Lena Koinberg | Biologi NP repetition: Sammanfattning åk 8Lena Koinberg
Sammanfattning för att öva till nationella provet i biologi.
Presentation som innehåller åttans biologi.
Innehåll: Människan och Ditt liv (sex & droger)
The document discusses the human body systems including the skeletal, circulatory, muscular, nervous, respiratory, digestive, excretory, endocrine and reproductive systems. It provides details on the structure and functions of the respiratory system including the nose, pharynx, larynx, trachea, bronchi and lungs. It also describes the structure and functions of the kidneys and nephrons as part of the excretory system. The nervous system is discussed including the brain, cerebrum, cerebellum, medulla oblongata and spinal cord.
The document describes the major human body systems and their basic functions. It explains that the muscular system works with bones to help movement and maintains homeostasis by regulating body temperature. The skeletal system provides structure, allows movement, and protects organs. It supplies blood cells and calcium. The digestive system ingests food, digests it, absorbs nutrients, and eliminates waste, interacting with the muscular and excretory systems. The excretory system removes waste from the blood and body. The respiratory system takes in oxygen and releases carbon dioxide, interacting with the muscular and circulatory systems. The circulatory system transports nutrients, oxygen, waste and more throughout the body by interacting with several other systems. The lymphatic system maintains fluid levels and
The document describes the major organ systems of the human body. It outlines 12 systems: circulatory, digestive, endocrine, integumentary, muscular, nervous, respiratory, skeletal, reproductive, urinary, lymphatic, and circulatory. Each system is briefly described in one to three sentences explaining its main functions and key organs involved.
The document discusses the major organ systems of the human body through a series of questions about each system. It covers the circulatory, excretory, nervous, digestive, respiratory, skeletal, muscular and integumentary systems. Each question prompts the reader to identify a specific organ or overall system shown in accompanying diagrams.
The document provides an overview of the main human body systems for 7th grade science students. It includes pages on the skeletal, muscular, digestive, circulatory, respiratory, excretory, nervous, endocrine and reproductive systems. Each page contains 2-3 sentences summarizing the key functions and components of that system. The pages also include buttons to navigate between them and try a review question at the end.
There are 10 organ systems that work together in the human body: circulatory, respiratory, skeletal, muscular, digestive, excretory, reproductive, integumentary, nervous, and endocrine. These systems are composed of tissues and organs working interdependently. The circulatory system transports blood throughout the body while taking oxygen from the respiratory system. The skeletal system includes bones and provides structure, movement, and protection to the body. Muscles work with bones to enable movement and are either voluntary or involuntary.
The document discusses the key components that make up weather: heat, moisture, and winds. It describes how heat is determined by temperature and proximity to the sun. Moisture refers to water vapor in the air, which can condense and fall as precipitation like rain or snow. Winds are crucial to moving weather systems and are measured by anemometers. Together, measurements of heat, moisture, and wind patterns can be used to make weather forecasts.
En PPT om ekologi med begrepp som ekosystem, resiliens, bärkraft, populationsdiagram, nisch, näringskedja, näringsväv, icke levande och levande miljöfaktorer mm
Lena Koinberg | Biologi NP repetition: Sammanfattning åk 8Lena Koinberg
Sammanfattning för att öva till nationella provet i biologi.
Presentation som innehåller åttans biologi.
Innehåll: Människan och Ditt liv (sex & droger)
The document discusses the human body systems including the skeletal, circulatory, muscular, nervous, respiratory, digestive, excretory, endocrine and reproductive systems. It provides details on the structure and functions of the respiratory system including the nose, pharynx, larynx, trachea, bronchi and lungs. It also describes the structure and functions of the kidneys and nephrons as part of the excretory system. The nervous system is discussed including the brain, cerebrum, cerebellum, medulla oblongata and spinal cord.
The document describes the major human body systems and their basic functions. It explains that the muscular system works with bones to help movement and maintains homeostasis by regulating body temperature. The skeletal system provides structure, allows movement, and protects organs. It supplies blood cells and calcium. The digestive system ingests food, digests it, absorbs nutrients, and eliminates waste, interacting with the muscular and excretory systems. The excretory system removes waste from the blood and body. The respiratory system takes in oxygen and releases carbon dioxide, interacting with the muscular and circulatory systems. The circulatory system transports nutrients, oxygen, waste and more throughout the body by interacting with several other systems. The lymphatic system maintains fluid levels and
The document describes the major organ systems of the human body. It outlines 12 systems: circulatory, digestive, endocrine, integumentary, muscular, nervous, respiratory, skeletal, reproductive, urinary, lymphatic, and circulatory. Each system is briefly described in one to three sentences explaining its main functions and key organs involved.
The document discusses the major organ systems of the human body through a series of questions about each system. It covers the circulatory, excretory, nervous, digestive, respiratory, skeletal, muscular and integumentary systems. Each question prompts the reader to identify a specific organ or overall system shown in accompanying diagrams.
The document provides an overview of the main human body systems for 7th grade science students. It includes pages on the skeletal, muscular, digestive, circulatory, respiratory, excretory, nervous, endocrine and reproductive systems. Each page contains 2-3 sentences summarizing the key functions and components of that system. The pages also include buttons to navigate between them and try a review question at the end.
There are 10 organ systems that work together in the human body: circulatory, respiratory, skeletal, muscular, digestive, excretory, reproductive, integumentary, nervous, and endocrine. These systems are composed of tissues and organs working interdependently. The circulatory system transports blood throughout the body while taking oxygen from the respiratory system. The skeletal system includes bones and provides structure, movement, and protection to the body. Muscles work with bones to enable movement and are either voluntary or involuntary.
The document discusses the key components that make up weather: heat, moisture, and winds. It describes how heat is determined by temperature and proximity to the sun. Moisture refers to water vapor in the air, which can condense and fall as precipitation like rain or snow. Winds are crucial to moving weather systems and are measured by anemometers. Together, measurements of heat, moisture, and wind patterns can be used to make weather forecasts.
En PPT om ekologi med begrepp som ekosystem, resiliens, bärkraft, populationsdiagram, nisch, näringskedja, näringsväv, icke levande och levande miljöfaktorer mm
En keynote om blodomloppet, hur det stora och lilla kretsloppet fungerar samt hur hjärtat fungerar som pump. Presentationen tar även upp blodets gasutbyte.
Denna riktar sig främst till klass 8E och 8B. Information från Liber spektrum samt Sanoma Biologi 1
Bilder från: http://www.thecollapsedwavefunction.com/2012/08/arguments-against-evolution.html
9. Cellens delar
• Ribosom – proteinfabriken
– Tillverkar proteiner efter recept från DNA
• Lysosom – reningsverket
– Tar hand om allt skräp som bildas
• Cellkärnan – biblioteket
– Innehåller DNA, receptboken för dem vi är
• Mitokondire – energiverket
– Tillverkar energi så att alla processer fungerar
11. Vad är en gen?
• En gen är ett recept för ett protein.
• Det kan vara hormoner, enzymer, och
byggmaterial i kroppen
• Alla celler innehåller samma gener, men i
hudceller är en typ av gen aktiv, i en annan
cell kan den genen vara inaktiv.
12. ATCG – den genetiska koden
Tre baser kodar för en aminosyra. Flera aminosyror bildar
ett protein.
13. Arv vs. miljö
Olika DNA i samma miljö
Samma DNA i olik miljö
Om intelligens är samma,
Om intelligens är olika,
IQ=arv (gener)
Om intelligens är samma,
IQ= arv (gener)
Om intelligens är olika,
IQ= miljö
14. Jag kan inte hjälpa
det… Det är mitt DNA.
Allt är mamma
och pappas fel.
Editor's Notes
#9: Iallacellerfinns en massadelarsomärviktigaförattcellenskfungera.