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3, Jay Surajba Society, Hatkeshwar-Haripura Ring Road, Nr. Hatkeshwar, Maninagar (E),
Ahmedabad  380 008, Gujarat, India, Contact No: +91-9427109898, 079-25852277;
Email: chiragpaul@gmail.com, chiragpaul@rediffmail.com
Offering 12+ years of experience across the Community health & development
 Versatile and seasoned Community Health & Development Professional with a strong academic
background as having masters in rural development & offering multi-functional experience of 12+
years in Programme Management, Project Coordination, Community health, Rural Development,
Capacity Development & Training.
 Displayed credentials in initiating and managing the projects including financial aspects, undertaking
data management & analysis and networking with different stakeholders like community, village
leaders, NGOs and Government Organizations / Agencies.
 Possess sound knowledge in implementation of Livelihood and skill development training,
reproductive & child health activities under Mother NGO scheme of GOI, Facilitating IEC activities on
health & hygiene practices like prevention of HIV/ AIDS, Tobacco control, Water and sanitation.
 Having experience in preparing project proposal, documentation & reporting plus project
coordination & execution & team leading & training.
Areas of Expertise
Project Planning & Execution ~ General Administration ~ Programme Management ~ Capacity
Building & Performance Improvement ~ Data Management ~ Cross-functional Coordination ~
Resource/Budget Management ~ Training & Development ~ Relationship Management ~ Liaison
& Networking
AISECT, Gujarat Feb15 onwards
Project Coordinator
 Planning and manage skill development project.
 Manages day-to-day operational activities of the project.
 Follow the defined SOPs and all other guidelines.
 In touch with corporate/ industries for the placements of successful trainees.
 Liaising with Govt. stakeholders, team and do the required coordination.
DatamEdu (Dhanush infotech) Mar14  Jan15
Center Head
 Setting up Vocational Training Center and take care of 100% capacity utilization of the centre.
 Managing the team members to run center and overall day-to-day activities smoothly.
 Facilitate and provide support for students mobilization, retention, counseling and placement.
 Data Analysis and timely submission of Reports.
 Liaising with the NGOs/ Govt. officials/ Industries to maintain positive energies towards the center.
B-ABLE Feb12  Feb14
Centre Head
 Overall day-to-day management of the Vocational Training Center and Budgeting of the center.
 Facilitate and provide support for students mobilization, retention, counseling and placement.
 Establish systems and processes to track key performance metrics to aid in decision making.
 Data Analysis and timely submission of Reports.
 Liaising with the NGOs/ Govt. officials/ Industries to maintain positive energies towards the center.
CARE INDIA May11-Dec11
Training Officer
 Assessed the training needs of partner NGOs & various stake holders and conducted workshops
 Ensure to keep the costs of the training programs within the allocated budget.
 Monitor and reviews the impact of the training programs and extend support accordingly.
 Co-ordination and Liaises with various line departments and training institutions.
 Ensures submission of reports on a regular and timely basis and updates the supervisor on progress
Programme Officer
 Managing all over activities of the organization and establish smooth system for functioning.
 Networking with Member NGOs, identify their needs and organize capacity building activities.
 Supporting partner NGOs in RCH programmes/ Community health/ health awareness activities.
 Implemented TI project for harm reduction of HIV/ AIDS among Injecting Drugs Users.
 Documentation and writing report of the programs.
CHETNA May08-April10
Project Associate
 Spearheading efforts across supporting partner NGOs from all the districts of Gujarat State in
implementation of reproductive & child health activities (under Mother NGO scheme of GOI).
 Co-ordination and networking with partner NGOs, stakeholders and Govt. officials.
 Identify needs of the partner NGOs and organize various capacity building programmes.
 Management and analysis of data received from grass-root level by using MIS software packages
 Taking care of development and dissemination of IEC materials for community/ NGOs/ stakeholders.
 Involved in Documentation and reporting & supported partner NGOs in developing Project Proposal.
Programme Co-ordinator
Assistant Co-ordinator
Project Officer
Project Assignee
Master of Rural Management (M.R.M) 1999
M. D. Vidyalaya, Sadra, Gandhinagar, Gujarat Vidyapith
Bachelor in Science (Physics) 1995
St. Xaviers College, Ahmedabad, Gujarat University
 Diploma in Computer Application from Techno-Base Computer Education, Ahmedabad in the year
 Post Graduate Diploma in Sales and Marketing Management, Ahmedabad in the year 1997
 Certification in Oracle E-Commerce Technology from ACT Guj. Pvt. Ltd. - Year 2000
Professional Trainings Attended
 Reproductive Child Health (RCH) organized by VHAI, New Delhi for 10 days
 Introduction to Counseling in RCH organized by FPAI, Mumbai for 5 days
 Project Proposal Development organized by FPAI, Mumbai for 4 days
 Micronutrients to Malnutrition organized by NIPCCD, New Delhi for 5 days
Date Of Birth: 7th
July, 1975;
Language Proficiency: Gujarati, Hindi & English; Reference: Available On Request

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  • 1. 1 CHIRAG PAUL DABHI 3, Jay Surajba Society, Hatkeshwar-Haripura Ring Road, Nr. Hatkeshwar, Maninagar (E), Ahmedabad 380 008, Gujarat, India, Contact No: +91-9427109898, 079-25852277; Email: chiragpaul@gmail.com, chiragpaul@rediffmail.com PROGRAMME MANAGEMENT / CSR Offering 12+ years of experience across the Community health & development PROFESSIONAL SYNOPSIS Versatile and seasoned Community Health & Development Professional with a strong academic background as having masters in rural development & offering multi-functional experience of 12+ years in Programme Management, Project Coordination, Community health, Rural Development, Capacity Development & Training. Displayed credentials in initiating and managing the projects including financial aspects, undertaking data management & analysis and networking with different stakeholders like community, village leaders, NGOs and Government Organizations / Agencies. Possess sound knowledge in implementation of Livelihood and skill development training, reproductive & child health activities under Mother NGO scheme of GOI, Facilitating IEC activities on health & hygiene practices like prevention of HIV/ AIDS, Tobacco control, Water and sanitation. Having experience in preparing project proposal, documentation & reporting plus project coordination & execution & team leading & training. Areas of Expertise Project Planning & Execution ~ General Administration ~ Programme Management ~ Capacity Building & Performance Improvement ~ Data Management ~ Cross-functional Coordination ~ Resource/Budget Management ~ Training & Development ~ Relationship Management ~ Liaison & Networking PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE AISECT, Gujarat Feb15 onwards Project Coordinator Planning and manage skill development project. Manages day-to-day operational activities of the project. Follow the defined SOPs and all other guidelines. In touch with corporate/ industries for the placements of successful trainees. Liaising with Govt. stakeholders, team and do the required coordination. PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE DatamEdu (Dhanush infotech) Mar14 Jan15 Center Head Setting up Vocational Training Center and take care of 100% capacity utilization of the centre. Managing the team members to run center and overall day-to-day activities smoothly. Facilitate and provide support for students mobilization, retention, counseling and placement. Data Analysis and timely submission of Reports. Liaising with the NGOs/ Govt. officials/ Industries to maintain positive energies towards the center. PREVIOUS WORK ASSIGNMENTS B-ABLE Feb12 Feb14 Centre Head Overall day-to-day management of the Vocational Training Center and Budgeting of the center. Facilitate and provide support for students mobilization, retention, counseling and placement. Establish systems and processes to track key performance metrics to aid in decision making. Data Analysis and timely submission of Reports. Liaising with the NGOs/ Govt. officials/ Industries to maintain positive energies towards the center. CARE INDIA May11-Dec11 Training Officer Assessed the training needs of partner NGOs & various stake holders and conducted workshops Ensure to keep the costs of the training programs within the allocated budget. Monitor and reviews the impact of the training programs and extend support accordingly. Co-ordination and Liaises with various line departments and training institutions. Ensures submission of reports on a regular and timely basis and updates the supervisor on progress
  • 2. 2 GUJARAT VOLUNTARY HEALTH ASSOCIATION May10-Jan11 Programme Officer Managing all over activities of the organization and establish smooth system for functioning. Networking with Member NGOs, identify their needs and organize capacity building activities. Supporting partner NGOs in RCH programmes/ Community health/ health awareness activities. Implemented TI project for harm reduction of HIV/ AIDS among Injecting Drugs Users. Documentation and writing report of the programs. CHETNA May08-April10 Project Associate Spearheading efforts across supporting partner NGOs from all the districts of Gujarat State in implementation of reproductive & child health activities (under Mother NGO scheme of GOI). Co-ordination and networking with partner NGOs, stakeholders and Govt. officials. Identify needs of the partner NGOs and organize various capacity building programmes. Management and analysis of data received from grass-root level by using MIS software packages Taking care of development and dissemination of IEC materials for community/ NGOs/ stakeholders. Involved in Documentation and reporting & supported partner NGOs in developing Project Proposal. INDIA RENAL FOUNDATION (IRF) Dec06-Apr08 Programme Co-ordinator WATER AND SANITATION MANAGEMENT ORGANIZATION (WASMO) Mar06-Dec06 Assistant Co-ordinator GUJARAT VOLUNTARY HEALTH ASSOCIATION (GVHA) Jun01-Mar06 Project Officer LALBHAI GROUP RURAL DEVELOPMENT FUND Jun99-May00 Project Assignee EDUCATIONAL DEVELOPMENT Master of Rural Management (M.R.M) 1999 M. D. Vidyalaya, Sadra, Gandhinagar, Gujarat Vidyapith Bachelor in Science (Physics) 1995 St. Xaviers College, Ahmedabad, Gujarat University Certifications Diploma in Computer Application from Techno-Base Computer Education, Ahmedabad in the year 1996 Post Graduate Diploma in Sales and Marketing Management, Ahmedabad in the year 1997 Certification in Oracle E-Commerce Technology from ACT Guj. Pvt. Ltd. - Year 2000 Professional Trainings Attended Reproductive Child Health (RCH) organized by VHAI, New Delhi for 10 days Introduction to Counseling in RCH organized by FPAI, Mumbai for 5 days Project Proposal Development organized by FPAI, Mumbai for 4 days Micronutrients to Malnutrition organized by NIPCCD, New Delhi for 5 days Date Of Birth: 7th July, 1975; Language Proficiency: Gujarati, Hindi & English; Reference: Available On Request