從行為特質進行細緻顧客分群, 發掘更多消費者行為商機, 進行商機探索.
Find more business opportunities from behavioral micro-segmentation.We provide more marketing clues for marketing guys to do some business action or consumer insight.
此簡報為 Will 保哥 於 2015/6/25 (四) 接受 SQL PASS Taiwan 邀請演講的內容。
現場錄影: http://www.microsoftvirtualacademy.com/training-courses/sql-server-realase-management?mtag=MVP4015686
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Slack is a collaboration tool that replaces email with direct messaging and group chats, allowing users to seamlessly attach documents from services like Google Docs. Originally built as an internal tool, it launched publicly in 2014 and has since grown to over 2.3 million daily active users, with $64 million in annual recurring revenue and a $3.8 billion valuation after raising $500 million over 7 funding rounds. Slack's integration with other services and search capabilities within chats and documents give it a competitive advantage over tools like HipChat and Yammer.
This document provides an overview of startup best practices including lean startup methodology, user stories, agile development practices, Git version control, metrics and analytics, and customer acquisition and retention strategies. It emphasizes frequent iteration and customer feedback to build the minimum viable product and validate business assumptions quickly.
此簡報為 Will 保哥 於 2015/6/25 (四) 接受 SQL PASS Taiwan 邀請演講的內容。
現場錄影: http://www.microsoftvirtualacademy.com/training-courses/sql-server-realase-management?mtag=MVP4015686
[ Will 保哥的部落格 - The Will Will Web ]
[ Will 保哥的技術交流中心 ] (Facebook 粉絲專頁)
[ Will 保哥的噗浪 ]
[ Will 保哥的推特 ]
[ Will 保哥的 G+ 頁面 ]
Slack is a collaboration tool that replaces email with direct messaging and group chats, allowing users to seamlessly attach documents from services like Google Docs. Originally built as an internal tool, it launched publicly in 2014 and has since grown to over 2.3 million daily active users, with $64 million in annual recurring revenue and a $3.8 billion valuation after raising $500 million over 7 funding rounds. Slack's integration with other services and search capabilities within chats and documents give it a competitive advantage over tools like HipChat and Yammer.
This document provides an overview of startup best practices including lean startup methodology, user stories, agile development practices, Git version control, metrics and analytics, and customer acquisition and retention strategies. It emphasizes frequent iteration and customer feedback to build the minimum viable product and validate business assumptions quickly.