Building E-Books: Best Practices and Lessons Learned Developing E-books for ...kparr4The document summarizes a faculty showcase at Brookdale Community College in 2014 about developing e-books for technical education. It discusses a project supported by the National Science Foundation to create interactive e-books and mobile apps to support teaching and learning. Over three years, it aims to redefine technical education by creating tools and guides on best practices, demonstrate examples on an iPad, and provide resources on platforms like iBooks Author and Hype for creating interactive content. The presentation highlights rising textbook costs, opportunities for e-books, and references for further information.
E-book Access and Creation for the Higher Ed Classroomkparr4NJEDge 2013 Annual Conference
Plainsboro, NJ - November 13, 2013
E-MATE, E-books and Mobile Apps for Technician Education
Impact Evaluation of Savings and Internal Lending Communities: Data Collector...valentinejgData collector's training held in Lusaka Zambia for Savings and Internal Lending Communities (SILC) Evaluation conducted by Futures Group. The study is part of Implementation Science Investment study funded by USAID.
Gender analytical tools and skills drvalentinevalentinejgThe document provides an introduction to gender analytical tools for a project in Ethiopia. It discusses key concepts in gender analysis including practical and strategic gender needs, intra-household dynamics, and inter-household relations. It also outlines the purpose of gender analysis to identify gender-based differences and how people will be affected by interventions. The document reviews principles of gender analysis and lists tools that can be used, including daily activity profiles, access and control profiles, and strength and problem analyses. Qualitative research methods like focus groups and key informant interviews are also discussed.
2013 High Impact Technology Exchange Conferencekparr4Session presentation July 2013 HI-TEC Conference, Austin, TX. E-MATE, E-books and Mobile Apps for Technician Education, a project supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. 1205113.
Managing RelationshipFrau ZSocially intelligent people have skills and traits like leveraging diversity, modesty, patience, appreciating differences, and valuing knowledge. They are able to manage teams well by walking their talk. To be successful, one should develop social intelligence which involves these skills and traits as well as effective team management.
Epic 3 8 Installation InstructionsDeniseIannarelliThis document provides installation instructions for Shaw EPIC 3/8" pre-finished engineered hardwood. It discusses special notes regarding plank orientation, owner/installer responsibilities, job site inspection and acclimation requirements. It also outlines subfloor preparation steps, required tools, and provides details on nail/staple down, glue down and floating installation methods. Radiant heated subfloors are also addressed. The instructions emphasize moisture testing, acclimation and maintaining proper temperature and humidity conditions during and after installation.
Managing RelationshipFrau ZSocially intelligent people have skills and traits like leveraging diversity, modesty, patience, appreciating differences, and valuing knowledge. They are able to manage teams well by walking their talk. To be successful, one should develop social intelligence which involves these skills and traits as well as effective team management.
Epic 3 8 Installation InstructionsDeniseIannarelliThis document provides installation instructions for Shaw EPIC 3/8" pre-finished engineered hardwood. It discusses special notes regarding plank orientation, owner/installer responsibilities, job site inspection and acclimation requirements. It also outlines subfloor preparation steps, required tools, and provides details on nail/staple down, glue down and floating installation methods. Radiant heated subfloors are also addressed. The instructions emphasize moisture testing, acclimation and maintaining proper temperature and humidity conditions during and after installation.
Barnehagen i digital utvikling - Foredrag fagdag Barnehagelærerutdanningen Ui...Geir OttestadInnramming av fagdag knyttet til bruk av Blogg med studenter
The Role Of Mobile Learning In European EducationAleksander DyeOm NKI Fjernundervisning
Introduksjon til Mobil læring
M-learning prosjekt 1, 2 og 3
M-learning prosjekt 4
World overview
M-learning i EU
M-learning i Danmark
Teknisk løsning før og nå
Standarder og Universell tilrettelegging
Utfordringer og tips
Spørsmål og svar
Etterstad videregående skole 08. juni 2010Håkon KalbakkEtterstad videregående skole er kunde av Mobilskole. Her er presentasjonen Håkon Kalbakk holdt 8. juni 2010 på skolen.
Trond Kathenes del 2Hordaland fylkeskommune - Dei gode døma 2010This document provides a history of Rieber & Søn ASA, a Norwegian food company, from its founding in 1839 to recent acquisitions and initiatives. It discusses the company's vision to be a "Local Taste Champion" and efforts to integrate its organization across locations through modern collaboration tools and virtual teams. Key elements of integration include workshare, coordination, and collaboration. Technical success criteria for virtual collaboration include infrastructure capacity, quality of service, and standardization. Preliminary experiences have been positive, including increased meetings, information flow, efficiency, and reduced travel costs.
4. Dei godedømaKorleis nytte ”Dei gode døma” i praksis, ved å nytte eksisterande og komande teknologi i skolekvardagen? ATEA i samarbeid med IT-seksjonen i HFK syner dei gode døma i praksis, og korleis videokommunikasjonsløysningar kan hjelpe oss til ein betre og meir effektiv skoledag.
5. Dei godedømaStamford High SchoolAt the local High School in Stamford, TX, a small town in west Texas, something extraordinary is happening. High school students have designed, developed, produced, and are delivering the virtual field trip called "Cotton: Plant of Many Uses." Sharing a part of their world, these students are teaching and learning from other students around the world. A model for other schools, Stamford High School is proving that given a challenge and the technological tools, students can and will exceed educational expectations…..