2017.03.27 elektroteknikk dc - elektrostatikk kap 6 v12Sven ge Eriksen
Elektrostatikk capacitor kondensator kondensatorer elektrisk felt opplading utlading tidskonstant elektroteknikk dc sven 奪ge eriksen Sven ge Eriksen Fagskolen Telemark
Sven ge Eriksen Fagskolen Telemark Magnetisme magnetisk feltstyrke fagskolen telemark reluktans tesla henry ampere magnetisk flukstetthet magnetisk fluks
Lab 4 Report Switching Voltage Regulators Katrina Little
This lab experiment introduces switching voltage regulators. The student will build a switching regulator circuit to output 5V from a 10V input. Key measurements will include output voltage and current at varying input voltages and load resistances. Data will be plotted and compared to the LM2576 datasheet values. The load regulation and inductor voltage waveforms will also be analyzed.
This document discusses circuit and network theory. It covers topics such as circuit elements and laws, magnetic circuits, network analysis, network theorems, AC circuits and resonance, coupled circuits, transients, two-port networks, and filters. Mesh analysis is introduced as a technique for network analysis that is applicable to planar networks containing voltage sources. The key steps are selecting mesh currents, then writing and solving KVL equations in terms of the unknown currents.
The document discusses AC circuits using phasors to represent voltages and currents. It introduces the concepts of resistive reactance (R), capacitive reactance (XC), and inductive reactance (XL). R causes voltage to be in phase with current, while XC causes voltage to lag current by 90属 and XL causes voltage to lead current by 90属. Together, R, XC and XL determine the impedance (Z) and phase angle () of the circuit. The document uses an example of an L-C circuit to show how to calculate the frequency where XC and XL are equal.
Presentation about chapter 1 of electrical circuit analysis. standard prefixes. basic terminology power,current,voltage,resistance.How power is absorbed by the circuit and its calculation with passive sign convention.
In this slide I have explained how two watt meters can be used to measure 3 phase power. Some of the added advantage of this method is that we can calculate 3 phase reactive power and power factor of load as well.
A virtual ground is a point in a circuit that has a voltage of 0 volts, but is not directly connected to ground. The document describes two virtual ground circuits using voltage dividers with opposing voltage sources. In the first circuit, the 10V and -10V sources create a 20V difference with a virtual ground at the midpoint. In the second circuit, the 1V and -10V sources create an 11V difference, with the virtual ground again occurring at the midpoint.
- Any steady state voltage or current in a linear circuit with a sinusoidal source is a sinusoid with the same frequency as the source. Phasors and complex impedances allow conversion of differential equations to circuit analysis by representing magnitude and phase of sinusoids.
- For a resistor, the voltage and current are in phase. In the phasor domain, the resistor phasor relationship is V=IR. In the time domain, the average power dissipated is proportional to the product of RMS current and voltage.
Sven ge Eriksen Fagskolen Telemark Magnetisme magnetisk feltstyrke fagskolen telemark reluktans tesla henry ampere magnetisk flukstetthet magnetisk fluks
Lab 4 Report Switching Voltage Regulators Katrina Little
This lab experiment introduces switching voltage regulators. The student will build a switching regulator circuit to output 5V from a 10V input. Key measurements will include output voltage and current at varying input voltages and load resistances. Data will be plotted and compared to the LM2576 datasheet values. The load regulation and inductor voltage waveforms will also be analyzed.
This document discusses circuit and network theory. It covers topics such as circuit elements and laws, magnetic circuits, network analysis, network theorems, AC circuits and resonance, coupled circuits, transients, two-port networks, and filters. Mesh analysis is introduced as a technique for network analysis that is applicable to planar networks containing voltage sources. The key steps are selecting mesh currents, then writing and solving KVL equations in terms of the unknown currents.
The document discusses AC circuits using phasors to represent voltages and currents. It introduces the concepts of resistive reactance (R), capacitive reactance (XC), and inductive reactance (XL). R causes voltage to be in phase with current, while XC causes voltage to lag current by 90属 and XL causes voltage to lead current by 90属. Together, R, XC and XL determine the impedance (Z) and phase angle () of the circuit. The document uses an example of an L-C circuit to show how to calculate the frequency where XC and XL are equal.
Presentation about chapter 1 of electrical circuit analysis. standard prefixes. basic terminology power,current,voltage,resistance.How power is absorbed by the circuit and its calculation with passive sign convention.
In this slide I have explained how two watt meters can be used to measure 3 phase power. Some of the added advantage of this method is that we can calculate 3 phase reactive power and power factor of load as well.
A virtual ground is a point in a circuit that has a voltage of 0 volts, but is not directly connected to ground. The document describes two virtual ground circuits using voltage dividers with opposing voltage sources. In the first circuit, the 10V and -10V sources create a 20V difference with a virtual ground at the midpoint. In the second circuit, the 1V and -10V sources create an 11V difference, with the virtual ground again occurring at the midpoint.
- Any steady state voltage or current in a linear circuit with a sinusoidal source is a sinusoid with the same frequency as the source. Phasors and complex impedances allow conversion of differential equations to circuit analysis by representing magnitude and phase of sinusoids.
- For a resistor, the voltage and current are in phase. In the phasor domain, the resistor phasor relationship is V=IR. In the time domain, the average power dissipated is proportional to the product of RMS current and voltage.
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Datakommunikasjon Elektronisk kommunikasjon sven 奪ge eriksen fagskolen telemark LAN WAN www world wide web modem graham bell samuel morse local area network wide area nettwork modem telstar
5. P1 = S 揃 cos 陸 = 揃 U 揃 I 揃 cos 陸 (3-fase effekt)
P1=P2/ 侶
Avgitt motoreffekt P2 p奪
motorakselen er oppgitt
p奪 merkeskiltet.
6. - 3-fas str淡mtrekk fra nettet: I = S / 揃 U
- 3-fas tilsynelatende effekt S = 揃 U 揃 I
- 3-fas tilsynelatende effekt S S = P1 / cos 陸
- Reaktiv effekt Q Q = S 揃 sin 陸
- Aktiv effekt P1 P1=P2/ 侶
- Aktiv effekt P1: P1 = S 揃 cos 陸 = 揃 U 揃 I 揃 cos 陸
- Avgitt motoreffekt P2 St奪r p奪 merkeskilt
- Effektfaktor cos 陸 og effekttrekant.
- Virkningsgrad: 侶 (eta) = P2 / P1
12. Effekt, ytelse, omsatt energi per tidsenhet.
I fysikken blir energi definert som evne til 奪 utf淡re
arbeid. Effekt blir da et uttrykk for tempoet arbeidet utf淡res i. Hvis
man heiser en last en meter opp, blir forbruket av energi det
samme uavhengig av hvilket tempo arbeidet utf淡res i, men mer
effekt kreves hvis arbeidet skal utf淡res p奪 kortere tid.
I praksis blir begrepene energi og effekt ogs奪 benyttet om bruk
av avledede energiformer som varmeenergi og elektrisk energi.
M奪lenhetener imidlertid den samme. I SI-systemet m奪les
effekten i watt [W] (oppkalt etter James Watt) der en watt tilsvarer
en joule [J] per sekund [s].
1 W = 1 J/s
14. Effektfaktoren cos 陸 beskriver hvor god f.eks en
trafo eller motor er til 奪 omsette tilsynelatende effekt S om
til aktiv effekt P1.
15. Sp淡rsm奪l:
Hva dimensjonerer du er elektrisk anlegg i forhold til,
tilsynelatende effekt S eller tilf淡rt aktiv effekt P eller avgitt
motoreffekt P2 ut p奪 motoraksel ?
S = 揃 U 揃 I (tilsynelatende effekt)
P= 揃U揃I揃 cos 陸 (tilf淡rt aktiv effekt)
er med i formelen ved 3-fas, men ikke ved en-fas.
16. Svar p奪 sp淡rsm奪l:
Hva dimensjonerer du er elektrisk anlegg i forhold
til, tilsynelatende effekt S eller tilf淡rt aktiv effekt P ?
Det elektriske anlegget m奪 dimensjoneres iht
S = 揃 U 揃 I (tilsynelatende effekt)
18. Side 142
P = P1
Virkningsgraden 侶(eta) sier hvor
god motoren er til
奪 omsette tilf淡rt aktiv
effekt P1 om til avgitt
effekt P2 ut p奪
19. Virkningsgraden 侶 er forholdet mellom avgitt
effekt / merkeeffekt P2 og tilf淡rt effekt P1.
P = P1
Noe av den avgitt effekten
taper vi og den g奪r bl.a til
varme, vibrasjon og lyd.
20. Det er alltid et tap i en motor, derfor er 侶 alltid mindre enn 1
21. Virkningsgrad: 侶 (eta)
Du har regnet ut at virkningsgraden til en
motor er 1,05.
Er dette et greit svar ?
Hva slags maskiner virkningsgrad
st淡rre enn 1 ?
24. Tilsynelatende 3-fas effekt: S = 揃 U 揃 I
Tilf淡rt aktiv 3-fas effekt: P1 = 揃 cos 陸
Tilf淡rt aktiv 3-fas effekt: P1 = 揃 U 揃 I 揃 cos 陸
Merkeeffekt: P2 = 揃 U 揃 I 揃 cos 陸 揃 侶
P2 er den effekten vi kan ta ut p奪 motorakselen !
Virkningsgrad: 侶 = P2 / P1
P1 = P2 / 侶
Side 138
Side 140
45. Oppgave c)
c) Hva er tilsynelatende effekt S ?
Tilf淡rt aktiv 3-fas effekt: P1 = 揃 cos 陸
46. Oppgave c)
c) Hva er tilsynelatende effekt S ?
Tilf淡rt aktiv 3-fas effekt:
P1 = 揃 cos 陸
S = P1 / cos 陸
47. Oppgave c)
c) Hva er tilsynelatende effekt S ?
Tilf淡rt aktiv 3-fas effekt:
P1 = 揃 cos 陸
S = P1 / cos 陸 = 920 W / 0,80 = 1150 W
48. Oppgave d)
d) Beregn str淡mmen som motoren trekker fra tilf淡rselsledningene.
Tilsynelatende 3-fas effekt:
S = 揃 U 揃 I
49. Oppgave d)
d) Beregn str淡mmen som motoren trekker fra tilf淡rselsledningene.
Tilsynelatende 3-fas effekt:
S = 揃 U 揃 I
I =
揃 U
50. Oppgave d)
d) Beregn str淡mmen som motoren trekker fra tilf淡rselsledningene.
Tilsynelatende 3-fas effekt:
S = 揃 U 揃 I
I =
揃 U
I =
揃 U
揃 220 V
= 3,02 A
51. Oppgave e)
e) Hva forteller virkningsgraden om motoren?
Virkningsgraden sier hvor god
motoren er til 奪 omsette tilf淡rt aktiv
effekt P1 om til avgitt motoreffekt P2
52. Oppgave f)
f) Hvorfor er virkningsgraden til en motor alltid lavere enn 1?
Det er alltid tap i en motor,
f.eks. friksjonstap
og derfor er 侶 alltid mindre enn 1
53. Oppgave g)
f) Hva forteller effektfaktoren om motoren?
Effektfaktoren sier hvor god motoren
er til 奪 omsette tilsynelatende effekt S
om til aktiv effekt P1