Основная функциональность MES. Вопросы интеграцииДиалог Информационные ТехнологииКлючевое положение MES в производстве.
Международные стандарты и требования. Международная ассоциация MESAInternational.
Основная функциональность MES.
Новый продукт 1C:MES (обзор продукта)
Seismic games revised PhyScichuggyvelardeThis document describes different types of seismic waves including P waves, S waves, Love waves, and Rayleigh waves. P waves are the fastest and can pass through solids, liquids, and gases. S waves are slower and can only pass through solids. Love waves produce horizontal motion while Rayleigh waves move the ground up and down and side to side in the direction of travel. Diagrams are included to illustrate these different wave types.
Mehrnoosh vahdat workshop-data sharing 2014MehrnooshVThe aim of our study is to extract the profiles of students activities, performed during the training sessions of a course of logic networks, and to relate such activities with the students’ performance at intermediate verification tests. In this course, undergraduate students learn and practice the concepts of logic networks with Deeds Simulator.
The Deeds is a set of educational tools for digital electronics, which stands for "Digital Electronics Education and Design Suite". It is used in courses of Electronic Engineering at DITEN, UNIGE.
By applying learning analytics methods to the data captured from activity logs and questionnaires, we aim to understand the learning behavior of students.
This project was presented at Learning Analytics Data Sharing – LADS14 Workshop at EC-TEL.
The Importance of the AlbumKathy MathisThe document discusses the importance of albums versus singles in the music industry. Ne-Yo argues that focusing only on singles is a "cop out" and that artists should aim to create full, cohesive albums rather than just releasing individual hit songs. Gabe Saporta from Cobra Starship notes that artists used to be able to sell millions of albums based on a big single, allowing them financial stability, but that luxury no longer exists. The document advocates that both artists and record labels should support the concept of the album as a whole artistic work.
Total parenteral nutrition 2Venkatesh KollaPreoperative parenteral nutrition for at least 7-14 days in severely malnourished patients reduces postoperative complications and improves outcomes. For cancer patients, parenteral nutrition should not be used routinely and is only indicated if chemotherapy or radiation will prevent oral intake for over a week. For patients with liver disease, energy requirements vary depending on the severity of the disease but are generally between 25-45 kcal/kg/day, while protein should be restricted to 0.5g/kg/day for those with encephalopathy.
Seismic games revised PhyScichuggyvelardeThis document describes different types of seismic waves including P waves, S waves, Love waves, and Rayleigh waves. P waves are the fastest and can pass through solids, liquids, and gases. S waves are slower and can only pass through solids. Love waves produce horizontal motion while Rayleigh waves move the ground up and down and side to side in the direction of travel. Diagrams are included to illustrate these different wave types.
Mehrnoosh vahdat workshop-data sharing 2014MehrnooshVThe aim of our study is to extract the profiles of students activities, performed during the training sessions of a course of logic networks, and to relate such activities with the students’ performance at intermediate verification tests. In this course, undergraduate students learn and practice the concepts of logic networks with Deeds Simulator.
The Deeds is a set of educational tools for digital electronics, which stands for "Digital Electronics Education and Design Suite". It is used in courses of Electronic Engineering at DITEN, UNIGE.
By applying learning analytics methods to the data captured from activity logs and questionnaires, we aim to understand the learning behavior of students.
This project was presented at Learning Analytics Data Sharing – LADS14 Workshop at EC-TEL.
The Importance of the AlbumKathy MathisThe document discusses the importance of albums versus singles in the music industry. Ne-Yo argues that focusing only on singles is a "cop out" and that artists should aim to create full, cohesive albums rather than just releasing individual hit songs. Gabe Saporta from Cobra Starship notes that artists used to be able to sell millions of albums based on a big single, allowing them financial stability, but that luxury no longer exists. The document advocates that both artists and record labels should support the concept of the album as a whole artistic work.
Total parenteral nutrition 2Venkatesh KollaPreoperative parenteral nutrition for at least 7-14 days in severely malnourished patients reduces postoperative complications and improves outcomes. For cancer patients, parenteral nutrition should not be used routinely and is only indicated if chemotherapy or radiation will prevent oral intake for over a week. For patients with liver disease, energy requirements vary depending on the severity of the disease but are generally between 25-45 kcal/kg/day, while protein should be restricted to 0.5g/kg/day for those with encephalopathy.
Презентация 2.6.1 - "Проект организации строительства" (ПОС) - текстовая частьПавел ЕфимовОписан состав текстовой части раздела 6 "Проект организации строительства" (ПОС)
Giao-trinh-thiet-ke-hop-giam-toc_nuoc-NgaDat Nguyen PhatThiết kế hộp giảm tốc theo giáo trình bên Nga. Phần lớn các giáo trình thiết kế hộp giảm tốc được tham khảo nhiều từ các sách đến từ Liên Bang Xô Viết (nước Nga ngày nay), CHLB Đức (Đông Đức cũ), và Mỹ.
Giáo trình đến từ nước Nga sẽ đề cập thêm nhiều chi tiết mà giáo trình VN đã rút gọn. Ví dụ như giải thích tại sao lại bố trí thiết kế như vậy trong hộp giảm tốc, giải thích các kích thước của vỏ hộp,...
Blog cá nhân: npdat08.substack.com
1. Лекция 1. Общая схема процесса
технологической подготовки
2. Задачи ТПП:
обеспечение технологичности изделия (включая
технологичность конструкции изделия и
технологичность выполнения работ при его
изготовлении, эксплуатации и ремонте);
разработку и внедрение технологических процессов
(механообработки, сборки, штамповки, литья,
термообработки и др.) для изготовления деталей и
узлов изделия;
проектирование и изготовление необходимого
нестандартного оборудования и средств
технологического оснащения (приспособлений, прессформ, штампов, специального режущего и
мерительного инструмента);
управление процессами ТПП.
4. Этапы ТПП:
Формирование номенклатуры освоения;
Формирование поэтапного графика
подготовки производства (ПГПП);
Составление и оформление межцехового
маршрута изготовления (“расцеховка”);
Проектирование технической документации
Изготовление и испытание СТО.
5. Формирование ПГПП
наличие и комплектность конструкторской
номенклатуру и поставщиков основных предметов
номенклатуру деталей, изготавливаемых из
покупных заготовок и их вероятных поставщиков;
вид основной заготовки;
маршрут изготовления с указанием основного цехаизготовителя;
цикл изготовления позиций номенклатуры освоения;
уровень глубины оснащения в зависимости от вида
трудозатраты и сроки на выполнение этапов ПГПП.
6. Этапы проектирования и изготовления СТО
Проектирование технологии изготовления СТО.
Проектирование управляющих программ для станков с
Проектирование технологии изготовления заготовок.
Оформление заказов на выполнение работ в смежных
подразделениях предприятия, в том числе, оснащение
производственных участков инструментального
производства покупными изделиями.
Нормирование технологий.
Диспетчирование работ (проектирования, изготовления).
Испытание и внедрение СТО.
7. Состав комплекта документации
для изготовления деталей
При изготовлении изделия рабочий
руководствуются следующей документацией:
конструкторская документация (чертеж/эскиз;
спецификация, технические требования);
управляющие программы для станков с ЧПУ;
маршрутный и операционный технологический процесс;
типовой технологический процесс;
групповой технологический процесс.