The document discusses a future offshore foundations conference focused on cost-effectively delivering foundations for deeper waters and larger turbines. The two-day conference will provide insights into adapting monopile and jacket designs for new projects, innovative demo projects, installing and maintaining different foundation types, and strategies for reducing costs through industrialized manufacturing and logistics. Speakers will address topics like adjusting monopile and jacket designs, innovative demo projects like Windfloat and Twisted Jackets, optimizing foundation choice for projects, fabricating foundations at large scales, and developing robust logistics plans.
The document discusses a future offshore foundations conference focused on cost-effectively delivering foundations for deeper waters and larger turbines. The two-day conference will provide insights into adapting monopile and jacket designs for new projects, innovative demo projects, installing and maintaining different foundation types, and strategies for reducing costs through industrialized manufacturing and logistics. Speakers will address topics like adjusting monopile and jacket designs, innovative demo projects like Windfloat and Twisted Jackets, optimizing foundation choice for projects, fabricating foundations at large scales, and developing robust logistics plans.
Libaisi Common Interest Youth Groups' contribution to food security in Wester...futureagricultures
The document discusses common interest youth groups and their contribution to food security in Western Kenya. It finds that youth, especially married and more literate youth, joined these groups through change agents and promotional posters. Being in a group provided members access to farm inputs and training, allowing some to increase production levels. While groups faced constraints like lack of finances, they helped members achieve higher levels of food security compared to non-members, as measured by indicators and coping strategies. The document concludes that continuing to form these groups and providing them support can further enhance household food security in the region.
This document provides an overview of engineering services and specialties offered by ECA - Engenharia e Consultoria Alimentar. It lists services such as design, design review, shop drawings, project management, and maintenance management. Engineering specialties include HVAC, BMS systems, medical gases, industrial fluids, dehumidification, and process engineering. Example projects are summarized along with details on involved specialties such as HVAC, BMS, and plumbing. Contact information is provided for the responsible engineer. is a combination of research, publishing and internet technology, in providing qualitative and quantitative market research data and publications for business and market intelligence.
The document lists the top 10 articles of 2014 chosen for being interesting, analyzing current topics, and providing historical context. The #1 article discusses how the most efficient factory in America was shut down without explanation of the reasons behind the closing and offshoring of manufacturing jobs. The #2 article profiles the wrongful 3-year imprisonment of a man in Rikers without being convicted of a crime. The #3 article is an interview where comedian Chris Rock discusses racism in America.
Building a Website from Planning to Photoshop Mockup to HTML/CSShstryk
This document provides step-by-step instructions for creating a website mockup in Photoshop and then building the actual website code in HTML and CSS. It discusses planning wireframes, creating Photoshop mockups with layers and slices, saving images for the web, and then using those images to style the website background and content area with CSS. Code snippets are provided to demonstrate how to link stylesheets, position elements, and troubleshoot layout issues.
Growing your school in troubled times, sbacs webinarRick Newberry
The document provides strategies for growing school enrollment discussed by Rick Newberry. It recommends developing a clear brand, setting enrollment goals, dedicating resources to marketing, launching a parent ambassador program, following up on inquiries, re-recruiting current families, implementing word-of-mouth campaigns, focusing on the school website, generating online leads, and using social media to tell the school's story. The strategies aim to effectively communicate the school's value proposition and experience to attract more students.
Report on OAS Round Table on Indigenous Trade and Development: Case Study of...Wayne Dunn
The Organization of American States (OAS) Round Table followed up on the UNDP Round Table and was organized to continue to educate and inform the international community on the potential of indigenous partnerships and trade, and to showcase the recently formed partnership between the Meadow Lake Tribal Council of Canada and the Miskito Indian development organization CIDESA, of Nicaragua. The session, which was held at OAS Headquarters in Washington DC, and was organized and chaired by Wayne Dunn, brought together a broad range of indigenous development practioners, policy makers, international experts and indigenous peoples from throughout the Americas. The discussion focused on the potential for Canadian indigenous development expertise to provide technical assistance and support to indigenous peoples elsewhere in Latin America with particular focus on the Meadow Lake/Miskito partnership.
A talk show on bossofobia organised at Skyline Group of institutes, Greater Noida, U.P., India, on the occasion of Bossday (16 October) on 16/10/12 By Learner Gourp Skyline Group of institutes, Greater Noida, U.P., India,
Telepresence systems can provide several key business benefits:
1) They boost employee productivity by reducing travel time and costs, enabling real-time communication, and allowing flexible work arrangements.
2) Telepresence can increase employee retention rates by supporting flexible workstyles that are highly valued by employees.
3) By reducing business travel, telepresence can significantly decrease a company's carbon footprint and environmental impact.
4) Telepresence streamlines cross-cultural communication and international business relations by facilitating more natural face-to-face style meetings remotely.
5) Significant cost savings can be realized through large reductions in business travel costs, such as flights, hotels, meals, and commute times, that are replaced with telepresence meetings
PFCongres 2012 - Rock Solid Deployment of PHP AppsPablo Godel
The document discusses deploying PHP applications. It recommends planning deployment early in the development process, practicing deployments, and monitoring applications after deployment. The document also emphasizes automating deployments and avoiding manual file transfer methods like FTP. It provides examples of deployment tools like Capistrano, Capifony for Symfony, and packaging tools like fpm.
Este documento contiene 53 p│ginas de boletines NOTAM (Notice to Airmen) para el aeropuerto de Porto Alegre/Salgado Filho (SBPA) en Brasil. Los NOTAM anuncian cambios temporales o permanentes relacionados con procedimientos, equipos y │reas peligrosas en y alrededor del aeropuerto.
Comienzo del Curso: Lunes 9 de Enero a las 17:00 H
Duraci┏n: hasta el 17 de junio del 2017.
Horario: Lunes y martes de 17:00 hasta las 18:00. 2 horas a la semana.
Profesor: Carlos Moreno M│rquez.
Edad: 6 a?os a 12 a?os.
Escuela Libre de Arte ^ELA ̄
Creado en 1985.
Ciudad Real - Castilla La Mancha-Espa?a
C / Monjas N < 1
13003 Ciudad Real
(Castilla La Mancha - Espa?a)
Tfnos: 691232739 - 926922776
Miguel Mu?oz de Morales.
LODStats (Presentation for KESW2013 System Demo)Ivan Ermilov
LODStats is a tool that collects and publishes statistics about Linked Open Data datasets. It gathers 32 statistical metrics about RDF datasets, such as the number of triples, entities, and literals. It can be used to understand datasets and determine their suitability for applications and visualizations. LODStats has a core Python module, a web interface, and publishes the extracted statistics as RDF using the RDF DataCube vocabulary. It allows users to search and explore dataset linkages and facets of the statistical metadata.
The document discusses 10 species of dinosaurs that lived in the Carpathian-Danubian-Pontic region that is now Romania. Some of the species discussed include Zalmoxes, an ornithopod that reached up to 4.5 meters long. Telmatosaurus was a hadrosaur discovered in 1893 that was about 5 meters long. Balaur Bondoc was a carnivorous dinosaur closely related to Velociraptor that was 1.8-2.1 meters long. Rhabdodon was an iguanodont similar to Tenontosaurus that lived in what is now Romania, Spain and France and was smaller than relatives due to insular dwarfism. Hatzegop
Romanian months have both usual names derived from Latin and traditional folk names. January's usual name is ianuarie from Latin januarius, while its traditional name gerar refers to the bitter cold of winter. February's usual name is februarie from Latin, and its traditional name f?urar may mean "ironsmith" or "creator". March's usual name is martie from Latin, and its traditional name m?r?i?or is a diminutive form meaning "little March".
National day of romania ziua nationala a romanieibalada65
1. December 1st is Romania's National Day, commemorating the unification of Transylvania, Bessarabia, and Bukovina with Romania in 1918 under the Treaty of Versailles, completing the process of forming a unitary Romanian state.
2. Saint Andrew, the Christian apostle and brother of Saint Peter, spent 20 years preaching in Dacia (modern-day Romania) in the 1st century AD. He felt close to the Dacians as they were monotheists.
3. Living under different empires throughout history, Romanians always preserved their shared identity and genesis as one people, with the goal of uniting all Romanian territories into a single state, which was
The document is a travel itinerary for a school trip to various locations in Europe during the summer of 2012. It lists destinations in Italy, Switzerland, and Romania, including the cities of Arenzano and Bucharest, Lake Geneva, the castles of Gruyere and Poenari, and natural areas like the Transfagarasan road and Valea Cerbului valley. Students on the trip engaged in activities such as visiting museums and landmarks.
This document discusses using clay and plasticine as natural materials in a school art project. The document provides the name and location of the school in Bucharest, Romania where the project took place. It also names the teacher, Dana Balaci, who oversaw the student art project using clay and plasticine.
A paper mill in Comana, Romania hosted a competition and school visit focused on the paper making process. Students from School 279 in Bucharest, Romania learned about the world of books and printing through an unusual journey into the paper mill. The mill uses a Fourdrinier machine and other paper making equipment to transform vegetable fibers like wood pulp into paper.
The document describes the last day of the 2011-2012 school year for 1st grade class E at school number 279 in Bucharest, Romania. It was their teacher Dana B.'s class. The document welcomes the students to their holiday.
June 26th is the National Day of the Romanian flag. The Romanian flag is a vertical tricolor with blue, yellow and red stripes from left to right. It has a width to length ratio of 2:3 and was presented by the teacher Dana Balaci.
This document appears to be a class roster for Class I E at School No. 279 in Bucharest, Romania. It lists the teacher as Dana Balaci and was likely printed for attendance or administrative purposes.
1. Ceramica este unul din cele mai vechi
mestesuguri,datand inca din epoca
neoliticului,adica cu mai bine de 6000 de ani i.Hr.
Putem admira in muzeele tarii superbele vase din
ceramica din acea epoca,care apoi pe teritoriu
Romaniei a dat nastere unei civilizatii deosebite.
2. Ceramica populara datorita existentei Ceramica de Horezu are un caracter
milenare, reprezinta dovada continuitatii
si unitatii poporului roman in spatiul
propriu,unitar, bine definit prin forma,
decor ,tehnica si colorit.
carpato-danubiano-pontic. In secolele IV Olaritul este o meserie deosebit de grea,
si III i.e.n. apare ceramica daco-getilor, necesitand indemanare, putere si
ceramica care se poate regasi prin cunostinte deosebite. Cea mai mica
tehnica si decor , in productia unor greseala greseala poate distruge
centre de olari. obiectul.
Peste aceste tipuri de ceramica s-au
suprapus formele ceramicii grecesti si Ceramica este produsa in mai multe
apoi cele romane. Mai tarziu, prin etape:
aparitia ceramicii smaltuite, ceramica Extragerea pamantului (lutul) din filoane
romaneasca se inscrie in aria ceramicii speciale,dopirea lui, framantarea cu
bizantine de lux. mainile, picioarele, sau cu un ciocan
Cele mai importante centre de olarit din mare de lemn, amestecandu-se cu apa.
tara sunt la Horezu si Oboga in Oltenia, Aceasta pasta se curata de impuritati,
Arges si Darmanesti in Muntenia, prin taiere in felii subtiri cu o sarma sau
Marginea,Cucuteni. o lama metalica.
3. Ceramica din doua parti, unu disc
Obiectul se realizeaza prin asezarea
Roata e formata
bulgarelui de argila moale pe roata
mic sus si unul mai mare in partea de
olarului.Mesterul o roteste cu piciorul,
jos, acestea fiind unite printr-un ax
cu maiinile modeleaza bucata de lut
constituind forma dorita vasului
vertical. Pe discul de sus se pune
bulgarele de pamant, iar discul de jos
Aceasta pasta se curata de impuritati,
este miscat de mester, imprimandu-i cu
prin taiere in felii subtiri cu o sarma sau
piciorul o miscare circulara.
o lama metalica.
Modelarea vasului necesita o foarte
Obiectul se realizeaza prin asezarea
bulgarelui de argila moale pe roata
buna tehnica si o viteza de lucru mare,
pentru ca lutul sa nu se usuce.
olarului.Mesterul o roteste cu piciorul,
Dupa ce sunt modelate vasele, se
cu maiinile modeleaza bucata de lut
aseaza la uscat cateva zile.
constituind forma dorita vasului.
4. Ceramica cojeste, se cu huma.seAlbul se
Una din cele mai raspandite tehnici de
decorare este cea cu cornul de vita
Zgura se
si apoi se amesteca
avand in varf o pana de gasca. Cornul obtine din var amestecat cu piatra alba
este umplut iar culoarea se scurge prin de munte, arsa si pisata. -Galbenul este
pana de gasca. Avem astfel o penita obtinut din huma de Medgidia ,
veritabila. Decorurile fine se obtin amestecata cu ruseala.
folosind gaita un betisor din lemn cu fire Cromatica vaselor de ceramica
de par de porc. pastreaza traditii stravechi. Ceramica
Absolut toate culorile folosite sunt rosie din sud-vestul tarii este de
naturale. - Rosul este obtinut dintr-un provenienta romana, iar galbenul,
pamant bogat in oxid de fier (ruseala) verdele si albul din diferite centre indica
Acesta este uscataa,toacat marunt, traditii bizantine.
rasnita si inmuiata in apa. Se obtine
astfel un lichid dens care se strecoara
printr-o sita. - Negrul se obtine si el
dintr-un pamant special, gasit in
eroziunile de pamant dupa ploi. - Verdele
se obtine prin arderea in cuptor a
5. Mestesugul olaritului folosea in primul
Solutiile plastice adoptate de mesterii rand in alimentatie, dar ceramica este
folosita si in scop decorativ, in
din zona Horezu sunt bazate pe repetitie,
alternanta si simetrie. In ceea ce constructii sau pentru anumite ritualuri.
priveste gama cromatica centrul Horezu Locuinta taraneasca cuprinde o
este definit de tricromie: caramiziu, varietate de vase de ceramica - oale,
verde si albastru pe fond alb-galbui. ulcioare, cani, strachini, chiupuri, blide,
Multimea vaselor produse isi poate gasi oale pentru tinut laptele, oale enorme in
o explicatie in obiceiul ca la nunta sau la care se pregatea mancarea pentru
inmormantare acestea sa fie sparte. sarbatorile religioase, vase pentru flori,
Multe vase de ceramica se spargeau si statuete, fluiere, jucarii etc.
inaintea inceperii postului, pentru ca Vasele smaltuite, bogat ornamentate si
bucatele mancate sa nu fie puse din frumos colorate se folosesc si in
greseala intr-un vas vechi si sa se scopuri practice, dar si la decorarea
spurce cu mancare de dulce. Oalele de interiorului.
ceramica se adunau in fundul curtii si se Deosebite sunt obiectele lucrate cu
spargeau cu ciomagul, fiind apoi ocazii speciale, cum ar fi marile
inlocuite cu altele noi. ulcioarele de nunta intalnite in Oltenia.
Acestea folosesc culori vii pe fondul