The document provides information on English verb tenses including:
- Present simple (routine) with do/does auxiliaries and question/affirmative structures.
- Present continuous (ongoing action) with be auxiliaries and question/affirmative structures.
- Simple past with did auxiliary and question/affirmative structures.
- Future with will/won't auxiliary and question/affirmative structures.
- Examples are given to illustrate the different tenses like present simple (I go to work), present continuous (I am going to work), simple past (I went to work), and future (I will go to work tomorrow).
Among its many monitoring capabilities, boom, business open operations manager from netage solutions GmbH in Germany, allows for testing and performance monitoring of applications.
Fully integrated is the Probe Builder from European Performance Systems, which allows boom to record and replay any user workflow with their applications. The probe can use the generated script to test the performance of the application at regular intervals or to allow for performance testing.
For more information, write to
The document provides information on English verb tenses including:
- Present simple (routine) with do/does auxiliaries and question/affirmative structures.
- Present continuous (ongoing action) with be auxiliaries and question/affirmative structures.
- Simple past with did auxiliary and question/affirmative structures.
- Future with will/won't auxiliary and question/affirmative structures.
- Examples are given to illustrate the different tenses like present simple (I go to work), present continuous (I am going to work), simple past (I went to work), and future (I will go to work tomorrow).
Among its many monitoring capabilities, boom, business open operations manager from netage solutions GmbH in Germany, allows for testing and performance monitoring of applications.
Fully integrated is the Probe Builder from European Performance Systems, which allows boom to record and replay any user workflow with their applications. The probe can use the generated script to test the performance of the application at regular intervals or to allow for performance testing.
For more information, write to
Бизнес кейсы участников тренинга Ицхака Пинтосевича "Путь бабочки". Успехи которых они доблист во время кризиса при сопровождении консультанта-коуча Владиславва Подопригоры.
Решения 3-х клиентов поданы в виде кейсов.
Selfconfiguration OF 4G NETWORK TERMINALSBaptist Johny
This document discusses self-configuration of 4G network terminals. It introduces factors affecting self-configuration such as network selection and quality of service. It then proposes a framework called the Terminal Management System (TMS) to address issues of self-configuration and reconfiguration. The TMS would include modules to select networks, manage handovers between networks, and configure devices based on user preferences and system monitoring. Further work is needed to provide more details on the proposed self-configuration and reconfiguration framework.
The Impression Consultant is a consulting firm that provides consulting services for service excellence programs, including training, consulting, and monitoring. The firm's team includes service management experts and executives with practical experience from world-class service companies. The firm's services include training, consulting, monitoring, and business continuity management.
Taller vivencial y experimental de Matemática activaMarcel Boesch
Este documento presenta una propuesta de talleres vivenciales y experimentales de matemáticas activas para primaria multigrado. Los talleres se dividen en 5 módulos que cubren temas como los números y sus propiedades, el uso de materiales para experimentar conceptos matemáticos, estrategias para temas avanzados y aprendizaje dialógico. El objetivo es despertar una actitud creativa e investigadora en los educadores para promover un aprendizaje activo en los estudiantes.
Este documento trata sobre el sistema respiratorio y su función al realizar ejercicio y adaptarse a la altitud. Explica los efectos del ejercicio dinámico en la presión arterial, la adaptación aguda y crónica a la altitud, y cómo varían los valores normales de los gases en la sangre arterial a diferentes altitudes. También describe los síntomas del mal de altura y los efectos mecánicos que tiene la obesidad sobre el aparato respiratorio.
Educar para Ser y Convivir: Experiencias y PropuestasMarcel Boesch
Presentacion en el Seminario Educativo Internacional "Pensar, Sentir, Hacer para Ser" en la Universidad de Trujillo (Peru) 2014:
1) Analisis historico critico de la Educacion escolar
2) Algunas Experiencias educativas inspiradoras de la actualidad
3) Como aplicar propuestas inspiradas en estas experiencias al aula de un colegio convencional
4) Referencias
El documento describe las principales funciones de la sangre, incluyendo el transporte de sustancias, el mantenimiento de la homeostasis, la inmunidad y la coagulación. También describe las características y componentes de la sangre, como los glóbulos rojos, glóbulos blancos, plaquetas y plasma. Además, explica el proceso de eritropoyesis, por el cual se forman los glóbulos rojos a través de varias etapas celulares en la médula ósea.
3. 分享内容大纲
? 敏捷精要:分层质量保证 ( 吴穹 )
? ATTD - Acceptance Test Driven Development
( 吴穹 )
? RBT – Requirement Based Testing ( IBM
Richard Bender )
? MBT - Module Based Testing (华为)
? 敏捷测试实践 (微软 Bill Liu )
? 测试看开发,开发看测试( Google 段念)
4. 敏捷精要 :分层质量保证
? 质量是开发人员的神圣责任,而不仅仅是测试人
– The burden of quality is on the shoulders of those
writing the code. Quality is never “some tester’s”
? 只有将开发和测试完全地混合在一起,不分彼此
– Quality is achieved by putting development and
testing into a blender and mixing them until one is
indistinguishable from the other.
7. 分层测试实践 : Google
? 谷歌采用 70/20/10 原则 : 70% 小, 20%
中, 10% 大
– Projects at Google are encouraged to maintain a
healthy mixture of test sizes among their various test
– Overinvesting in end-to-end automation often ties you
to a product’s specific design
8. 分享内容大纲
? 敏捷精要:分层质量保证 ( 吴穹 )
? ATTD - Acceptance Test Driven Development
( 吴穹 )
? RBT – Requirement Based Testing ( IBM
Richard Bender )
? MBT - Module Based Testing (华为)
? 敏捷测试实践 (微软 Bill Liu )
? 测试看开发,开发看测试( Google 段念)
13. 分享内容大纲
? 敏捷精要:分层质量保证 ( 吴穹 )
? ATTD - Acceptance Test Driven Development
( 吴穹 )
? RBT – Requirement Based Testing ( IBM
Richard Bender )
? MBT - Module Based Testing (华为)
? 敏捷测试实践 (微软 Bill Liu )
? 测试看开发,开发看测试( Google 段念)
14. Requirement Based Testing
? Goals
– Deliver more functions in less time with fewer
resources and with higher quality
? Key Issue
– Poor quality requirements
? How to do
– Test the specifications to ensure that they are correct,
complete, unambiguous, and logically consistent
– Design a necessary and sufficient set of tests to
ensure that the design and code fully implement the
15. ? Distribution of Bugs
– Requirements 56%
– Design 27%
– Coding 7%
– Other 10%
? US Average Defect Rate
– 5.9-7 defects per thousand lines of code
– 15% increased in recent years
? Costs per hour for outages
– Pay-per-view TV $150,000
– Financial services $6.4 Million
16. The RBT Process
? Validate requirements aganist objectives
? Apply scenarios aganist requirements
? Perform initial ambiguity review
? Perform domain expert review
? Design test case by RBT
? Test case review with PM/RD/expert
? Walk test cases
17. 分享内容大纲
? 敏捷精要:分层质量保证 ( 吴穹 )
? ATTD - Acceptance Test Driven Development
( 吴穹 )
? RBT – Requirement Based Testing ( IBM
Richard Bender )
? MBT - Module Based Testing (华为)
? 敏捷测试实践 (微软 Bill Liu )
? 测试看开发,开发看测试( Google 段念)
19. 分享内容大纲
? 敏捷精要:分层质量保证 ( 吴穹 )
? ATTD - Acceptance Test Driven Development
( 吴穹 )
? RBT – Requirement Based Testing ( IBM
Richard Bender )
? MBT - Module Based Testing (华为)
? 敏捷测试实践 (微软 Bill Liu )
? 测试看开发,开发看测试( Google 段念)
21. 分享内容大纲
? 敏捷精要:分层质量保证 ( 吴穹 )
? ATTD - Acceptance Test Driven Development
( 吴穹 )
? RBT – Requirement Based Testing ( IBM
Richard Bender )
? MBT - Module Based Testing (华为)
? 敏捷测试实践 (微软 Bill Liu )
? 测试看开发,开发看测试( Google 段念)