about 50% of students lack motivation to find jobs after training; 2) some employers complain about students' poor work ethics; and 3) parents are worried about their unemployed children. The facilitator believes the key for students to get jobs is to be self-directed learners with a positive attitude. The facilitator wants to find a way to teach students to be responsible so they can improve their chances of career success.
The conference at III Digital Education Institute, 20080613.
Discuss about the Web 2.0 and e-Learning 2.0 issues. And the trend of open architecture and its impact.
Prashant, a software developer from India, was struggling with work-life balance as his job was taking up most of his time and energy. Thomas Bell introduced the concept of ROWE (Results Only Work Environment) to Prashant, where employees are evaluated based on results rather than time spent working. Prashant suggested this to his boss, who agreed to let Prashant lead a project on implementing ROWE. After one month of ROWE, employee engagement and productivity increased at the company as employees had more flexibility and time for other aspects of life while still getting their work done. Prashant was happy with the improved work-life balance.
The document discusses ideas for helping students become more responsible. It proposes using posters to remind students about responsibility, having the Ministry of Education make responsibility promotion a priority through public campaigns, and inviting career experts to speak with and guide students. The goal is to impart the importance of responsibility for success in work and life.
ROWE is a result only work environment that allows employees to work flexibly without fixed hours or locations as long as work gets done. Team Creative+ proposes adopting ROWE to improve health and well-being by avoiding overwork and stress, with the goal of increased productivity and results through a more flexible work model. ROWE focuses on outputs rather than time spent at work.
This document introduces a new daily exercise called Yingyang Kungfung that combines elements of Chinese sport with meditation. It consists of two parts - doing 1000 hand swinging motions followed by 15 minutes of meditation. The author was having problems remembering how many swings they had done and staying focused during meditation. To help with this, they devised a system using chopsticks and a kitchen timer. Removing the chopsticks from a cup after every 100 swings helps keep count. Setting the timer reminds them when the 15 minutes of meditation is finished. The author encourages others to try Yingyang Kungfung, believing it will make people healthier, happier, and stronger.
The document proposes an idea to combine playing, learning, and eating using tangram puzzle pieces cut from slices of bread. Each loaf of bread would be cut into 15 slices, with each slice then cut into tangram pieces, serving 15 people. People could form shapes with the pieces using jam and butter, then ask others to guess the shape and eat it. The pieces would be named "eatable puzzles".
Jean Chow proposes several ways to attract customers through visual marketing, including using banners, clear price lists, and posters placed on glass doors, elevator doors, walls, poles, trees, and tables. Specifically, Jean recommends anniversary sale posters to promote special deals.
This 3 sentence summary provides the high level information from the document:
The document discusses Assignment 1 and introduces a team called Longfeng, which is a Chinese name that means "dragon and phoenix". The team name Longfeng belongs to student 15183.
This document introduces a team called Longfeng for an assignment. The team members all speak Chinese, are interested in creativity and online learning, and plan to spend 3 hours on the assignment. They chose the team name Longfeng which means dragon and phoenix.
2. 數字運算 文書處理 多媒體 溝通網路 資訊交換 線上交易 語意網 Learning about Doing / High order thinking 隱形 圖書館 感性交流 社群 信息科技應用的演進 1948 1980 1990 1993 2010 Learning to be 2003 Web 1.0 Web 2.0 Web service
6. 為何會有新工具產生 “ 我希望網路 (web) 是每個人都能編寫的互動空間” --Tim Berners-Lee 1999 “ 網際網路有三大趨勢 : 溝通、分享和交誼〈 communicating, sharing and socializing. 〉它由電子郵件和音樂分享開始,它每天都長得更大 ." --Steve Ballmer: "Blogging is Huge" 新工具是科技精英在深度應用後產生的顧客需求和創新靈感,例如 Google 、 網路應用的自然演變,像汽車、摩托車、腳踏車並存
7. 甚麼是 Web 2.0 An emerging network-centric platform to support distributed, collaborative and cumulative creation by its users. web is a platform. 從以資訊為主角到以人為主角,網路成為人的創作平台 Web as ecosystem ,網路像個生態系統 沙漠和雨林的對比
8. Web 走向讀 / 寫平台 ? Web 1.0 Web 2.0 時間 1993-2003 2003 以後 內容 以 HTML 網頁為主 除網頁外還有更多其他內容 互動性增加 更趨向應用 模式 讀 寫與貢獻 內容的主要單位 頁 (page) 貼 / 紀錄 (post/record) 狀態 靜態 動態 瀏覽方式 使用瀏覽器 瀏覽器, RSS 閱讀器等等 架構 Client Server Web Service 內容創建者 網頁設計師 每個人 擁有者 科技菁英 大量業餘者
9. Web 2.0 的技術與應用 應用 Flickr Blog and RSS Google Maps Gmail 相關技術 Web service/API’s Folksonomies 通俗分類 RSS AJAX Learning is a flow Microcontent
10. Flickr 是分享照片的社會網路 Flickr shows me photos from my network My contacts “tags” are available to me
12. 使用通俗分類來組織書籤 Tags: Descriptive words applied by users to links. Tags are searchable My Tags: Words I’ve used to describe links in a way that makes sense to me
22. RSS 採用雖低, 卻是吸引利機市場顧客的好工具 Feeds contain news items/stories Items have a brief summary included in the feed Users can read the full content of some stories within their browser or desktop app without going to orgincating website