Este documento presenta una guía para una práctica de laboratorio sobre osciladores de cristal para una asignatura de comunicaciones analógicas. La práctica involucra el uso de equipos como osciloscopios y generadores para analizar se?ales moduladas y la transmisión analógica. Los estudiantes aprenderán sobre osciladores RC y medirán se?ales en función de la constante de tiempo RC. La práctica seguirá protocolos de seguridad y los estudiantes deberán completar informes y preguntas de control.
Este documento resume los principales medios de impugnación regulados en el Código Procesal Civil y Mercantil de 2010, como el recurso de revocatoria, el recurso de apelación, y el recurso de casación. También cubre otros institutos como las nulidades y la recusación, e incluye una clasificación de los recursos como devolutivos, no devolutivos, ordinarios y extraordinarios. El autor es el Dr. Saul Ernesto Morales, catedrático de la UES.
Este documento presenta una guía para una práctica de laboratorio sobre osciladores de cristal para una asignatura de comunicaciones analógicas. La práctica involucra el uso de equipos como osciloscopios y generadores para analizar se?ales moduladas y la transmisión analógica. Los estudiantes aprenderán sobre osciladores RC y medirán se?ales en función de la constante de tiempo RC. La práctica seguirá protocolos de seguridad y los estudiantes deberán completar informes y preguntas de control.
Este documento resume los principales medios de impugnación regulados en el Código Procesal Civil y Mercantil de 2010, como el recurso de revocatoria, el recurso de apelación, y el recurso de casación. También cubre otros institutos como las nulidades y la recusación, e incluye una clasificación de los recursos como devolutivos, no devolutivos, ordinarios y extraordinarios. El autor es el Dr. Saul Ernesto Morales, catedrático de la UES.
This document discusses information systems and data gathering. It covers direct and indirect sources of data, how data is coded for storage and analysis, benefits and drawbacks of coding, and how the quality of the original data source impacts the quality of the resulting information through the concept of "garbage in, garbage out".
The document discusses data flow diagrams (DFDs) which are used during systems analysis to show how data moves through a system. A DFD diagrams processes, data stores, external entities and data flows. It provides examples of symbols used in DFDs including processes, data flows, data stores and sources/sinks. The document also discusses constructing DFDs at different levels, with level 1 diagrams showing more detail than the initial context level 0 diagram.
BTEC National in ICT: Unit 3 - Introduction in Accessmrcox
This document provides information about creating a training pack to teach members of a company's MIS department how to run queries and reports on the company database using Microsoft Access. It describes a sample Access database containing tables of fitness instructor details and class schedules that employees can use to practice queries. The training pack should aim to teach complete beginners how to explore the database and generate sample queries and reports.
El sitio web "La Página del Abogado" ofrece servicios legales a la comunidad. Es dirigido por el Licenciado Juan Ramón Araujo López, quien busca ayudar a otros abogados y el público en general con información jurídica relevante.
BTEC National in ICT: Unit 3 - Functional Areas of Xpectmrcox
The document describes several departments and external organizations that interact with Xpect Gym and Leisure. The Finance Department keeps financial records, sets budgets, and balances income and expenses. The Administration Department handles administrative tasks like correspondence, filing, and reception duties. The Personnel Department manages staff records, contracts, hiring, and training. The Sales and Marketing Department is responsible for sales, advertising, marketing materials, and the company website. The IT Department maintains the computer network and database system. External organizations that interact with the company include suppliers, the government, professional bodies, and unions.
Information systems use tools like databases, artificial intelligence/expert systems, the internet, data warehousing, data mining, and predictive modeling. Databases organize related information for storage and retrieval. Artificial intelligence uses rules to help systems perform tasks like human experts. The internet allows access to information and online commerce. Other tools analyze past data patterns, predict future behavior, and help organizations make decisions.
BTEC National in ICT: Unit 3 - Legal Constraintsmrcox
This document summarizes key UK legislation constraining the use of customer data and information technology, including the Data Protection Act of 1984/1998, Computer Misuse Act of 1990, and regulations around health and safety. It outlines principles of fair and lawful processing of personal data, requirements for data controllers to register and comply with subject access rights, and exemptions for certain data types and uses. Offenses related to hacking, viruses, copyright infringement and unauthorized access or modification of data and systems are also defined.
BTEC National in ICT: Unit 3 - MIS Features and Functionsmrcox
An information system has four main functions: input, storage, processing, and output. There is often a feedback loop so the system output can affect future input. An information system takes in detailed data through input, stores and processes it, and produces output information. The output can then provide feedback to users to influence future inputs into the system and analyses requested. Key elements that make up an information system include data, people, hardware, software, and telecommunications infrastructure.
BTEC National in ICT: Unit 3 - Operational Issuesmrcox
The document discusses several operational issues related to information systems including security, backups, health and safety, organization policies, business continuity planning, costs, and the increasing sophistication of modern systems. Key points include the need to dictate secure access to data, regularly back up information, follow appropriate ergonomic practices, manage costs through a business case, and provide more training as systems become more complex.
BTEC National in ICT: Unit 3 - Data Flow Diagrams Introductionmrcox
This document provides an overview of data flow diagrams (DFDs) and structured analysis. It defines DFDs as tools that model how information flows through a system and is processed. The document outlines the basic symbols used in DFDs, including external entities, data flows, data stores, and processes. It also explains how to draw context diagrams at the highest level and then refine them to more detailed lower levels through decomposition. The goal of DFDs is to hierarchically break down a system into independent, understandable components.
BTEC National in ICT: Unit 3 - Ethical Issuesmrcox
Many organizations have codes of practice that define acceptable uses of computing facilities, with the main use being to support the organization's purpose. These codes often permit limited personal use and ban threatening emails or spam. They also restrict access to inappropriate websites and control web server content, while protecting employees who report other users' misuse. Organizational policies state how information is treated, such as restricting access to authorized personnel only, and data ownership lies with the departments that produce it, not the IT department that sets up systems.
BTEC National in ICT: Unit 3 - Functional Areas in more detail - Tescomrcox
This document discusses the key functional areas within businesses and how they interact. It describes operational, tactical, and strategic levels of information and how information flows internally and externally. The main functional areas covered are human resources, finance, administration, IT support, operations, marketing, sales, customer service, and research and development. It explains the purpose and interdependence of each area. Organizational structure and how departments rely on each other is also addressed.