The document appears to be a list of random words with no clear theme or connection between the items. It includes words like homework, arm, argument, embarrassed, exit, pan, policy, fabric, salad, tarjet, dinner, tax and thanks. The high level summary is that the document is an unstructured collection of unrelated words without a discernible purpose or message to summarize.
Connecor Investments is a global business transfer agency with offices in major cities around the world. It acts as an intermediary between owners of small and medium-sized businesses when transferring ownership. Connecor helps current owners develop exit strategies and assists future owners during the transfer process. The company evaluates businesses, estimates values, and facilitates sales negotiations while maintaining confidentiality for clients.
This document summarizes guidelines for treating acute medical problems in gastrointestinal practice, including hypovolumic shock, septic shock, coagulopathy, and stress ulcer prophylaxis. It discusses early goal directed therapy for septic shock, fluid resuscitation for hypovolemic shock, use of blood products for coagulopathy, and recommendations for stress ulcer prophylaxis in the ICU.
The document discusses various CSS properties including lists, selectors like id and class, display types, positioning, float, and clear. It provides examples of how to use ul, ol, and li elements to create lists. It also demonstrates using id and class selectors to style specific elements or groups of elements. Common display types like block and inline are defined. Positioning options like relative, absolute, and their use of properties like top and left are outlined. The float property is described for shifting elements left or right, and clear is used to avoid elements flowing around floated items.
Wenn man wissen will, was die eigene Applikation so macht, hilft messen. Als Appetizer für diejenigen, die eventuell vor einem ?hnlichen Problem stehen. Vortrag bei der PHP Usergroup München.
Escuela de Artes Escénicas de Castilla La Mancha
Un verano de teatro.
Talleres de Teatro para Ni?as y Ni?os de 7 a 12 a?os
Fechas y horarios: del Lunes 27 de Junio al Viernes 22 de Julio.
De Lunes a Viernes
Horario: de 11.30 a 13.30h.
Actividades. Teatro, circo, maquillaje, expresión corporal, vestuario…
Ponente: Ignacio Sánchez Pascual
Precio: 60 la quincena 45 semana.
Descuentos a miembros de una misma familia.
NOTA: Es imprescindible pre-inscribirse en Teatro de La Sensación
Organiza: Teatro de la Sensación
Para más información: Teatro de La Sensación/Calle Monjas n?1
Tfnos: 691232739-926922776
E mail
CSR Metrics: You can't measure temperature with a speedometer!Wayne Dunn
A CSR Thoughtpiece from the CSR Training Institute
-by Wayne Dunn
To keep updated on postings and events go to and sign up for the newsletter
This document provides an overview and instructions for a weekly English language class. It includes the following:
- A sign-up sheet for students to register with the language center.
- Instructions for students to work in pairs and move around the class.
- Background information on the singer Bruno Mars and one of his songs.
- Exercises on minimal word pairs, adverbs, vocabulary matching, and pronunciation.
- Instructions to read a story passage with a partner and answer questions.
- A picture discussion activity for students to practice speaking in English.
Fatty acids have four major roles in the cell: as building blocks of phospholipids and glycolipids, attached to proteins to target them to membranes, as fuel molecules to generate ATP through beta-oxidation, and as hormone and messenger derivatives. Fatty acids are broken down through beta-oxidation in the mitochondria to generate acetyl-CoA, which enters the TCA cycle to be fully oxidized to CO2 and H2O or condensed to form ketone bodies in the liver. Fatty acids are also synthesized through a multi-step pathway using acetyl-CoA and malonyl-CoA as building blocks, forming palmitate in the cytosol. Lipids are transported throughout the body associated
This document discusses how to graph linear functions by identifying the y-intercept and slope. It explains that the y-intercept is the point where the line crosses the y-axis, while the slope is the rise over run and written as a fraction. It provides instructions to locate the y-intercept, use the slope to find another point, and connect the points to graph the linear function. Students are then directed to graph several linear functions using given slopes and y-intercepts and write the coordinates of new points.
The document provides an agenda for an Oracle Identity Manager product discussion. It outlines focus areas for the product including self-paced training, a converged connector framework, a demonstration, user self-service features, reconciliation capabilities, notifications, and QA. Contact information is also provided for Oracle professional services and the Oracle Identity Manager community.
This document provides information about upcoming science assignments and tests. It lists materials needed for an experiment involving mass and includes review questions covering topics like the pH scale, chemical bonds, and states of matter. It also notes that a "Last Look" assignment is due on Friday to review for the final exam, which will be on June 1st and 4th, with period 3 taking it on the 5th. Students are reminded to complete Binder Check #4 by the start of class on June 1st and to take 1/2 page of notes on what to know for the chemistry final.
This document discusses assessment strategies for students. It explains that writing rubrics should focus on important skills and provide specific feedback, and should be done in advance and revised as needed. It distinguishes between formative assessment, which guides teaching and learning by providing feedback, and summative assessment, which evaluates learning and teaching. Formative assessment increases student motivation and achievement through continuous feedback and re-teaching as needed. Averaging student scores can penalize students who improve the most over time. The document advocates assessing students based on their most recent work rather than averaging scores.
1) The document describes a riff-playing acoustic guitarist traveling down a muddy, winding road in the rain as sections of a piece called "The Awful Riffmaker" are introduced. 2) As the sections continue, the guitarist is described as having an annihilator red head and flying-volt guitar that acts as a six string spinal chord. 3) The guitarist continues marching towards an unknown evil destination as the riff continues, with the grounding and uplifting of guitars described from muddy riffs to the stars.
This document discusses how to write language compilers. It describes several tools that can be used to write compilers, including ANTLR, YACC, JAVACC, and others. It provides examples of defining tokens, parser tree classes, parser logic, and creating parser classes when writing a compiler for a language.
The document summarizes a story about the Fitzgerald family. Kate suffers from acute promylocitic leukemia and her sister Anna was conceived to be a genetic match to donate bone marrow and organs to save Kate. As Anna grows older she petitions for medical emancipation so she can make her own decisions about donation. This causes tension between Anna and her mother Sara. In the end, Kate passes away despite Anna winning her case and not donating her kidney due to Kate's wishes. The family continues to honor Kate's memory each year.
ContactNet can provide insight into a firm's relationships within a particular industry by showing which companies they have relationships with, how strong those connections are, and which colleagues are closest to them. It can also quickly show the most important contacts in the same region as a traveling attorney or partner, allowing them to maximize networking. Relationship partners or executives can be automatically notified when an attorney reaches out to an important contact, and detailed search results can be configured for weekly delivery to monitor important clients and relationships without extra work.
Conversamos sobre Grooming, Ciberbullying y otros temas a conocer para una na...Carlos Javier Di Salvo
Charla para padres y docentes: Conversamos sobre Grooming, Ciberbullying y otros temas a conocer para una navegación segura en la web
Dokumen tersebut membahas proyeksi pertumbuhan produksi rumput laut di NTB dari tahun 2009-2013 melalui program reguler dan percepatan. Program percepatan diproyeksikan meningkatkan produksi rumput laut hingga 27% per tahun dibandingkan 17% per tahun pada program reguler. Peningkatan produksi ini diharapkan dapat memenuhi permintaan nasional serta meningkatkan pendapatan masyarakat pesisir NTB.
The document discusses 10 species of dinosaurs that lived in the Carpathian-Danubian-Pontic region that is now Romania. Some of the species discussed include Zalmoxes, an ornithopod that reached up to 4.5 meters long. Telmatosaurus was a hadrosaur discovered in 1893 that was about 5 meters long. Balaur Bondoc was a carnivorous dinosaur closely related to Velociraptor that was 1.8-2.1 meters long. Rhabdodon was an iguanodont similar to Tenontosaurus that lived in what is now Romania, Spain and France and was smaller than relatives due to insular dwarfism. Hatzegop
CSR Metrics: You can't measure temperature with a speedometer!Wayne Dunn
A CSR Thoughtpiece from the CSR Training Institute
-by Wayne Dunn
To keep updated on postings and events go to and sign up for the newsletter
This document provides an overview and instructions for a weekly English language class. It includes the following:
- A sign-up sheet for students to register with the language center.
- Instructions for students to work in pairs and move around the class.
- Background information on the singer Bruno Mars and one of his songs.
- Exercises on minimal word pairs, adverbs, vocabulary matching, and pronunciation.
- Instructions to read a story passage with a partner and answer questions.
- A picture discussion activity for students to practice speaking in English.
Fatty acids have four major roles in the cell: as building blocks of phospholipids and glycolipids, attached to proteins to target them to membranes, as fuel molecules to generate ATP through beta-oxidation, and as hormone and messenger derivatives. Fatty acids are broken down through beta-oxidation in the mitochondria to generate acetyl-CoA, which enters the TCA cycle to be fully oxidized to CO2 and H2O or condensed to form ketone bodies in the liver. Fatty acids are also synthesized through a multi-step pathway using acetyl-CoA and malonyl-CoA as building blocks, forming palmitate in the cytosol. Lipids are transported throughout the body associated
This document discusses how to graph linear functions by identifying the y-intercept and slope. It explains that the y-intercept is the point where the line crosses the y-axis, while the slope is the rise over run and written as a fraction. It provides instructions to locate the y-intercept, use the slope to find another point, and connect the points to graph the linear function. Students are then directed to graph several linear functions using given slopes and y-intercepts and write the coordinates of new points.
The document provides an agenda for an Oracle Identity Manager product discussion. It outlines focus areas for the product including self-paced training, a converged connector framework, a demonstration, user self-service features, reconciliation capabilities, notifications, and QA. Contact information is also provided for Oracle professional services and the Oracle Identity Manager community.
This document provides information about upcoming science assignments and tests. It lists materials needed for an experiment involving mass and includes review questions covering topics like the pH scale, chemical bonds, and states of matter. It also notes that a "Last Look" assignment is due on Friday to review for the final exam, which will be on June 1st and 4th, with period 3 taking it on the 5th. Students are reminded to complete Binder Check #4 by the start of class on June 1st and to take 1/2 page of notes on what to know for the chemistry final.
This document discusses assessment strategies for students. It explains that writing rubrics should focus on important skills and provide specific feedback, and should be done in advance and revised as needed. It distinguishes between formative assessment, which guides teaching and learning by providing feedback, and summative assessment, which evaluates learning and teaching. Formative assessment increases student motivation and achievement through continuous feedback and re-teaching as needed. Averaging student scores can penalize students who improve the most over time. The document advocates assessing students based on their most recent work rather than averaging scores.
1) The document describes a riff-playing acoustic guitarist traveling down a muddy, winding road in the rain as sections of a piece called "The Awful Riffmaker" are introduced. 2) As the sections continue, the guitarist is described as having an annihilator red head and flying-volt guitar that acts as a six string spinal chord. 3) The guitarist continues marching towards an unknown evil destination as the riff continues, with the grounding and uplifting of guitars described from muddy riffs to the stars.
This document discusses how to write language compilers. It describes several tools that can be used to write compilers, including ANTLR, YACC, JAVACC, and others. It provides examples of defining tokens, parser tree classes, parser logic, and creating parser classes when writing a compiler for a language.
The document summarizes a story about the Fitzgerald family. Kate suffers from acute promylocitic leukemia and her sister Anna was conceived to be a genetic match to donate bone marrow and organs to save Kate. As Anna grows older she petitions for medical emancipation so she can make her own decisions about donation. This causes tension between Anna and her mother Sara. In the end, Kate passes away despite Anna winning her case and not donating her kidney due to Kate's wishes. The family continues to honor Kate's memory each year.
ContactNet can provide insight into a firm's relationships within a particular industry by showing which companies they have relationships with, how strong those connections are, and which colleagues are closest to them. It can also quickly show the most important contacts in the same region as a traveling attorney or partner, allowing them to maximize networking. Relationship partners or executives can be automatically notified when an attorney reaches out to an important contact, and detailed search results can be configured for weekly delivery to monitor important clients and relationships without extra work.
Conversamos sobre Grooming, Ciberbullying y otros temas a conocer para una na...Carlos Javier Di Salvo
Charla para padres y docentes: Conversamos sobre Grooming, Ciberbullying y otros temas a conocer para una navegación segura en la web
Dokumen tersebut membahas proyeksi pertumbuhan produksi rumput laut di NTB dari tahun 2009-2013 melalui program reguler dan percepatan. Program percepatan diproyeksikan meningkatkan produksi rumput laut hingga 27% per tahun dibandingkan 17% per tahun pada program reguler. Peningkatan produksi ini diharapkan dapat memenuhi permintaan nasional serta meningkatkan pendapatan masyarakat pesisir NTB.
The document discusses 10 species of dinosaurs that lived in the Carpathian-Danubian-Pontic region that is now Romania. Some of the species discussed include Zalmoxes, an ornithopod that reached up to 4.5 meters long. Telmatosaurus was a hadrosaur discovered in 1893 that was about 5 meters long. Balaur Bondoc was a carnivorous dinosaur closely related to Velociraptor that was 1.8-2.1 meters long. Rhabdodon was an iguanodont similar to Tenontosaurus that lived in what is now Romania, Spain and France and was smaller than relatives due to insular dwarfism. Hatzegop
Romanian months have both usual names derived from Latin and traditional folk names. January's usual name is ianuarie from Latin januarius, while its traditional name gerar refers to the bitter cold of winter. February's usual name is februarie from Latin, and its traditional name f?urar may mean "ironsmith" or "creator". March's usual name is martie from Latin, and its traditional name m?r?i?or is a diminutive form meaning "little March".
National day of romania ziua nationala a romanieibalada65
1. December 1st is Romania's National Day, commemorating the unification of Transylvania, Bessarabia, and Bukovina with Romania in 1918 under the Treaty of Versailles, completing the process of forming a unitary Romanian state.
2. Saint Andrew, the Christian apostle and brother of Saint Peter, spent 20 years preaching in Dacia (modern-day Romania) in the 1st century AD. He felt close to the Dacians as they were monotheists.
3. Living under different empires throughout history, Romanians always preserved their shared identity and genesis as one people, with the goal of uniting all Romanian territories into a single state, which was
The document is a travel itinerary for a school trip to various locations in Europe during the summer of 2012. It lists destinations in Italy, Switzerland, and Romania, including the cities of Arenzano and Bucharest, Lake Geneva, the castles of Gruyere and Poenari, and natural areas like the Transfagarasan road and Valea Cerbului valley. Students on the trip engaged in activities such as visiting museums and landmarks.
This document discusses using clay and plasticine as natural materials in a school art project. The document provides the name and location of the school in Bucharest, Romania where the project took place. It also names the teacher, Dana Balaci, who oversaw the student art project using clay and plasticine.
A paper mill in Comana, Romania hosted a competition and school visit focused on the paper making process. Students from School 279 in Bucharest, Romania learned about the world of books and printing through an unusual journey into the paper mill. The mill uses a Fourdrinier machine and other paper making equipment to transform vegetable fibers like wood pulp into paper.
The document describes the last day of the 2011-2012 school year for 1st grade class E at school number 279 in Bucharest, Romania. It was their teacher Dana B.'s class. The document welcomes the students to their holiday.
June 26th is the National Day of the Romanian flag. The Romanian flag is a vertical tricolor with blue, yellow and red stripes from left to right. It has a width to length ratio of 2:3 and was presented by the teacher Dana Balaci.
This document appears to be a class roster for Class I E at School No. 279 in Bucharest, Romania. It lists the teacher as Dana Balaci and was likely printed for attendance or administrative purposes.
25 aprilie 2012 jocurile copilariei-cu desenebalada65
Traditional may day celebrations
3. May 1, 2013
1 Mai 2013
In anul 1872, circa 100.000 de muncitori din New York, majoritatea din
industria constructiilor, au demonstrat, cerand reducerea timpului de lucru
la 8 ore.
4. The Romanians celebrate the
"arminden" , the beginning of
summer, symbolically tied with the
protection of crops and farm
Rom?nii s?rb?toresc "Arminden", la
?nceputul verii, simbolic legat de
protec?ia culturilor ?i animalelor de
5. This day is also called "mugwort
day" or "drunkards? day" and it is
celebrated, in order to insure good
wine in autumn and, for people and
farm animals alike, good health and
protection from the elements of
nature (storms, hail, illness, pests).
Aceast? zi este, numit ? ?i "ziua
pelinului" sau “ziua be?ivilor“ este
s?rb?torit? ?n scopul de a asigura
un vin bun ?n toamna ?i, pentru
oameni ?i animale de ferm?
deopotriv?, stare bun? de s?n?tate
?i de protec?ie de la elemente ale
naturii (furtuni, grindin? , boli,
6. People would have parties in the nature with
“fiddlers” , for those who can afford. There, it is
customary to roast and eat lamb, also eat new
mutton cheese and drink mugwort flavoured
wine or just red wine to refresh the blood and
get protection from diseases.
Oamenii petrec cu "Lautarii", pentru cei
care ??i pot permite. Se obi?nuie?te s? se
m?n?nce friptur? ?i miel, br?nz? de oaie
?i se bea vin aromat pelin sau vin ro?u
pentru a re?mprosp?ta s?nge ?i de a
ob?ine protec?ie ?mpotriva bolilor.
7. The men wear lilac or mugwort
flowers at their hats. People washing
their faces with the morning dew (for
good health).
B?rba?ii poart? liliac sau pelin flori la
p?l?rie lor. Oamenii spal? fe?ele cu
roua dimine?ii (pentru o s?n?tate
8. People adorning the gates for good luck
and abundance with green branches or
with birch saplings (for the houses with
maiden girls). The entries to the animals
shelters are also adorned with green
branches. All branches are left in place
until the wheat harvest when they are used
in the fire which will bake the first bread
from the new wheat.
Oamenii ?mpodobesc por?ile de noroc si
abundenta, cu ramuri verzi sau cu puie?i
de mesteac?n (pentru casele cu fete ).
Intr?rile la adaposturile de animale sunt
?mpodobite cu ramuri verzi. Toate ramurile
sunt l?sate p?n? la recolta de gr?u atunci
c?nd sunt utilizate ?n focul care va coace
prima p?ine din noul gr?u.
9. Arminden is also “oxen day'' and thus
the animals won?t be used for work, or
else they could die or their owners
could get ill.
Arminden este, de asemenea, "ziua?
boilor ' ?i, astfel, animalele nu vor fi
folosite pentru munc?, altfel ar putea
muri sau s-ar putea imbolnavi ele sau
de?in?torii lor
10. On May Day eve, women won?t work in
the field as well as in the house to avoid
devastating storms and hail coming
down on the village.
Femeile nu muncesc, pentru a evita
furtuni devastatoare ?i grindin? coboar?
asupra satului.
11. It is said that the weather is always good on
May Day to allow people to celebrate.
Se spune c? vremea este ?ntotdeauna
bun? pentru a permite oamenilor s?