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Vendor Management Solutions
Staffing Solutions

 CQ/VMS Global is a management service company providing a
  sophisticated yet user friendly platform built to provide a space where
  hiring managers, vendors, and temporary staff can easily communicate and
  track jobs and candidates.

 We have extensive experience as both a management service provider and
  a temporary staffing supplier.
 Established in 1987

 SDO Certified, Federally certified by WBENC, and a GREEN company

 Placed in excess of 10,000 temporary staff with the Commonwealth since 1988

 Combined over 50 years of experience as a Managed Service Provider

 National staffing services vendor

 GSA Federal Contract holder

 Combined over 25 years of Executive Recruitment

 Extensive executive search capability with a talent for finding diversity
 MSP Provider offering a VMS tool

 Temporary Staffing: Accounting, Administrative, Customer Service, Data
  Entry, Event Support, Graphic Designer, HR/Payroll Assistant, Light
  Labor, Medical Administrative Assistant, Office Support
  Technician, Receptionist

 Temporary Legal Staffing: Legal Assistant, Paralegal, Attorney

 Executive Recruitment: Conduct contingent and retained searches for
  Professional Level positions.
 CQ/VMS Globals unique service offerings include on-call temps, EEO
  compliance, payroll services, timely notice, purchase orders, accurate
  invoices, group time cards, hiring, placement
  strategy, promotion, termination, training and CORI background checks and a
  vendor management solution

          Fully insured and financially solvent
          Provide the best value and promote diversity
          Built on a strong foundation of customer service and relentless
           commitment to integrity and diversity
          Meet the reporting needs for the client
          Provide best talent
          Easy solution for invoicing
          Easy to use electronic timecard process
  Commonwealth: City of Boston, Division of Capital Asset
   Management, Department of Developmental Services, Department of
   Transitional Assistance; Department of Revenue

  Federal: Federal Temporary Staffing Contract GSA, Securities & Exchange

  University/Acadamia: MIT, Harvard, American Academy, University of
   Massachusetts Medical School, Brown University, College of the Holy
   Cross, Worcester Polytech Institute, University of RI

  Medical: Childrens Hospital, Executive Office of Health & Human
   Services, currently in the process of becoming one of the few SDO certified
   vendors for Partners Healthcare

  Private Sector: Blue Cross Blue Shield MA, Raytheon, Tufts
   HealthPlan, Neighborhood Health Plan, Assisted with MetLifes EEO hiring
   plan, CITI, JP Morgan, Deutsche Bank, Bank of America, Natixis Asset
   Management, ICS Risk Advisors, Choate Hall & Stewart, Evidox
 Deep roots in the community collective 75 years

 Offer career coaching, training, resume writing and support to

 Utilize resources that set industry standards in the area of
  background checks

 Highly sophisticated background and testing online tools

 Three reference checks are conducted immediately following an in-
  person interview

 Mandatory testing is required of all CQ/VMS Global Temporary
  Service Employees
    Database creation within 1 hour

    Simple and Intuitive customization

    No charge for data conversion

    Rapid implementation

    Accessible from anywhere in the world

    30 minutes training time for users

    Utilizes cloud computing relieving server overload

    Provides unlimited data storage

    Improves responsiveness and accountability

    Eradicates needless data management

    Responsive technical and administrative support
    HIRING MANAGER                                          CQ/VMS GLOBAL
                                                          (INTERNAL PROCESS)
1. Hiring Manager logs in and Creates
Job in CQ/VMS
                                          2. CQ/VMS Job is Automatically Assigned to all Suppliers
                                          3. Suppliers receive notifications of New Job Assignment
                                          4. Suppliers Screens Candidates against Job Requirements
                                                     Extensive candidate interview
                                                     Background, CORI and reference checks are
                                                     Candidate receives Kenexa Prove it! test
                                                     Supplier Approves or Denies Candidate to move to
                                                        the next step
6. Utilizing the Matching Tool Hiring   5. Supplier Forwards Resume of Candidates Qualified to Hiring
Manager Accepts or Rejects                Manager
Candidates and/or Provide Feedback
                                          7. Supplier schedules interviews with the top Candidates with
8. Hiring Manager makes a decision on     Hiring Manger
Candidate                                 9. CANDIDATE DELIVERY
                                          10. Add chosen Candidate with time and expenses into system
 Easy integration of our time card and invoice

 Option to receive invoices on a weekly, biweekly, or monthly schedule.

 Invoices by each department

 Batch generation

 Customization and Flexibility

 Copy to the Hiring Manager for record keeping

 Time cards will be electronically approved

 Electronic approvals and lists of missing time cards

 Invoices will be provided within 10 days of service

 Purchase Order calculations
                       CQ/VMS is quick and easy to set up,
     supplying Hiring Managers and users with a simple and reliable interface

Hiring Managers can

 offer supplier agencies feedback
 monitor the suppliers performance with intelligent metrics

           Data is saved in 2 back up Data Centers  New York & Boston

                     CQ/VMS provides technical support to
                Hiring Managers, Suppliers and Temporary Staff.
 Pre-selection process employed by CQ/VMS Global recruiters
  and subcontractors

 Careful recruitment and meticulous screening

 Value of employee satisfaction

 Most competitive and well-rounded benefits package to our
  temporary service employees

 Employee handbook to all of its temporary employees
           Sick Time
           Vacation time
           Holiday time
           Annual Performance Reviews
           Health Insurance
           Finishing Bonuses
           Career Coaching
           Resume Consultation
           Computer Training
 Confirmation of non-availability within two (2) hours after a request
  is made for services that will commence the next business day

 Confirmation of non-availability within two (2) days for services that
  will commence within one week

 Confirmation by telephone within 30 minutes after the scheduled
  arrival time

 Conduct quality assurance checks

 Replacement of an unsatisfactory worker within one business day
OPTION ONE: Direct Hire Placement Guarantee
  25% Placement Fee
  Guarantee refund 100% of the fee paid for the applicant if said
   applicant is terminated within thirty (30) days of start date and if the
   fee is paid within ten (10) business days of the applicants start date

OPTION TWO: Retainer Fee
  Retainer fee of 25% of the total compensation.
  50% of the retainer fee is due upfront with the job order.
  50% of the retainer fee is due upon delivery.
  The CQ/VMS Global Direct Hire Placement Guarantee holds true to
   the retainer fee option.

 Simple & Light Technology Platform

 25 years Executive Recruitment Experience

 Seamless Transition

 Expert Accounting/Invoicing Solution

 Provide Best Talent

 Intelligent Metrics

Thank you!!!

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CQ/VMS Global Presentation

  • 1. CQ/VMS GLOBAL Vendor Management Solutions Staffing Solutions
  • 2. WHAT WE DO CQ/VMS Global is a management service company providing a sophisticated yet user friendly platform built to provide a space where hiring managers, vendors, and temporary staff can easily communicate and track jobs and candidates. We have extensive experience as both a management service provider and a temporary staffing supplier.
  • 3. HISTORY Established in 1987 SDO Certified, Federally certified by WBENC, and a GREEN company Placed in excess of 10,000 temporary staff with the Commonwealth since 1988 Combined over 50 years of experience as a Managed Service Provider National staffing services vendor GSA Federal Contract holder Combined over 25 years of Executive Recruitment Extensive executive search capability with a talent for finding diversity candidates
  • 4. CQ/VMS GLOBAL SCOPE OF SERVICES MSP Provider offering a VMS tool Temporary Staffing: Accounting, Administrative, Customer Service, Data Entry, Event Support, Graphic Designer, HR/Payroll Assistant, Light Labor, Medical Administrative Assistant, Office Support Technician, Receptionist Temporary Legal Staffing: Legal Assistant, Paralegal, Attorney Executive Recruitment: Conduct contingent and retained searches for Professional Level positions.
  • 5. CQ/VMS GLOBAL VENDOR MANAGEMENT SOLUTIONS CQ/VMS Globals unique service offerings include on-call temps, EEO compliance, payroll services, timely notice, purchase orders, accurate invoices, group time cards, hiring, placement strategy, promotion, termination, training and CORI background checks and a vendor management solution Fully insured and financially solvent Provide the best value and promote diversity Built on a strong foundation of customer service and relentless commitment to integrity and diversity Meet the reporting needs for the client Provide best talent Easy solution for invoicing Easy to use electronic timecard process
  • 6. RECENT CONTRACTS HIGHLIGHTS Commonwealth: City of Boston, Division of Capital Asset Management, Department of Developmental Services, Department of Transitional Assistance; Department of Revenue Federal: Federal Temporary Staffing Contract GSA, Securities & Exchange Commission University/Acadamia: MIT, Harvard, American Academy, University of Massachusetts Medical School, Brown University, College of the Holy Cross, Worcester Polytech Institute, University of RI Medical: Childrens Hospital, Executive Office of Health & Human Services, currently in the process of becoming one of the few SDO certified vendors for Partners Healthcare Private Sector: Blue Cross Blue Shield MA, Raytheon, Tufts HealthPlan, Neighborhood Health Plan, Assisted with MetLifes EEO hiring plan, CITI, JP Morgan, Deutsche Bank, Bank of America, Natixis Asset Management, ICS Risk Advisors, Choate Hall & Stewart, Evidox
  • 7. COMPANYS METHODOLOGY Deep roots in the community collective 75 years Offer career coaching, training, resume writing and support to candidates Utilize resources that set industry standards in the area of background checks Highly sophisticated background and testing online tools Three reference checks are conducted immediately following an in- person interview Mandatory testing is required of all CQ/VMS Global Temporary Service Employees
  • 8. CQ/VMS GLOBAL VENDOR MANAGEMENT SOLUTIONS Database creation within 1 hour Simple and Intuitive customization No charge for data conversion Rapid implementation Accessible from anywhere in the world 30 minutes training time for users Utilizes cloud computing relieving server overload Provides unlimited data storage Improves responsiveness and accountability Eradicates needless data management Responsive technical and administrative support
  • 9. CANDIDATES QUALIFIED PROCESS HIRING MANAGER CQ/VMS GLOBAL (INTERNAL PROCESS) 1. Hiring Manager logs in and Creates Job in CQ/VMS 2. CQ/VMS Job is Automatically Assigned to all Suppliers 3. Suppliers receive notifications of New Job Assignment 4. Suppliers Screens Candidates against Job Requirements Extensive candidate interview Background, CORI and reference checks are performed Candidate receives Kenexa Prove it! test Supplier Approves or Denies Candidate to move to the next step 6. Utilizing the Matching Tool Hiring 5. Supplier Forwards Resume of Candidates Qualified to Hiring Manager Accepts or Rejects Manager Candidates and/or Provide Feedback 7. Supplier schedules interviews with the top Candidates with 8. Hiring Manager makes a decision on Hiring Manger Candidate 9. CANDIDATE DELIVERY 10. Add chosen Candidate with time and expenses into system
  • 15. TIME & EXPENSES MODULE Easy integration of our time card and invoice Option to receive invoices on a weekly, biweekly, or monthly schedule. Invoices by each department Batch generation Customization and Flexibility Copy to the Hiring Manager for record keeping Time cards will be electronically approved Electronic approvals and lists of missing time cards Invoices will be provided within 10 days of service Purchase Order calculations
  • 19. QUALITY ASSURANCE CQ/VMS is quick and easy to set up, supplying Hiring Managers and users with a simple and reliable interface Hiring Managers can offer supplier agencies feedback monitor the suppliers performance with intelligent metrics Data is saved in 2 back up Data Centers New York & Boston CQ/VMS provides technical support to Hiring Managers, Suppliers and Temporary Staff.
  • 20. QUALITY ASSURANCE Pre-selection process employed by CQ/VMS Global recruiters and subcontractors Careful recruitment and meticulous screening Value of employee satisfaction Most competitive and well-rounded benefits package to our temporary service employees Employee handbook to all of its temporary employees
  • 21. TEMPORARY STAFF BENEFITS Sick Time Vacation time Holiday time Annual Performance Reviews Health Insurance Finishing Bonuses Career Coaching Resume Consultation Computer Training
  • 22. REPLACEMENT GUARANTEE Confirmation of non-availability within two (2) hours after a request is made for services that will commence the next business day Confirmation of non-availability within two (2) days for services that will commence within one week Confirmation by telephone within 30 minutes after the scheduled arrival time Conduct quality assurance checks Replacement of an unsatisfactory worker within one business day
  • 23. EXECUTIVE RECRUITMENT COST & FEE PAYMENTS OPTION ONE: Direct Hire Placement Guarantee 25% Placement Fee Guarantee refund 100% of the fee paid for the applicant if said applicant is terminated within thirty (30) days of start date and if the fee is paid within ten (10) business days of the applicants start date OPTION TWO: Retainer Fee Retainer fee of 25% of the total compensation. 50% of the retainer fee is due upfront with the job order. 50% of the retainer fee is due upon delivery. The CQ/VMS Global Direct Hire Placement Guarantee holds true to the retainer fee option.
  • 24. WHY CQ/VMS Global Simple & Light Technology Platform 25 years Executive Recruitment Experience Seamless Transition Expert Accounting/Invoicing Solution Provide Best Talent Intelligent Metrics

Editor's Notes

  • #24: CQ/VMS Global will discount the Direct Hire Placement Fee from thirty percent (30%) to charge twenty-five percent (25%) of the first annual salary; including base salary plus any guaranteed bonuses and/or commissions. CQ/VMS Global guarantees that we will refund 100% of the fee paid for the applicant if said applicant is terminated within thirty (30) days of start date and if the fee is paid within ten (10) business days of the applicants start date. This guarantee is not applicable in the event that the employee is terminated because the employer has insufficient work for the employee. This guarantee allows the Commonwealth to satisfy itself that the candidate has the requisite experience and qualifications and that information provided by the candidate and other sources, directly or through CQ/VMS Global, is accurate. OPTION TWO: Retainer FeeCQ/VMS Global will bill a retainer fee of 25% of the total compensation. CQ/VMS Global shall include a reasonable estimate of commissions, bonuses, incentives, or other emoluments in lieu of or in addition to salary in projecting the total estimated gross annual compensation to be earned by the candidates during the first 12 months of employment in order to determine the service fee due to our company. Said estimate shall be mutually agreed upon by the candidate, our office, and the employer at the time of acceptance and shall not be increased or decreased thereafter. The retainer fee will be paid according to the following schedule: 50% of the retainer fee is due upfront with the job order. 50% of the retainer fee is due upon delivery. The CQ/VMS Global Direct Hire Placement Guarantee holds true to the retainer fee option.