This document discusses lipids, specifically fatty acids. It begins by outlining the objectives and general characteristics of lipids, noting that they are organic compounds that are insoluble in water but soluble in organic solvents. Lipids serve important biological roles such as energy storage and as components of biological membranes. The document then discusses the classification, properties, and functions of various fatty acids, including short, medium, long, very long, unsaturated, and eicosanoid fatty acids. It focuses on the nomenclature, structures, and roles of different fatty acid groups.
畛 xem full ti 鉛庄畛倩 Xin vui long li棚n h畛 page 畛 動畛c h畛 tr畛
tai lieu tong hop, thu vien luan van, luan van tong hop, do an chuyen nganh
This document discusses lipids, specifically fatty acids. It begins by outlining the objectives and general characteristics of lipids, noting that they are organic compounds that are insoluble in water but soluble in organic solvents. Lipids serve important biological roles such as energy storage and as components of biological membranes. The document then discusses the classification, properties, and functions of various fatty acids, including short, medium, long, very long, unsaturated, and eicosanoid fatty acids. It focuses on the nomenclature, structures, and roles of different fatty acid groups.
畛 xem full ti 鉛庄畛倩 Xin vui long li棚n h畛 page 畛 動畛c h畛 tr畛
tai lieu tong hop, thu vien luan van, luan van tong hop, do an chuyen nganh
畛 xem full ti 鉛庄畛倩 Xin vui long li棚n h畛 page 畛 動畛c h畛 tr畛
tai lieu tong hop, thu vien luan van, luan van tong hop, do an chuyen nganh
C gai leo - 担ng Y ph炭 v但n
C gai leo c坦 t棚n khoa h畛c l Solanum hainanense hay Solanum procumbens lour. 畛 n動畛c ta, m畛i v湛ng l畉i 動畛c g畛i v畛i nhi畛u t棚n kh叩c nhau nh動: c gai d但y, c v畉nh, c qu箪nh, c qu叩nh, c c動畛m, ch畉 nan (ng動畛i Ty), Brongnoon (ng動畛i Bana).
Xem th棚m:
8. C. zeylanicum China Vi畛t Nam Indonesia
Ceylon Cassia畉c i畛m
Mu s畉c n但u nh畉t n但u s畉m
H狸nh d叩ng b棚n ngoi
M湛i th董m
Ngu畛n g畛c
m畛ng v m畛m dy v c畛ng
ng畛t h董i cay
Sri Lanka China, Viet Nam, Indonesia
H狸nh d叩ng b棚n trong
ng畛t ngo v tinh t畉 hng
cu畛n thnh nhi畛u l畛p cu畛n thnh 畛ng r畛ng
Cinnamomum Zeylanicum
Gi叩 tr畛 dinh d動畛ng cao g畉p 10 l畉n Cassia
th畉p v ch畛a nhi畛u coumarin c坦
h畉i cho gan
Cinnamomum Cassia
22. Tr棚n h畛 th畉n kinh: cinnamaldehyde 畛c ch畉 trung khu th畉n kinh c坦 t叩c d畛ng
an th畉n, gi畉m au v gi畉i nhi畛t.
Tr棚n h畛 tim m畉ch: tng l動u l動畛ng m叩u 畛ng m畉ch vnh tim (c畉i thi畛n 動畛c
thi畉u m叩u c董 tim c畉p c畛a th畛 do pituitrin g但y n棚n).
Tr棚n h畛 ti棚u h坦a: k鱈ch th鱈ch ti棚u h坦a , lm co m畉ch, tng bi ti畉t, tng co
b坦p t畛 cung, tng nhu 畛ng ru畛t.
T叩c 畛ng kh叩ng khu畉n: 畛c ch畉 nhi畛u lo畉i vi khu畉n Gr(+), m畉nh h董n 畛i
v畛i Gr(-) ( E. coli, Salmonella, Campylobacter, S. aureus...)
T叩c 畛ng tr棚n n畉m: Candida albicans, Candida tropicalis, Candida krusei...
Ch畛ng oxy h坦a: lm gi畉m s畛 h狸nh thnh c叩c "g畛c t畛 do" g但y ung th動.
Cinnamaldehyde v Eugenol lm gi畉m s畛 gia tng t畉 bo b畉ch c畉u v
lympho ngn t畉 bo ung th動 ph叩t tri畛n.
Ki畛m so叩t l動畛ng 動畛ng trong m叩u. Gi畉m l動畛ng triglyceride ( 23-30%),
LDL cholesterol (7-27%), cholesterol ton ph畉n (12-26%).
23. B畉ng x辿t nghi畛m t狸m MIC v MBC c畛a tinh d畉u C. zeylanicum l叩
ch畛ng l畉i m畛t s畛 vi khu畉n th畛c ph畉m li棚n quan.
25. B畛nh Chagas, do tr湛ng roi 董n bo Trypanosoma cruzi, l m畛t b畛nh
m達n t鱈nh x畉y ra ch畛 y畉u 畛 M畛 Latin. Tinh d畉u Qu畉 c坦 hi畛u qu畉 nh畉t trong
vi畛c ch畛ng l畉i T. cruzi epimastigotes
C叩c t畉 bo Vero nhi畛m T. cruzi v sau 坦 i畛u tr畛 b畉ng tinh d畉u C.verum .
(A) i畛u khi畛n, kh担ng c畉n i畛u tr畛;
(B) i畛u tr畛 cho 24 h v畛i 20 mg / ml C. verum EO.
L動u 箪 vi畛c gi畉m amastigote (m滴i t棚n) s畛 sau khi i畛u tr畛. Bar = 100 mm.
28. Ti 鉛庄畛倩 tham kh畉o