This document summarizes key points from PALS guidelines regarding pre-hospital and emergency care. It discusses conducting a primary assessment of airway, breathing, circulation, disability and exposure. Signs of life-threatening conditions are outlined. The document also summarizes recommendations for chest compressions, endotracheal intubation, use of cuffed tubes, laryngeal masks and verifying tube placement. Recognition of shock in pediatric patients is covered, including etiologies and algorithms for treatment. Potentially reversible causes of cardiac arrest are listed. Trends in PALS, such as the pediatric assessment triangle and cardiocerebral resuscitation, are also mentioned.
This document summarizes the activities of PED YAHATA, a pediatric clinic, in 2010. It details that the clinic saw 51,472 outpatients that year, with 28,103 visits being after-hours. It also treated 3,896 hospitalized children, 51.3% of which were referrals. The pediatric intensive care unit (PICU) had 50 patients while the high care unit (HCU) had 275. The clinic had 22-24 pediatricians, 65 nurses, and 5 nursery nurses on staff. It discusses the clinic's role in pediatric emergency care, which includes prophylaxis, intensive care, rehabilitation, transport, and family support. It closes by thanking people for their attention and
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The document discusses problems with medical practice in Japan, specifically with "Daimyo-gyoretsu" or large professor-led rounds. These rounds involve large groups of doctors briefly checking on many patients with little interaction or privacy. The document proposes adopting smaller team-based rounds that allow more time with each patient and respect privacy. Studies show smaller rounds improve patient satisfaction and education compared to current professor rounds. The document concludes Japan should adopt continuous improvement ("kaizen") to rounds in order to enhance quality of care and patient experience.
storage media or avulsion media review Praveen Gali
This document discusses various storage media options for avulsed teeth. It begins by explaining the need for storage media when immediate replantation is not possible after tooth avulsion. An ideal storage medium should preserve periodontal ligament cell viability, promote mitogenicity, be non-toxic, and maintain functional cell capabilities. The document then classifies and describes the characteristics and effectiveness of numerous natural and synthetic storage media options, including milk, coconut water, green tea extract, and Hank's Balanced Salt Solution. It provides time limits for how long each medium can effectively store an avulsed tooth.
The document summarizes updates to the 2015 pediatric advanced life support (PALS) guidelines compared to the 2010 guidelines. Key changes include more restrictive fluid administration for febrile illness in resource-limited settings, controversial recommendations around routine atropine use before intubation, using invasive hemodynamic monitoring to guide CPR if already in place, considering extracorporeal cardiopulmonary resuscitation for some cardiac arrest cases, and maintaining normothermia rather than induced hypothermia after resuscitation from cardiac arrest. The summary highlights maintaining appropriate oxygen saturation and carbon dioxide levels, as well as blood pressure, after cardiac arrest.
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? BLS Basic Life Support
? PALS Pediatric Advanced Life Support
? PFCCS Pediatric Fundamental Critical
Care Support
? PEARS Pediatric Emergency Assessment,
Recognition, and Stabilization