This document discusses musical dynamics and provides examples. It contains the following key points:
1. It defines musical dynamics as referring to the levels of loudness and softness in music. Common dynamics terms include pianissimo, piano, mezzo piano, mezzo forte, forte, and fortissimo.
2. It explains the importance of following the correct dynamics directions as indicated by the composer or conductor when singing or playing an instrument.
3. It includes an activity where students must match dynamics symbols with their meanings and sing the Philippine national anthem while observing the proper dynamics.
Time signatures are used to define the meter or rhythmic feel of a piece of music. They indicate how many beats are in each measure and which note value receives the beat. The top number tells how many beats per measure, while the bottom number denotes the note value that receives one beat. Common time, represented as 4/4, is the most standard time signature, with four quarter note beats per measure. Other examples include 3/4, 2/4, 2/2 or cut time, and 6/8. Understanding time signatures allows musicians to properly play and interpret the rhythmic feel of a composition.
Notes and rests are the basic elements that make up the rhythm of a musical piece. Notes represent sounds of different durations, while rests represent silent beats that still count towards the time signature. Common note symbols include the whole note, half note, quarter note, and eighth note, each representing a different number of beats. When reading music, the corresponding rest symbol indicates a period of silence for the same duration as the note.
The document discusses musical time signatures. A time signature is a fraction written at the beginning of a musical composition that indicates the number of beats in each measure and which note value constitutes one beat. The top number indicates the number of beats per measure, while the bottom number indicates the note value. Common time signatures include 2/4 for duple meter with two beats per measure, 3/4 for triple meter with three beats, and 4/4 for quadruple meter with four beats. Each time signature dictates which beat in the measure receives emphasis.
Simple melodic lines in music can be formed using stepping tones where notes move up or down the staff in consecutive lines and spaces, skipping tones where notes skip lines and spaces on the staff, or repeated tones where a note is repeated several times in a straight line. These tonal patterns are the basic building blocks used to construct distinctive melodic sequences on the musical staff.
The document discusses musical tempos, which indicate the speed or pace of a piece of music. It defines tempos as slow, medium, or fast, and provides examples of specific tempo terms in Italian and their meanings. The tempo is shown above or below the musical staff and introduces common tempo markings like Largo (very slow), Allegro (fast), and Andante (walking tempo). It includes a timeline of tempos from slow to fast and some examples of songs paired with the correct tempo markings.
Lesson 5 _MAPEH 5 _ W5Q1 _Accidentals in Music.pptxErlenaMirador1
Melody is the heart and soul of music, consisting of a series of tones with direction, pitch, timing, form, and continuity. Accidentals are musical signs like flats, sharps, and naturals that change the pitch of a note. The most common accidentals are sharp (raises a note by a semitone), flat (lowers a note by a semitone), and natural (cancels a previous sharp or flat). Less common are double sharp (raises a note by two semitones) and double flat (lowers a note by two semitones). Accidentals alter the pitch of notes from their original written or played pitch.
Arts 6- Art Processes, Elements, and Principles Applied in New Technologies....HazelPooten1
This document discusses art processes, elements, and principles and how they still apply with new technologies. It aims to discuss how elements and principles are still used with technologies, appreciate their use in technologies, and create simple replicas of logos applying digital or hand-drawn techniques. It provides examples of visual elements like line, shape, color, texture and principles like balance, emphasis, and rhythm. It notes logos depict names and purposes through images, text, or both using technologies like computers and devices. Learners are asked to create a simple replica logo applying elements, which can be hand-drawn or digital, and submit by a date.
This document discusses conducting time signatures in music. It covers:
1) Conducting patterns and gestures are based on the time signature, tempo, and rhythm of a song. The basic conducting patterns for , , and time signatures are presented.
2) The counting patterns for each time signature are explained - for it is 1, 2; for it is 1, 2, 3; and for it is 1, 2, 3, 4.
3) Examples of songs are provided to demonstrate conducting for each time signature. Assessment questions are also included to check understanding of conducting different rhythms and time signatures.
Printmaking is a simple way to produce multiple prints of an image or design by transferring it from a plate to materials like paper, cloth, or cardboard. The plate can be made from natural objects found in one's surroundings, such as fruits, vegetables, leaves, flowers, twigs, or stones. The basic printmaking process involves preparing the plate, inking it, and transferring the design.
Araling Panlipunan 3 Yunit I Aralin 3 Populasyon ng Aing PamayananDesiree Mangundayao
Ang slideshare na ito ay maaring makatulong sa mga bata, magulang at mga gurong nagnanais na matuloy ang edukasyon sa kabila ng pandemya.. MELC BASED na rin po at may mga learning activities
#parasabata. #tuloyangedukasyon
This document provides information about music notation and rhythm. It includes examples of different note values and their corresponding number of beats. The key time signatures of 2/4, 3/4, 4/4 and 6/8 are explained, including which note receives one beat in each signature. Conducting patterns for different time signatures are shown. Students are provided practice identifying note values, counting beats, drawing bar lines, and creating their own rhythmic patterns based on various time signatures. References for additional information are also listed.
This document contains a detailed lesson plan for a 6th grade music class covering rhythm, notes, rests, and time signatures over 4 lessons. The lessons include objectives, content, resources, and procedures. Procedures involve reviewing concepts, presenting new material through examples and discussion, practicing skills, finding applications, evaluation, and additional activities. The goal is for students to understand musical symbols and concepts, and differentiate between time signatures.
This document contains a table of specifications for a MAPEH 6 test in Barabar Elementary School. It outlines the competencies, cognitive process dimensions, number of items, and mastery skills that will be covered in the test. The test will have 50 total items covering the subjects of Music, Arts, Physical Education, and Health. For each competency, the table specifies the cognitive process dimensions (e.g. Remembering, Understanding) targeted, number of associated test items, and the specific mastery skills that correspond to each item number.
Itong video na ito ay ginawa ko para sa mga mag-aaral, upang mas lalong maintindihan ang mga kumpas ng musika, lalo na sa gumagamit ng Modular Distance Learning....
This document discusses different types of melodic direction including ascending, descending, stationary, and leap movement. Ascending involves tones moving up, descending involves tones moving down, stationary involves repeated tones, and leap movement involves tones moving in various directions through steps or skips ascending or descending.
MAPEH 6 - ARTS PPT Q3 - Printmaking Types.ppt.pptxShefaCapuras1
This document discusses the four main types of printmaking: relief printing, intaglio, planography (lithography), and stencil (serigraphy). Relief printing involves cutting away areas of a surface to create a raised image. Intaglio involves engraving or cutting an image into a surface. Lithography uses a greasy drawing on a flat surface that interacts with water and ink. Serigraphy uses a stencil made of fabric with cut out areas to transfer ink through to the printing surface. The document provides details on the tools and processes used for each type of printmaking.
Simple melodic lines in music can be formed using stepping tones where notes move up or down the staff in consecutive lines and spaces, skipping tones where notes skip lines and spaces on the staff, or repeated tones where a note is repeated several times in a straight line. These tonal patterns are the basic building blocks used to construct distinctive melodic sequences on the musical staff.
The document discusses musical tempos, which indicate the speed or pace of a piece of music. It defines tempos as slow, medium, or fast, and provides examples of specific tempo terms in Italian and their meanings. The tempo is shown above or below the musical staff and introduces common tempo markings like Largo (very slow), Allegro (fast), and Andante (walking tempo). It includes a timeline of tempos from slow to fast and some examples of songs paired with the correct tempo markings.
Lesson 5 _MAPEH 5 _ W5Q1 _Accidentals in Music.pptxErlenaMirador1
Melody is the heart and soul of music, consisting of a series of tones with direction, pitch, timing, form, and continuity. Accidentals are musical signs like flats, sharps, and naturals that change the pitch of a note. The most common accidentals are sharp (raises a note by a semitone), flat (lowers a note by a semitone), and natural (cancels a previous sharp or flat). Less common are double sharp (raises a note by two semitones) and double flat (lowers a note by two semitones). Accidentals alter the pitch of notes from their original written or played pitch.
Arts 6- Art Processes, Elements, and Principles Applied in New Technologies....HazelPooten1
This document discusses art processes, elements, and principles and how they still apply with new technologies. It aims to discuss how elements and principles are still used with technologies, appreciate their use in technologies, and create simple replicas of logos applying digital or hand-drawn techniques. It provides examples of visual elements like line, shape, color, texture and principles like balance, emphasis, and rhythm. It notes logos depict names and purposes through images, text, or both using technologies like computers and devices. Learners are asked to create a simple replica logo applying elements, which can be hand-drawn or digital, and submit by a date.
This document discusses conducting time signatures in music. It covers:
1) Conducting patterns and gestures are based on the time signature, tempo, and rhythm of a song. The basic conducting patterns for , , and time signatures are presented.
2) The counting patterns for each time signature are explained - for it is 1, 2; for it is 1, 2, 3; and for it is 1, 2, 3, 4.
3) Examples of songs are provided to demonstrate conducting for each time signature. Assessment questions are also included to check understanding of conducting different rhythms and time signatures.
Printmaking is a simple way to produce multiple prints of an image or design by transferring it from a plate to materials like paper, cloth, or cardboard. The plate can be made from natural objects found in one's surroundings, such as fruits, vegetables, leaves, flowers, twigs, or stones. The basic printmaking process involves preparing the plate, inking it, and transferring the design.
Araling Panlipunan 3 Yunit I Aralin 3 Populasyon ng Aing PamayananDesiree Mangundayao
Ang slideshare na ito ay maaring makatulong sa mga bata, magulang at mga gurong nagnanais na matuloy ang edukasyon sa kabila ng pandemya.. MELC BASED na rin po at may mga learning activities
#parasabata. #tuloyangedukasyon
This document provides information about music notation and rhythm. It includes examples of different note values and their corresponding number of beats. The key time signatures of 2/4, 3/4, 4/4 and 6/8 are explained, including which note receives one beat in each signature. Conducting patterns for different time signatures are shown. Students are provided practice identifying note values, counting beats, drawing bar lines, and creating their own rhythmic patterns based on various time signatures. References for additional information are also listed.
This document contains a detailed lesson plan for a 6th grade music class covering rhythm, notes, rests, and time signatures over 4 lessons. The lessons include objectives, content, resources, and procedures. Procedures involve reviewing concepts, presenting new material through examples and discussion, practicing skills, finding applications, evaluation, and additional activities. The goal is for students to understand musical symbols and concepts, and differentiate between time signatures.
This document contains a table of specifications for a MAPEH 6 test in Barabar Elementary School. It outlines the competencies, cognitive process dimensions, number of items, and mastery skills that will be covered in the test. The test will have 50 total items covering the subjects of Music, Arts, Physical Education, and Health. For each competency, the table specifies the cognitive process dimensions (e.g. Remembering, Understanding) targeted, number of associated test items, and the specific mastery skills that correspond to each item number.
Itong video na ito ay ginawa ko para sa mga mag-aaral, upang mas lalong maintindihan ang mga kumpas ng musika, lalo na sa gumagamit ng Modular Distance Learning....
This document discusses different types of melodic direction including ascending, descending, stationary, and leap movement. Ascending involves tones moving up, descending involves tones moving down, stationary involves repeated tones, and leap movement involves tones moving in various directions through steps or skips ascending or descending.
MAPEH 6 - ARTS PPT Q3 - Printmaking Types.ppt.pptxShefaCapuras1
This document discusses the four main types of printmaking: relief printing, intaglio, planography (lithography), and stencil (serigraphy). Relief printing involves cutting away areas of a surface to create a raised image. Intaglio involves engraving or cutting an image into a surface. Lithography uses a greasy drawing on a flat surface that interacts with water and ink. Serigraphy uses a stencil made of fabric with cut out areas to transfer ink through to the printing surface. The document provides details on the tools and processes used for each type of printmaking.
The document discusses electromagnets and friction. It provides information on the parts of an electromagnet including a wire coil wrapped around an iron core, and how electricity flowing through the coil creates a magnetic field. It also discusses different types of circuits and defines closed and open circuits. The document then covers friction, describing how it is a force that opposes motion when two surfaces rub against each other. Activities are included to demonstrate how friction causes a rolling ball to slow down and stop due to friction with the floor.
The document discusses the key elements of a story, including setting, characters, plot, conflict, and resolution. It provides examples of each element from the short story "Mouse at the Seashore" to illustrate how stories contain these fundamental components. The story is about a mouse who decides to take a trip to the seashore despite his parents' warnings. He encounters dangers along the way but ultimately makes it to the seashore and finds the view beautiful.
The document discusses different forms of energy such as mechanical, electrical, chemical, light, sound, and heat energy. It provides examples of how these different forms of energy are involved in various everyday activities and devices. It asks the reader to identify forms of energy present in watching television, describes energy transformations that occur in burning a candle and strumming a guitar. The document seeks to teach the reader about the different types of energy and the transformations between forms of energy.
English 5 Quarter 3 W6 Providing Evidence.pptxAizaPanganiban3
The document provides guidance on distinguishing between facts and opinions and supporting opinions with evidence. It defines a fact as something known to be true based on evidence or proof, while an opinion is a personal belief not proven. Examples are given of statements classified as facts or opinions, and readers are tasked with classifying additional statements and providing evidence to justify their answers.
English 5 Q2 Week 5 Introduction to Propaganda.pptxAizaPanganiban3
The document discusses how media uses stereotypes, point of view, and propaganda to influence viewers. It defines stereotypes as widely held beliefs about groups based on characteristics. Point of view shows an individual's opinion or feelings in a situation. The document contains activities where students analyze TV commercials to identify stereotypes, point of view, or propaganda used to influence viewers.
English 5 Q4 W3 -Compare and Contrast Paragraph - Copy.pptxAizaPanganiban3
The document provides instructions and examples for identifying comparisons and contrasts in text. It defines a comparison as showing similarities between two things, while a contrast shows their differences. Examples are given of sentences that compare or contrast features of pets, sports, people, and seasons. Readers are asked to identify the comparisons and contrasts in passages and complete a Venn diagram illustrating similarities and differences between two topics.
Ang **akdang naratibo** ay isang uri ng panitikan na nagsasalaysay ng isang kwento o karanasan. Ito ay isang pagsasalaysay ng mga pangyayari na may layuning magbigay aliw, magturo, o magbigay aral sa mga mambabasa. Kadalasang gumagamit ng mga tauhan, tagpuan, at kaganapan upang maipahayag ang isang kwento sa isang tiyak na ayos o pagkakasunod-sunod.
Ang **akdang naratibo** ay may mga pangunahing elemento tulad ng **tauhan**, **tagpuan**, **tema**, **salungatan**, at **banghay**. Ang **tauhan** ang mga karakter na gumaganap sa kwento, mula sa pangunahing tauhan hanggang sa mga sumusuportang karakter. Ang **tagpuan** ay ang lugar at oras kung saan nagaganap ang mga pangyayari sa kwento. Ang **tema** naman ay ang pangunahing ideya o mensahe na nais iparating sa mambabasa. Ang **salungatan** ay ang problema o hamon na kinakaharap ng mga tauhan sa kwento, at ang **banghay** ay ang pagkakasunod-sunod ng mga pangyayari mula sa simula, gitna, hanggang sa wakas.
Halimbawa ng akdang naratibo ay ang mga **maikling kwento**, **nobela**, at **talambuhay**. Sa mga akdang ito, ang manunulat ay nagkukuwento ng isang kwento na may mga tauhan at nagsisilbing gabay sa mga mambabasa upang matutunan ang mga aral na dulot ng kwento. Ang isang akdang naratibo ay maaaring magtaglay ng iba't ibang emosyon tulad ng saya, lungkot, takot, at pagmamahal, na nakatutulong upang mas maging makulay at buhay ang kwento.
Sa kabuuan, ang akdang naratibo ay isang mahalagang anyo ng panitikan na naglalaman ng mga kwento at karanasan na makapagbibigay ng kasiyahan at aral sa mga mambabasa.
Arts 5 Quarter 4 Week Mga Kagamitan sa Paggawa ng Dimensiyonal Craft.pptx
3. Panuto: Ang sumusunod na mga salita ay lista
ng mga materyales sa paggawa ng likhang-
sining. Kilalanin at lagyan ng tsek (/) kung ito ay
kagamitan para sa paggawa ng 3D-craft na
paper beads at ekis (x) pag hindi. Isulat ang
sagot sa patlang sa ibaba.
5. _______ 6. Manipis na tela
_______ 7. Varnish
_______ 8. Protective mask
_______ 9. Rubber mat
6. Panuto: Tukuyin kung ano ang sinasaad sa
bawat pangungusap. Piliin ang wastong sagot sa
loob ng kahon at isulat ito sa patlang.
3D art Mobile art Maaliwalas
7. 1. Ang _______________ ay isang uri ng 3D art na
maaaring gumagalaw.
2. Ang mobile art ay lubusang mahahangaan kung
ito ay nakasabit sa _____________________ na
3. Ang _____________ ay uri ng sining na may taas,
lapad, anyong paharap, tagiliran, at likuran at
maaaring malayang tumayo sa isang lugar.
3D art Mobile art Maaliwalas
Mobile Art
8. Panuto: Pagmasdan at suriin ang mga
larawan. Alin sa mga ito ang pamilyar sa iyo?
Nakita mo na ba ang mga ito ng personal?
Isulat sa ibaba ang paraan sa paggawa nito.
9. Ang paggawa ng pansariling palamuti ay
maaari mong gawing pangkabuhayan. Madali itong
gawin kung gagamitin ang pagkamalikhain sa
pagdidisenyo. Lalo nang mainam kung ang
gagamiting materyales sa paggawa ay recycled o
mga gamit na patapon ngunit maaaring bigyan ng
10. Kilala ang mga Pilipino sa pagiging malikhain
at pagkamaparaan. Makikita
ito sa estilo ng pananamit, pagkain, at pagkahilig sa
pagsusuot ng mga makukulay na mga dekorasyon,
palamuti, at alahas sa katawan. Ilan dito ay ang
mga pulseras at kuwintas na higit na
nagpapatingkad sa kanilang kasuotan.
11. Ang paper bead ay likhang-sining na
ginagamitan ng mga pinulupot na papel na may
ibat ibang hugis at kulay.Ang paggawa ng mga
paper bead ay isang mabisang paraan upang
mapakinabangang muli ang mga lumang diyaryo,
magasin, at makukulay na papel. Maaari itong
gawing palamuti o dekorasyon sa ating tahanan at
higit sa lahat, maaari rin itong pagkakakitaan.
12. Mga kagamitan:
- Makulay na papel o lumang magasin
- Gunting
- Pandikit
- Barbecue stick
- Varnish
- Protective mask
13. Mga hakbang sa paggawa:
1. Gumupit ng mga hugis tatsulok mula
sa makukulay na papel o lumang
magasin na may 1 by 4 (2.5cm x10cm)
na tatsulok.
2. Lagyan ng glue o pandikit ang
magkabilang dulo ng tatsulok.
14. 3. Ipulupot ang papel sa barbeque stick.
Panatilihin ang tatsulok sa gitna habang
4. Higpitan ang pagpulupot sa papel kung
nais na maging matibay ang beads.
5. Kapag tapos na ipulupot, pahiran ng
pandikit ang kabilang dulo ng tatsulok.
15. 6. Lagyan ng varnish upang kumintab at
hayaang matuyo. Siguraduhing magsuot
ng protective mask upang hindi
malanghap ang varnish.
7. Suriin ang nilikhang sining gamit ang
17. Gawain 1
Panuto: Kilalanin ang mga kagamitan sa paggawa
ng 3D-Art na nasa ibaba. Isulat
ang sagot sa patlang.
1. __________ 2. __________ 3. ____________
protective maskpandikit lumang
18. 4. __________ 5. __________ 6. ____________
na papel gunting barbeque
6. ____________
19. Gawain 2
Panuto: Isulat sa tamang arrow ang wastong
pagkasunod-sunod sa paggawa ng paper beads.
Nasa loob nga kahon ang mga hakbang.
20. Gumupit ng mga hugis
tatsulok mula sa
makukulay na
Lagyan ng glue o pandikit
ang magkabilang dulo ng
Ipulupot ang papel sa
barbeque stick.
Panatilihin ang tatsulok
sa gitna habang
Higpitan ang pagpulupot
sa papel kung nais na
maging matibay ang
Kapag tapos na ipulupot,
pahiran ng pandikit ang
kabilang dulo ng tatsulok.
Lagyan ng varnish upang
kumintab at hayaang
Siguraduhing magsuot ng
protective mask upang hindi
malanghap ang varnish.
21. Bilang isang mag-aaral, paano mo
mapahahalagahan ang mga kagamitang makikita sa
sariling silid-aralan o pamayanan na maaring
gamitin sa paggawa ng 3 dimensiyonal craft na
paper beads?
22. I. Panuto: Kilalanin ang mga kagamitan sa paglikha
ng 3-Dimensional craft paper beads. Tambalin ang
salita na nasa Hanay A sa kagamitan na nasa Hanay
B. Isulat ang tamang sagot sa patlang.
24. II. Panuto: Hanapin at bilugan ang mga
nakatagong salita sa puzzle na mga kagamitan
na ginagamit sa paggawa ng paper beads. Isulat
sa ibaba ang mga nabuong salita.