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(843) 415-3044
SUMMARY: Seasoned professional interested in becoming a valuable resource in a structured
environment while utilizing my professional experience, skills and creativity.
EDUCATION: B.S. DegreeBusiness Management / Marketing
Millersville University of Pennsylvania
Millersville, PA
PROFESSIONAL The Scout Guide08/01/13 to Present
EXPERIENC: Hilton Head Island | Beaufort | Bluffton, SC
Franchisee / Editor / Director of Sales
Annual coffee table book - now in sixty + markets across the nation - showcasing the best of local.
Distributed to af鍖uent residents and resort guests across Beaufort County, TSG is virtually a curated
collection of photo essays coupled with a strong online presence for up-to-the-minute content.
Responsibilities include:
SalesProspecting, proposals and presentations to appropriate business owners in the market.
Conduct creative meetings with clients, sketch out proposed ad and accompany team - creative
partner, photographer and stylists - on location of each photo shoot. Secure all elements for ads, then
feed to TSG production department. Intermediary through approval stage. Initiate direct mail campaign
and distribution once off the press. Sponsor / exhibit at local events. Oversee billing and collections.
OnlinePromote clients and events unique to the market via submissions to corporate for the
national Scout Guide blog and regional editor for the Carolinas blog. Oversee local weekly blog
schedule - Tumblr and Mail Chimp - while selecting The Scout of the Day on Facebook.
Mark Brown & Associates: Golf Real Estate OnLine.com  Prestwick 12 Golf  Carolina
Lowcountry Weddings.com2/95 to Present
Hilton Head Island, SC
Mark Brown and Associates is a marketing and consulting 鍖rm with a focus on media placement,
website design, search engine optimization as well as design and digital layout of printed materials
from conception to follow-though, i.e. simple logos and ads to multi-page newsletters, promotional
campaigns and websites.
Responsibilities include: 
Website design/optimization/maintenance, all pre-press layout and design, marketing the
companys services to perspective clients, managing marketing campaigns for customer base (account
executive), writing and distributing press releases and working closely with publications and printers.
Launched in 2006, Golf Real Estate OnLine is an online portal to luxury golf communities as well as
a lead generator for developers with community pro鍖le pages on the site.
Responsibilities include:
Sales, marketing, design, maintenance, optimization, customer relations, administration and
Prestwick 12 Golf was initiated to attract developers, home builders, resorts and municipalities with a
desire to create innovative golf courses and facilities that attract, entertain and retain new and existing
golfers while increasing the number of rounds played. The concept revolves around the design and
construction of 6 hole loops that form 12 or 18 hole regulation length golf courses. Prestwick 12 is a
turn-key operation, from feasibility study to construction to management training. The Prestwick 12
franchise also includes an innovative instructional program.
Responsibilities included:
Public relations, i.e. the creation of press releases, printed collateral and digital presentations
shared with perspective clients as well as the continual exploration of public and private funding.
Carolina Lowcountry Weddings is an online resource for couples planning weddings in the
Carolina Lowcountry from Hilton Head Island to Charleston, SC. The site also features an
online wedding store and library. Businesses electing to advertise on the site receive sales leads
from couples requesting additional information.
Responsibilities include:
Advertising, marketing, trade shows, web design, maintenance, optimization, sales, customer
relations, administration and accounting.
The Regus Group03/31/15 to 01/15/16
Okatie, SC
General (Property) Manager
International corporation with over 3,000 locations world-wide. Regis offers of鍖ce space by the day,
week, month and year. Facility also includes two conference rooms - one with state-of-the-art video
conferencing equipment.
Responsibilities included:
SalesCultivating clients to sign agreements for the 97 of鍖ces at the facility. Property went from 
30% occupancy to 75% occupancy during my tenure (less than one year.) In addition, I was also
charged with transferring clients and selling into any Regus location across the globe.
ManagementAll 鍖nancial reporting, and managing the staff.
* Corporation when through a major re-structuring/down-sizing in January 2016.
Comfort Suites11/01/09 to 10/15/14
Bluffton, SC
Revenue Manager / Director of Sales
Built in 2004, owned and operated by Beacon Investment Management Group of Charlotte, NC, the
Comfort Suites is a 78 room, all suite hotel located in the heart of the Carolina Lowcountry in historic
Bluffton, SC
Responsibilities included:
Revenue Managementvia a multi-tiered rate structure. Property realized a 38% increase in
over-night accommodations revenue during my 5 year tenure.
SalesCreated, implemented and managed an aggressive online and direct mail campaign
targeting friends and families of the USMC Parris Island recruits visiting for weekly graduations.
Targeted couples planning weddings in need of room blocks and meeting space. All other group sales
efforts from local contacts to global networks. Negotiated both leisure and corporate contracts as well
as overseeing the hotels marketing and advertising plan including the production of all artwork and
content for print, online, outdoor and radio advertising. Managed propertys online presence on
relevant sites as well as optimization of splash page and social media outlets. Analyzed and
interpreted standard industry reports such as Smith Travels weekly STR Report and those generated
by all third party Internet booking sites including Expedia, Priceline and Hotwire. Coordinated,
negotiated and scheduled all meeting room space. Hosted and facilitated weekly Managers Cocktail
Reception for corporate hotel guests. Oversaw customer service practices. Promoted positive
community relations via networking opportunities.
* Hotel was sold in August of 2014.
Holiday Inn Express Hotel & Suites06/01/09 to 10/31/09
Bluffton, SC
Sales Manager
Owned and operated by Stafford Hospitality of Tifton, GA, the Holiday Inn Express Hotel & Suites
in Bluffton is a 112 room, three star, limited service hotel located in the heart of Bluffton, South
Carolinathe gateway to Hilton Head Island.
Responsibilities included:
All group sales efforts from local contacts to global networks. Negotiated both leisure and
corporate contracts. Managed marketing and advertising plan as well as production of all artwork
and copy for print, online and radio advertising. Managed the propertys online presence on relevant
sites while optimizing splash page and keeping information up-to-date on social media sites.
Analyzed and interpreted standard industry reports, i.e. Hotelligence, Smith Travels weekly STR
Report and those generated by the Intercontinental Hotel Group. Coordinated and scheduled
meeting room space. Hosted and facilitated mid-week managers cocktail reception for hotel guests.
Bluffton Today1/06 to 2/09 
Bluffton, SC
Marketing Coordinator
Owned by Morris Communications, Bluffton Today is a hyper-local, home delivered, daily
newspaper with a distribution (during my tenure) of 18,500. Bluffton Today also published 鍖ve
weekly titlesHilton Head Island Today, Hardeeville Today, Beaufort Today, The Boot and The Jet
Responsibilities included:
Management of marketing budget while coordinating and planning all newspaper events, i.e. job
fairs, seminars, fund raisers, etc. Point person for all community event sponsorships such as
tournaments, festivals, parades, and charitable events. Chaired the inaugural (2008) Bluff Fest
Blufftons 鍖rst Independence Day celebration, as well as the Black & Pink Ball and Bachelor
Auctiona fundraiser bene鍖t for the Auxiliary at Hilton Head Hospitals Breast Health Center.
Produced all sales collateral and ads to promote newspaper and website campaigns, i.e. Yahoo! Hot
Jobs af鍖liate materials. Managed pre-press production of Bluffton Today ads for other publications
such as chamber directories and event guides. Handled all in-kind and non-pro鍖t accounts.
* Corporation reduced the staff by 90% in 2009.

The Island Packet1/01 to 9/01 (Part Time)
Hilton Head Island/Bluffton, SC
Kids Packet Editor & Newspapers in Education Coordinator
Responsibilities included:
The generation of all editorial and pre-press production of quarterly, eight page Kids Packet.
Development and operation of The Summer Reading Program which involved database
management, weekly updates of point values, sponsorship solicitation and coordination of The End
of Summer Reading Celebration. Re-formatted articles for Yaks CornerThe Island Packets
weekly kids page. Also coordinated and generated local Student and Teacher of The Week.
Curry Printing1/00 to 10/00
Hilton Head Island, SC
Graphic Designer
Responsible for digital pre-press production in two-person department of high volume quick print
and graphic resource center. Handled everything from 1- to 4-color processsimple designs, logos,
advertising campaigns, monthly newsletters, catalogs, etc.

Hilton Head Island Parents Paper (HHIPP)8/98 to 6/99 Hilton
Head Island, SC
Started, operated and performed all functions of ad-driven, (niche) parenting publication for an
audience of local parents and children. Issues published monthly and direct mailed to 13,000 Hilton
Head Island and Bluffton, SC families.
LINKS Magazine11/87 to 2/95
Hilton Head Island, SC
Merchandising Director
An original member of the start-up team that launched Southern Links Magazine in March 1988,
now a national golf publication with a circulation in excess of 300,000. Held a variety of roles and
positions during the 7+ years tenure including general operations, accounting, circulation, advertising
support, assistant editor, photographer, photography procurement, production, marketing and
merchandising. Organized major events and marketing programs for advertisers from conception to
follow through. Produced all marketing collateral.
Sea Pines Resorts1/85 to 11/87
Hilton Head Island, SC
Resort Marketing Assistant
Point person in busy resort marketing departmentmultiple resort outlets and amenities. Majority
of focus was on collateral materials, amenity packages, writing and distribution of press releases, as
well as direct mail campaigns, database management.
National Telephone4/84 to 1/85 
Hilton Head Island, SC 
Marketing Assistant/Customer Service
Assisted Director of Marketing and Sales as well as sales staff during the start-up of the 鍖rst
local long-distance telephone wholesaler shortly after the FCC's break-up of the telecommunications
industry. Focus was on customer servicesupporting both products and services.
TECHNICAL SKILLS: Pro鍖cient in numerous graphic programs (both Mac and PC platforms)including The Adobe Creative
Cloud (Photoshop, Illustrator, GoLive, Dreamweaver, InDesign, Flash and Acrobat) and Microsoft
Of鍖ce. Excellent working knowledge of print/production and digital/social media.
AFFILIATIONS: Bluffton Rotary; Board MemberPubic Relations Director 2010-2011 (Paul Harris Fellow recipient)
Greater Bluffton Chamber; Board Member / Executive Committee
BNI (Business Networking International) - Revenue Generators of Bluffton, SC
Networking in High Heels
Lowcountry Womens Networking
Hilton Head Associations of Realtors, Associate Member
Hilton Head Area Home Builders Association, Associate Member
Lowcountry Wedding Professionals
Lowcountry Christian Womens Connection
(Former) Golfweek Magazine Rater 
(Former) Town of Bluffton Accommodations Tax Advisory Committee Member
(843) 415-3044
REFERENCES: Don Brashears, (843) 290-0593
Owner TMBDAB@aol.com
Atlantic Real Estate Inc.
Hilton Head Island
Liberty Tax Bluffton
Bluffton, SC 29910
Terri Hession, (706) 467-0877
Independent Advertising Sales rabidgolf@aol.com
Formerly with Links Magazine
P.O. Box 213
Greensboro, GA 30642
Shellie West, (843) 757-1010
Executive Director shellie@blufftonchamberofcommerce.org
Greater Bluffton Chamber of Commerce 
217 Gothe Rd. 
Bluffton, SC 29910
Denita Kozeny 817-366-1164
Duel Center Manager/Trainer kozenyd@gmail.com
The Regus Group
45 Shadwell Street
Greenville, SC 29607
PORTFOLIO: Available upon request.

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  • 1. CINDY OWENS 70 BAYWOOD DRIVE BLUFFTON, SC 29910 (843) 415-3044 SUMMARY: Seasoned professional interested in becoming a valuable resource in a structured environment while utilizing my professional experience, skills and creativity. EDUCATION: B.S. DegreeBusiness Management / Marketing MinorEconomics Millersville University of Pennsylvania Millersville, PA PROFESSIONAL The Scout Guide08/01/13 to Present EXPERIENC: Hilton Head Island | Beaufort | Bluffton, SC Franchisee / Editor / Director of Sales Annual coffee table book - now in sixty + markets across the nation - showcasing the best of local. Distributed to af鍖uent residents and resort guests across Beaufort County, TSG is virtually a curated collection of photo essays coupled with a strong online presence for up-to-the-minute content. Responsibilities include: SalesProspecting, proposals and presentations to appropriate business owners in the market. Conduct creative meetings with clients, sketch out proposed ad and accompany team - creative partner, photographer and stylists - on location of each photo shoot. Secure all elements for ads, then feed to TSG production department. Intermediary through approval stage. Initiate direct mail campaign and distribution once off the press. Sponsor / exhibit at local events. Oversee billing and collections. OnlinePromote clients and events unique to the market via submissions to corporate for the national Scout Guide blog and regional editor for the Carolinas blog. Oversee local weekly blog schedule - Tumblr and Mail Chimp - while selecting The Scout of the Day on Facebook. _____________________________________________________________________ Mark Brown & Associates: Golf Real Estate OnLine.com Prestwick 12 Golf Carolina Lowcountry Weddings.com2/95 to Present Hilton Head Island, SC Owner Mark Brown and Associates is a marketing and consulting 鍖rm with a focus on media placement, website design, search engine optimization as well as design and digital layout of printed materials from conception to follow-though, i.e. simple logos and ads to multi-page newsletters, promotional campaigns and websites. Responsibilities include: Website design/optimization/maintenance, all pre-press layout and design, marketing the companys services to perspective clients, managing marketing campaigns for customer base (account executive), writing and distributing press releases and working closely with publications and printers. Launched in 2006, Golf Real Estate OnLine is an online portal to luxury golf communities as well as a lead generator for developers with community pro鍖le pages on the site. Responsibilities include: Sales, marketing, design, maintenance, optimization, customer relations, administration and accounting. 1
  • 2. Prestwick 12 Golf was initiated to attract developers, home builders, resorts and municipalities with a desire to create innovative golf courses and facilities that attract, entertain and retain new and existing golfers while increasing the number of rounds played. The concept revolves around the design and construction of 6 hole loops that form 12 or 18 hole regulation length golf courses. Prestwick 12 is a turn-key operation, from feasibility study to construction to management training. The Prestwick 12 franchise also includes an innovative instructional program. Responsibilities included: Public relations, i.e. the creation of press releases, printed collateral and digital presentations shared with perspective clients as well as the continual exploration of public and private funding. Carolina Lowcountry Weddings is an online resource for couples planning weddings in the Carolina Lowcountry from Hilton Head Island to Charleston, SC. The site also features an online wedding store and library. Businesses electing to advertise on the site receive sales leads from couples requesting additional information. Responsibilities include: Advertising, marketing, trade shows, web design, maintenance, optimization, sales, customer relations, administration and accounting. _____________________________________________________________________ The Regus Group03/31/15 to 01/15/16 Okatie, SC General (Property) Manager International corporation with over 3,000 locations world-wide. Regis offers of鍖ce space by the day, week, month and year. Facility also includes two conference rooms - one with state-of-the-art video conferencing equipment. Responsibilities included: SalesCultivating clients to sign agreements for the 97 of鍖ces at the facility. Property went from 30% occupancy to 75% occupancy during my tenure (less than one year.) In addition, I was also charged with transferring clients and selling into any Regus location across the globe. ManagementAll 鍖nancial reporting, and managing the staff. * Corporation when through a major re-structuring/down-sizing in January 2016. _____________________________________________________________________ Comfort Suites11/01/09 to 10/15/14 Bluffton, SC Revenue Manager / Director of Sales Built in 2004, owned and operated by Beacon Investment Management Group of Charlotte, NC, the Comfort Suites is a 78 room, all suite hotel located in the heart of the Carolina Lowcountry in historic Bluffton, SC Responsibilities included: Revenue Managementvia a multi-tiered rate structure. Property realized a 38% increase in over-night accommodations revenue during my 5 year tenure. SalesCreated, implemented and managed an aggressive online and direct mail campaign 2
  • 3. targeting friends and families of the USMC Parris Island recruits visiting for weekly graduations. Targeted couples planning weddings in need of room blocks and meeting space. All other group sales efforts from local contacts to global networks. Negotiated both leisure and corporate contracts as well as overseeing the hotels marketing and advertising plan including the production of all artwork and content for print, online, outdoor and radio advertising. Managed propertys online presence on relevant sites as well as optimization of splash page and social media outlets. Analyzed and interpreted standard industry reports such as Smith Travels weekly STR Report and those generated by all third party Internet booking sites including Expedia, Priceline and Hotwire. Coordinated, negotiated and scheduled all meeting room space. Hosted and facilitated weekly Managers Cocktail Reception for corporate hotel guests. Oversaw customer service practices. Promoted positive community relations via networking opportunities. * Hotel was sold in August of 2014. _____________________________________________________________________ Holiday Inn Express Hotel & Suites06/01/09 to 10/31/09 Bluffton, SC Sales Manager Owned and operated by Stafford Hospitality of Tifton, GA, the Holiday Inn Express Hotel & Suites in Bluffton is a 112 room, three star, limited service hotel located in the heart of Bluffton, South Carolinathe gateway to Hilton Head Island. Responsibilities included: All group sales efforts from local contacts to global networks. Negotiated both leisure and corporate contracts. Managed marketing and advertising plan as well as production of all artwork and copy for print, online and radio advertising. Managed the propertys online presence on relevant sites while optimizing splash page and keeping information up-to-date on social media sites. Analyzed and interpreted standard industry reports, i.e. Hotelligence, Smith Travels weekly STR Report and those generated by the Intercontinental Hotel Group. Coordinated and scheduled meeting room space. Hosted and facilitated mid-week managers cocktail reception for hotel guests. _____________________________________________________________________ Bluffton Today1/06 to 2/09 Bluffton, SC Marketing Coordinator Owned by Morris Communications, Bluffton Today is a hyper-local, home delivered, daily newspaper with a distribution (during my tenure) of 18,500. Bluffton Today also published 鍖ve weekly titlesHilton Head Island Today, Hardeeville Today, Beaufort Today, The Boot and The Jet Stream. Responsibilities included: Management of marketing budget while coordinating and planning all newspaper events, i.e. job fairs, seminars, fund raisers, etc. Point person for all community event sponsorships such as tournaments, festivals, parades, and charitable events. Chaired the inaugural (2008) Bluff Fest Blufftons 鍖rst Independence Day celebration, as well as the Black & Pink Ball and Bachelor Auctiona fundraiser bene鍖t for the Auxiliary at Hilton Head Hospitals Breast Health Center. Produced all sales collateral and ads to promote newspaper and website campaigns, i.e. Yahoo! Hot Jobs af鍖liate materials. Managed pre-press production of Bluffton Today ads for other publications such as chamber directories and event guides. Handled all in-kind and non-pro鍖t accounts. * Corporation reduced the staff by 90% in 2009. _____________________________________________________________________ 3
  • 4. The Island Packet1/01 to 9/01 (Part Time) Hilton Head Island/Bluffton, SC Kids Packet Editor & Newspapers in Education Coordinator Responsibilities included: The generation of all editorial and pre-press production of quarterly, eight page Kids Packet. Development and operation of The Summer Reading Program which involved database management, weekly updates of point values, sponsorship solicitation and coordination of The End of Summer Reading Celebration. Re-formatted articles for Yaks CornerThe Island Packets weekly kids page. Also coordinated and generated local Student and Teacher of The Week. _____________________________________________________________________ Curry Printing1/00 to 10/00 Hilton Head Island, SC Graphic Designer Responsible for digital pre-press production in two-person department of high volume quick print and graphic resource center. Handled everything from 1- to 4-color processsimple designs, logos, advertising campaigns, monthly newsletters, catalogs, etc. _____________________________________________________________________ Hilton Head Island Parents Paper (HHIPP)8/98 to 6/99 Hilton Head Island, SC Founder/Publisher Started, operated and performed all functions of ad-driven, (niche) parenting publication for an audience of local parents and children. Issues published monthly and direct mailed to 13,000 Hilton Head Island and Bluffton, SC families. _____________________________________________________________________ LINKS Magazine11/87 to 2/95 Hilton Head Island, SC Merchandising Director An original member of the start-up team that launched Southern Links Magazine in March 1988, now a national golf publication with a circulation in excess of 300,000. Held a variety of roles and positions during the 7+ years tenure including general operations, accounting, circulation, advertising support, assistant editor, photographer, photography procurement, production, marketing and merchandising. Organized major events and marketing programs for advertisers from conception to follow through. Produced all marketing collateral. _____________________________________________________________________ Sea Pines Resorts1/85 to 11/87 Hilton Head Island, SC Resort Marketing Assistant Point person in busy resort marketing departmentmultiple resort outlets and amenities. Majority of focus was on collateral materials, amenity packages, writing and distribution of press releases, as well as direct mail campaigns, database management. _____________________________________________________________________ 4
  • 5. National Telephone4/84 to 1/85 Hilton Head Island, SC Marketing Assistant/Customer Service Assisted Director of Marketing and Sales as well as sales staff during the start-up of the 鍖rst local long-distance telephone wholesaler shortly after the FCC's break-up of the telecommunications industry. Focus was on customer servicesupporting both products and services. _____________________________________________________________________ TECHNICAL SKILLS: Pro鍖cient in numerous graphic programs (both Mac and PC platforms)including The Adobe Creative Cloud (Photoshop, Illustrator, GoLive, Dreamweaver, InDesign, Flash and Acrobat) and Microsoft Of鍖ce. Excellent working knowledge of print/production and digital/social media. AFFILIATIONS: Bluffton Rotary; Board MemberPubic Relations Director 2010-2011 (Paul Harris Fellow recipient) Greater Bluffton Chamber; Board Member / Executive Committee BNI (Business Networking International) - Revenue Generators of Bluffton, SC Networking in High Heels Lowcountry Womens Networking Hilton Head Associations of Realtors, Associate Member Hilton Head Area Home Builders Association, Associate Member Lowcountry Wedding Professionals Lowcountry Christian Womens Connection (Former) Golfweek Magazine Rater (Former) Town of Bluffton Accommodations Tax Advisory Committee Member 5
  • 6. CINDY OWENS 70 BAYWOOD DRIVE BLUFFTON, SC 29910 (843) 415-3044 REFERENCES: Don Brashears, (843) 290-0593 Owner TMBDAB@aol.com Atlantic Real Estate Inc. Hilton Head Island Owner Liberty Tax Bluffton Bluffton, SC 29910 Terri Hession, (706) 467-0877 Independent Advertising Sales rabidgolf@aol.com Formerly with Links Magazine P.O. Box 213 Greensboro, GA 30642 Shellie West, (843) 757-1010 Executive Director shellie@blufftonchamberofcommerce.org Greater Bluffton Chamber of Commerce 217 Gothe Rd. Bluffton, SC 29910 Denita Kozeny 817-366-1164 Duel Center Manager/Trainer kozenyd@gmail.com The Regus Group 45 Shadwell Street Greenville, SC 29607 PORTFOLIO: Available upon request. 6