eleva Schaser Karina-XD
Prezentare multimedia realizata in cadrul Concursului Stiintific National de Astronomie- editia 2015 "Nicolaus Copernic"
Colegiul National "Horea, Closca si Crisan " Alba Iulia, Jud. Alba
The document discusses 10 species of dinosaurs that lived in the Carpathian-Danubian-Pontic region that is now Romania. Some of the species discussed include Zalmoxes, an ornithopod that reached up to 4.5 meters long. Telmatosaurus was a hadrosaur discovered in 1893 that was about 5 meters long. Balaur Bondoc was a carnivorous dinosaur closely related to Velociraptor that was 1.8-2.1 meters long. Rhabdodon was an iguanodont similar to Tenontosaurus that lived in what is now Romania, Spain and France and was smaller than relatives due to insular dwarfism. Hatzegop
eleva Schaser Karina-XD
Prezentare multimedia realizata in cadrul Concursului Stiintific National de Astronomie- editia 2015 "Nicolaus Copernic"
Colegiul National "Horea, Closca si Crisan " Alba Iulia, Jud. Alba
The document discusses 10 species of dinosaurs that lived in the Carpathian-Danubian-Pontic region that is now Romania. Some of the species discussed include Zalmoxes, an ornithopod that reached up to 4.5 meters long. Telmatosaurus was a hadrosaur discovered in 1893 that was about 5 meters long. Balaur Bondoc was a carnivorous dinosaur closely related to Velociraptor that was 1.8-2.1 meters long. Rhabdodon was an iguanodont similar to Tenontosaurus that lived in what is now Romania, Spain and France and was smaller than relatives due to insular dwarfism. Hatzegop
Following this protocol, youngsters take part in the synthesis of a drug being studied as a possible treatment for Parkinson¡¯s disease, and then carry out an analysis of the resulting product. The experiment protocol is an opportunity for science centres, museums and schools to replicate a real experiment done in a real lab doing research on drug discovery.
El documento presenta un storyboard para una pel¨ªcula sobre el primer d¨ªa de clases que consiste en 22 tomas de diferentes ¨¢ngulos y duraciones, todas sin audio.
Tek 2013 - Building Web Apps from a New Angle with AngularJSPablo Godel
AngularJS is a new JavaScript framework, backed by Google, for building powerful, complex and rich client-side web applications. We will go over the features and basics of building a web application with AngularJS and we will demonstrate how to communicate with a REST server built with PHP.
This document summarizes several theories related to media effects:
1) The bullet theory examines how early electronic media like film and radio were used for propaganda and their powerful, uniform effects on public audiences.
2) Selective influence theories propose that audiences selectively expose themselves to, process, and remember media messages based on their existing attitudes and beliefs.
3) Uses and gratification theory posits that audiences actively use media to fulfill needs and select what satisfies them rather than being passive recipients of messages.
4) Cultivation theory examines how heavy television viewing shapes audiences' perceptions of social reality compared to light viewers and reality.
The document summarizes an IT and residential project in Greater Noida by AMR Infrastructures Limited. The project includes building IT towers up to 18 floors and residential towers up to 11 floors, totaling over 16 lakh square feet of IT space and 3 lakh square feet of residential space. It will also include a 2.7 lakh square foot mall and 1.3 lakh square foot food and entertainment area. The project is located in Kessel I Valley in Greater Noida and is expected to be completed in the first quarter of 2012.
Assignment 1 - Certification in Dispute ManagementJyotpreet Kaur
Mukti must negotiate with Harish to resolve production issues for a new storybook line. In preparing for the negotiation, Mukti analyzes her interests and estimates Harish's interests. She considers options that could meet both parties' needs and ranks them. Mukti's preferred outcome is compliance with safety codes, a reasonable production schedule, and greater involvement in production design. Her worst alternative is everyone losing their jobs. The negotiation will require information exchange to find an acceptable solution and build understanding to prevent future conflicts.
The document provides information about tests, assignments, and activities that are due. It lists materials needed for an alien juice bar activity including colored pencils and a bookshelf. It schedules test retakes on specific dates and times. It also includes conclusion questions about acids, bases, the pH scale, and neutralizing substances.
The document discusses creating surveys using Google Forms and Google Docs. It provides step-by-step instructions on how to make a survey with different question types like multiple choice, checkboxes, lists, scales, and graphs. Students are instructed to work in groups to create their own survey with 5 or more questions on a topic of their choice and tweet the survey link to have other classmates take and provide feedback on the survey.
eleva Anghelescu Raluca-XD
Prezentare multimedia realizata in cadrul Concursului Stiintific National de Astronomie- editia 2015 "Nicolaus Copernic"
Colegiul National "Horea, Closca si Crisan " Alba Iulia, Jud. Alba
"Ce este magnetismul? Acest fluid magnetic nu este altceva dec?t voin?a Mea, care re?ine ?n permanent? g?ndurile Mele. El guverneaz? ?ntreaga crea?ie, men?in?nd forma ?i activitatea ordonat? a tuturor lucrurilor vizibile. Voi ?n?iv? sunte?i guverna?i de el, potrivit naturii pe care o ave?i. ?n voi exist? ?ns? ceva mai mult dec?t simpla Mea voin?? infinit?. Acest ?ceva mai mult¡± se refer? la faptul c? voi sunte?i g?ndurile Mele favorite."
Romanian months have both usual names derived from Latin and traditional folk names. January's usual name is ianuarie from Latin januarius, while its traditional name gerar refers to the bitter cold of winter. February's usual name is februarie from Latin, and its traditional name f?urar may mean "ironsmith" or "creator". March's usual name is martie from Latin, and its traditional name m?r?i?or is a diminutive form meaning "little March".
National day of romania ziua nationala a romanieibalada65
1. December 1st is Romania's National Day, commemorating the unification of Transylvania, Bessarabia, and Bukovina with Romania in 1918 under the Treaty of Versailles, completing the process of forming a unitary Romanian state.
2. Saint Andrew, the Christian apostle and brother of Saint Peter, spent 20 years preaching in Dacia (modern-day Romania) in the 1st century AD. He felt close to the Dacians as they were monotheists.
3. Living under different empires throughout history, Romanians always preserved their shared identity and genesis as one people, with the goal of uniting all Romanian territories into a single state, which was
The document is a travel itinerary for a school trip to various locations in Europe during the summer of 2012. It lists destinations in Italy, Switzerland, and Romania, including the cities of Arenzano and Bucharest, Lake Geneva, the castles of Gruyere and Poenari, and natural areas like the Transfagarasan road and Valea Cerbului valley. Students on the trip engaged in activities such as visiting museums and landmarks.
This document discusses using clay and plasticine as natural materials in a school art project. The document provides the name and location of the school in Bucharest, Romania where the project took place. It also names the teacher, Dana Balaci, who oversaw the student art project using clay and plasticine.
A paper mill in Comana, Romania hosted a competition and school visit focused on the paper making process. Students from School 279 in Bucharest, Romania learned about the world of books and printing through an unusual journey into the paper mill. The mill uses a Fourdrinier machine and other paper making equipment to transform vegetable fibers like wood pulp into paper.
The document describes the last day of the 2011-2012 school year for 1st grade class E at school number 279 in Bucharest, Romania. It was their teacher Dana B.'s class. The document welcomes the students to their holiday.
June 26th is the National Day of the Romanian flag. The Romanian flag is a vertical tricolor with blue, yellow and red stripes from left to right. It has a width to length ratio of 2:3 and was presented by the teacher Dana Balaci.
This document appears to be a class roster for Class I E at School No. 279 in Bucharest, Romania. It lists the teacher as Dana Balaci and was likely printed for attendance or administrative purposes.
The document lists names of people and animals that the author loves. It contains words in both English and another language, suggesting affection for both animals and people from different cultures or backgrounds. The list is short but shows the author's caring nature through their appreciation for living creatures.
1. 10 planete infricosatoare
Spatiul: frontiera finala. Misterioasa frontiera care nea fascinat secole de-a randul, pe care visam sa o
intelegem si cucerim. Insa, inainte de orice plan de
expansiune intergalactica, trebuie sa intelegem un
lucru: spatiul poate fi un loc infricosator. Cele mai
multe planete nu sunt deloc ospitaliere si fac pana si
vizita unei simple sonde de cercetare aproape
imposibila. Site-ul listverse a alcatuit un top cu 10
planete infricosatoare pe care nu ai vrea sa te afli
acum. Iata care sunt:
2. 10. Planeta de carbon
In centrul galaxiei noastre, unde carbonul este de ?n¡±
ori mai abundent decat oxigenul, se afla ceea ce
oamenii de stiinta numesc ?planete de carbon¡±. In
lumea de carbon, cerul diminetii nu seamana deloc cu
ceea ce vedem noi in fiecare zi. Imaginati-va o ceata
galbuie prin care se intrezaresc nori negri de
funingine. Sub ea, mari de titei si smoala. Exotic, nu-i
Suprafata planetei arde in continuu si, din aceasta
cauza, un miros greu de metan se simte in atmosfera.
Prognoza meteo nu arata nice ea prea bine: ploua cu
benzina si asfalt.
Exista, totusi, si un lucru bun in tot acest iad. Da, ati
ghicit, fiind o planeta de carbon, diamantele se gasesc
la tot pasul, spun oamenii de stiinta.
9. Neptun
Vantul pe Neptun sufla cu aproape 2.500 de kilometri
pe ora, o forta in fata carei corpul uman cu siguranta
nu ar rezista. Puterea cu care bate vantul pe planeta
Neptun este de doua ori mai puternica decat viteaza
necesara pentru a sparge bariera sunetului. Nu este
greu de imaginat ca in fata unei asemenea forte
corpul uman ar fi sfasiat pe loc.
Ramane inca un mister pentru oamenii de stiinta
cum si de ce se formeaza aceste vanturi deosebit de
puternice pe Neptun, mai ales ca planeta se afla
departe de Soare si beneficieaza de putin a caldura
3. 8. Gigantul 51 Pegasi b
Numita dupa Bellerophon, eroul grec care l-a
imblanzit pe Pegas, Gigantul 51 Pegasi b este de 150
de ori mai mare decat planeta noastra si alcatuit in
cea mai mare parte din hidrogen si heliu.
Fiind foarte aproape de steaua sa, pe Gigantul 51
Pegasi b temperaturile ating cote infricosatoare.
1.000 de grade celsius este temperatura medie pe
aceasta planeta. Asta nu inseamna, insa, ca din
cauza temperaturilor extrem de ridicate nu ploua
niciodata. Oh, ba, ploua, pentru ca Gigantul 51
Pegasi b este o planeta capricioasa. Din cauza
temperaturii, fierul care compune planeta se
vaporizeaza, se ridica in atmosfera si, la fel ca apa pe
Terra, se intoarce sub forma de precipitatii.
Precipitatii cu fier topit, bineinteles.
7. COROT exo-3b
COROT exo-3b este cea mai densa si cea mai masiva
exoplaneta (n.r. planeta extrasolara, care isi are orbita
in jurul altei stele decat Soarele) cunoscuta pana acum.
Ca sa intelegeti, COROT exo-3b are dimensiunile sexy
ale planetei Jupiter, insa masa sa este de 20 de ori mai
mare. Ceea ce inseamna ca aceasta planeta este de
doua ori mai densa decat plumbul.
Cu o astfel de masa, presiunea exercitata asupra unui
om care al calca pe suprafata planetei ar fi de
nesuportat. Si asta pnetru ca pe COROT exo-3b un om
ar cantari de 50 de ori mai mult decat pe Pamant. Spre
exemplu, daca o persoana cantareste pe Pamant 60 de
kilograme, pe aceasta planeta ar cantari 3000.
4. 6. Marte
Pe Planeta Rosie, o furtuna de praf se poate forma in
cateva ore si poate acoperi intreaga planeta in cateva
zile. Aici se formeaza cele mai puternice si violente
furtuni din intreg sistemul solar. In timpul acestor
furtuni se produc uneori vartejuri inalte cat muntele
Everest, iar vantul bate cu 300 km/h.
Exista mai multe teorii care explica formarea acestor
super-furtuni. Oamenii de stiinta spun ca originea
acestor furtuni este un crater de impact. Hellas Basin,
de exemplu, este cel mai adanc din Sistemul Solar.
Temperaturile de pe fundul Bazinului Hellas sunt cu 10
grade mai mari decat cele de la suprafata craterului.
Diferenta de temperatura hraneste vantul care
genereaza, astfel, o super-furtuna.
5. WASP-12b
Va voi spune doar atat: WASP-12b este cea mai
fierbinte planeta descoperita pana acum. Fierbe la
2.200 de grade Celsius si se afla mai aproape de
steaua sa decat orice alta planeta cunoscuta pana
acum. Nu mai are rost sa va spunem ca orice ajunge
pe WASP-12b, om sau lucru, arde instant. Ca sa
intelegeti mai bine, suprafata acestei planete este de
doua mai fierbinte decat suprafata Soarelui nostru.
Mai mult, se invarte in jurul proprii stele cu o viteza
ametitoare. Realizeaza o rotatie completa intr-o
singura zi terestra.
5. 4. Jupiter
Furtunile care se produc pe Jupiter sunt de doua ori
mai mari decat Pamantul insusi. Pe Jupiter, vantul
bate cu 650 km/h, iar fulgerele sunt de 100 de ori mai
luminoase decat cele de pe planeta noastra.
Coborand, pe suprafata planetei se afla un ocean de
40.000 de kilometri compus din hidrogen metalic
lichid. Daca la suprafata hidrogenul de pe Jupiter e
lichid, la fel ca si pe Terra, cu cat te apropii de miezul
planetei acesta devine metal lichid, sub actiunea
presiunii atmosferice. Acesta conduce electricitatea
si caldura si reflecta lumina, asemeni unei oglinzi
3. Pluto
Chiar daca Pluto nu mai este de ceva vreme
clasificata drept ?planeta¡±, ci planeta pitica, aceast
corp ceresc si-a castigat un loc in topul nostru.
Pluto este un loc extrem de rece, o lume alcatuita din
azot inghetat si dioxid de carbon. Suprafata sa este
acoperita cu o patura de metan in aproape toate cele
248 de zile plutoniene, cat dureaza un an pe aceasta
Din cauza interctiunii cu razele gama venite din
spatiu si de la Soarele indepartat, gheata de pe Pluto
a capatat o nuanta roz-maronie. Pare feeric, dar la 228 de grade Celsius, temperatura medie pe Pluto,
organismul uman ar inghetat instant.
6. 2. CoRoT-7b
Temperaturile de pe aceasta planeta sunt atat de
ridicate incat pot vaporiza piatra. Oamenii de stiinta
care au modelat atmosfera CoRoT-7b au ajuns la
concluzia ca pe aceasta planeta nu exista gaze
volatile, ca dioxidul de carbon sau nitrogenul, si este
compusa, cel mai probabil, din piatra vaporizata. In
cazul in care aceasta planeta nu pare suficient de
inospitaliera, mai aflati ca este si un cosmar
vulacanic. Activitatea vulcanica pe aceatsa CoRoT7b ar putea fi mai intensa decat pe luna lui Jupiter,
Io, care are peste 400 de vulcani.
1. Venus
Foarte putine lucruri se stiau despre Venus inainte de
lansarea programului sovietic Venera. Cand prima sonda
a atins solul venusian si a inceput sa transmita date catre
Pamant, savantii rusi si-au dat seama ca au de-a face cu
una din cele mai periculoase planete din sistemul nostru
solar. Terenul este atat de schimbator/volatil pe venus
incat a durat doar 127 de minute pana ca sondele trimise
sa fie simultan topite si zdrobite.
Ce face ca Venus sa fie considerata cea mai periculoasa
plantea? Pai, aerul este atat de toxic pe Venus, incat
oricine ar ajunge acolo ar fi sufocat pe loc. Mai mult,
presiunea atmosferica este de 100 de ori mai mari ca pe
Terra, asa ca a merge pe suprafata acestei planete ar fi ca
si cum ai incerca sa calci la o adancime de 1.000 de metri,
in adancul oceanului, pe planeta noastra. Daca nici asta
nu ar fi de ajuns, ai fi incinerat instant din cauza
temepraturilor de 475 grade Celsius si dizolvat apoi de
ploile acide care cad constant pe suprafata planetei.