Z obsahu AM 12/2013: Porsche Macan, nov辿 BMW X5 xDrive 30d, VW Amarok Canyon, Bentley Flying Spur, srovn叩vac鱈 test Opel Mokka 1.7 vs. Peugeot 2008 vs. Renault Captur ... a dal邸鱈
Dokumen tersebut menjelaskan berbagai layanan informasi yang tersedia di internet, seperti email, chatting, newsgroup, FTP, dan teleconference. Email digunakan untuk mengirim pesan secara elektronik, sedangkan chatting memungkinkan komunikasi teks secara real-time. Newsgroup berfungsi sebagai forum diskusi, sementara FTP memungkinkan pengiriman file antar komputer. Teleconference memungkinkan komunikasi suara dan video jarak jauh melalui internet.
Prezentace ze tvrt辿ho ron鱈ku konference New Media Inspiration (http://nminspiration.cz), kter箪 se konal 21. 2. 2015 v hlavn鱈 budov FF UK pod veden鱈m @petrkou, @simindr a @josefslerka.
Objem nestrukturovan箪ch dat st叩le roste, rozvoj Webu 2.0 pin叩邸鱈 mno転stv鱈 text哲 generovan箪ch samotn箪mi u転ivateli Internetu. Jejich p鱈spvky nez鱈dka obsahuj鱈 subjektivn鱈 n叩zory, emoce, hodnocen鱈 K emu a jak m哲転eme tato data pou転鱈t? Je mo転n辿 emoce v textu spolehliv strojov t鱈dit? P鱈spvek z oblasti sentiment analysis pedstav鱈 metody a 炭spchy automatick辿 extrakce emoc鱈 z textu s d哲razem na esk叩 data a aplikace pro byznys.
This bachelor thesis deals with obtaining data from SIM cards, description of each of chosen elementary file and description of communication using APDU commands. Specific software with GUI was created, that shows many data without entering PIN code. If user wishes so, PIN can be provided to show additional data.
The subject of the thesis is to clarify theoretical basis of visual means used in digital
games, to define the trends across the history and interconnection of the design in games
with art. After a comprehensive theory we move on to the detailed analysis of selected digital game: Journey (Thatgamecompany, 2012).
The document describes 10 yoga poses, including Savasana which is a pose of total relaxation, Balasana which is a restful pose between challenging asanas, and Setu Bandha Sarvangasana or bride pose which calms the brain and rejuvenates tired legs. Other poses mentioned are Marjaryasana for spine and belly massage, Halasana or plow pose to reduce backache, Dolphin for shoulder opening and core/arm/leg strengthening, Salambhasana to strengthen the back and legs for backbends, Ananda Balasana to bring awareness to the hip joints, and Malasana and Pigeon pose for stretching and toning various body parts.
Z obsahu AM 12/2013: Porsche Macan, nov辿 BMW X5 xDrive 30d, VW Amarok Canyon, Bentley Flying Spur, srovn叩vac鱈 test Opel Mokka 1.7 vs. Peugeot 2008 vs. Renault Captur ... a dal邸鱈
Dokumen tersebut menjelaskan berbagai layanan informasi yang tersedia di internet, seperti email, chatting, newsgroup, FTP, dan teleconference. Email digunakan untuk mengirim pesan secara elektronik, sedangkan chatting memungkinkan komunikasi teks secara real-time. Newsgroup berfungsi sebagai forum diskusi, sementara FTP memungkinkan pengiriman file antar komputer. Teleconference memungkinkan komunikasi suara dan video jarak jauh melalui internet.
Prezentace ze tvrt辿ho ron鱈ku konference New Media Inspiration (http://nminspiration.cz), kter箪 se konal 21. 2. 2015 v hlavn鱈 budov FF UK pod veden鱈m @petrkou, @simindr a @josefslerka.
Objem nestrukturovan箪ch dat st叩le roste, rozvoj Webu 2.0 pin叩邸鱈 mno転stv鱈 text哲 generovan箪ch samotn箪mi u転ivateli Internetu. Jejich p鱈spvky nez鱈dka obsahuj鱈 subjektivn鱈 n叩zory, emoce, hodnocen鱈 K emu a jak m哲転eme tato data pou転鱈t? Je mo転n辿 emoce v textu spolehliv strojov t鱈dit? P鱈spvek z oblasti sentiment analysis pedstav鱈 metody a 炭spchy automatick辿 extrakce emoc鱈 z textu s d哲razem na esk叩 data a aplikace pro byznys.
This bachelor thesis deals with obtaining data from SIM cards, description of each of chosen elementary file and description of communication using APDU commands. Specific software with GUI was created, that shows many data without entering PIN code. If user wishes so, PIN can be provided to show additional data.
The subject of the thesis is to clarify theoretical basis of visual means used in digital
games, to define the trends across the history and interconnection of the design in games
with art. After a comprehensive theory we move on to the detailed analysis of selected digital game: Journey (Thatgamecompany, 2012).
The document describes 10 yoga poses, including Savasana which is a pose of total relaxation, Balasana which is a restful pose between challenging asanas, and Setu Bandha Sarvangasana or bride pose which calms the brain and rejuvenates tired legs. Other poses mentioned are Marjaryasana for spine and belly massage, Halasana or plow pose to reduce backache, Dolphin for shoulder opening and core/arm/leg strengthening, Salambhasana to strengthen the back and legs for backbends, Ananda Balasana to bring awareness to the hip joints, and Malasana and Pigeon pose for stretching and toning various body parts.
The Bazaruto Archipelago is located off the coast of Mozambique in the Indian Ocean. It consists of several small islands and is known for its pristine beaches and diverse marine life. Tourism is the main industry in the archipelago and it is a popular destination for scuba diving, snorkeling, and boat trips to see dolphins and whales.
The document provides 40 expressions of advice on how to live a fulfilling life. Some of the key recommendations include walking daily while smiling, sitting quietly for 10 minutes each day, saying a daily goal in the morning, eating a healthy diet focused on plants and berries, drinking plenty of water and green tea, making others laugh, focusing on the present instead of the past, learning something new every day, appreciating one's body, staying in contact with friends, and enjoying life's journey.
The document provides 40 expressions of advice on how to live a fulfilling life. Some of the key recommendations include walking daily while smiling, sitting quietly for 10 minutes each day, saying a daily goal in the morning, eating a healthy diet focused on plants and berries, drinking plenty of water and green tea, making others laugh, focusing on the present instead of the past, learning something new every day, appreciating one's body, and calling family regularly to connect. The overall message is about living life to the fullest and making the most of each day.