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Traditional may day celebrations
Traditional may day celebrations
May 1, 2013
1 Mai 2013
In anul 1872, circa 100.000 de muncitori din New York, majoritatea din
industria constructiilor, au demonstrat, cerand reducerea timpului de lucru
la 8 ore.
The Romanians celebrate the
"arminden" , the beginning of
summer, symbolically tied with the
protection of crops and farm
Rom?nii s?rb?toresc "Arminden", la
?nceputul verii, simbolic legat de
protec?ia culturilor ?i animalelor de
This day is also called "mugwort
day" or "drunkards? day" and it is
celebrated, in order to insure good
wine in autumn and, for people and
farm animals alike, good health and
protection from the elements of
nature (storms, hail, illness, pests).
Aceast? zi este, numit ? ?i "ziua
pelinului" sau “ziua be?ivilor“ este
s?rb?torit? ?n scopul de a asigura
un vin bun ?n toamna ?i, pentru
oameni ?i animale de ferm?
deopotriv?, stare bun? de s?n?tate
?i de protec?ie de la elemente ale
naturii (furtuni, grindin? , boli,
People would have parties in the nature with
“fiddlers” , for those who can afford. There, it is
customary to roast and eat lamb, also eat new
mutton cheese and drink mugwort flavoured
wine or just red wine to refresh the blood and
get protection from diseases.
Oamenii petrec cu "Lautarii", pentru cei
care ??i pot permite. Se obi?nuie?te s? se
m?n?nce friptur? ?i miel, br?nz? de oaie
?i se bea vin aromat pelin sau vin ro?u
pentru a re?mprosp?ta s?nge ?i de a
ob?ine protec?ie ?mpotriva bolilor.
The men wear lilac or mugwort
flowers at their hats. People washing
their faces with the morning dew (for
good health).
B?rba?ii poart? liliac sau pelin flori la
p?l?rie lor. Oamenii spal? fe?ele cu
roua dimine?ii (pentru o s?n?tate
People adorning the gates for good luck
and abundance with green branches or
with birch saplings (for the houses with
maiden girls). The entries to the animals
shelters are also adorned with green
branches. All branches are left in place
until the wheat harvest when they are used
in the fire which will bake the first bread
from the new wheat.
Oamenii ?mpodobesc por?ile de noroc si
abundenta, cu ramuri verzi sau cu puie?i
de mesteac?n (pentru casele cu fete ).
Intr?rile la adaposturile de animale sunt
?mpodobite cu ramuri verzi. Toate ramurile
sunt l?sate p?n? la recolta de gr?u atunci
c?nd sunt utilizate ?n focul care va coace
prima p?ine din noul gr?u.
Arminden is also “oxen day'' and thus
the animals won?t be used for work, or
else they could die or their owners
could get ill.
Arminden este, de asemenea, "ziua?
boilor ' ?i, astfel, animalele nu vor fi
folosite pentru munc?, altfel ar putea
muri sau s-ar putea imbolnavi ele sau
de?in?torii lor
On May Day eve, women won?t work in
the field as well as in the house to avoid
devastating storms and hail coming
down on the village.
Femeile nu muncesc, pentru a evita
furtuni devastatoare ?i grindin? coboar?
asupra satului.
It is said that the weather is always good on
May Day to allow people to celebrate.
Se spune c? vremea este ?ntotdeauna
bun? pentru a permite oamenilor s?
Romanian Easter traditions = Tradi?ii rom?ne?ti de Pa?te
Boul ?nstru?at
Umblatul ?n tez

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Traditional may day celebrations

  • 3. May 1, 2013 1 Mai 2013 In anul 1872, circa 100.000 de muncitori din New York, majoritatea din industria constructiilor, au demonstrat, cerand reducerea timpului de lucru la 8 ore.
  • 4. The Romanians celebrate the "arminden" , the beginning of summer, symbolically tied with the protection of crops and farm animals. Rom?nii s?rb?toresc "Arminden", la ?nceputul verii, simbolic legat de protec?ia culturilor ?i animalelor de ferm?.
  • 5. This day is also called "mugwort day" or "drunkards? day" and it is celebrated, in order to insure good wine in autumn and, for people and farm animals alike, good health and protection from the elements of nature (storms, hail, illness, pests). Aceast? zi este, numit ? ?i "ziua pelinului" sau “ziua be?ivilor“ este s?rb?torit? ?n scopul de a asigura un vin bun ?n toamna ?i, pentru oameni ?i animale de ferm? deopotriv?, stare bun? de s?n?tate ?i de protec?ie de la elemente ale naturii (furtuni, grindin? , boli, d?un?tori).
  • 6. People would have parties in the nature with “fiddlers” , for those who can afford. There, it is customary to roast and eat lamb, also eat new mutton cheese and drink mugwort flavoured wine or just red wine to refresh the blood and get protection from diseases. Oamenii petrec cu "Lautarii", pentru cei care ??i pot permite. Se obi?nuie?te s? se m?n?nce friptur? ?i miel, br?nz? de oaie ?i se bea vin aromat pelin sau vin ro?u pentru a re?mprosp?ta s?nge ?i de a ob?ine protec?ie ?mpotriva bolilor.
  • 7. The men wear lilac or mugwort flowers at their hats. People washing their faces with the morning dew (for good health). B?rba?ii poart? liliac sau pelin flori la p?l?rie lor. Oamenii spal? fe?ele cu roua dimine?ii (pentru o s?n?tate bun?)
  • 8. People adorning the gates for good luck and abundance with green branches or with birch saplings (for the houses with maiden girls). The entries to the animals shelters are also adorned with green branches. All branches are left in place until the wheat harvest when they are used in the fire which will bake the first bread from the new wheat. Oamenii ?mpodobesc por?ile de noroc si abundenta, cu ramuri verzi sau cu puie?i de mesteac?n (pentru casele cu fete ). Intr?rile la adaposturile de animale sunt ?mpodobite cu ramuri verzi. Toate ramurile sunt l?sate p?n? la recolta de gr?u atunci c?nd sunt utilizate ?n focul care va coace prima p?ine din noul gr?u.
  • 9. Arminden is also “oxen day'' and thus the animals won?t be used for work, or else they could die or their owners could get ill. Arminden este, de asemenea, "ziua? boilor ' ?i, astfel, animalele nu vor fi folosite pentru munc?, altfel ar putea muri sau s-ar putea imbolnavi ele sau de?in?torii lor
  • 10. On May Day eve, women won?t work in the field as well as in the house to avoid devastating storms and hail coming down on the village. Femeile nu muncesc, pentru a evita furtuni devastatoare ?i grindin? coboar? asupra satului.
  • 11. It is said that the weather is always good on May Day to allow people to celebrate. Se spune c? vremea este ?ntotdeauna bun? pentru a permite oamenilor s? s?rb?toreasc?.
  • 12. Romanian Easter traditions = Tradi?ii rom?ne?ti de Pa?te Boul ?nstru?at T?njaua Umblatul ?n tez
  • 13. .