Este anexo proporciona siglas y símbolos convencionales utilizados en proyectos de instalaciones domiciliarias de agua potable y alcantarillado. Incluye símbolos para tuberías de agua potable, artefactos sanitarios, instalaciones de alcantarillado y cuestiones técnicas como cotas y diámetros. El documento busca estandarizar la representación gráfica de estas instalaciones para facilitar la lectura de planos y proyectos.
KLEE is a symbolic virtual machine built on LLVM that generates automatic tests with high coverage by using symbolic execution and constraint solving. It is the successor to a similar tool called EXE and uses STP as its constraint solver. KLEE allows testing programs with symbolic inputs to achieve high code coverage and find bugs.
eXplorer: a dynamic statistical data visualization tool to support Italian de...carloamati
The document describes Explorer, a statistical data visualization tool developed by the Italian Ministry of Economic Development to support development policy in Italy. Explorer allows users to interactively explore multiple indicators and their trends over time to analyze differences between regions and assess progress towards policy targets. It integrates data from various sources at the regional, sub-regional, and municipal levels. The Ministry has deployed two instances of Explorer using regional economic and public services data to facilitate open debate and evaluation of development programs. A demonstration showed Explorer's ability to tell stories with data and compare performance to waste management goals. Lessons indicated guidance is needed for non-technical users and active engagement is required to encourage story sharing.
This short document promotes creating presentations using Haiku Deck, a tool for making slideshows. It encourages the reader to get started making their own Haiku Deck presentation and sharing it on 狠狠撸Share. In just one sentence, it pitches the idea of using Haiku Deck to easily create engaging slideshows.
Does "pork" attract voter?: Evidence from Survey Experiment Masaki Hata
This document summarizes Masaki Hata's presentation at the Kobe Political Communications Research Workshop. The presentation examined whether information about political "gains" or "losses" more effectively increases voter interest through a survey experiment. The experiment found that negative information about sociotropic or pocketbook losses had a greater effect on raising political interest among Japanese voters than positive or control information. This suggests that in Japan, where politicians have fewer resources to distribute benefits, voters are more aware of and engaged by negative economic outcomes than potential gains from policies.