This document is Karishma Sharma's project report on retail management submitted to Dezyne E'cole College in partial fulfillment of her Bachelor of Business Administration degree. It includes an acknowledgment, synopsis, and outline of the contents which will cover an overview of retail management, types of retail formats, market segmentation, merchandise management, marketing and promotions, Porter's 5 forces model, and emerging trends in retail. The project aims to provide insight into key aspects of managing retail operations.
Case4 lego embracing change by combining bi with flexible information system 2dyadelm
Lego implemented SAP's three-tier client-server system to gain a more flexible IT infrastructure. This included a presentation layer for the user interface, an application layer on application servers to process requests, and a database layer across multiple databases. A distributed architecture provided benefits like fault tolerance, scalability, and workload distribution. However, it also introduced challenges for security, data quality, and higher maintenance costs compared to a single database. Overall, the flexible SAP system helped Lego better manage operations and plan across its global operations.
This document discusses different types of food-oriented store-based retail strategies. It describes convenience stores, conventional supermarkets, hypermarkets, box stores, and warehouse stores. For each type of store, it provides details on their typical location, prices, atmosphere and services, merchandise, and promotion strategies. It notes advantages and disadvantages of conventional supermarkets and hypermarkets. The document aims to classify store-based retailers according to their retail strategy mix.
This document discusses different types of retail trade. It describes the characteristics of retail trade as selling goods directly to consumers in small quantities. It outlines the functions of retailers as forecasting demand, collecting goods from wholesalers, and selling according to consumer needs while providing services like credit and home delivery. The document then differentiates between itinerant retailers like hawkers and market traders, and fixed shop retailers ranging from small stalls and specialty shops to large department stores, supermarkets, and mail order houses. Finally, it briefly mentions various documents used in internal trade like invoices, credit notes, and lorry receipts.
Bab ini menjelaskan berbagai faktor lingkungan pemasaran yang mempengaruhi keputusan pemasaran perusahaan, termasuk lingkungan demografis, ekonomi, alam, teknologi, politik dan budaya. Perusahaan harus secara aktif menganalisis dan bereaksi terhadap perubahan-perubahan lingkungan ini untuk memanfaatkan peluang dan menghindari ancaman.
Retailing is the act of selling products or services to people for their personal, non business use. A retailer is a business that specializes in the act of retailing primarily.
Retailing includes all the activities involved in selling goods or services directly to final customers for their personal, non business use. A retailer is any business enterprise whose sales volume comes primarily from retailing.
Sales promotions are used to create immediate sales by offering incentives to consumers or sales teams. They include tactics like coupons, samples, premiums, contests and trade discounts. The use of sales promotions has increased due to factors such as retailer power, less brand loyalty, and competitive pressures. The goals are to spur trial, defend current customers, target segments, and maintain trade support.
Inventoryor stock is the main item in which a business organization deals in and managing it efficiently is required to be done with full care and expertise. Inventory management can give the best possible advantages in terms of storage cost, logistics and time management.
Here we are showing how a departmental giant like Big Bazaar is maintaining its day to day Inventory using the latest available technologies.
The document provides an overview of various retail formats including:
- General merchandise stores like department stores, full-line discount stores, and specialty stores.
- Food retailers like convenience stores, supermarkets, superstores, combination stores, supercenters, and limited-line stores.
- Non-store retailers like direct marketing, direct selling, vending machines, and catalog marketing.
It also discusses the history of franchising and highlights advantages and disadvantages of franchising for both franchisers and franchisees.
Power Point Presentation on the topic Hypermarket prepared by students of Birla Institute of Technology, Mesra, Patna.
Harsh Raj
Satyam Parashar
Mehar Yahya
The document discusses the evolution of various retail formats over time. It begins by describing some of the earliest stores like the Bon Marche department store from 1852 and A&P grocery stores from 1859. It then outlines the development of self-service stores, supermarkets, hypermarkets, and specialty stores from the early 1900s onwards. The rise of online retailers like Amazon in 1995 marked another major change. Various retail theories like environmental, cyclical, and conflictual theories are also summarized that aim to explain the retail development process. Finally, the document categorizes different types of retail stores based on factors like ownership, location, merchandise offered.
Retailers need to understand how to target customers in the right way and customers need retailers to understand them and offer them something at value all the time. OmniChannel retailing is the ultimate solution for retailer to connect with their customers and provide them with outstanding customized experience.
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Marketing Management - Brand Building (eg.of Big Bazaar, WestSide, Globus)Mufaddal Nullwala
The document discusses marketing strategies for three Indian retail brands: Big Bazaar, WestSide, and Globus. It provides an introduction to each brand and discusses their 7P analyses, products, pricing, placement, promotion, people, processes, and physical evidence. For Big Bazaar, it outlines the company's history and covers their taglines, pricing techniques, store features, product ranges, SWOT analysis, and advertising approaches. For WestSide, it discusses their mission, market research, retail layout, and promotion. For Globus, it summarizes the brand's history, vision, goals, brands, and competitors.
Retailing involves the sale of goods directly to consumers for personal use, while wholesaling involves the sale of goods to retailers. There are two main types of retailers: store retailers which operate out of physical locations, and non-store retailers which sell through methods like catalogs, telemarketing, or online. Store retailers can be further classified by factors like the level of service provided, the breadth of products offered, relative pricing compared to competitors, and whether they are independent businesses or part of a chain. Non-store retailing is growing faster than store retailing and includes direct marketing, direct selling, and automatic vending.
Bab 6 - Pasar Bisnis dan Perilaku Pembelian Bisnismsahuleka
Bab ini membahas pasar bisnis dan perilaku pembelian bisnis, termasuk perbedaan antara pasar bisnis dan konsumen, faktor yang mempengaruhi keputusan pembelian bisnis, dan proses delapan tahap keputusan pembelian bisnis. Juga dibahas adalah pasar lembaga dan pemerintah, di mana pembeli lembaga dan pemerintah membuat keputusan pembelian dengan mempertimbangkan anggaran rendah dan persyaratan administrasi yang lebih ketat.
The document provides information on retail management. It discusses the various processes involved in retail management, which help customers procure merchandise from stores for personal use. Retail management aims to provide a pleasurable shopping experience for customers. It also outlines different retail formats like convenience stores, supermarkets, and hypermarkets. The retail sector in India is transitioning from traditional small stores to organized retail formats. While organized retail is growing, around 90% of retail in India remains unorganized.
Warehousing refers to the large-scale storage of goods in a systematic manner from production until consumption. Warehouses are needed due to seasonal production and demand, large-scale production, the need for quick supply, continuous production, and price stabilization. The main types of warehouses are private, public, bonded, cooperative, and government. Warehouses provide storage, protection from damage, financing through warehouse receipts, some processing, risk bearing, and sometimes transportation. They benefit businesses by protecting goods, ensuring regular supply, enabling continuous production, providing convenient locations, and facilitating the sale of goods.
This document provides an overview of Today's Bazaar, a retail store offering a wide range of products across various categories. It describes the store's marketing mix strategies including competitive pricing, convenient locations, and promotional activities like discounts, offers and samples. Advertising approaches like newspapers, TV, and radio are mentioned along with public relations efforts like community involvement. Competitors are also briefly addressed.
Reliance Fresh and more. are two Indian retail chains that employ similar retail mix strategies. Both focus on convenient store locations and place importance on private label products, promotions, and personnel. Reliance Fresh stores are smaller convenience stores while more. has both neighborhood supermarkets and larger hypermarket stores. The document discusses the retail mix elements and strategies used by each chain, such as pricing, promotions, product assortments, store presentations, and personnel approaches.
This document discusses different types of retail institutions based on ownership, including independents, chains, franchises, leased departments, and vertical marketing systems. Independents make up 70% of retailers but only 3% of sales due to lack of scale and bargaining power. Chains account for 65% of US retail sales through centralized purchasing and advertising. Franchising involves contractual agreements where franchisees pay fees to use an established brand. Leased departments occupy space in stores and pay rent as a percentage of sales. Vertical marketing systems integrate independently owned businesses along the distribution channel.
Innovative Small Business Marketing StrategiesNancy Dibert
The document discusses how marketing has evolved from traditional word-of-mouth and print advertising to integrated digital marketing strategies. It provides tips for businesses to establish an online presence through websites, search engine optimization, social media, blogs, email newsletters, videos and more. The goal is to engage customers and boost business through innovative tactics that capture attention across various online channels.
This document outlines 10 key concepts about retailing, wholesaling, and logistics. It defines retailing and wholesaling, describes the major types of each, and explains how franchising works. It also discusses how market logistic decisions are made and trends in logistics, such as frequent deliveries, shorter order times, and customized packaging.
This document discusses retail management. It defines retail management as managing all activities involved in making products available to customers, including capital raising, purchasing, accounting, distribution, product development, and marketing. The key aspects of retail management are bringing customers into stores to fulfill their needs by providing a variety of products and services in a convenient manner. Effective retail management requires considering social, economic, technological, political, and legal factors. The main challenges are providing excellent customer service while achieving fair profits in a competitive environment and retaining customers.
The document discusses Reliance Fresh, a supermarket chain operated by Reliance Retail in India. It outlines Reliance Fresh's supply chain model which sources produce directly from farmers through collection centers and processing stations. The supply chain aims to eliminate middlemen to reduce costs and pass savings to customers. It also covers Reliance Fresh's marketing strategy, competitors, SWOT analysis, and future plans to expand further in India and internationally.
There are two main types of retail locations: unplanned and planned. Unplanned locations include freestanding sites, urban areas like central business districts, inner cities, and gentrified areas, and main streets. Planned locations include shopping centers in various formats like convenience centers, power centers, enclosed malls, lifestyle centers, mixed-use developments, outlet centers, and theme/festival centers. New developments combine multiple formats. Other nontraditional locations include pop-up stores, stores-within-stores, kiosks, and airports. The selection of a retail location type depends on factors like the target market's shopping behavior, market density, and the retailer's uniqueness. Societal and legal considerations can also
Retailing and wholesaling are two key functions in the distribution of goods. Retailing involves the direct sale of goods to consumers, while wholesaling involves the sale of goods to retailers or other businesses for resale or business use. Some key types of retailers include specialty stores, department stores, supermarkets, and convenience stores. Wholesalers take on functions like assembling, warehousing, transporting, financing, and bearing risks for the goods they distribute. Both retailing and wholesaling play important roles in efficiently delivering goods to meet consumer demand.
This document summarizes key concepts from Chapter 11 of a Principles of Marketing textbook. It defines retailing and wholesaling, lists the functions of retailers and wholesalers, and describes different types of retailers and wholesalers based on factors like sales volume, product mix offered, ownership structure, and operation method. The types of retailers discussed include general merchandise stores, department stores, variety stores, specialty stores, corporate chain stores, independent stores, and franchise stores. The types of wholesalers discussed include merchant wholesalers, sales offices/branches, agents, industrial wholesalers, and limited function wholesalers.
Dokumen tersebut membahas tentang perdagangan eceran, grosir, dan logistik pasar. Secara singkat, dibahas mengenai definisi dan jenis-jenis perdagangan eceran dan grosir beserta perbedaannya, keputusan pemasaran yang diambil pengecer, serta tujuan dan tahapan perencanaan logistik pasar."
The document provides an overview of various retail formats including:
- General merchandise stores like department stores, full-line discount stores, and specialty stores.
- Food retailers like convenience stores, supermarkets, superstores, combination stores, supercenters, and limited-line stores.
- Non-store retailers like direct marketing, direct selling, vending machines, and catalog marketing.
It also discusses the history of franchising and highlights advantages and disadvantages of franchising for both franchisers and franchisees.
Power Point Presentation on the topic Hypermarket prepared by students of Birla Institute of Technology, Mesra, Patna.
Harsh Raj
Satyam Parashar
Mehar Yahya
The document discusses the evolution of various retail formats over time. It begins by describing some of the earliest stores like the Bon Marche department store from 1852 and A&P grocery stores from 1859. It then outlines the development of self-service stores, supermarkets, hypermarkets, and specialty stores from the early 1900s onwards. The rise of online retailers like Amazon in 1995 marked another major change. Various retail theories like environmental, cyclical, and conflictual theories are also summarized that aim to explain the retail development process. Finally, the document categorizes different types of retail stores based on factors like ownership, location, merchandise offered.
Retailers need to understand how to target customers in the right way and customers need retailers to understand them and offer them something at value all the time. OmniChannel retailing is the ultimate solution for retailer to connect with their customers and provide them with outstanding customized experience.
Join our Social Learning Network:
Marketing Management - Brand Building (eg.of Big Bazaar, WestSide, Globus)Mufaddal Nullwala
The document discusses marketing strategies for three Indian retail brands: Big Bazaar, WestSide, and Globus. It provides an introduction to each brand and discusses their 7P analyses, products, pricing, placement, promotion, people, processes, and physical evidence. For Big Bazaar, it outlines the company's history and covers their taglines, pricing techniques, store features, product ranges, SWOT analysis, and advertising approaches. For WestSide, it discusses their mission, market research, retail layout, and promotion. For Globus, it summarizes the brand's history, vision, goals, brands, and competitors.
Retailing involves the sale of goods directly to consumers for personal use, while wholesaling involves the sale of goods to retailers. There are two main types of retailers: store retailers which operate out of physical locations, and non-store retailers which sell through methods like catalogs, telemarketing, or online. Store retailers can be further classified by factors like the level of service provided, the breadth of products offered, relative pricing compared to competitors, and whether they are independent businesses or part of a chain. Non-store retailing is growing faster than store retailing and includes direct marketing, direct selling, and automatic vending.
Bab 6 - Pasar Bisnis dan Perilaku Pembelian Bisnismsahuleka
Bab ini membahas pasar bisnis dan perilaku pembelian bisnis, termasuk perbedaan antara pasar bisnis dan konsumen, faktor yang mempengaruhi keputusan pembelian bisnis, dan proses delapan tahap keputusan pembelian bisnis. Juga dibahas adalah pasar lembaga dan pemerintah, di mana pembeli lembaga dan pemerintah membuat keputusan pembelian dengan mempertimbangkan anggaran rendah dan persyaratan administrasi yang lebih ketat.
The document provides information on retail management. It discusses the various processes involved in retail management, which help customers procure merchandise from stores for personal use. Retail management aims to provide a pleasurable shopping experience for customers. It also outlines different retail formats like convenience stores, supermarkets, and hypermarkets. The retail sector in India is transitioning from traditional small stores to organized retail formats. While organized retail is growing, around 90% of retail in India remains unorganized.
Warehousing refers to the large-scale storage of goods in a systematic manner from production until consumption. Warehouses are needed due to seasonal production and demand, large-scale production, the need for quick supply, continuous production, and price stabilization. The main types of warehouses are private, public, bonded, cooperative, and government. Warehouses provide storage, protection from damage, financing through warehouse receipts, some processing, risk bearing, and sometimes transportation. They benefit businesses by protecting goods, ensuring regular supply, enabling continuous production, providing convenient locations, and facilitating the sale of goods.
This document provides an overview of Today's Bazaar, a retail store offering a wide range of products across various categories. It describes the store's marketing mix strategies including competitive pricing, convenient locations, and promotional activities like discounts, offers and samples. Advertising approaches like newspapers, TV, and radio are mentioned along with public relations efforts like community involvement. Competitors are also briefly addressed.
Reliance Fresh and more. are two Indian retail chains that employ similar retail mix strategies. Both focus on convenient store locations and place importance on private label products, promotions, and personnel. Reliance Fresh stores are smaller convenience stores while more. has both neighborhood supermarkets and larger hypermarket stores. The document discusses the retail mix elements and strategies used by each chain, such as pricing, promotions, product assortments, store presentations, and personnel approaches.
This document discusses different types of retail institutions based on ownership, including independents, chains, franchises, leased departments, and vertical marketing systems. Independents make up 70% of retailers but only 3% of sales due to lack of scale and bargaining power. Chains account for 65% of US retail sales through centralized purchasing and advertising. Franchising involves contractual agreements where franchisees pay fees to use an established brand. Leased departments occupy space in stores and pay rent as a percentage of sales. Vertical marketing systems integrate independently owned businesses along the distribution channel.
Innovative Small Business Marketing StrategiesNancy Dibert
The document discusses how marketing has evolved from traditional word-of-mouth and print advertising to integrated digital marketing strategies. It provides tips for businesses to establish an online presence through websites, search engine optimization, social media, blogs, email newsletters, videos and more. The goal is to engage customers and boost business through innovative tactics that capture attention across various online channels.
This document outlines 10 key concepts about retailing, wholesaling, and logistics. It defines retailing and wholesaling, describes the major types of each, and explains how franchising works. It also discusses how market logistic decisions are made and trends in logistics, such as frequent deliveries, shorter order times, and customized packaging.
This document discusses retail management. It defines retail management as managing all activities involved in making products available to customers, including capital raising, purchasing, accounting, distribution, product development, and marketing. The key aspects of retail management are bringing customers into stores to fulfill their needs by providing a variety of products and services in a convenient manner. Effective retail management requires considering social, economic, technological, political, and legal factors. The main challenges are providing excellent customer service while achieving fair profits in a competitive environment and retaining customers.
The document discusses Reliance Fresh, a supermarket chain operated by Reliance Retail in India. It outlines Reliance Fresh's supply chain model which sources produce directly from farmers through collection centers and processing stations. The supply chain aims to eliminate middlemen to reduce costs and pass savings to customers. It also covers Reliance Fresh's marketing strategy, competitors, SWOT analysis, and future plans to expand further in India and internationally.
There are two main types of retail locations: unplanned and planned. Unplanned locations include freestanding sites, urban areas like central business districts, inner cities, and gentrified areas, and main streets. Planned locations include shopping centers in various formats like convenience centers, power centers, enclosed malls, lifestyle centers, mixed-use developments, outlet centers, and theme/festival centers. New developments combine multiple formats. Other nontraditional locations include pop-up stores, stores-within-stores, kiosks, and airports. The selection of a retail location type depends on factors like the target market's shopping behavior, market density, and the retailer's uniqueness. Societal and legal considerations can also
Retailing and wholesaling are two key functions in the distribution of goods. Retailing involves the direct sale of goods to consumers, while wholesaling involves the sale of goods to retailers or other businesses for resale or business use. Some key types of retailers include specialty stores, department stores, supermarkets, and convenience stores. Wholesalers take on functions like assembling, warehousing, transporting, financing, and bearing risks for the goods they distribute. Both retailing and wholesaling play important roles in efficiently delivering goods to meet consumer demand.
This document summarizes key concepts from Chapter 11 of a Principles of Marketing textbook. It defines retailing and wholesaling, lists the functions of retailers and wholesalers, and describes different types of retailers and wholesalers based on factors like sales volume, product mix offered, ownership structure, and operation method. The types of retailers discussed include general merchandise stores, department stores, variety stores, specialty stores, corporate chain stores, independent stores, and franchise stores. The types of wholesalers discussed include merchant wholesalers, sales offices/branches, agents, industrial wholesalers, and limited function wholesalers.
Dokumen tersebut membahas tentang perdagangan eceran, grosir, dan logistik pasar. Secara singkat, dibahas mengenai definisi dan jenis-jenis perdagangan eceran dan grosir beserta perbedaannya, keputusan pemasaran yang diambil pengecer, serta tujuan dan tahapan perencanaan logistik pasar."
Dokumen tersebut membahas tentang logistik pasar dan pedagang eceran. Logistik pasar meliputi perencanaan, pelaksanaan, dan pengendalian aliran barang atau jasa secara efektif dan efisien. Sedangkan pedagang eceran adalah penjualan langsung ke konsumen akhir untuk kebutuhan pribadi, yang mencakup berbagai jenis toko dan non-toko seperti penjualan langsung, pemasaran langsung, mesin otom
1. Dokumen tersebut membahas tentang pengertian retail, klasifikasi retail berdasarkan berbagai kriteria, dan perkembangan industri retail.
2. Retail dapat diklasifikasikan berdasarkan kepemilikan, jenis barang yang dijual, strategi, dan jenis layanan.
3. Beberapa tren industri retail adalah bervariasinya format retail, konsentrasi industri yang meningkat, dan globalisasi.
PPT KEL 4 - Mengelola Perdagangan Eceran, Grosir dan Logistik.pdfABEDNEGOSINAGA
Dokumen tersebut membahas tentang manajemen perdagangan eceran, grosir, dan logistik. Terdapat penjelasan mengenai perdagangan eceran dan grosir beserta jenis, fungsi, dan lingkungan usaha masing-masing."
Dokumen tersebut membahas tentang ritel (pengecer) dan grosir. Ia menjelaskan definisi dan jenis-jenis ritel berdasarkan jumlah layanan, lini produk, harga, dan organisasi. Jenis-jenis grosir juga dijelaskan beserta fungsi-fungsinya. Keputusan pemasaran untuk ritel dan grosir mencakup strategi, bauran pemasaran, dan tren yang terjadi.
Dokumen tersebut membahas tentang manajemen saluran pemasaran, termasuk definisi saluran pemasaran, jenis perantara, strategi pemasaran, pengembangan saluran, dan keputusan manajemen saluran.
Situasi dimana produsen suatu produk melakukan transaksi secara langsung dengan pelanggan
Keuntungan :
Produsen mengendalikan penuh harga produk (tidak ada mark up akibat marketing intermediaries)
Mudah mendapatkan umpan balik langsung mengenai produknya --memungkinkan memberikan respon lebih cepat
Misal : perusahaan langsung memberikan katalog produk kepada pelanggan sehingga bisa langsung memesan produk langsung ke perusahaan.
Dokumen ini membahas dampak tumbuhnya pasar modern terhadap pasar tradisional dan ekonomi Indonesia serta memberikan model pengembangan pasar tradisional. Pasar modern menawarkan kenyamanan tetapi juga mengurangi pangsa pasar dan pendapatan pedagang kecil. Diperlukan regulasi pemerintah untuk membagi wilayah usaha dan mengatur harga serta jenis retailer guna mempertahankan peran pasar tradisional sebagai penggerak ekonomi masyarakat
Dokumen tersebut membahas konsep dasar dari Talent-Based Human Resources Management, yang menekankan pentingnya mengidentifikasi bakat potensial setiap individu dan mengembangkannya agar mencapai kompetensi kelas dunia. Sistem ini berfokus pada rekrutmen, pengembangan karir, dan pengembangan kompetensi berdasarkan bakat masing-masing individu."
This document discusses various strategies for companies looking to enter global markets, including the advantages and risks of internationalization. It covers deciding whether to go abroad based on factors like foreign market opportunities and risks of failing to understand local culture. Methods of entering markets are examined, like indirect exporting, direct exporting, licensing, joint ventures, and direct investment. Considerations for the marketing program include adapting products, communication, prices, and distribution channels to local conditions.
Direct marketing involves using media like mail, catalogs, telemarketing, and websites to directly reach customers and measure responses. It allows for customization but can irritate or invade privacy. Well-designed websites provide content, community, customization and commerce. Sales forces are designed around objectives, strategies, structures, size and compensation. Managing sales forces involves recruiting, training, supervising, motivating and evaluating representatives to improve performance. Personal selling follows a seven-step process including prospecting, presenting, overcoming objections, closing and following up.
The document discusses developing and managing an advertising program. It explains that the five steps are to set objectives, establish a budget considering factors like product lifecycle and competition, develop message strategy and creative execution, decide on media selection evaluating reach and cost, and determine timing and allocation of advertising. It also covers evaluating effectiveness through research techniques. The document then briefly discusses sales promotion tools, events and public relations as means to promote products and the company image.
Chapter 17 Designing And Managing Integrated Marketing CommunicationsDiarta
The document outlines eight steps for developing effective marketing communications: 1) Identify the target audience, 2) Determine communication objectives such as brand awareness or purchase intention, 3) Design communications to achieve the desired response by determining the message, creative strategy, and message source, 4) Select communication channels, 5) Establish the budget, 6) Decide on the marketing communication mix, 7) Measure communication results, and 8) Manage the integrated marketing communication process.
The document discusses retailing, wholesaling, and logistics. It describes different types of retailers like department stores, supermarkets, and discount stores. Retailers make decisions about their target markets, product assortment, pricing, and promotion. Wholesalers help manufacturers reach many small business customers efficiently through activities like selling, promoting, bulk breaking, and financing. Market logistics involves planning the infrastructure to meet customer demand through decisions about the value proposition, channel design, operational excellence, and information systems.
Chapter 14 Developing Pricing Strategies And ProgramsDiarta
1. The document discusses developing pricing strategies and programs, noting that price is an important factor in determining market share and profitability.
2. It outlines steps for setting prices, including selecting pricing objectives, determining demand elasticity, estimating costs, analyzing competitors, and selecting a pricing method.
3. The document also discusses adapting prices through techniques like geographical pricing, price discounts, promotional pricing, and price discrimination.
This document discusses how companies can analyze competition within their industry. It outlines Michael Porter's five competitive forces model which identifies industry competitors, substitute products, potential entrants, buyers' bargaining power, and suppliers' bargaining power as key factors that determine the attractiveness of an industry. The document then provides tips for companies to identify their direct and indirect competitors based on satisfying similar customer needs. It also offers strategies for analyzing competitors' objectives, strengths, weaknesses, and strategies to determine how to position themselves against competitors. Finally, it stresses the importance of balancing a customer-centered approach with monitoring competitors.
The document discusses product life cycle marketing strategies and market evolution. It describes the four stages of a product life cycle as introduction, growth, maturity, and decline. Different marketing strategies are needed for each stage, such as early adoption in introduction, market penetration in growth, and niche markets in maturity. As markets evolve over time they also pass through four stages of emergence, growth, maturity, and decline. Firms must understand a market's path of evolution to adapt their products and strategies accordingly.
Brand equity refers to the added value provided to products and services by a brand. It is measured by how consumers think, feel and act towards the brand and is reflected in prices, market share and profits. David Aaker views brand equity as consisting of brand awareness, brand associations, perceived quality, brand loyalty and other proprietary assets. Marketers build brand equity by choosing memorable and meaningful brand elements, designing holistic marketing activities, and creating the right brand knowledge structures with consumers. Managing brand equity requires reinforcing, revitalizing or addressing crises to change brand knowledge over the long term. Brand portfolios introduce multiple brands to attract varied customers while minimizing overlap between brands.
Business suppliers and customers are exploring closer relationships through supply chain management, early supplier involvement, and purchasing alliances to improve effectiveness and efficiency. For example, Motoman Inc. and Stillwater Technologies work closely with Honda Motor Company on system projects. Institutional markets like schools and hospitals look for vendors that meet quality standards and offer low prices. Government buyers require extensive paperwork from vendors and prefer open bidding and domestic companies.
Chapter 1 Defining Marketing For The 21st CenturyDiarta
The document defines marketing and discusses its scope and concepts. It outlines different orientations companies can take, such as production, selling, and marketing concepts. The marketing concept focuses on customer needs and satisfaction. Trends in marketing management include organizing around customer segments, emphasizing intangible assets like brands, and focusing on customer lifetime value rather than individual transactions. The document also covers fundamental marketing concepts such as the marketing mix, supply chains, competition, and the marketing environment.
The document discusses product strategy and the relationship between products and brands. It defines different levels in a product hierarchy from core needs to specific items. It also describes how companies structure their product mixes, including the width, length, depth and consistency. Companies lengthen their lines through line stretching, either down-market or up-market, or through line filling. Co-branding and ingredient branding are also discussed as strategies for combining brands.
2. ECERAN : Semua kegiatan yang tercakup dalam penjualan barang/jasa langsung kepada konsumen akhir u/ penggunaan pribadi atau non-pribadi PENGECER : Setiap usaha atau bisnis yang volume penjualan utamanya berasal dari eceran
4. PENGECER TOKO Toko barang Khusus,( spesial store), Lini produk yang sempit Toserba (Department Store) , Beberapa lini produk Pasar Swalayan (Super Market) Usaha yang relatif besar, biaya rendah, margin rendah, volume tinggi Toko konvenies , toko yang relatif kecil terletak dekat permukiman, dibuka berjam-jam, 7 hari seminggu, Toko Diskon, barang dagangan standar yang di jual dengan harga yang lebih murah,
5. Pengecer potongan harga , barang dagangan yang di beli dibawah harga pedagang beswar biasa, dan di jual di bawah harga eceran Toko besar , ruang penjualan besar yang di tujukan u/ memenuhi kebutuhan konsumen u/ jemis makanan dan barang-barang yang rutin di beli PENGECER TOKO
6. TINGKAT LAYANAN Swalayan , Landasan semua usaha diskon, pelanggan menemukan, membandingkan, memilih sendiri guna menghemat uang Swapilih, Pelanggan dapat mencari barangnya sendiri walaupun dapat meminta bantuan Layanan terbatas , pengecer menjual banyak barang belanja, pelanggan memerlukan lebih banyak informasi dan bantuan Layanan lengkap, wiraniaga siap membantu menemukan, membandingkan dan memilih
7. ECERAN NON TOKO Penjualan Langsung , penjualan dari rumah kerumah atau melalui pesta penjualan yang di jual kepada banyak orang. Pemasar langsung , mencakup telemarketing, pemasaran tanggapan langsung dari televisi, dan belanja elektronik Penjajaan otomatis , berupa mesin-mesin penjaja (Vending machine) Jasa pembelian , pengecer tanpa toko yang melayani pelanggan khusus, seperti karyawan organisasi besar yang telah sepakat unutk memberikan diskon.
8. ECERAN KORPORAT Toko-toko jaringan korporat Jaringan sukarela Koperasi pengecer Koperasi konsumen waralaba Konglomerat perdagangan
9. MODEL UNTUK MENDAPATKAN KEBERHASILAN Pendekatan merk yang kuat , mempromosikan merk-merk sendiri dalam toko sendiri dari pada merk tertentu manapun Toko Showcase, tidak hanya menjual merk orang lain tapi sering membuat penjaja merk itu bertanggung jawab atas saham, staf, bahkan tempat penjualan
10. KEPUTUSAN PEMASARAN Pasar sasaran , pengecer mengiris-iris pasar menjadi pasar yang lebih bagus dan memperkenalkan lini toko baru u/ memberikan perangkat tawaran yang lebih relevan Keragaman produk-produk perolehan produk, keragaman produk sesuai dengan harapan belanja dari pasar sasarannya.
11. STRATEGI DIVERENSIASI PRODUK Tonjolkan merk nasional eksklusif yang tidak tersedia di pengecer saingan Tonjolkan merk paling pribadi Tonjolkan acara penjualan yang sangat sukses Tonjolkan barang dagangan kejutan Tonjolkan barang dagangan terakhir Menawarkan layanan yang menyesuaikan barang dagangan Menawarkan beragam barang dagangan dengan sasaran yang sangat khusus
12. LAYANAN DAN ATMOSFER TOKO Layanan pra pembelian , penerimaan telepon, iklan, kamar pas, tukar tambah. Layanan purna pembelian , pengiriman, penyerahan, pembungkusan, dll Layanan tambahan , tempat parkir, restoran, kantor belakang,dll
13. KEPUTUSAN HARGA Kebanyakan pengecer menetapkan harga yang lebih rendah untuk produk yang berfungsi menarik pengunjung. KEPUTUSAN KOMUNIKASI Pengecer menggunakan berbagai macam komunikasi untuk menghasilkan lalulintas pengunjung dan pembeli
14. KEPUTUSAN TEMPAT Distrik bisnis umum , pusat kota yang padat lalu lintas Pusat perbelanjaan regional , mall-mall besar pinggir kota Pusat belanja lingkungan, mall-mall yang lebih kecil Pertokoan strip mall, sekelompok toko dalam bangunan panjang Dalam toko yang lebih besar , menempatkan unit baru yang lebih kecil sebagai ruang konsesi didalam toko yang lebih besar
15. KECENDERUNGA DALAM ECERAN Perkembangan utama yang perlu di perhitungkan Bentuk dan kombinasi eceran baru Pertumbuhan persaingan antar jenis Persaingan antar eceran Pertumbuhan pengecer raksasa Kemerosotan pengecer pasar menengah Investasi yang makin tumbuh dalam tehnologi Kehadiran global pengecer utama
16. PERDAGANGAN BESAR Perdagangan besar di gunakan, jika mereka lebih efisien dalam melakukan fungsi berikut Penjualan dan promosi Memecah jumlah yang sangat besar Pergudangan Pengangkutan Pembiayaan Penanggung resiko Informasi pasar Jasa menagement konsultasi
17. JENIS PERDAGANGAN BESAR Niaga , dimiliki secara independent dan kepemilikan atas barang dagangan Layanan penuh , menyimpan persediaan, memiliki tenaga penjualan, menawarkan kredit, melakukan pengiriman, dan bantuan managemen Layanan terbatas , pedagang besar tunai menjual lini terbatas barang-barang yang cepat bergerak kepada para pengecer kecil untuk mendapat uang tunai Pialan g dan agen, memudahkan pembelian dan penjualan dan menerima komisi 2-6%
18. JENIS PERDAGANGAN BESAR Cabang, kantor produsen dan pengecer, operasi perdagangan dilakukan oleh para penjual atau pembeli sendiri dan bukan melalui pedagang besar yang indipendent Pedagang besar khusus , praktik pertanian, pabrik, dan terminal minyak borongan, perusahaan pelelangan.
19. KEPUTUSAN PEMASARAN PERDAGAN BESAR Pasar sasaran, memilih berdasar ukuran, jenis pelanggan, kebutuhan pelayanan Keragaman produk dan layanan, mendapat tekanan besar u/ menyediakan lini lengkap dan mempertahankan persediaan yang memadai u/ dikirimkan segera Keputusan harga , menaikan harga pokok barang sebesar persentase konvensional Keputusan promosi , mengandalkan tenaga penjualan u/ mencapai tujuan promosinya Keputusan tempat , mengembangkan gudang yang diotomatisasi dan sistem informasi yang maju
20. LOGISTIK Perencanaan infrastuktur guna memenuhi permintaan, kemudian mengimplementasikan dan mengontrol aliran fisik bahan dan barang-barang jadi dari titik asal ke titik penggunaan. Untuk memenuhi kebutuhan pelanggan
21. 4 LANGKAH PERENCANAAN LOGOSTIK PASAR Memutuskan masalah nilai perusahaan tersebut kepada pelanggan-pelanggannya Memutuskan rancangan saluran terbaik dan strategi jaringan unutk mencapai pelanggan Mengembangkan keunggulan operasi dalam memperkirakan penjualan, managemen pergudangan, manajemen transportasi dan managemen bahan Mengimplementasikan jalan keluar dengan sistem informasi, peralatan, kebijakan, dan prosedur terbaik
22. MENGHITUNG BIAYA LOGISTIK M=T+FW+VW+S M= Total biaya logistik untuk sistem yang di usulkan T= Total biaya penggangkutan untuk sistem yang di usulkan FW= Total biaya tetap penggudangan untuk sistem yang diusulkan VW= Total biaya tidak tetap penggudangan untuk sistem yang di usulkan S= Total biaya kehilangan penjualan karena penundaan pengiriman rata-rata karena sistem yang diusulkan
23. KEPUTUSAN LOGISTIK PASAR Bagaimana sebaiknya pesanan ditangani Dimana sebaiknya persediaan sebaiknya ditempatkan Berapa banyak persediaan sebaiknya disimpan Bagaimana sebaiknya barang dikirim