El documento describe una asociaci坦n financiera sin fines de lucro llamada Gloval que tiene la misi坦n de unir a individuos y organizaciones para enriquecer a otros en las dimensiones espiritual, social y financiera. Explica un programa de asociaci坦n sin fines de lucro que donar叩 $5 por persona en los primeros 30 d鱈as. Tambi辿n describe un plan de referidos de 3 niveles que paga comisiones diarias y mensuales a los participantes.
This document provides an introduction to the China OpenStack User Group (COSUG). It discusses the history of COSUG starting in 2011, its current status with over 850 subscribers to its Google Group and over 1500 registered users on its website. It outlines plans to expand OpenStack training programs and meetups to more cities in China. It also describes the relationship between COSUG, which focuses on users, and the China OpenSource Cloud League which is supported by companies and focuses on jointly developing official OpenStack projects.
Drug development - Background informationXplore Health
This guide provides background information on the drug development process including the different phases and the ethical, legal and social aspects associated.
The document discusses various algorithms for searching data structures, including serial search with average time complexity of (n), binary search with average time complexity of (log n), and hashing techniques that can provide constant time (1) search by storing items in an array using a hash function. It provides pseudocode for binary search and discusses improvements like interpolation search that can achieve (log log n) search time on average.
X commerce open stack beijing keynote - 2012-08-10 finalOpenCity Community
The document discusses how commerce is being transformed by accelerating innovation, the blurring of online and offline commerce, and new competition from companies like Amazon. It describes how X.commerce provides capabilities to help retailers innovate through mobile commerce, payments, loyalty programs, and social commerce. X.commerce also offers developer tools and a platform as a service to help retailers customize experiences across devices and sales channels.
Circassia, Genocide and Ethnic cleansing - Part 2Walid Hakouz
The document summarizes the expulsion and resettlement of Circassians from their homeland in the Caucasus region between 1864 and 1875. It provides population figures and locations for groups of Circassians who disembarked and were transferred to settlements in Turkey, Romania, Macedonia, and Greece totaling over 1,000,000 people fleeing genocide and ethnic cleansing by Tsarist Russia.
El documento proporciona instrucciones en 5 pasos para el uso correcto de un preservativo, incluyendo revisar la fecha de vencimiento, abrirlo con cuidado, colocarlo en el pene erecto desenroll叩ndolo completamente hasta la base, y retirarlo despu辿s del acto sexual amarrando el extremo y desech叩ndolo.
Skin cancer exposed - Tools' informationXplore Health
This educator's guide provides information on 7 tools available on an online portal for teaching about skin cancer. The tools include 2 virtual experiments that simulate investigating skin growths, and 4 educational videos on topics like early detection and genetic factors. A discussion game is also included. The document describes each tool and provides suggestions for how teachers can incorporate them into lessons on skin cancer before, during, and after class activities.
WeatherVision offers hyperlocal weather forecasts for television stations to build revenue through sponsorships. They provide customized daily weathercasts delivered via FTP for stations to air on TV and their websites. WeatherVision works to secure an underwriter for the weathercast so it pays for itself, satisfying the sponsor and adhering to the station's brand. They provide accurate local weather forecasts with graphics and future hourly forecasts. WeatherVision ensures easy communication and support for stations through a private Facebook page and live chat during filming.
Crowdvi.be is an online research solution for quick and economical consumer insights, empowering you with the ability to target a unique population of Social Media users and gain the valuable insights your research requires. This was a pitch given to propose the idea of developing a mobile application.
Alfresco based Enterprise, Invoice Approval System, Improved Data Quality, Improved Productivity & Efficiency, Cost reduction, Making Open Source Work, Datamatics Global Services, CIGNEX Datamatics Team.
PDF Scanning environment for startegic intervention for youthMosharaf Hossain
The document discusses strategic interventions for youth in Jharkhand, India. It identifies the following key issues through discussions with youths: lack of higher education attainment, limited livelihood opportunities, poor sexual and reproductive health, and feelings of exclusion. These issues are interrelated and perpetuate intergenerational poverty. The document analyzes the issues thematically and outlines them under the categories of higher education, livelihood, health, and protection. It prioritizes the issues and presents a vision statement by youth in Palamu district to attain at least 12th grade education, job/trade training, sufficient income, health knowledge, and community participation.
La NBA es considerada la mejor liga de baloncesto del mundo debido a que re炭ne a los mejores jugadores como LeBron James, Dwight Howard, Kobe Bryant y Michael Jordan, aunque a veces estos grandes jugadores pueden ser superados por sus competidores.
The document provides background information on the British invasions by Vikings in the 9th-10th centuries and discusses the Anglo-Saxon epic poem Beowulf. Vikings from Norway, Scotland, Wales, and Denmark invaded and gained control of most of England by the mid-9th century before King Alfred the Great pushed back the Danes. By the late 10th century, the Danes had regained territory in England and forced the Saxons to select Danish kings until 1042. It then introduces Beowulf as an Old English heroic poem that reflects the dreams and fears of Anglo-Saxons, describing its unknown author, origins in the 6th century, and plot involving the Geatish hero Beowulf battling
Udzia w badaniach w celu walki z miadycXplore Health
Protocol for youngsters to carry out a bacterial transformation in a lab. The protocol follows a line of biomedical research which focuses on the study of a potential therapeutic target that could be recognised by a drug against atherosclerosis. The experiment protocol is an opportunity for science centres, museums and schools to replicate a real experiment done in a real lab doing research on drug discovery.
This document provides instructions for taking different types of payments on a tablet point-of-sale system, including credit cards, cash, checks, and other forms of payment. It describes how to select payment methods, process credit card payments manually or using a card swiper, prompt for tips, and issue receipts. It also explains how to handle cash payments by entering amounts and checking for change due, and how to process checks by adding check numbers for reporting purposes.
Fatty acids have four major roles in the cell: as building blocks of phospholipids and glycolipids, attached to proteins to target them to membranes, as fuel molecules to generate ATP through beta-oxidation, and as hormone and messenger derivatives. Fatty acids are broken down through beta-oxidation in the mitochondria to generate acetyl-CoA, which enters the TCA cycle to be fully oxidized to CO2 and H2O or condensed to form ketone bodies in the liver. Fatty acids are also synthesized through a multi-step pathway using acetyl-CoA and malonyl-CoA as building blocks, forming palmitate in the cytosol. Lipids are transported throughout the body associated
El sacerdote pregunt坦 a la congregaci坦n durante el servicio dominical cu叩ntos hab鱈an perdonado a sus enemigos. La mayor鱈a levant坦 la mano excepto una anciana de 101 a単os, quien dijo que no ten鱈a enemigos porque ya hab鱈an muerto.
Diablo is an OpenStack distribution that includes enhanced versions of several core services. It features improved integration of Keystone for authentication, expanded support for hypervisors like KVM and Xen in Nova, Ceph and Sheepdog/Gluster block storage options in Swift, image service upgrades in Glance, and network virtualization functionality in Quantum/Melange. The dashboard has also been integrated and provides administrative and customer views.
The document discusses 10 species of dinosaurs that lived in the Carpathian-Danubian-Pontic region that is now Romania. Some of the species discussed include Zalmoxes, an ornithopod that reached up to 4.5 meters long. Telmatosaurus was a hadrosaur discovered in 1893 that was about 5 meters long. Balaur Bondoc was a carnivorous dinosaur closely related to Velociraptor that was 1.8-2.1 meters long. Rhabdodon was an iguanodont similar to Tenontosaurus that lived in what is now Romania, Spain and France and was smaller than relatives due to insular dwarfism. Hatzegop
Romanian months have both usual names derived from Latin and traditional folk names. January's usual name is ianuarie from Latin januarius, while its traditional name gerar refers to the bitter cold of winter. February's usual name is februarie from Latin, and its traditional name furar may mean "ironsmith" or "creator". March's usual name is martie from Latin, and its traditional name mr釘ior is a diminutive form meaning "little March".
Circassia, Genocide and Ethnic cleansing - Part 2Walid Hakouz
The document summarizes the expulsion and resettlement of Circassians from their homeland in the Caucasus region between 1864 and 1875. It provides population figures and locations for groups of Circassians who disembarked and were transferred to settlements in Turkey, Romania, Macedonia, and Greece totaling over 1,000,000 people fleeing genocide and ethnic cleansing by Tsarist Russia.
El documento proporciona instrucciones en 5 pasos para el uso correcto de un preservativo, incluyendo revisar la fecha de vencimiento, abrirlo con cuidado, colocarlo en el pene erecto desenroll叩ndolo completamente hasta la base, y retirarlo despu辿s del acto sexual amarrando el extremo y desech叩ndolo.
Skin cancer exposed - Tools' informationXplore Health
This educator's guide provides information on 7 tools available on an online portal for teaching about skin cancer. The tools include 2 virtual experiments that simulate investigating skin growths, and 4 educational videos on topics like early detection and genetic factors. A discussion game is also included. The document describes each tool and provides suggestions for how teachers can incorporate them into lessons on skin cancer before, during, and after class activities.
WeatherVision offers hyperlocal weather forecasts for television stations to build revenue through sponsorships. They provide customized daily weathercasts delivered via FTP for stations to air on TV and their websites. WeatherVision works to secure an underwriter for the weathercast so it pays for itself, satisfying the sponsor and adhering to the station's brand. They provide accurate local weather forecasts with graphics and future hourly forecasts. WeatherVision ensures easy communication and support for stations through a private Facebook page and live chat during filming.
Crowdvi.be is an online research solution for quick and economical consumer insights, empowering you with the ability to target a unique population of Social Media users and gain the valuable insights your research requires. This was a pitch given to propose the idea of developing a mobile application.
Alfresco based Enterprise, Invoice Approval System, Improved Data Quality, Improved Productivity & Efficiency, Cost reduction, Making Open Source Work, Datamatics Global Services, CIGNEX Datamatics Team.
PDF Scanning environment for startegic intervention for youthMosharaf Hossain
The document discusses strategic interventions for youth in Jharkhand, India. It identifies the following key issues through discussions with youths: lack of higher education attainment, limited livelihood opportunities, poor sexual and reproductive health, and feelings of exclusion. These issues are interrelated and perpetuate intergenerational poverty. The document analyzes the issues thematically and outlines them under the categories of higher education, livelihood, health, and protection. It prioritizes the issues and presents a vision statement by youth in Palamu district to attain at least 12th grade education, job/trade training, sufficient income, health knowledge, and community participation.
La NBA es considerada la mejor liga de baloncesto del mundo debido a que re炭ne a los mejores jugadores como LeBron James, Dwight Howard, Kobe Bryant y Michael Jordan, aunque a veces estos grandes jugadores pueden ser superados por sus competidores.
The document provides background information on the British invasions by Vikings in the 9th-10th centuries and discusses the Anglo-Saxon epic poem Beowulf. Vikings from Norway, Scotland, Wales, and Denmark invaded and gained control of most of England by the mid-9th century before King Alfred the Great pushed back the Danes. By the late 10th century, the Danes had regained territory in England and forced the Saxons to select Danish kings until 1042. It then introduces Beowulf as an Old English heroic poem that reflects the dreams and fears of Anglo-Saxons, describing its unknown author, origins in the 6th century, and plot involving the Geatish hero Beowulf battling
Udzia w badaniach w celu walki z miadycXplore Health
Protocol for youngsters to carry out a bacterial transformation in a lab. The protocol follows a line of biomedical research which focuses on the study of a potential therapeutic target that could be recognised by a drug against atherosclerosis. The experiment protocol is an opportunity for science centres, museums and schools to replicate a real experiment done in a real lab doing research on drug discovery.
This document provides instructions for taking different types of payments on a tablet point-of-sale system, including credit cards, cash, checks, and other forms of payment. It describes how to select payment methods, process credit card payments manually or using a card swiper, prompt for tips, and issue receipts. It also explains how to handle cash payments by entering amounts and checking for change due, and how to process checks by adding check numbers for reporting purposes.
Fatty acids have four major roles in the cell: as building blocks of phospholipids and glycolipids, attached to proteins to target them to membranes, as fuel molecules to generate ATP through beta-oxidation, and as hormone and messenger derivatives. Fatty acids are broken down through beta-oxidation in the mitochondria to generate acetyl-CoA, which enters the TCA cycle to be fully oxidized to CO2 and H2O or condensed to form ketone bodies in the liver. Fatty acids are also synthesized through a multi-step pathway using acetyl-CoA and malonyl-CoA as building blocks, forming palmitate in the cytosol. Lipids are transported throughout the body associated
El sacerdote pregunt坦 a la congregaci坦n durante el servicio dominical cu叩ntos hab鱈an perdonado a sus enemigos. La mayor鱈a levant坦 la mano excepto una anciana de 101 a単os, quien dijo que no ten鱈a enemigos porque ya hab鱈an muerto.
Diablo is an OpenStack distribution that includes enhanced versions of several core services. It features improved integration of Keystone for authentication, expanded support for hypervisors like KVM and Xen in Nova, Ceph and Sheepdog/Gluster block storage options in Swift, image service upgrades in Glance, and network virtualization functionality in Quantum/Melange. The dashboard has also been integrated and provides administrative and customer views.
The document discusses 10 species of dinosaurs that lived in the Carpathian-Danubian-Pontic region that is now Romania. Some of the species discussed include Zalmoxes, an ornithopod that reached up to 4.5 meters long. Telmatosaurus was a hadrosaur discovered in 1893 that was about 5 meters long. Balaur Bondoc was a carnivorous dinosaur closely related to Velociraptor that was 1.8-2.1 meters long. Rhabdodon was an iguanodont similar to Tenontosaurus that lived in what is now Romania, Spain and France and was smaller than relatives due to insular dwarfism. Hatzegop
Romanian months have both usual names derived from Latin and traditional folk names. January's usual name is ianuarie from Latin januarius, while its traditional name gerar refers to the bitter cold of winter. February's usual name is februarie from Latin, and its traditional name furar may mean "ironsmith" or "creator". March's usual name is martie from Latin, and its traditional name mr釘ior is a diminutive form meaning "little March".
National day of romania ziua nationala a romanieibalada65
1. December 1st is Romania's National Day, commemorating the unification of Transylvania, Bessarabia, and Bukovina with Romania in 1918 under the Treaty of Versailles, completing the process of forming a unitary Romanian state.
2. Saint Andrew, the Christian apostle and brother of Saint Peter, spent 20 years preaching in Dacia (modern-day Romania) in the 1st century AD. He felt close to the Dacians as they were monotheists.
3. Living under different empires throughout history, Romanians always preserved their shared identity and genesis as one people, with the goal of uniting all Romanian territories into a single state, which was
The document is a travel itinerary for a school trip to various locations in Europe during the summer of 2012. It lists destinations in Italy, Switzerland, and Romania, including the cities of Arenzano and Bucharest, Lake Geneva, the castles of Gruyere and Poenari, and natural areas like the Transfagarasan road and Valea Cerbului valley. Students on the trip engaged in activities such as visiting museums and landmarks.
This document discusses using clay and plasticine as natural materials in a school art project. The document provides the name and location of the school in Bucharest, Romania where the project took place. It also names the teacher, Dana Balaci, who oversaw the student art project using clay and plasticine.
A paper mill in Comana, Romania hosted a competition and school visit focused on the paper making process. Students from School 279 in Bucharest, Romania learned about the world of books and printing through an unusual journey into the paper mill. The mill uses a Fourdrinier machine and other paper making equipment to transform vegetable fibers like wood pulp into paper.
The document describes the last day of the 2011-2012 school year for 1st grade class E at school number 279 in Bucharest, Romania. It was their teacher Dana B.'s class. The document welcomes the students to their holiday.
June 26th is the National Day of the Romanian flag. The Romanian flag is a vertical tricolor with blue, yellow and red stripes from left to right. It has a width to length ratio of 2:3 and was presented by the teacher Dana Balaci.
This document appears to be a class roster for Class I E at School No. 279 in Bucharest, Romania. It lists the teacher as Dana Balaci and was likely printed for attendance or administrative purposes.
1. Ocnele Mari este un ora 樽n judeul V但lcea, Rom但nia. Este una din
cele mai vechi aezri umane din aceast zon a Olteniei. Se afl
樽ntr-o depresiune, la o altitudine de circa 320 m, fiind strjuit de
dealuri cu o altitudine 樽ntre 400 i 600 m.
Sub dealuri se afl un masiv de sare de circa 600 m grosime, d但nd
numele localitii: "ocn" 樽nseamn "min de sare".
Salina este cea mai mare din ar, cu o suprafa de peste 20.000
de metri ptrai, cu lungimea galeriilor depind 13 km. Exploatarea
srii s-a fcut i se face prin extracie de bulgri (magle) din salin si
prin soluie saturat cu ajutorul sondelor.
2. Mircea cel Btr但n, cel care
numete localitatea "t但rg"
Intrarea in Salina