Лечение остеопороза: от клинических рекомнедаций и клинической практикеИрина Головач
представлены современные рекомнедации и диагностические критерии остеопороза, показаны преимущества терапии золендроновой кислотой, а также место препаратов кальция в лечении и профилактике остеопороза
Capacity building via OpenCoesione, the Italian open strategy on cohesion po...carloamati
Meeting of the EU Public Administration Network (EUPAN)
Joint session on enhancing institutional and administrative capacity building
Rome, 16-17 October 2014
Post graduation employment options / 2012Georgiana T.
This document provides information about post-graduation employment options for international students in the United States. It discusses Optional Practical Training (OPT) as the recommended first step after graduation to gain work experience. It then covers the H-1B visa process, requirements, quotas, fees and timeline. It emphasizes only seeking legal immigration advice from qualified attorneys and following the guidance of your international student office.
Textual information analysis for the integration of different data repositoriescarloamati
Methodological guidelines for record matching in absence of common identification codes in case of different data sources on investment projects, with practical application based on textual information
Continuous reporting of new cases in Spain supports the relationship between Herbalife products and liver injury. The study identified 20 cases of liver damage associated with Herbalife product use reported to the Spanish Pharmacovigilance Centers between 2003-2010. Most patients were middle-aged women, and over half required hospitalization. While most recovered, one patient developed cirrhosis. The variety of Herbalife products consumed by patients did not reveal a commonly hepatotoxic ingredient. The ongoing reports emphasize the liver safety concerns regarding Herbalife dietary supplements.
Open Data Standards and Open Source Modeling Tools: The GPL'd Release of Wind...Steve Arnold
This release of GWOCSS (now available on github) takes advantage of the GNU General Public License (GPL), to both preserve existing copyrights and to maintain the “rights-of-use” for both current and future users of the software. As such, the GPL, or an alternative such as Creative Commons, is an ideal fit for licensing scientific software and related tools, data, and more. In addition, when combined with such a license, a tool like GWOCSS can be adapted and extended for the benefit of all users, thus spurring progress in general (Arnold, S. L., 2005). This is particularly important for tools with such a wide variety of both research and operational applications.
Клинический случай. Поражение легких при лечении метотрексатом больной с ревм...Ирина Головач
Представлено описание клинического случая развития интерстициального поражения легких у пациентки с ревматоидным артритом при лечении метотрексатом. Представлен также обзор данных литературы по метотрексатовой легочной токсичности
This document summarizes the changes made to support different parameter passing conventions in a programming language called AF. AF now supports call-by-value, call-by-reference, and call-by-need. The type of calling is specified in procedure declarations using annotations. The semantics and interpreter were updated to handle evaluating procedure arguments based on the calling convention. New test cases were added to validate the changes and ensure the different conventions work as expected.
- The Affordable Care Act employer mandate requires companies with 50+ full-time employees to provide affordable health insurance to at least 95% of employees or face penalties.
- Complying with complex ACA reporting requirements, like analyzing workforce data and filing IRS forms, is challenging without outsourced support.
- Bundling outsourced payroll administration and benefits administration helps employers streamline reporting, reduce costs, and ensure compliance with evolving regulations.
Jo-Ann Sanborn is a painter known for her landscapes of the Florida Everglades. She often drives through the Everglades looking for scenes to paint, making rough sketches on site before returning to her studio to finish the paintings. Her impressionistic style captures the unique environment and vegetation of the Everglades through layered colors and gestural brushstrokes. While painting conditions in the Everglades are difficult, Sanborn aims to bring awareness to and preserve the fragile ecosystem through her work. Viewers who see her paintings come to perceive the Everglades in a new light.
Textual information analysis for the integration of different data repositoriescarloamati
Methodological guidelines for record matching in absence of common identification codes in case of different data sources on investment projects, with practical application based on textual information
Continuous reporting of new cases in Spain supports the relationship between Herbalife products and liver injury. The study identified 20 cases of liver damage associated with Herbalife product use reported to the Spanish Pharmacovigilance Centers between 2003-2010. Most patients were middle-aged women, and over half required hospitalization. While most recovered, one patient developed cirrhosis. The variety of Herbalife products consumed by patients did not reveal a commonly hepatotoxic ingredient. The ongoing reports emphasize the liver safety concerns regarding Herbalife dietary supplements.
Open Data Standards and Open Source Modeling Tools: The GPL'd Release of Wind...Steve Arnold
This release of GWOCSS (now available on github) takes advantage of the GNU General Public License (GPL), to both preserve existing copyrights and to maintain the “rights-of-use” for both current and future users of the software. As such, the GPL, or an alternative such as Creative Commons, is an ideal fit for licensing scientific software and related tools, data, and more. In addition, when combined with such a license, a tool like GWOCSS can be adapted and extended for the benefit of all users, thus spurring progress in general (Arnold, S. L., 2005). This is particularly important for tools with such a wide variety of both research and operational applications.
Клинический случай. Поражение легких при лечении метотрексатом больной с ревм...Ирина Головач
Представлено описание клинического случая развития интерстициального поражения легких у пациентки с ревматоидным артритом при лечении метотрексатом. Представлен также обзор данных литературы по метотрексатовой легочной токсичности
This document summarizes the changes made to support different parameter passing conventions in a programming language called AF. AF now supports call-by-value, call-by-reference, and call-by-need. The type of calling is specified in procedure declarations using annotations. The semantics and interpreter were updated to handle evaluating procedure arguments based on the calling convention. New test cases were added to validate the changes and ensure the different conventions work as expected.
- The Affordable Care Act employer mandate requires companies with 50+ full-time employees to provide affordable health insurance to at least 95% of employees or face penalties.
- Complying with complex ACA reporting requirements, like analyzing workforce data and filing IRS forms, is challenging without outsourced support.
- Bundling outsourced payroll administration and benefits administration helps employers streamline reporting, reduce costs, and ensure compliance with evolving regulations.
Jo-Ann Sanborn is a painter known for her landscapes of the Florida Everglades. She often drives through the Everglades looking for scenes to paint, making rough sketches on site before returning to her studio to finish the paintings. Her impressionistic style captures the unique environment and vegetation of the Everglades through layered colors and gestural brushstrokes. While painting conditions in the Everglades are difficult, Sanborn aims to bring awareness to and preserve the fragile ecosystem through her work. Viewers who see her paintings come to perceive the Everglades in a new light.
Does "pork" attract voter?: Evidence from Survey Experiment Masaki Hata
This document summarizes Masaki Hata's presentation at the Kobe Political Communications Research Workshop. The presentation examined whether information about political "gains" or "losses" more effectively increases voter interest through a survey experiment. The experiment found that negative information about sociotropic or pocketbook losses had a greater effect on raising political interest among Japanese voters than positive or control information. This suggests that in Japan, where politicians have fewer resources to distribute benefits, voters are more aware of and engaged by negative economic outcomes than potential gains from policies.