Road Signs in God's Word PowerPoint ShowAnnette EvansDiscuss the meaning and purpose of different road signs we see along the highway and that we find in the Bible.
Mobilservice Koral.NewParadisoDellaCasaThe document appears to be a catalogue presenting proposals for choosing and designing living environments. It includes 26 proposals labeled PROPOSTA KO_1 through PROPOSTA KO_26 that feature different furniture, design, and style options. Each proposal includes images and descriptions of the furniture, materials, and styles being presented. The catalogue aims to provide suggestions and inspiration for designing one's living space.
YogacuentosAna LaranjoEste documento presenta un resumen de un libro de cuentos sobre yoga para niños. Explica brevemente la historia del yoga, e introduce los conceptos de yamas y niyamas, asanas, pranayamas y meditación. Propone usar cuentos para enseñar estas prácticas yóguicas a los niños de una manera lúdica y que despierte su imaginación. Incluye ejemplos de cómo contar cuentos interactivamente y dramatizar asanas para representar a los personajes.
Tabla TAC EducaciónAnna_SorollaTabla organizativa de las Técnicas de Aprendizaje Colaborativo, basadas en el libro de Elizabeth F. Barkey
Yoga para niños y niñasPalabras Azules. Escritura CreativaEste documento describe una lección de yoga para niños de tercer grado básico. Explica los beneficios del yoga para los niños como el desarrollo de la conciencia corporal, la fuerza, la concentración y la relajación. Detalla los elementos clave de una clase como la meditación, la respiración y diferentes posturas o asanas. Luego presenta la secuencia de una clase que incluye meditación, enseñanza y práctica de varias posturas, y una sesión de relajación al final.
Passes per a fer un conte fitxesRoser MascaróPasses per fer un conte
Les contes de_perrault_propuesta didácticaEstrella Robres MiróEste documento presenta una propuesta didáctica para enseñar los cuentos de Charles Perrault en clases de francés de 4o de ESO. La propuesta incluye varias actividades como leer cuentos, analizar sus elementos, crear resúmenes y presentaciones, y elaborar un cuento propio. El objetivo es desarrollar las habilidades lingüísticas y conocer la literatura francesa a través de trabajar con los populares cuentos de hadas de Perrault. La propuesta ofrece fichas con preguntas y tareas para
Aprendo a escribir historias 1º cicloPilar Moro Este documento proporciona instrucciones para escribir historias en 5 pasos: 1) pensar en un tema, personajes y escenario, 2) describir lo que sucede, 3) organizar y escribir la historia con un inicio, desarrollo y final, 4) revisar que la historia incluye toda la información necesaria de manera clara y coherente, y 5) agregar un título a la historia terminada.
Que es el deporte de dj1716828924dalilaThe document defines several sports and physical activities. It explains that sport can be practiced for fun or competition, with competitive sports following rules to challenge oneself or others. It classifies sports into categories like athletics, ball sports, combat sports, motor sports, water sports, and sliding sports. A brief history of sports mentions their origins in ancient civilizations and their growth with events like the modern Olympic Games. Individual sports and activities like chess, athletics, basketball, cycling, swimming, and football are then defined in more detail.
Tipos de aprendizajes dffeer123The document discusses different types of learning:
1) Memoristic learning involves repetition to remember facts and concepts but the knowledge is often forgotten.
2) Receptive learning occurs when students receive content from the teacher, materials, or media to internalize.
3) Learning by discovery involves students discovering material themselves before incorporating it into their knowledge.
4) Meaningful learning occurs when tasks are meaningfully interrelated and the student decides to learn that way.
5) Maintenance learning is the acquisition of fixed criteria, methods and rules to address familiar recurring situations.
Tipos de aprendizajes dffeer123The document discusses different types of learning:
1) Memoristic learning involves repetition to remember facts and concepts but the knowledge is often forgotten.
2) Receptive learning occurs when students receive content from the teacher, materials, or media to internalize.
3) Learning by discovery involves students discovering material themselves before incorporating it into their knowledge.
4) Meaningful learning occurs when tasks are meaningfully interrelated and the student decides to learn that way.
5) Maintenance learning is the acquisition of fixed criteria, methods and rules to address familiar recurring situations.
Tipos de aprendizajes dffeer123The document discusses different types of learning:
1) Memoristic learning involves repetition to remember facts and concepts but the knowledge is often forgotten.
2) Receptive learning occurs when students receive content from the teacher, materials, or media to internalize.
3) Learning by discovery involves students discovering material themselves before incorporating it into their knowledge.
4) Meaningful learning occurs when tasks are meaningfully interrelated and the student decides to learn that way.
5) Maintenance learning is the acquisition of fixed criteria, methods and rules to address familiar recurring situations.
aprendizaje colaborativo ticsesteban_12torresThe document discusses the advantages of collaborative learning, which include: (1) It requires activating individual thinking and promoting values like cooperation and responsibility; (2) It establishes group norms and reduces isolation; (3) It increases verbal exchange and feedback. (3) It stimulates personal and group skills like listening, participating, leading, and evaluating.
Vuelo De Los GansosZertuche1) Geese fly in a V-formation to increase efficiency and travel further together.
2) When a goose falls out of formation, it feels more resistance from the air and struggles, quickly rejoining the formation to take advantage of the lead geese breaking the wind.
3) The geese take turns leading the formation, showing shared leadership and mutual respect.
4 elements of lifemihaibarsantaraPUFIN este un instrument care ne ajută pe noi, organizatorii de teambuildinguri să interacționăm mai repede, mai ușor și mai creativ cu participanții la evenimente.
Pentru managerul de HR sau pentru managerul general, este o soluție prin care va reuși să surprindă placut echipa și să îi provoace la o experiență comună.
Social Media Strategy for Athletic DirectorsMason WatersWith sports cancelled, now is THE time for Athletic Directors to refine and elevate their department's social media strategy.
Go through this deck to learn must-have basics.
If you're interested in learning more or in a consulting relationship, send me a message!
Or you can email
EssayFrancis Jebel NocumThis document provides guidance on writing essays. It discusses the four main types of writing: expository, persuasive, descriptive, and narrative. It then explains why we write essays, noting that measurement is one reason but development and professionalism are more important reasons. Development refers to exploring one's own thoughts and improving thinking skills. Professionalism means being able to think clearly about complex topics and communicate those thoughts to others. The document provides tips on outlining essays and includes examples of essay introductions and outlines. It emphasizes determining the essay type from the prompt and using an outline to stay organized.
Renee stevens breakingyour computerhabitRenée StevensBreak out of the rectangle devices that surround us. With an industry focused on dimension and space, make sure you are prepared to work in 3D, by creating something with your own two hands everyday.
Inspirational questions presentationThene SheehyA discussion for Agile Connect Day 2020 (Portugal) about how to use Inspirational (powerful) Questions from the world of Professional Coaching in our Agile Coaching role.
Passes per a fer un conte fitxesRoser MascaróPasses per fer un conte
Les contes de_perrault_propuesta didácticaEstrella Robres MiróEste documento presenta una propuesta didáctica para enseñar los cuentos de Charles Perrault en clases de francés de 4o de ESO. La propuesta incluye varias actividades como leer cuentos, analizar sus elementos, crear resúmenes y presentaciones, y elaborar un cuento propio. El objetivo es desarrollar las habilidades lingüísticas y conocer la literatura francesa a través de trabajar con los populares cuentos de hadas de Perrault. La propuesta ofrece fichas con preguntas y tareas para
Aprendo a escribir historias 1º cicloPilar Moro Este documento proporciona instrucciones para escribir historias en 5 pasos: 1) pensar en un tema, personajes y escenario, 2) describir lo que sucede, 3) organizar y escribir la historia con un inicio, desarrollo y final, 4) revisar que la historia incluye toda la información necesaria de manera clara y coherente, y 5) agregar un título a la historia terminada.
Que es el deporte de dj1716828924dalilaThe document defines several sports and physical activities. It explains that sport can be practiced for fun or competition, with competitive sports following rules to challenge oneself or others. It classifies sports into categories like athletics, ball sports, combat sports, motor sports, water sports, and sliding sports. A brief history of sports mentions their origins in ancient civilizations and their growth with events like the modern Olympic Games. Individual sports and activities like chess, athletics, basketball, cycling, swimming, and football are then defined in more detail.
Tipos de aprendizajes dffeer123The document discusses different types of learning:
1) Memoristic learning involves repetition to remember facts and concepts but the knowledge is often forgotten.
2) Receptive learning occurs when students receive content from the teacher, materials, or media to internalize.
3) Learning by discovery involves students discovering material themselves before incorporating it into their knowledge.
4) Meaningful learning occurs when tasks are meaningfully interrelated and the student decides to learn that way.
5) Maintenance learning is the acquisition of fixed criteria, methods and rules to address familiar recurring situations.
Tipos de aprendizajes dffeer123The document discusses different types of learning:
1) Memoristic learning involves repetition to remember facts and concepts but the knowledge is often forgotten.
2) Receptive learning occurs when students receive content from the teacher, materials, or media to internalize.
3) Learning by discovery involves students discovering material themselves before incorporating it into their knowledge.
4) Meaningful learning occurs when tasks are meaningfully interrelated and the student decides to learn that way.
5) Maintenance learning is the acquisition of fixed criteria, methods and rules to address familiar recurring situations.
Tipos de aprendizajes dffeer123The document discusses different types of learning:
1) Memoristic learning involves repetition to remember facts and concepts but the knowledge is often forgotten.
2) Receptive learning occurs when students receive content from the teacher, materials, or media to internalize.
3) Learning by discovery involves students discovering material themselves before incorporating it into their knowledge.
4) Meaningful learning occurs when tasks are meaningfully interrelated and the student decides to learn that way.
5) Maintenance learning is the acquisition of fixed criteria, methods and rules to address familiar recurring situations.
aprendizaje colaborativo ticsesteban_12torresThe document discusses the advantages of collaborative learning, which include: (1) It requires activating individual thinking and promoting values like cooperation and responsibility; (2) It establishes group norms and reduces isolation; (3) It increases verbal exchange and feedback. (3) It stimulates personal and group skills like listening, participating, leading, and evaluating.
Vuelo De Los GansosZertuche1) Geese fly in a V-formation to increase efficiency and travel further together.
2) When a goose falls out of formation, it feels more resistance from the air and struggles, quickly rejoining the formation to take advantage of the lead geese breaking the wind.
3) The geese take turns leading the formation, showing shared leadership and mutual respect.
4 elements of lifemihaibarsantaraPUFIN este un instrument care ne ajută pe noi, organizatorii de teambuildinguri să interacționăm mai repede, mai ușor și mai creativ cu participanții la evenimente.
Pentru managerul de HR sau pentru managerul general, este o soluție prin care va reuși să surprindă placut echipa și să îi provoace la o experiență comună.
Social Media Strategy for Athletic DirectorsMason WatersWith sports cancelled, now is THE time for Athletic Directors to refine and elevate their department's social media strategy.
Go through this deck to learn must-have basics.
If you're interested in learning more or in a consulting relationship, send me a message!
Or you can email
EssayFrancis Jebel NocumThis document provides guidance on writing essays. It discusses the four main types of writing: expository, persuasive, descriptive, and narrative. It then explains why we write essays, noting that measurement is one reason but development and professionalism are more important reasons. Development refers to exploring one's own thoughts and improving thinking skills. Professionalism means being able to think clearly about complex topics and communicate those thoughts to others. The document provides tips on outlining essays and includes examples of essay introductions and outlines. It emphasizes determining the essay type from the prompt and using an outline to stay organized.
Renee stevens breakingyour computerhabitRenée StevensBreak out of the rectangle devices that surround us. With an industry focused on dimension and space, make sure you are prepared to work in 3D, by creating something with your own two hands everyday.
Inspirational questions presentationThene SheehyA discussion for Agile Connect Day 2020 (Portugal) about how to use Inspirational (powerful) Questions from the world of Professional Coaching in our Agile Coaching role.
4 elements of lifeVacarus ValentinTraditiile sunt parte din viata noastra ; Pufin te ajuta sa descoperi valori comune ale echipei plecand de la aceste evenimente
Using Design to Develop & Enhance your Social Media StrategyInvest Northern IrelandUsing Design to Develop & Enhance your Social Media Strategy.
May 2018.
Dr Vicky Kelly - Invest NI.
Gillian Colhoun - Design Capital
Lyndsey Doherty - Origin Digital
Jaime Steele - Pale Blue Dot
TravelbirdBigDataExpoThis document discusses the operational changes made by TravelBird to transition from a static daily email selection model to a personalized, portfolio-based model using machine learning and data science. It describes four main challenges: 1) defining personalization, 2) connecting operations to analytics, 3) capturing expert perspectives, and 4) balancing automated and hand-picked selections. For each challenge, it outlines the approaches taken, such as prioritizing quick wins like sort order testing before complex changes, using a real customer example to explain concepts, and giving experts tools to respond to current events. The key lessons are to communicate across teams, understand different perspectives, and find the right balance of automated and human input.
School of Sardines ManifestoSGMNDSThis document introduces the School of Sardines, a creative writing forum and support group for amateur writers in Indonesia. The group aims to encourage members to write original works, improve their skills through activities and feedback, and foster creativity. Members are free to share ideas and stories, take part in writing classes or competitions, and potentially publish collaboratively. The goal is to help members develop their writing abilities and someday publish their own books.
Biebnew pimstefanronaldhmThe document discusses communication strategies for a new library to attract diverse young people. It notes the different interests of potential patrons, from gaming to music to food. Rather than traditional promotional materials, it proposes using simple visuals and colors in targeted placements near schools and in the neighborhood, to communicate the library's offerings in an accessible way for the specific demographic.
ԴڴǰáپAndrea LópezThis document discusses two key educational approaches for 2020. It argues that education must fully develop students to succeed in today's changing society. It also argues that education should be a right for all, not a privilege for some, and that new technologies must be integrated into educational practices to keep up with constant changes and engage new generations.
Speaking 2nd_ESO_unit 6ies juan de arejulaThe document contains a series of speaking questions and prompts in English and Spanish related to making predictions about the future, completing conditional ("if") sentences, and responding to personal questions with numbers, dates, or other factual information. The prompts encourage describing future predictions and possibilities, as well as personal details, in response to conditional and hypothetical scenarios.
Adjectiveorder final2-160211162550PANABO SDA LEARNING CENTERThe document discusses the proper order of adjectives when used in a series to modify a noun. It explains that adjectives should be in a particular order: determiner, opinion, size, age, shape, color, material, origin, purpose. An example is provided to illustrate this order using "ten lovable, small, young, pudgy, beige, fuzzy, French pet puppies". Each adjective in the series is identified according to its category in the prescribed order. The conclusion notes that generally two to three adjectives are sufficient to modify a noun.
The Order of Adjectives: How to Construct a Sentence with Multiple Descriptiv...Inklyo.comAdorable, pudgy, fuzzy puppies will help you learn the correct order of adjectives to employ when describing a noun with multiple descriptors.
CC Sagrats Cors de Sóller: aprenentage cooperatiu_1_pdfCEP de PalmaPresentació del CC Sagrats Cors de Sóller a les Jornades d'Aprenentatge Cooperatiu. Palma 7 i 8 de juny de 2012
CEP de Palma
IES Josep Sureda i Blanes: aprenentatge cooperatiuCEP de PalmaPresentació de l'IES Josep Sureda i Blanes a les Jornades d'Aprenentatge Cooperatiu - Palma 7 i 8 de juny de 2012
CEP de Palma
CEIP Santa Catalina: pla de l'equip (aprenentatge cooperatiu)CEP de PalmaPresentació del pla de l'equip del CEIP Santa Catalina a les Jornades d'Aprenentatge Cooperatiu - Palma 7 i 8 de juny de 2012
CEP de Palma
CEIP Santa Catalina: aprenentatge cooperatiu (cohesió de grup)CEP de PalmaPresentació del CEIP Santa Catalina a les Jornades d'Aprenentatge Cooperatiu - Palma 7 i 8 de juny de 2012
CEP de Palma
CEIP Alexandre Rosselló: aprenentatge cooperatiuCEP de PalmaPresentació del CEIP Alexandre Rosselló a les Jornades d'Aprenentatge Cooperatiu- Palma 7i 8 /06/2012
CEP de Palma
CEIP Gabriel Comas i Ribas: aprenentatge cooperatiuCEP de PalmaPresentació del CEIP Gabriel Comas i Ribas per a les Jornades d'Aprenentatge Cooperatiu / Palma 7 i 8/06/2012
CEP de Palma
CEIP Son Rullan: aprenentatge cooperatiuCEP de PalmaPresentació del CEIP Son Rullan a les "I Jornades d'Aprenentatge Cooperatiu". Palma 7/6/2012
CEP de Palma
SegundoencuentroCEP de PalmaEl documento presenta la estrategia de asesoramiento del Centro de Profesores de Palma de Mallorca. Su objetivo es contribuir a mejorar las prácticas educativas mediante intervenciones concretas. Explica que el asesoramiento debe ser un proceso de construcción conjunta centrado en la mejora, definiendo sus fases y tareas. Luego muestra un modelo de planificación resultante de la negociación para la formación en centros, con objetivos y actuaciones ordenadas en el tiempo. Finalmente, busca compartir estrategias con otros centros para mejor
Ac.ceip galatzóCEP de PalmaEste documento describe una sesión de aprendizaje cooperativo en el CEIP Galatzó. Los objetivos de la sesión son introducir el aprendizaje cooperativo como recurso, ejemplificarlo con nuevos contenidos, y coordinar grupos y estructuras a aplicar. La sesión incluye formación conjunta diseñada por el asesor y coordinador, dinamización alternada por el asesor y coordinador, y agrupamiento libre del profesorado. El esquema de la sesión consiste en designar un redactor del autoinforme, presentar mal
Aprenentatge cooperatiu castellaCEP de PalmaEste documento describe el programa CA/AC para enseñar a aprender en equipo entre 2011-2012. El programa incluyó un seminario de aprendizaje cooperativo y formación en centros educativos. El seminario consistió en 6 sesiones que cubrieron conceptos y estrategias de aprendizaje cooperativo. La formación en los centros incluyó 9 sesiones para aplicar dinámicas de grupo, estructuras cooperativas y unidades didácticas cooperativas en las aulas. El programa involucró a 10 centros educativos.
Projecte tictac castellaCEP de PalmaEste documento presenta el proyecto de formación en Tecnologías de la Información y Comunicación (TIC) del Centro de Profesores y Recursos (CEP) de Palma para el curso 2011-2012. El proyecto dividirá Palma en 4 zonas de formación, cada una asignada a un asesor TIC. Los asesores trabajarán con los centros educativos de su zona para implementar el plan TAC (Tecnologías del Aprendizaje y del Conocimiento) a través de seminarios, herramientas educativas y un
programa fc_ceip_jafuda_cresquesCEP de PalmaEl documento describe un seminario de formación continua de 21 horas de duración sobre el trabajo por competencias en el aula para profesores del CEIP Jafudà Cresques. El seminario se llevó a cabo los jueves de 14:15 a 15:45h entre el 6 de octubre y el 29 de marzo e incluyó presentaciones, debates, y 5 trabajos prácticos en los que los profesores definieron y diseñaron una tarea interdisciplinaria y su evaluación para aplicar en el aula.
Convocatories castellaCEP de PalmaEste documento presenta la convocatoria de actividades de formación en centros para el curso 2011-2012. Los objetivos incluyen impulsar cambios metodológicos relacionados con el trabajo por competencias, mejorar el rendimiento de los alumnos, fomentar el uso de las TIC en el aula, y apoyar la formación continua del profesorado. Se describen líneas de trabajo como el trabajo competencial, la lectura, y las TIC. Se especifican modalidades como talleres, proyectos de zona, seminarios e innovación pedag
Arce presentacion convocatoria convivenciaCEP de PalmaEl documento describe convocatorias de formaciones para mejorar la convivencia en centros educativos. Se seleccionarán centros para recibir asesoramiento y formación sobre herramientas para mejorar la convivencia en primaria o sobre la creación de un servicio de mediación escolar en secundaria. Los centros seleccionados recibirán asesoría y formación a lo largo de varias fases para implementar estos programas de mejora de la convivencia.
Oral exam Kenneth Bech - What is the meaning of strategic fit?MIPLMPresentation of the CEIPI DU IPBA oral exam of Kenneth Bech - What is the meaning of strategic fit?
How to create security group category in Odoo 17Celine GeorgeThis slide will represent the creation of security group category in odoo 17. Security groups are essential for managing user access and permissions across different modules. Creating a security group category helps to organize related user groups and streamline permission settings within a specific module or functionality.
Interim Guidelines for PMES-DM-17-2025-PPT.pptxsirjeromemanansalaThis is the latest issuance on PMES as replacement of RPMS. Kindly message me to gain full access of the presentation.
How to Configure Recurring Revenue in Odoo 17 CRMCeline GeorgeThis slide will represent how to configure Recurring revenue. Recurring revenue are the income generated at a particular interval. Typically, the interval can be monthly, yearly, or we can customize the intervals for a product or service based on its subscription or contract.
AI and Academic Writing, Short Term Course in Academic Writing and Publicatio...Prof. (Dr.) Vinod Kumar KanvariaAI and Academic Writing, Short Term Course in Academic Writing and Publication, UGC-MMTTC, MANUU, 25/02/2025, Prof. (Dr.) Vinod Kumar Kanvaria, University of Delhi,
Chapter 2. Strategic Management: Corporate Governance.pdfRommel RegalaThis course provides students with a comprehensive understanding of strategic management principles, frameworks, and applications in business. It explores strategic planning, environmental analysis, corporate governance, business ethics, and sustainability. The course integrates Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to enhance global and ethical perspectives in decision-making.
How to Configure Proforma Invoice in Odoo 18 SalesCeline GeorgeIn this slide, we’ll discuss on how to configure proforma invoice in Odoo 18 Sales module. A proforma invoice is a preliminary invoice that serves as a commercial document issued by a seller to a buyer.
Effective Product Variant Management in Odoo 18Celine GeorgeIn this slide we’ll discuss on the effective product variant management in Odoo 18. Odoo concentrates on managing product variations and offers a distinct area for doing so. Product variants provide unique characteristics like size and color to single products, which can be managed at the product template level for all attributes and variants or at the variant level for individual variants.
Dr. Ansari Khurshid Ahmed- Factors affecting Validity of a Test.pptxKhurshid Ahmed AnsariValidity is an important characteristic of a test. A test having low validity is of little use. Validity is the accuracy with which a test measures whatever it is supposed to measure. Validity can be low, moderate or high. There are many factors which affect the validity of a test. If these factors are controlled, then the validity of the test can be maintained to a high level. In the power point presentation, factors affecting validity are discussed with the help of concrete examples.
22. 1,
23. L E C T U R A C O M P A R T ID A D E L E S F E IN E S R E A L IT Z A D E S .
24. P R IM E R E S A C T IV IT A T S D E L G R U P ,
25. M E M B R E S D ' U N G R U P A J U D A N T -S E
D ' E S C R IU R E U N T E X T A L A P IS S A R R A .
28. TO TS
T O T S F E IM . . .
E L Q U E S A B E M ...
CONTE/DEBAT “En Roc es queda sol”
CONTE/DEBAT “Tres con Tango”