Inbound MarketingBret SimmonsThe document discusses inbound marketing and provides tips for success. It emphasizes that inbound marketing is a big opportunity and being searchable and shareable is good for business. It stresses that proper operating principles like defining your brand value in terms of uniquely helping others, are key to success. Examples of inbound marketing by local businesses and former students are also provided.
For rent presentationroulaempireeventsllcEmpire Events & Catering LLC is a special events management company based in Dubai that prides itself on creating unique events tailored to client needs. It provides exceptional rental furniture solutions for events including chairs, tables, and seating in various styles and materials. Empire Events aims to design events that suit client objectives and budgets with complete flexibility.
Startup marketing - Dr. Alex ComanMIT Forum of IsraelThis document discusses referral marketing results for a $99 product. It states that the cost per acquisition was between $233-$388, which was deemed a failure. It also notes that in the past 30 days, users sent 2.8 million direct referral invites. Finally, it mentions that recall increased up to 30% when ads coincided with mentions in users' news feeds of friends who were brand fans.
Why Roth Kicks AsspfninjaThe document compares traditional and Roth retirement plans. With traditional plans, contributions are made pre-tax, providing an immediate tax break. Withdrawals in retirement are taxed. Roth plans have after-tax contributions but qualified withdrawals of both contributions and earnings are tax-free. Roth plans are generally better for young people because they will likely be in a higher tax bracket in retirement, and they get to benefit from tax-free earnings growth over decades. The document recommends visiting the personal financeninja website for more details on choosing the best retirement plan.
Fintech_30.1.13MIT Forum of IsraelThis document discusses the future of digital payments and commerce. It notes that traditional boundaries between online and offline are blurring with the rise of mobile. The infrastructure for payments is fragmented, making changes difficult. The cloud can help connect merchants globally by providing capabilities like mobile point-of-sale systems. Both large and small businesses are struggling to keep up with changing consumer demands and the fast pace of innovation. The cloud may also help store sensitive financial information more securely. Digital wallets could replace physical wallets, but point-of-sale systems need to recognize digital wallets. A successful digital wallet experience will be about more than just payments and part of a larger consumer experience.
Applying Cloud MDM to Drive Integration, Execution and AnalyticsRob SakerRob Saker talks about CROSSMARK's adoption of Dell Boomi MDM with Salesforce and the platform to power their master data management program.
How CROSSMARK Rapidly Deployed BI Solutions Across the Value ChainRob SakerHow CROSSMARK is rapidly deploying analytics solutions and driving better results with customers across the value chain.
Using and Dell Boomi MDM to Drive Better Master Data ManagementRob SakerCrossmark had grown its technology ecosystem organically over 15 years resulting in point-to-point integrations between various systems containing master data. They began a digital transformation initiative 18 months ago to move to a cloud-first approach on the platform and address traditional master data management challenges by implementing a centralized approach using and Dell Boomi MDM. This would help establish consistent definitions of places and other master data across the organization.
Inbound MarketingBret SimmonsThe document discusses inbound marketing and provides tips for success. It emphasizes that inbound marketing is a big opportunity and being searchable and shareable is good for business. It stresses that proper operating principles like defining your brand value in terms of uniquely helping others, are key to success. Examples of inbound marketing by local businesses and former students are also provided.
For rent presentationroulaempireeventsllcEmpire Events & Catering LLC is a special events management company based in Dubai that prides itself on creating unique events tailored to client needs. It provides exceptional rental furniture solutions for events including chairs, tables, and seating in various styles and materials. Empire Events aims to design events that suit client objectives and budgets with complete flexibility.
Startup marketing - Dr. Alex ComanMIT Forum of IsraelThis document discusses referral marketing results for a $99 product. It states that the cost per acquisition was between $233-$388, which was deemed a failure. It also notes that in the past 30 days, users sent 2.8 million direct referral invites. Finally, it mentions that recall increased up to 30% when ads coincided with mentions in users' news feeds of friends who were brand fans.
Why Roth Kicks AsspfninjaThe document compares traditional and Roth retirement plans. With traditional plans, contributions are made pre-tax, providing an immediate tax break. Withdrawals in retirement are taxed. Roth plans have after-tax contributions but qualified withdrawals of both contributions and earnings are tax-free. Roth plans are generally better for young people because they will likely be in a higher tax bracket in retirement, and they get to benefit from tax-free earnings growth over decades. The document recommends visiting the personal financeninja website for more details on choosing the best retirement plan.
Fintech_30.1.13MIT Forum of IsraelThis document discusses the future of digital payments and commerce. It notes that traditional boundaries between online and offline are blurring with the rise of mobile. The infrastructure for payments is fragmented, making changes difficult. The cloud can help connect merchants globally by providing capabilities like mobile point-of-sale systems. Both large and small businesses are struggling to keep up with changing consumer demands and the fast pace of innovation. The cloud may also help store sensitive financial information more securely. Digital wallets could replace physical wallets, but point-of-sale systems need to recognize digital wallets. A successful digital wallet experience will be about more than just payments and part of a larger consumer experience.
Applying Cloud MDM to Drive Integration, Execution and AnalyticsRob SakerRob Saker talks about CROSSMARK's adoption of Dell Boomi MDM with Salesforce and the platform to power their master data management program.
How CROSSMARK Rapidly Deployed BI Solutions Across the Value ChainRob SakerHow CROSSMARK is rapidly deploying analytics solutions and driving better results with customers across the value chain.
Using and Dell Boomi MDM to Drive Better Master Data ManagementRob SakerCrossmark had grown its technology ecosystem organically over 15 years resulting in point-to-point integrations between various systems containing master data. They began a digital transformation initiative 18 months ago to move to a cloud-first approach on the platform and address traditional master data management challenges by implementing a centralized approach using and Dell Boomi MDM. This would help establish consistent definitions of places and other master data across the organization.
The Case of The Missing ExamsMprofA math exam has gone missing from a classroom at Escola Sant Pau. Three students - Suspect A, Suspect B, and Suspect C - are suspects as they often arrive at school early. Their stories check out as true, but the bus schedule must be used to determine which suspect could have arrived in time to take the exams before 9am. Footprints found at the scene also provide a clue to identify the guilty party.
2. Aquest és un castell relativament jove, de finals del s.
XIX principis del XX.
El Sr. August va néixer a Sant Celoni i, quan es va fer
gran, es va enamorar de la seva futura esposa,
“Donya Sofia” - segons diuen, la va conèixer al Liceu i
va decidir establir Mas Jalpí com a vivenda habitual-
3. El Sr. August ostentava el títol de “Cavaller”. El títol
prové del 1213, quan al fill petit d’una família de
tres germans, després de diferents gestes, el Rei li
va concedir el títol nobiliari de “Cavaller”. Aquest
títol era hereditari , sempre que hi hagués
descendència masculina ja que en cas contrari
canviava de branca familiar. Don August Borràs i
Jalpí va ser el darrer Cavaller Jalpí.
4. Tot i que ell va tenir descendència, un únic fill, el
títol el van perdre un cop es van quedar sense ni
cinc (per a tenir un títol cal pagar uns drets)
“Donya Sofia” va néixer a Lequeito (Bilbao) i
procedia d’una família molt benestant. La dot
que li va pertocar per “casament” va ser
5. “Don August” procedia d’una família de
terratinents. Podia dir que des de Maçanet de la
Selva fins el mar, ell podia “caminar per casa
6. En el seu territori disposava de
•Finques de conreu.
•Vinyes amb les quals produïa vi.
•Mines d’aigua per a vendre aigua mineral en
ampolles amb i sense gas.
7. •De les mines d’aigua, també van treure “força”
per generar electricitat. Va portar l’electricitat a
Lloret, Blanes, Tordera i Arenys de Munt. Avui ens
cobren a tant el Kw, ell cobrava per bombetes o
8. Don August era una persona molt avançada per a la
seva època, tant a nivell de negocis com nivell
particular (tenia més d’un cotxe), però alhora li
agradava tot allò que envolta el mon cavalleresc, d’aquí
ve el fet de “fer reformes” i convertir la masia en l’actual
9. La parella va tenir un únic fill molt mimat i consentit,
que, quan es va fer gran, es va enamorar d’una noia
que la família mai va acceptar. Quan el pare va morir,
ell era l’hereu i la mare l’administradora. Entre plet i
plet va perdre tota la seva fortuna.
10. Es diu, que la mare va acabar vivint a la part alta
de Barcelona, i que el fill va acabar fent de taxista
amb un vehicle propietat del seu pare, però va
continuar amb la seva estimada.