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FIND OUT FIRST WITH E-MAIL NEWS ALERTS | bostonbusinessjournal.com
                                                                                                                                                                 On Diversity
                                                                                                                                                                   July 6-12, 2012 | BOSTON BUSINESS JOURNAL          15
This is a monthly series the Boston Business Journal
will be featuring on diversity in business. If you have                                                Too often companies try to preserve profits and stop investing time
a column or story idea youd like to submit, please
forward your suggestion to BBJ Executive Editor                                                          or energy in bold endeavors. I urge you to take calculated risks.
George Donnelly at gdonnelly@bizjournals.com.
                                                                                                   Sometimes you must take a leap of faith, and keep moving, and stay positive. 

                                                                                     Keep moving and stay positive

Joni Lee C. Rossi

AND MACPHERSON GROUP.                                                                                                                                                       free training. I take pride in working
                                                                                                    ecognize your passion  you need to 鍖 nd what you are pas-
                                                                                                    sionate about. Then, as Warren Buffett says, the money                 with individuals to shape them and
                                                                                                                                                                            their businesses into pro鍖table con-
                                                                                                    will come. Early in my career, I developed a strong inter-
                                                                                                    est in helping people while working as a job developer for
                                                                                                                                                                              Join in  I urge you to seek ways to
                                                                                                    programs enacted by the Comprehensive Employment and                    support organizations that help and
                                                                                                    Training Act (CETA), now known as the Job Training Part-                support entrepreneurial businesses
                                                                                                    nership Act. Instead of pursuing law, I decided to devote my            like yours. An ardent supporter of the
                                                                                                    advocacy skills to a different profession  one that would              Supplier Diversity Of鍖ce which pro-
                                                                                                    help people become productive members of the workforce                  vides Minorities and Women business
                                                                                     through training, coaching, and placing them in ful鍖 lling jobs. What ex-              assistance with free trainings, and oth-
                                                                                                                                                                            ers like the Greater Boston Chamber
                                                                                     perience have you had the resonates?
                                                                                                                                                                            Of Commerce, Cambridge Chamber of
                                                                                       A solid mission statement  The core mission at CQ Personnel is to
                                                                                                                                                                            Commerce, Greater Boston Conven-
                                                                                     open doors and support talented, ambitious individuals seeking new or                  tion Bureau, Home for Little Wander-
                                                                                     higher positions, as well as companies striving to create new opportu-                 ers, WriteBoston and the Asian Civic
                                                                                     nities for them. Your mission statement will move your company or-                     Association, have allowed us to gain
                                                                                     ganically to the next step. Strive to provide value and promote diversity.             innumerable business leads from these
                                                                                     Diversity is a key component. You need to breathe new ideas into your                  relationships.
                                                                                     business on an ongoing basis. Embracing diversity will help promote                      Financial stability  Like many
                                                                                                                                                                            businesses, CQ struggled in its early
                                                                                     new ways of thinking about what you do. Part of our mission is to main-
                                                                                                                                                                            years. We put processes in place early
                                      FILE PHOTO | BUSINESS JOURNAL                  tain a strong record of client satisfaction, built on a solid foundation of
                                                                                                                                                                            on demanding accountability. Read
                                                                                     customer service. CQs mission serves as a guidepost as the company                    your 鍖 nancials every week and you
About the author: Joni Lee C. Rossi once                                             moves boldly into the future.
dreamed of becoming a lawyer, but while she was                                                                                                                             and your company will bene鍖t down
an administrator in a prestigious law firm inspira-                                                                                                                         the road. Also, by developing strong
tion struck. She realized there was a niche for a
service-oriented placement firm that could handle                                      Develop your business skills  Ask         Partner  Although risky, partner-        relationships with banks and honing
the demands of large companies. Instead of pursu-                                    yourself, what goods or service do you     ships with other companies can be a         your cash management skills, you will
ing law, she decided to devote her advocacy skills
to a different profession  one that would help                                      offer that will be accepted by the buy-    good way to identify and develop new        manage your companys revenues each
people become productive members of the work-                                        ing public? You can do that by conduct-    niches. Partnerships may also make it       year. CQ Personnel reached pro鍖tabil-
force through training, coaching, and placing them
in fulfilling jobs.                                                                  ing market research. Become familiar       possible to provide solutions for a wider   ity its 鍖 rst year in business by keeping
In 1987, Rossi founded CQ Personnel. CQ is the
                                                                                     with all the language associated with      variety of clients. Of equal importance     abreast of all 鍖 nancial events.
Navy radio signal that indicates an urgent need                                      your industry. Always ask questions.       is networking, as well as utilizing ev-       Competition  With over two de-
for help. CQ Personnel is a temporary placement
firm that began by providing Boston area compa-
                                                                                     And know all the forms, documents,         ery marketing tool available to gain the    cades of experience, one of CQ Person-
nies with the finest talent. The core mission of CQ                                  licenses, etc., you need to sustain your   greatest possible advantage in the mar-     nels major challenges is competing
Personnel is to open doors and support all talent-
ed, ambitious employees and companies striving
                                                                                     business. Accurate execution of busi-      ketplace. Look to partner with other        with international conglomerates that
to create and take advantage of new opportunities.                                   ness processes will help guarantee         MBE/WBEs. CQ Personnel has grown           have been in business for more than
In 1992, MacPherson Legal Staffing was created                                       your success.                              exponentially through its SDO partner-      twice that and have strong brand eq-
to respond to an overwhelming amount of inquiries                                      Publicity  Seek and receive public-     ships.                                      uity. We overcame the competition by
from clients to place quality legal professionals
including attorneys, paralegals and legal support                                    ity in both print and broadcast media.       Take risks  Too often companies          working with countless businesses,
personnel. Since their inception, both of Rossis                                    Establish a social media campaign that     try to preserve pro鍖ts and stop invest-     government agencies, and nonpro鍖t
companies have displayed the depth and breadth
to complete administration of Federal and local                                      will position you as a thought leader      ing time or energy in bold endeavors.       organizations. We serve on several
contracts accurately and in accordance with nec-                                     amongst your colleagues. The plat-         Take calculated risks. Sometimes you       boards, including the Massachusetts
essary guidelines creating new opportunities at law
firms, colleges, banks, companies and government                                     forms for social media are many, and it    must take a leap of faith, and keep       Rehabilitation Commission and Out-
agencies and municipalities.                                                         would be helpful to seek assistance. Go    moving, and stay positive.                 ward Bound/Thompson Island. I be-
Today, the MacPherson Group has offices in                                           to the SDO-certi鍖ed business web site        Mentor  I have mentored countless        lieve these relationships have helped
Boston, New York, and Providence. MacPherson
Groups annual revenues have grown an average                                        www.somwba.state.ma.us/businessdi-         companies by helping them attain their      our company gain more market share,
of 35 percent over the last few years. Many of                                       rectory/businessdirectory.aspx to 鍖 nd     Supplier Diversity Of鍖ce certi鍖cation.      create greater brand awareness and
Rossis original clients are with her today, includ-
ing the Bank of America, MetLife and Cambridge                                       MBE/WBES in social media. Help-           The Supplier Diversity Of鍖ce assists        discover innovative solutions.
College as well as the Commonwealth of                                               ful hint: Use Tweetdeck or Hootsuite       minority and women-owned businesses
Massachusetts and city of Boston.
                                                                                     to eliminate multiple entries that you     identify their unique value proposition          Joni Lee C. Rossi is president and
Rossi holds a Bachelor of Arts degree from
Harvard University as well as a paralegal certificate                                need to make across these platforms to     and the best way to represent them-                   CEO of CQ Personnel and
from Northeastern Universitys Paralegal Program.                                    assure your messaging is consistent.       selves to their clients. SDO also offers                MacPherson Group.

        Embracing Diversity, Empowering Individuals

 We foster an inclusive
 environment by valuing
 differences. Visit our website
 to learn how to be a part of it.
                                                                                                             HELPING INDIVIDUALS AND ORGANIZATIONS
                                                                                                       COMMUNICATE WITH TODAYS EMERGING MAJORITIES
                                                                                                                                                          For a consultation, please call 401.274.0033
            Eastern Bank recruits for diversity at all levels of our organization,
                        we are an equal opportunity employer.                                                                                                                   globalviewcomm.com
                                      Member FDIC

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Keep Moving And Stay Positive

  • 1. FIND OUT FIRST WITH E-MAIL NEWS ALERTS | bostonbusinessjournal.com On Diversity July 6-12, 2012 | BOSTON BUSINESS JOURNAL 15 This is a monthly series the Boston Business Journal will be featuring on diversity in business. If you have Too often companies try to preserve profits and stop investing time a column or story idea youd like to submit, please forward your suggestion to BBJ Executive Editor or energy in bold endeavors. I urge you to take calculated risks. George Donnelly at gdonnelly@bizjournals.com. Sometimes you must take a leap of faith, and keep moving, and stay positive. Keep moving and stay positive SPOTLIGHT Joni Lee C. Rossi PRESIDENT AND CEO OF CQ PERSONNEL R AND MACPHERSON GROUP. free training. I take pride in working ecognize your passion you need to 鍖 nd what you are pas- sionate about. Then, as Warren Buffett says, the money with individuals to shape them and their businesses into pro鍖table con- will come. Early in my career, I developed a strong inter- cerns. est in helping people while working as a job developer for Join in I urge you to seek ways to programs enacted by the Comprehensive Employment and support organizations that help and Training Act (CETA), now known as the Job Training Part- support entrepreneurial businesses nership Act. Instead of pursuing law, I decided to devote my like yours. An ardent supporter of the advocacy skills to a different profession one that would Supplier Diversity Of鍖ce which pro- help people become productive members of the workforce vides Minorities and Women business through training, coaching, and placing them in ful鍖 lling jobs. What ex- assistance with free trainings, and oth- ers like the Greater Boston Chamber perience have you had the resonates? Of Commerce, Cambridge Chamber of A solid mission statement The core mission at CQ Personnel is to Commerce, Greater Boston Conven- open doors and support talented, ambitious individuals seeking new or tion Bureau, Home for Little Wander- higher positions, as well as companies striving to create new opportu- ers, WriteBoston and the Asian Civic nities for them. Your mission statement will move your company or- Association, have allowed us to gain ganically to the next step. Strive to provide value and promote diversity. innumerable business leads from these Diversity is a key component. You need to breathe new ideas into your relationships. business on an ongoing basis. Embracing diversity will help promote Financial stability Like many businesses, CQ struggled in its early new ways of thinking about what you do. Part of our mission is to main- years. We put processes in place early FILE PHOTO | BUSINESS JOURNAL tain a strong record of client satisfaction, built on a solid foundation of on demanding accountability. Read customer service. CQs mission serves as a guidepost as the company your 鍖 nancials every week and you About the author: Joni Lee C. Rossi once moves boldly into the future. dreamed of becoming a lawyer, but while she was and your company will bene鍖t down an administrator in a prestigious law firm inspira- the road. Also, by developing strong tion struck. She realized there was a niche for a service-oriented placement firm that could handle Develop your business skills Ask Partner Although risky, partner- relationships with banks and honing the demands of large companies. Instead of pursu- yourself, what goods or service do you ships with other companies can be a your cash management skills, you will ing law, she decided to devote her advocacy skills to a different profession one that would help offer that will be accepted by the buy- good way to identify and develop new manage your companys revenues each people become productive members of the work- ing public? You can do that by conduct- niches. Partnerships may also make it year. CQ Personnel reached pro鍖tabil- force through training, coaching, and placing them in fulfilling jobs. ing market research. Become familiar possible to provide solutions for a wider ity its 鍖 rst year in business by keeping In 1987, Rossi founded CQ Personnel. CQ is the with all the language associated with variety of clients. Of equal importance abreast of all 鍖 nancial events. Navy radio signal that indicates an urgent need your industry. Always ask questions. is networking, as well as utilizing ev- Competition With over two de- for help. CQ Personnel is a temporary placement firm that began by providing Boston area compa- And know all the forms, documents, ery marketing tool available to gain the cades of experience, one of CQ Person- nies with the finest talent. The core mission of CQ licenses, etc., you need to sustain your greatest possible advantage in the mar- nels major challenges is competing Personnel is to open doors and support all talent- ed, ambitious employees and companies striving business. Accurate execution of busi- ketplace. Look to partner with other with international conglomerates that to create and take advantage of new opportunities. ness processes will help guarantee MBE/WBEs. CQ Personnel has grown have been in business for more than In 1992, MacPherson Legal Staffing was created your success. exponentially through its SDO partner- twice that and have strong brand eq- to respond to an overwhelming amount of inquiries Publicity Seek and receive public- ships. uity. We overcame the competition by from clients to place quality legal professionals including attorneys, paralegals and legal support ity in both print and broadcast media. Take risks Too often companies working with countless businesses, personnel. Since their inception, both of Rossis Establish a social media campaign that try to preserve pro鍖ts and stop invest- government agencies, and nonpro鍖t companies have displayed the depth and breadth to complete administration of Federal and local will position you as a thought leader ing time or energy in bold endeavors. organizations. We serve on several contracts accurately and in accordance with nec- amongst your colleagues. The plat- Take calculated risks. Sometimes you boards, including the Massachusetts essary guidelines creating new opportunities at law firms, colleges, banks, companies and government forms for social media are many, and it must take a leap of faith, and keep Rehabilitation Commission and Out- agencies and municipalities. would be helpful to seek assistance. Go moving, and stay positive. ward Bound/Thompson Island. I be- Today, the MacPherson Group has offices in to the SDO-certi鍖ed business web site Mentor I have mentored countless lieve these relationships have helped Boston, New York, and Providence. MacPherson Groups annual revenues have grown an average www.somwba.state.ma.us/businessdi- companies by helping them attain their our company gain more market share, of 35 percent over the last few years. Many of rectory/businessdirectory.aspx to 鍖 nd Supplier Diversity Of鍖ce certi鍖cation. create greater brand awareness and Rossis original clients are with her today, includ- ing the Bank of America, MetLife and Cambridge MBE/WBES in social media. Help- The Supplier Diversity Of鍖ce assists discover innovative solutions. College as well as the Commonwealth of ful hint: Use Tweetdeck or Hootsuite minority and women-owned businesses Massachusetts and city of Boston. to eliminate multiple entries that you identify their unique value proposition Joni Lee C. Rossi is president and Rossi holds a Bachelor of Arts degree from Harvard University as well as a paralegal certificate need to make across these platforms to and the best way to represent them- CEO of CQ Personnel and from Northeastern Universitys Paralegal Program. assure your messaging is consistent. selves to their clients. SDO also offers MacPherson Group. Embracing Diversity, Empowering Individuals We foster an inclusive environment by valuing differences. Visit our website www.easternbank.com to learn how to be a part of it. HELPING INDIVIDUALS AND ORGANIZATIONS COMMUNICATE WITH TODAYS EMERGING MAJORITIES For a consultation, please call 401.274.0033 Eastern Bank recruits for diversity at all levels of our organization, we are an equal opportunity employer. globalviewcomm.com Member FDIC