Daft Punk es un d炭o electr坦nico franc辿s formado en 1993 en Par鱈s. Han lanzado cuatro 叩lbumes de estudio: Homework (1997), Discovery (2001), Human After All (2005) y Random Access Memories (2013). Cada 叩lbum marc坦 una era distinta en su estilo musical y enfoque creativo, evolucionando desde el house hasta el synthpop y luego incorporando m叩s instrumentos en vivo. El d炭o tambi辿n ha compuesto bandas sonoras y ha recibido m炭ltiples nominaciones y premios por su m炭sica innovadora.
The document outlines the research and planning that went into developing the concept and production of a music video for the band "Flawless". Key aspects that were researched included visual influences from other indie bands, the target indie/hipster audience, conventions like lighting and album covers, and example music videos. An animatic and storyboard were created to plan shot sequences. Careful consideration was given to the location, props, costumes, and scheduling of the shoot to capture the desired mood and style within the production timeline.
1st Buikwe District Teachers' Forum - 1st Briefing Sessionlissalourenco
This document provides information about an upcoming teachers' forum project in Uganda. It introduces the project team and gives an overview of the Great Generation organization and its mission. It outlines the agenda for an upcoming briefing session, including introductions, details about the project in Uganda from August 4-15, logistics for travel, accommodations, and health and safety considerations. Attendees are given guidance on preparation, what to expect on the ground, and appropriate behavior during the trip.
A 78-year-old woman presented with mild cognitive impairment based on her Mini-Mental Status Examination score. Her MRI showed extensive white matter hyperintensities without ventriculomegaly. She had a history of hypertension but normal lab results. The most likely diagnosis is vascular cognitive impairment given her history of hypertension and MRI findings of diffuse white matter lesions, which have been associated with vascular causes of dementia.
El documento habla sobre la diferencia entre traductor e int辿rprete, destacando que un traductor se enfoca en traducir textos escritos mientras que un int辿rprete se dedica a la traducci坦n oral y simult叩nea.
This document is a collection of photo credits from various photographers and artists. It includes 12 photos with captions crediting the photographer or artist. It concludes by encouraging the viewer to create their own presentation using Haiku Deck on 際際滷Share.
This document provides guidelines from the Saudi Thoracic Society for pneumococcal vaccination in Saudi Arabia. Streptococcus pneumoniae is a leading cause of morbidity and mortality worldwide and an important pathogen in Saudi Arabia. Vaccination is currently recommended for children under 5, adults over 65, and those over 6 with risk factors. However, Saudi Arabia has a large population under 50 with risk factors, as well as pilgrims visiting annually who are at risk of transmission. Therefore, the guidelines recommend vaccination for all children under 5, adults over 50, and those over 6 with risk factors, based on the unique epidemiology and susceptibility of the Saudi population.
3. Aorta
je najvei arterijski krvni sud
Izlazi iz leve komore
Delovi aorte su:
Ushodni deo ( aorta ascendens )
Luk aorte ( arcus aortae )
Nishodni deo ( aorta descendens )
5. Aorta
nivou IV slabinskog pr邸ljena aorta se
deli na 2 zavr邸ne grane :
Desna zajednika bedrena arterija ( a. iliaca
communis dextra )
Leva zajednika bedrena arterija ( a. iliaca
communis sinistra )
7. Ushodni deo aorte ( aorta
ascendens )
je poetni deo aorte koji ide navi邸e
Od ushodnog dela aorte se granaju desna
I leva srana arterija ( a. coronaria dextra
et sinistra )
8. Luk aorte ( arcus aortae )
luka aorte se odvajaju:
Brahiocefalino stablo ( truncus
brachiocephalicus )
Leva zajednika karotidna arterija ( a,carotis
communis sinistra )
Leva potkljuna arterija ( a. subclavia sinistra )
10. Brahiocefalino stablo
je najvea grana aorte
U visini grudno-kljunog zgloba se deli na
2 zavr邸ne grane:
Desnu zajedniku karotidnu arteriju (a.
carotis communis dextra )
Desnu potkljunu arteriju ( a. subclavia dextra
11. Zajednika karotidna arterija ( a.
carotis communis )
je paran krvni sud koji na desnoj
strani nastaje iz brahiocefalinog stabla a
na levoj se odvaja od luka aorte
Dve zavr邸ne grane :
Spolja邸nja karotidna arterija ( a. carotis
externa )
Unutra邸nja karotidna arterija ( a. carotis
interna )
13. Spolja邸nja karotidna arterija ( a.
carotis externa )
se ka uglu donje vilice a u visini
vrata donje vilice se grana na 2 zavr邸ne
grane :
Gornjovilinu arteriju ( a. maxillaris )
Spolja邸nju slepoonu arteriju ( a. temporalis
superficialis )
15. Unutra邸nja karotidna arterija ( a.
carotis interna )
se kroz prednji deo vrata do 転drela
sve do baze lobanje.
Zatim prolazi kroz poseban kanal na
slepoonoj kosti ( canalis caroticus ) I
ulazi u srednju lobanjsku jamu
Na bazi mozga daje 2 zavr邸ne arterije:
Prednju mo転danu arteriju ( a. cerebri anterior
Srednju mo転danu arteriju ( a. cerebri media )
18. Unutra邸nja karotidna arterija ( a.
carotis interna )
bona grana unutra邸nje
karotidne arterije je ona arterija ( a.
ophtalmica ) koja u onu duplju ulazi kroz
vodni kanal ( canalis opticus )
19. Potkljuna arterija ( a. subclavia )
arterija na desnoj strani
nastaje iz brahiocefalinog stabla a na
levoj iz luka aorte
Najva転nija bona grana potkljune arterije
je kimena arterija ( a. vertebralis )
Leva I desna kilmena arterija kada prou
kroz potiljani otvor ( foramen magnum )
ulaze u zadnju lobanjsku jamu I grade
bazilarnu arteriju ( a. basilaris )
22. Bazilarna arterija
arterija se deli na 2 zavr邸ne
grane :
Desna zadnja mo転dana arterija ( a. cerebri
posterior dextra )
Leva zadnja mo転dana arterija ( a. cerebri
posterior sinistra )