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In-Situ Remediation of Hexavalent Chromium, Antimony and
 Nickel with Sub-Micron (Nano)-Scale Ferrous Sulfide Slurry

           Jim V. Rouse, Richard H. Christensen, PhD LPG,
              & Steven R. Irvin 袖g/L
                                (AcuityES, Fishers, IN)

                                                            息 AcuityES 2013
Acuity Environmental Solutions

 Companys Primary Focus:
    Environmental Liability Consulting (how to manage liabilities)
    Site Investigation  Soil, Groundwater, Air
    Remediation of contaminated Sites
    Expert Witness Testimony

 Companys Secondary Focus:
    Environmental Permitting  Air, Water, Waste
    Environmental Compliance

                                                                息 AcuityES 2013
In-Situ Remediation of Hexavalent Chromium,
Antimony and Nickel with Nano-Scale Ferrous
               Sulfide Slurry

 Presented At:
    International Seminar on Remediation and Redevelopment of
        Contaminated Sites, Sao Paulo, Brazil
    AEHS West Coast Conference, San Diego, CA
    USEPAs Sustainable Remediation International Conference,
          Amherst, MA
    AWPA National Conference, Ft. Lauderdale, FL & Nashville, TN
    Midwest States Environmental Consulting Assoc., Indianapolis, IN
    Battelle Conference, Monterey, California

                                                             息 AcuityES 2013
Case Study In
In Situ Geochemical Reduction
 Stabilization (i.e., immobilizing) of metal constituents by
 chemically reducing the metals of concern to less soluble forms
 through the manipulation of geochemical factors such as:
     Oxidation potential (Eh or ORP)
     Ion exchange

 Resulting in the elimination of metallic contaminants by:

                                                             息 AcuityES 2013
Key Project Considerations
 Competitors Proposals for Project included:
  Off-site disposal of hazardous soils
  15 - 20 year pump and treat remedy for groundwater
  >$8 Million
     Note: original estimates based on >50% smaller source area

 Our Solution:
  In Situ remediation of impacted soils and groundwater
  Goal: 2 year total remedy - 1/8th the time -
  Cost: $4.5 Million - Nearly 50% below competitors bids -

                                                         息 AcuityES 2013
Chrome Plating
       Gone Wild!

                    息 AcuityES 2013
First things

                                    Segregation of Waste for Disposal

Interior Building Decontamination

                 Building Demolition

                                                           息 AcuityES 2013
First things

                                      Groundwater Sampling

Soil Boring & Well Installation

                      Soil Sampling

                                                       息 AcuityES 2013
Site Location -- Muncie, IN



                                 息 AcuityES 2013
Site Plan for X-Section Line
Site Conditions
First investigation  2005

AcuityES - 2009


                                      息 AcuityES 2013
Geologic X-Section


                     息 AcuityES 2013
Unconfined Aquifer

Clay to 15 feet (w/stringers)
Sands & fine gravels

Static Water at 15 bgl

Saturated thickness
   5 in SE to
      > 25 in NW

                                息 AcuityES 2013
Soil Impacts
                                  7,900 mg/Kg maximum Cr+6

                                  3,600 mg/Kg Cr+6 at 12 bgl

                                 State Cleanup Goal - 38 mg/Kg

 Two Adjacent Source Areas
 5,400 cubic yards of impact
 Perched water sand stringers

                                                          息 AcuityES 2013
      800,000 袖g/L

    9,700,000 袖g/L

   Groundwater COCs          66,000 sq ft (320 ft long) Plume
   Cr+6, Sb, As, and Ni      Offsite Cr+6 at 58,800 袖g/L

            State Cleanup Goal- 100 袖g/L Cr+6
                                                    息 AcuityES 2013
In Situ Chemical Reduction

Ferrous Sulfate : FeSO4揃7H2O       Sodium Thiosulfate : Na2S2O3
Ferrous Sulfide : FeS              Sodium Metabisulfite : Na2S2O5
Calcium Polysulfide (CPS) : CaSx   Sodium Sulfite : Na2SO3
                                    Zero Valent Iron

                                                          息 AcuityES 2013
Selected Ferrous Sulfide (FeS)
    FeS, Hybrid Form (aka precipitated pyrite)
    Liquid suspension of 7% FeS
    FeS, hybrid - With additional 2% free Sulfide
                  to simulate CaSx

    Nanoscale: 98% crystals <5 microns

    Cationic (Iron)
     4 H2O + Cr042- + 3 Fe2- + 4 OH- 
            3 Fe(OH)3+ Cr(OH)3 (Solid)

    Anionic (sulfide)
     17 H2O + 8 Cr042- + 3 HS- 
            3 S + 8 Cr(OH)3 (Solid) + 12 OH-

                                                    息 AcuityES 2013
In Situ Soil

                                   GPS Grid Network  10 x 10
                                 (100 x 70 to 15) & Shallow to 5

Dual Axis Blender  15 Plunge
Total Area  130 x 110

             Computerized Dosing

                                                          息 AcuityES 2013
In Situ Soil Blending

     Dual Axis Blender
     FeS injection/mixing

                            息 AcuityES 2013
In Situ Soil Blending

                  Thorough Mixing to 15 BGL

                                     息 AcuityES 2013
In Situ Soil Blending
    Completed in 2 weeks
    Total FeS = 78,300 gallons
    Subsequent stabilization with aglime required

                                                息 AcuityES 2013
Confirmation Sampling

                        息 AcuityES 2013
Groundwater Injections  FeS
155 Inject Pts
15 ft ROI
6 wks complete

                                 息 AcuityES 2013
Groundwater Injections


Boulder Fields

  6 caliche
(calcified silt)

Lodgement till

                             息 AcuityES 2013

  FeS Injection Totes
 35,385 gallons injected
                                 Rotosonic Drilling
                           Top Down Injection  5ft intervals

                                                  息 AcuityES 2013
Groundwater Injections

 Sensitivity to
the Community


                              息 AcuityES 2013
Preferential Flow Paths
15  20 bgl
Sand Unit

                             息 AcuityES 2013
Preferential Flow Paths
20 - 25 bgl
Sand Unit

                            息 AcuityES 2013
Pre-Treatment   Cr +6

State Cleanup
   Goal of
  100 袖g/L

                            息 AcuityES 2013
FeS Reductant Injection

                          息 AcuityES 2013
1 st   Q Post-Treatment   Cr +6

                                  息 AcuityES 2013
2 nd   Q Post-Treatment   Cr +6

                                  息 AcuityES 2013
3 rd   Q Post-Treatment   Cr +6

                                  息 AcuityES 2013
1 st   Supplemental Injection

                                息 AcuityES 2013
4 th   Q Post-Treatment   Cr +6

                                  息 AcuityES 2013
5 th   Q Post-Treatment   Cr +6

                                  息 AcuityES 2013
6 th   Q Post-Treatment   Cr +6

                                  息 AcuityES 2013
7 th   Q Post-Treatment   Cr +6

                                  息 AcuityES 2013
2 nd   Supplemental Injection

                                息 AcuityES 2013
8 th      10 th   Q Post-Treatment   Cr +6

                                       息 AcuityES 2013
Antimony Treatment
   Antimony Concentrations:
         Detected in 25 monitoring wells
         on-Site up to 30,000 袖g/L
         off-Site up to 4,700 袖g/L

         State Industrial Cleanup level - 41 袖g/L
         State Residential Cleanup Level - 6 袖g/L

   Goal for Antimony:
          Fixate onto Goethite (FeO(OH)) or
          Precipitate as stibnite (Sb2S3)

                                                    息 AcuityES 2013
Pre-Treatment Antimony

State Cleanup
   Goal of
    6 袖g/L

                         息 AcuityES 2013
FeS Reductant Injection

                          息 AcuityES 2013
1 st   Q Post-Treatment Antimony

                               息 AcuityES 2013
2 nd   Q Post-Treatment Antimony

                              息 AcuityES 2013
3 rd   Q Post-Treatment Antimony

                               息 AcuityES 2013
1 st   Supplemental Injection

                                息 AcuityES 2013
4 th   -   10 th   Q Post-Treatment Antimony

All results less
 than method
detection level
     6 袖g/L

                                        息 AcuityES 2013
Nickel Treatment
   Nickel Concentrations
         Detected in 10 wells exceeding cleanup levels
           off-Site up to 4,100 袖g/L
           on-Site up to 50,000 袖g/L

          State Industrial Cleanup level  2,000 袖g/L
          State Residential Cleanup Level - 730 袖g/L

   Goal for Nickel:
          Fixate as: westerveldite ([FeNiCo]As) or
                     pentlandite (FeNiS)

                                                     息 AcuityES 2013
Pre-Treatment Nickel

State Cleanup
   Goal of
  730 袖g/L

                        息 AcuityES 2013
FeS Reductant Injection

                          息 AcuityES 2013
1st Q Post-Treatment Nickel

All results less
 than method
detection level
    50 袖g/L


                              息 AcuityES 2013
Arsenic    Pre-treatment As detected in 13 wells
            @ concentrations of 11 袖g/L to 360 袖g/L

            10th Quarter Sampling results:
                   only 2 wells @ 11 & 12 袖g/L

            Goal for Arsenic
            Fixate as: orpiment (As2S3) or
                       arsenopyrite (FeAsS)

                                                 息 AcuityES 2013
The Site Today

                 息 AcuityES 2013
ISCR Benefits
1. In situ soil blending eliminated need for off-Site
   hazardous waste disposal. (> 10,000 Tons)

2. In situ groundwater geochemical reduction
   eliminated need for prolonged pump and treat.

3. In situ geochemical reduction reduced time
   period of remediation from > 15 years to about 2

                                                  息 AcuityES 2013
Richard H. Christensen, PhD, LPG  rchristensen@acuityes.com
             Steven R. Irvin  Irvin@acuityes.com
             Jim V. Rouse  jrouse@acuityes.com


               Past Teaming Partners
     CDM Smith               Mundell & Associates
     Burns & McDonnell       CALIBRE
     Professional Engineers  MWH Global
     Malcom Pirnie           Carndo MMA


                                                       息 AcuityES 2013

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2013 AcuityES Case Study

  • 1. In-Situ Remediation of Hexavalent Chromium, Antimony and Nickel with Sub-Micron (Nano)-Scale Ferrous Sulfide Slurry Jim V. Rouse, Richard H. Christensen, PhD LPG, & Steven R. Irvin 袖g/L (AcuityES, Fishers, IN) 息 AcuityES 2013
  • 2. Acuity Environmental Solutions Companys Primary Focus: Environmental Liability Consulting (how to manage liabilities) Site Investigation Soil, Groundwater, Air Remediation of contaminated Sites Expert Witness Testimony Companys Secondary Focus: Environmental Permitting Air, Water, Waste Environmental Compliance 息 AcuityES 2013
  • 3. In-Situ Remediation of Hexavalent Chromium, Antimony and Nickel with Nano-Scale Ferrous Sulfide Slurry Presented At: International Seminar on Remediation and Redevelopment of Contaminated Sites, Sao Paulo, Brazil AEHS West Coast Conference, San Diego, CA USEPAs Sustainable Remediation International Conference, Amherst, MA AWPA National Conference, Ft. Lauderdale, FL & Nashville, TN Midwest States Environmental Consulting Assoc., Indianapolis, IN Battelle Conference, Monterey, California 息 AcuityES 2013
  • 4. Case Study In In Situ Geochemical Reduction Stabilization (i.e., immobilizing) of metal constituents by chemically reducing the metals of concern to less soluble forms through the manipulation of geochemical factors such as: pH Oxidation potential (Eh or ORP) Complexation Sorption Ion exchange Resulting in the elimination of metallic contaminants by: Precipitation Dissolution Oxidation Complexation 息 AcuityES 2013
  • 5. Key Project Considerations Competitors Proposals for Project included: Off-site disposal of hazardous soils 15 - 20 year pump and treat remedy for groundwater >$8 Million Note: original estimates based on >50% smaller source area Our Solution: In Situ remediation of impacted soils and groundwater Goal: 2 year total remedy - 1/8th the time - Cost: $4.5 Million - Nearly 50% below competitors bids - 息 AcuityES 2013
  • 6. Chrome Plating Gone Wild! 息 AcuityES 2013
  • 7. First things first Segregation of Waste for Disposal Interior Building Decontamination Building Demolition 息 AcuityES 2013
  • 8. First things first Groundwater Sampling Soil Boring & Well Installation Soil Sampling 息 AcuityES 2013
  • 9. Site Location -- Muncie, IN GW Impacts Source Areas 息 AcuityES 2013
  • 10. Site Plan for X-Section Line Site Conditions A First investigation 2005 AcuityES - 2009 A 息 AcuityES 2013
  • 11. Geologic X-Section FORMER BASEMENT SOURCE AREA 息 AcuityES 2013
  • 12. Hydrogeology Unconfined Aquifer Clay to 15 feet (w/stringers) Sands & fine gravels Static Water at 15 bgl Saturated thickness 5 in SE to > 25 in NW 息 AcuityES 2013
  • 13. Soil Impacts 7,900 mg/Kg maximum Cr+6 3,600 mg/Kg Cr+6 at 12 bgl State Cleanup Goal - 38 mg/Kg Two Adjacent Source Areas 5,400 cubic yards of impact Perched water sand stringers 息 AcuityES 2013
  • 14. Groundwater Impacts On-Site Cr+6 800,000 袖g/L 9,700,000 袖g/L Groundwater COCs 66,000 sq ft (320 ft long) Plume Cr+6, Sb, As, and Ni Offsite Cr+6 at 58,800 袖g/L State Cleanup Goal- 100 袖g/L Cr+6 息 AcuityES 2013
  • 15. In Situ Chemical Reduction BENCH TESTED CHEMICALS REDUCTANTS Ferrous Sulfate : FeSO4揃7H2O Sodium Thiosulfate : Na2S2O3 Ferrous Sulfide : FeS Sodium Metabisulfite : Na2S2O5 Calcium Polysulfide (CPS) : CaSx Sodium Sulfite : Na2SO3 Zero Valent Iron 息 AcuityES 2013
  • 16. Selected Ferrous Sulfide (FeS) FeS, Hybrid Form (aka precipitated pyrite) Liquid suspension of 7% FeS FeS, hybrid - With additional 2% free Sulfide to simulate CaSx Nanoscale: 98% crystals <5 microns Cationic (Iron) 4 H2O + Cr042- + 3 Fe2- + 4 OH- 3 Fe(OH)3+ Cr(OH)3 (Solid) Anionic (sulfide) 17 H2O + 8 Cr042- + 3 HS- 3 S + 8 Cr(OH)3 (Solid) + 12 OH- 息 AcuityES 2013
  • 17. In Situ Soil Blending GPS Grid Network 10 x 10 (100 x 70 to 15) & Shallow to 5 Dual Axis Blender 15 Plunge Total Area 130 x 110 Computerized Dosing 息 AcuityES 2013
  • 18. In Situ Soil Blending Dual Axis Blender FeS injection/mixing 息 AcuityES 2013
  • 19. In Situ Soil Blending Thorough Mixing to 15 BGL 息 AcuityES 2013
  • 20. In Situ Soil Blending Completed in 2 weeks Total FeS = 78,300 gallons Subsequent stabilization with aglime required 息 AcuityES 2013
  • 21. Confirmation Sampling 息 AcuityES 2013
  • 22. Groundwater Injections FeS THE NUMBERS 155 Inject Pts 15 ft ROI 6 wks complete 息 AcuityES 2013
  • 23. Groundwater Injections Difficult Injections Boulder Fields 6 caliche (calcified silt) Lodgement till 息 AcuityES 2013
  • 24. Groundwater Injections FeS Injection Totes 35,385 gallons injected Rotosonic Drilling Top Down Injection 5ft intervals 息 AcuityES 2013
  • 25. Groundwater Injections Sensitivity to the Community Required Residential Hours 息 AcuityES 2013
  • 26. Preferential Flow Paths 15 20 bgl Sand Unit 息 AcuityES 2013
  • 27. Preferential Flow Paths 20 - 25 bgl Sand Unit 息 AcuityES 2013
  • 28. Pre-Treatment Cr +6 State Cleanup Goal of 100 袖g/L 息 AcuityES 2013
  • 29. FeS Reductant Injection 息 AcuityES 2013
  • 30. 1 st Q Post-Treatment Cr +6 息 AcuityES 2013
  • 31. 2 nd Q Post-Treatment Cr +6 息 AcuityES 2013
  • 32. 3 rd Q Post-Treatment Cr +6 息 AcuityES 2013
  • 33. 1 st Supplemental Injection 息 AcuityES 2013
  • 34. 4 th Q Post-Treatment Cr +6 息 AcuityES 2013
  • 35. 5 th Q Post-Treatment Cr +6 息 AcuityES 2013
  • 36. 6 th Q Post-Treatment Cr +6 息 AcuityES 2013
  • 37. 7 th Q Post-Treatment Cr +6 息 AcuityES 2013
  • 38. 2 nd Supplemental Injection 息 AcuityES 2013
  • 39. 8 th 10 th Q Post-Treatment Cr +6 息 AcuityES 2013
  • 40. Antimony Treatment Antimony Concentrations: Detected in 25 monitoring wells on-Site up to 30,000 袖g/L off-Site up to 4,700 袖g/L State Industrial Cleanup level - 41 袖g/L State Residential Cleanup Level - 6 袖g/L Goal for Antimony: Fixate onto Goethite (FeO(OH)) or Precipitate as stibnite (Sb2S3) 息 AcuityES 2013
  • 41. Pre-Treatment Antimony State Cleanup Goal of 6 袖g/L 息 AcuityES 2013
  • 42. FeS Reductant Injection 息 AcuityES 2013
  • 43. 1 st Q Post-Treatment Antimony 息 AcuityES 2013
  • 44. 2 nd Q Post-Treatment Antimony 息 AcuityES 2013
  • 45. 3 rd Q Post-Treatment Antimony 息 AcuityES 2013
  • 46. 1 st Supplemental Injection 息 AcuityES 2013
  • 47. 4 th - 10 th Q Post-Treatment Antimony All results less than method detection level of 6 袖g/L 息 AcuityES 2013
  • 48. Nickel Treatment Nickel Concentrations Detected in 10 wells exceeding cleanup levels off-Site up to 4,100 袖g/L on-Site up to 50,000 袖g/L State Industrial Cleanup level 2,000 袖g/L State Residential Cleanup Level - 730 袖g/L Goal for Nickel: Fixate as: westerveldite ([FeNiCo]As) or pentlandite (FeNiS) 息 AcuityES 2013
  • 49. Pre-Treatment Nickel State Cleanup Goal of 730 袖g/L 息 AcuityES 2013
  • 50. FeS Reductant Injection 息 AcuityES 2013
  • 51. 1st Q Post-Treatment Nickel All results less than method detection level of 50 袖g/L No subsequent detections 息 AcuityES 2013
  • 52. Arsenic Arsenic Pre-treatment As detected in 13 wells @ concentrations of 11 袖g/L to 360 袖g/L 10th Quarter Sampling results: only 2 wells @ 11 & 12 袖g/L Goal for Arsenic Fixate as: orpiment (As2S3) or arsenopyrite (FeAsS) 息 AcuityES 2013
  • 53. The Site Today 息 AcuityES 2013
  • 54. ISCR Benefits 1. In situ soil blending eliminated need for off-Site hazardous waste disposal. (> 10,000 Tons) 2. In situ groundwater geochemical reduction eliminated need for prolonged pump and treat. 3. In situ geochemical reduction reduced time period of remediation from > 15 years to about 2 years. 息 AcuityES 2013
  • 55. CONTACT Richard H. Christensen, PhD, LPG rchristensen@acuityes.com Steven R. Irvin Irvin@acuityes.com Jim V. Rouse jrouse@acuityes.com 317-570-4919 Past Teaming Partners CDM Smith Mundell & Associates Burns & McDonnell CALIBRE Professional Engineers MWH Global Malcom Pirnie Carndo MMA www.acuityes.com 息 AcuityES 2013