De Vlaamse overheid is op zoek naar een hele reeks nieuwe terreinvoertuigen.
Er zijn diverse percelen.
Bij de verplichte opties valt de goede muziekweergave als vereiste op. Voor een (zware) terreinwagen is dat best opvallend.
Nergens wordt zoveel ge谷xperimenteerd met burgerinitiatief en openbare ruimte als in Berlijn. De stad kent een ongekende geestelijke en fysieke ruimte. Uitdagingen: omgang met (een overdaad aan) ruimte in de stad, de rol van de lokale overheid vs. die van de burgers, geestelijke ruimte (tolerantie en handhaving) als ook fysieke ruimte (gebouwen en terreinen). Wat kunnen wij in Nederland hiervan leren? Paul de Bruijn vertelt uit eigen ervaring en ondersteunt zijn verhaal met beelden.
This document provides an overview of reservoir fluid properties, including crude oil, water, and gas properties. It discusses key properties such as formation volume factors, viscosity, surface tension, and gas solubility. It summarizes various empirical correlations used to estimate these properties based on temperature, pressure, oil composition and other factors. The document is from a course on reservoir fluid properties and focuses on definitions and methods for calculating important PVT properties.
This document provides guidance on essay writing in three areas: assessment objectives, creating an effective argument, and style points. It outlines four assessment objectives including demonstrating critical understanding, exploring connections between texts, and understanding historical context. It also discusses key elements of an effective argument such as a clear thesis statement, focused introduction, well-organized paragraphs with topic sentences, and a concluding paragraph. Finally, it offers tips for writing style such as embedding quotes, referring to authors by last name, using italics for titles, and being specific rather than vague.
This document discusses the meaning and characteristics of loyalty. It explores loyalty towards people, ideas, causes, and things. Examples of loyalty provided include the story of Romeo and Juliet, the dog Hachiko who waited faithfully for his deceased owner's return, and loyalty within matrimony. The document concludes with the author's personal experience of loyalty.
This document discusses how geo-analysis and open data can be used to implement evidence-led policy. It describes analyzing socio-economic metrics and profiles by area across Europe to identify groups with similar characteristics. Examples are given of profiling metropolitan and rural areas. Further information is provided on metrics, dimensions, and tools for small area analysis in the UK and Europe.
Magazines are typically constructed with certain common elements. These include a masthead at the top of the front cover to identify the publication, a table of contents to outline what's inside, and a splash page featuring a large headline and photo related to the main story. Within articles, elements like bylines, captions, credits, and crossheads provide information, while headlines, kickers, and tags are used to engage readers. Initial or drop caps, stand firsts, and straplines are also incorporated to structure text and pique interest.
Permanent Laser Hair Removal Hyderabad-Laser Hair removal is the most popular light-based aesthetic procedure in the world, At Ojas aesthetic you will get Painless & Permanent Solution for hair removal. Remove Unwanted Hair Permanently With Alma and fractional Lasers.Alma lasers remarkable Pain Free, Hair Free TM procedure.
Hans Christian Andersen foi um escritor dinamarqu棚s conhecido por seus contos de fadas, tendo nascido em 1805 em Odense, Dinamarca. Filho de um sapateiro pobre, ele conseguiu estudar no Instituto de Copenhague gra巽as aos seus ensaios po辿ticos. Al辿m de contos como "A Pequena Sereia" e "O Patinho Feio", ele escreveu pe巽as de teatro, can巽探es patri坦ticas e hist坦rias que o tornaram mundialmente famoso.
Chuinti13 New modes of governance for urban regeneration Gracia Garcia CalvoTerritorial Intelligence
The document describes a new model of participatory governance implemented in District 5 of Huelva, Spain to address issues of inequality, marginality, and invisibility. Over 58 partners collaborated in a bottom-up approach through thematic forums and a steering committee to coordinate public and private investments improving individual situations, the neighborhood, and partnership methodologies. While successful, continued efforts are needed to strengthen commitments among partners and citizen participation to further progress.
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Leveraging Digital and Traditional Marketing to Drive ResultsJim Marous
This document discusses leveraging digital and traditional marketing together to drive results. It begins by introducing the panelists and then discusses the evolution of marketing from single touchpoints to holistic brand experiences. It also examines changes in consumers' banking purchase funnels and how they research and open accounts. The document then explores the digital advertising ecosystem and how impressions are bought and sold in less than 250 milliseconds. It provides examples of how to integrate social media, video, and other digital tactics into integrated marketing campaigns.
This document outlines a social media maturity measure for organizations to assess their social media capabilities. It discusses two key dimensions - being a conversation government and a social local government. A conversation government aims for transparency, collaboration, and two-way engagement. A social local government supports social media through leadership, strategy, implementation, governance, and training. Organizations can measure their maturity across five stages from beginner to champion by evaluating their performance on ten drivers within these two dimensions. Taking the social media maturity measure assessment provides insights to help organizations improve their social media use.
The road to open data enlightenment is paved with nice excuses by Toon
The road to open data enlightenment is paved with nice excuses! These slides include 11 open data revenue models for government agencies who 'pragmatically' need to keep generating revenues being 'authentic sources'. This presentation was delivered by Toon Vanagt from as the opening keynote of the 'opening-up' conference in Brussels on 3/12/2014.
Local Open Data: A perspective from local government in England by Gesche
Local Open Data: A perspective from local government in England
to help government and companies to
develop innovative services through the
use of open data and to encourage smart
use of Social Media
Open Data in your organization: tactics & tricks part 1 by Job Wiegant, Koen
This document discusses embedding open data in organizations. It describes drivers like streamlining processes, governance through accountability and participation, and economic benefits like efficiency. Barriers include lack of awareness, legal issues around data ownership, and costs of implementation. The document then details the approach taken in Groningen, Netherlands, which was to start small with two pilots - a basic open data portal and opening financial data. Key lessons were that maintenance is difficult, scale is important, and support from top management is essential. The next steps involve further institutionalizing open data practices and policies.
Generating rendement with open data by Arjan El
This document discusses how open data can be used to generate returns. It presents open data as findable, accessible, and allowing for re-use. The document also mentions the Open State Foundation and provides their website and contact details.
Open Knowledge Foundation Business Lounge by Pieter-Jan
This document discusses hackathons that develop applications using open data and the challenges in bringing those applications to market. It notes a lack of business models, funding, and time often prevent promising hackathon projects from being successful long-term. It then provides information on the Opening Up business lounge which supports turning open data projects into viable businesses through networking opportunities and pitching competitions for funding and recognition.
This document discusses the meaning and characteristics of loyalty. It explores loyalty towards people, ideas, causes, and things. Examples of loyalty provided include the story of Romeo and Juliet, the dog Hachiko who waited faithfully for his deceased owner's return, and loyalty within matrimony. The document concludes with the author's personal experience of loyalty.
This document discusses how geo-analysis and open data can be used to implement evidence-led policy. It describes analyzing socio-economic metrics and profiles by area across Europe to identify groups with similar characteristics. Examples are given of profiling metropolitan and rural areas. Further information is provided on metrics, dimensions, and tools for small area analysis in the UK and Europe.
Magazines are typically constructed with certain common elements. These include a masthead at the top of the front cover to identify the publication, a table of contents to outline what's inside, and a splash page featuring a large headline and photo related to the main story. Within articles, elements like bylines, captions, credits, and crossheads provide information, while headlines, kickers, and tags are used to engage readers. Initial or drop caps, stand firsts, and straplines are also incorporated to structure text and pique interest.
Permanent Laser Hair Removal Hyderabad-Laser Hair removal is the most popular light-based aesthetic procedure in the world, At Ojas aesthetic you will get Painless & Permanent Solution for hair removal. Remove Unwanted Hair Permanently With Alma and fractional Lasers.Alma lasers remarkable Pain Free, Hair Free TM procedure.
Hans Christian Andersen foi um escritor dinamarqu棚s conhecido por seus contos de fadas, tendo nascido em 1805 em Odense, Dinamarca. Filho de um sapateiro pobre, ele conseguiu estudar no Instituto de Copenhague gra巽as aos seus ensaios po辿ticos. Al辿m de contos como "A Pequena Sereia" e "O Patinho Feio", ele escreveu pe巽as de teatro, can巽探es patri坦ticas e hist坦rias que o tornaram mundialmente famoso.
Chuinti13 New modes of governance for urban regeneration Gracia Garcia CalvoTerritorial Intelligence
The document describes a new model of participatory governance implemented in District 5 of Huelva, Spain to address issues of inequality, marginality, and invisibility. Over 58 partners collaborated in a bottom-up approach through thematic forums and a steering committee to coordinate public and private investments improving individual situations, the neighborhood, and partnership methodologies. While successful, continued efforts are needed to strengthen commitments among partners and citizen participation to further progress.
Looking to add weight to your resume? Check out for ITLearnmore for varied online IT courses at affordable prices intended for career boost. There is so much in store for both fresh graduates and professionals here. Hurry up..! Get updated with the current IT job market requirements and related courses.More information visit
Leveraging Digital and Traditional Marketing to Drive ResultsJim Marous
This document discusses leveraging digital and traditional marketing together to drive results. It begins by introducing the panelists and then discusses the evolution of marketing from single touchpoints to holistic brand experiences. It also examines changes in consumers' banking purchase funnels and how they research and open accounts. The document then explores the digital advertising ecosystem and how impressions are bought and sold in less than 250 milliseconds. It provides examples of how to integrate social media, video, and other digital tactics into integrated marketing campaigns.
This document outlines a social media maturity measure for organizations to assess their social media capabilities. It discusses two key dimensions - being a conversation government and a social local government. A conversation government aims for transparency, collaboration, and two-way engagement. A social local government supports social media through leadership, strategy, implementation, governance, and training. Organizations can measure their maturity across five stages from beginner to champion by evaluating their performance on ten drivers within these two dimensions. Taking the social media maturity measure assessment provides insights to help organizations improve their social media use.
The road to open data enlightenment is paved with nice excuses by Toon
The road to open data enlightenment is paved with nice excuses! These slides include 11 open data revenue models for government agencies who 'pragmatically' need to keep generating revenues being 'authentic sources'. This presentation was delivered by Toon Vanagt from as the opening keynote of the 'opening-up' conference in Brussels on 3/12/2014.
Local Open Data: A perspective from local government in England by Gesche
Local Open Data: A perspective from local government in England
to help government and companies to
develop innovative services through the
use of open data and to encourage smart
use of Social Media
Open Data in your organization: tactics & tricks part 1 by Job Wiegant, Koen
This document discusses embedding open data in organizations. It describes drivers like streamlining processes, governance through accountability and participation, and economic benefits like efficiency. Barriers include lack of awareness, legal issues around data ownership, and costs of implementation. The document then details the approach taken in Groningen, Netherlands, which was to start small with two pilots - a basic open data portal and opening financial data. Key lessons were that maintenance is difficult, scale is important, and support from top management is essential. The next steps involve further institutionalizing open data practices and policies.
Generating rendement with open data by Arjan El
This document discusses how open data can be used to generate returns. It presents open data as findable, accessible, and allowing for re-use. The document also mentions the Open State Foundation and provides their website and contact details.
Open Knowledge Foundation Business Lounge by Pieter-Jan
This document discusses hackathons that develop applications using open data and the challenges in bringing those applications to market. It notes a lack of business models, funding, and time often prevent promising hackathon projects from being successful long-term. It then provides information on the Opening Up business lounge which supports turning open data projects into viable businesses through networking opportunities and pitching competitions for funding and recognition.
Basics of Open Data: what you need to know by Wouter Degadt & Pieter
Linked Open Data means making data more interoperable with other datasets on the web by using URIs as identifiers and triples as atomic building blocks. URIs are assigned to every term and concept, and triples are used to connect terms and represent facts about entities. This allows different machines to understand the relationships between data in a consistent way. Publishing data as Linked Open Data according to these principles can make it easier to query and integrate with other datasets.
Combining data through standards and metrics by Mike
This document discusses standards and metrics for combining open data from municipalities. It proposes using uniform resource identifiers (URIs) to define things precisely, schemas to define the structure of datasets, and common metrics to allow comparison of data across areas. Standards for identifiers, schemas, and metrics will enable data to be aggregated and analyzed to inform policy.
Content strategy for a municipal Facebook by Jenny Broden
This document provides tips for using Facebook to engage citizens. It recommends posting daily updates about what is happening in the city and writing updates that will affect citizens' days. It also suggests encouraging citizen contributions, listening to citizens, and establishing guidelines for professional conduct and verifying questions. The document outlines roles for an editor-in-chief, contact call center, and communicators to answer questions and address inappropriate content within 24 hours. It proposes using Facebook for marketing the organization and envisions an future e-citizen portal for e-services.
Social Media and local participation by Birgitte St辰
Birgitte St辰de from Hoeje-Taastrup Municipality in Denmark discusses using social media to increase citizen participation and voter turnout in local elections. The municipality live-streamed election debates on Facebook and answered citizens' questions online. During the election, they posted updates from polling stations and provided information to voters. Voter turnout increased from 64% to 69%, especially among young people. Citizens provided positive feedback, and the social media efforts helped find a good balance between politicians and administrators.
Improving decisionmaking with GIS by Bjorgulf
This document discusses how publishing data using geographic information systems (GIS) can improve decision-making. It provides examples of how municipalities in Denmark and Norway are using open GIS data and presentations to increase transparency, public involvement, and trust in political decisions. Key benefits highlighted include making large amounts of municipal indicator and statistical data easily accessible on maps, graphs, and other visualizations, which can help analyze trends, engage stakeholders, and demonstrate the basis for executive actions and policies. Some challenges around data consistency, standards, and broadband access are also noted.
This document discusses digital transformation and dealing with digital disruption. It outlines several models of digital disruption, including the glass house, the package, the frog, the gatekeeper, the traveler, the participant, and the cyborg. It emphasizes that disruption is real and companies must be prepared to transform by developing a vision, digital leadership, innovation practices, and a culture open to change. The key takeaway is that disruption is happening and companies should proactively model and plan for transformation rather than reacting to changes.
Can you build a business with local open data? By Jan
This document outlines the agenda and rules for a workshop on open data and potential business models. The workshop instructs participants to form groups to discuss what data their organizations have that could be opened, the benefits of sharing that data and who would benefit, any blockages to opening the data and who might oppose it, and business strategies for making the data available despite potential blockages. The groups will then present their preferred business model to the full workshop. The goal is for participants to explore how opening up an estimated 140 billion euros worth of government data could create business opportunities.
This document describes a social media training game called the Social Media Game. It discusses setting up teams to play various scenarios dealing with social media dilemmas. The scenarios are presented to spark discussion and role-playing around topics like integrity, participation, aggression, content strategy and more. Players take on roles and have their reactions guided by a game master. The goal is to make the training engaging and help participants better remember lessons through an interactive experience. Information is provided on how to register to participate in the game.
Building Social Networks for a safer society By Elle De Jonge & Renske Stumpel
This document discusses building social networks for a safer society through citizen participation models. It describes a pilot project in Groningen, Netherlands testing a mobile app called "Meld!" that allows citizens and police to report incidents directly and collaborate in real-time. The pilot saw 205 reports over 3 months, with 117 leading to immediate police response. It concluded that attention to problems works, value exists in many eyes on a situation, and changing traditional response models requires communication to build trust and partnership between citizens and authorities.
Open Data for local governments - De Samenkomst, Aelbeke,
Open Data presentatie Leiedal De Samenkomst op 10 december 2013 20131210 opendata
Open Data for local governments - De Samenkomst, Aelbeke, Kortrijk wouter Degadt wouterdegadt
Analysis of the socio-economic profiles in
GIS DAY Belgium bart verlinde knokke_heist_gratispleinen
1. 21/11/2013
Van GIS specialist
Het verhaal van de koning en de hofnar
Bart Verlinde - Stafmedewerker GIS
Gemeentebestuur Knokke-Heist
Er was eens een plein
Er was eens een koning die niets liever wou, dan dat zijn volk
gelukkig was. Zijn volk mopperde over de verkrotte winkels en
het vuile plein. De koning besefte dat het zo niet verder kon en
gaf opdracht aan de koninklijke pleinaanlegger om er werk
van te maken. Het werd een prachtig plein en het volk was
Heraanleg van Joseph St端bbenpark
Ondergrondse garages worden te koop aangeboden
Achteraf bleek de vraag naar garages groter dan het aanbod
2. 21/11/2013
Er was eens een ander plein
De koning regeerde verder, maar het volk
begon opnieuw te mopperen want er waren
nog verloederde pleinen.
De koning ging op zoek naar inkomsten.
Voor een haven moet je in het rijk hiernaast zijn. Graan was er
niet meer want die grond was verkocht voor een groot
sportterrein. Bomen kappen voor hout mag niet meer door
natuurbescherming. En de schatkist daar waren maar enkele
goudstukken meer in terug te vinden.
Hij riep de raad der wijzen samen, maar ook zij hadden geen
oplossing voor de koning en het ongelukkige volk.
Diep bedroefd trok hij zich terug in zn priv辿 vertrekken.
Er was eens een ander plein
De koning ontbood een hofnar om hem wat op te vrolijken.
De hofnar deed zijn best, maar geen enkele grap was goed
genoeg, het humeur van de koning was onlosmakelijk
verbonden met dat van zijn volk. De hofnar kreeg nog een
laatste kans, vooraleer hij in de kerker zou opgesloten
worden. Hij besefte dat hij de oplossing moest vinden om
het volk en zo ook de koning gelukkig te maken.
De hofnar dacht diep na en kreeg een schitterend idee dat
wel eens zou kunnen werken . gratis pleinen !
3. 21/11/2013
GIS - Parkingstudie
Het idee van de hofnar
- Lijst (+ potentieel lijst) garages van Joseph St端bbenpark
In een straal van 200m rond het Joseph St端bbenpark en rond elk plein:
- Aantal inwoners
- Aantal 2e verblijven
+ De regel van drie !
=> Potentieel van het aantal garages per plein.
=> Door de verkoop van garages kon men het plein en de
bouw van de garages betalen = Gratis pleinen
GIS - Parkingstudie
Vb: 2e Verblijven
5. 21/11/2013
De koning werd op handen gedragen en
het volk was terug tevreden.
En de hofnar die werd niet in de kerker geworpen.
Geo-analyse vertelt je meer