This document contains links to online resources about fractions and percentages. The YouTube link directs to a video that explains how to convert fractions to percentages. The second link leads to a flash game that allows users to practice calculating fractions and percentages. Both resources are intended to help teach mathematical concepts related to fractions, percentages, and their conversions.
This document contains links to online resources about fractions and percentages. The YouTube link directs to a video that explains how to convert fractions to percentages. The second link leads to a flash game that allows users to practice calculating fractions and percentages. Both resources are intended to help teach mathematical concepts related to fractions, percentages, and their conversions.
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1.festa e abetarës
1. Festa e abetarës
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dy shkëndija drite
mendjen na i ndrite.
Shkronja të shtypit,
shkronja të shkrimit
e mësuam leximin
mësuam dhe shkrimin.
Falenderues ne jemi
abetare që kemi,
falë abetares sonë
ne dijmë të lexojmë.
Shkronjat i mësuam
dhe shenjat si harruam.
Moshatarë të Tarës
Urime festa e abetarës.
Zeqirja Latifi