Antonio Traugott, Director General de IAB Spain, otorgó a Jose María Sánchez Morales un diploma acreditativo para el Curso básico de Marketing Digital de 40 horas de duración en junio de 2015, después de que Jose María superara con éxito los tests de todos los módulos del curso, que incluyó temas como SEO, SEM, analítica, usabilidad, vídeo, display, social, mobile, apps, plan de marketing, e-commerce, empleo y negocio electrónico.
The document discusses protection of maternity. It is from a trade union forum discussing strategies and solidarity of East Asian trade unions. It specifically mentions a presentation from Kang Yeon Bae of the Korean Health & Medical Workers' Union on union activities needed to improve the situation regarding protection of maternity.
The document discusses protection of maternity. It is from a trade union forum discussing strategies and solidarity of East Asian trade unions. It specifically mentions a presentation from Kang Yeon Bae of the Korean Health & Medical Workers' Union on union activities needed to improve the situation regarding protection of maternity.