People and technology have changed how certain tasks are performed over time. In the past, horses pulled ploughs, clothes were washed in rivers, and homes were cleaned with brushes. Now, tractors pull ploughs, washing machines are used, and vacuums and cleaning trucks make cleaning more efficient. Candles, washbowls, and basic irons have been replaced by lamps, running water systems, and modern appliances to make daily routines easier compared to the past.
The document lists different roles found at a school including teachers, pupils, the head teacher, a lunchtime assistant, and caretaker. People that work at and attend school are mentioned but no other details are provided about them or their responsibilities.
The document describes various landscapes including mountains, forests, fields, villages, rivers and bridges. Several children have provided short descriptions of landscapes that include some combination of these elements.
The document provides rules for keeping an area clean by not lighting fires, throwing rubbish, pulling out plants, or annoying animals. It also lists similar rules for keeping an area from becoming polluted, such as not lighting fires, pulling out plants, throwing rubbish, or annoying animals.
The document provides a to-do list of various household chores including doing laundry, yard work like mowing the lawn and gardening, taking out trash, cleaning tasks inside like dishes and floors, and caring for a dog with walking, feeding, and bathing.
The document discusses the difference between natural objects and man-made objects. Natural objects like water, rocks, plants, and trees are made by nature, while man-made objects such as buildings, cars, books, and furniture are created by humans. It prompts the reader to identify whether examples are natural or man-made.
Claudina is a unique and indescribable person who everyone can trust. She is the nicest person in the world and her love and care fill the hearts of others.
This list contains various fruits and vegetables including tomato, avocado, lettuce, broccoli, carrots, peas, cauliflower, cucumber, and spinach. Broccoli, lettuce, spinach, carrots, cucumber, tomato, peas, cauliflower, and avocado are repeated in the list.
Jesus rode into Jerusalem on a donkey. He got angry when people were misusing the temple and talked to them. Some people did not like Jesus and wanted him killed. Jesus had a special last supper with his friends where he said the bread and wine would remind them of him. Judas then betrayed Jesus to the guards who arrested him. Jesus was put on trial and hung on a cross to die, but his body later disappeared from its cave. His friends then saw Jesus alive again, and he told them to spread the word before ascending to heaven.
This document discusses different farm animals and the foods that come from them. It explains that beef comes from beef bulls and is used to make roast beef, beef burgers, and minced beef. Milk comes from dairy cows and is used to make yogurt, cheese and other dairy products. Pork comes from pigs and is used to make pork steaks, bacon, and ham. Lamb meat comes from lambs and is used to make lamb chops, lamb kebabs, and roast lamb. Chicken meat and eggs come from chickens. Different types of fish provide foods like canned sardines, smoked salmon, and fish fingers.
This document discusses how plants and animals are important to humans, noting that we need plants for furniture, decoration, and food, and we need animals as pets, food sources, and for work.
Birds can fly with their wings and have feathers, a beak, legs, and a tail. They are born from eggs and eat foods like fish, insects, and fruit with their beaks.
The document lists various places that can be found in a town, including public services like hospitals, schools and police stations, commercial establishments such as hotels, restaurants, bakeries and shops, as well as parks, places of worship and transportation hubs. Many common locations are mentioned multiple times, highlighting the variety of facilities typically available in an urban environment.
The document lists various physical activities and skills that the subject can perform such as swimming, skipping, running, hopping, reading, writing, sitting, standing, drawing, singing, walking, and talking. It also notes one thing the subject cannot do which is fly.
The document outlines the daily hygiene routine of brushing hair, washing hands and face, showering with shower gel and shampoo, brushing teeth with toothpaste on a wet toothbrush, and rinsing with water. It asks what you do to stay healthy, listing activities like dancing, reading, sports, running, playing, sleeping, drinking water, exercising, eating healthy food, and sitting correctly.
The document discusses the differences between night and day, noting that it gets dark at night when some animals like hedgehogs, foxes, owls, frogs and bats come out, while people go to bed, and it is light during the day when people are awake and can go to the park, ride bikes, go swimming, or play in the garden.
This document discusses the five senses - sight, hearing, smell, taste, and touch. It lists things that can be seen, heard, smelled, tasted, and felt, such as sights, loud and quiet sounds, bad and good smells, sweet, sour, salty and bitter tastes, and things that are soft, smooth, rough and hard to the touch.
This document lists common objects found in a school including a school, classroom, board, desk, schoolbag, books, notebooks, pencilcase, pens, pencils, erasers, pencil sharpener, colourful pencils, crayons, scissors and glue.
La constitucion-para-ninos-infantil-1c2baciclo-primaria1Rebeca
Este documento presenta un resumen de la Constitución Española de 1978. Explica que España está formada por muchos pueblos y que la Constitución establece cómo los españoles deben comportarse entre sà y con otras naciones. Además, destaca que España busca ante todo su patria y su unidad, y presenta información básica sobre las comunidades autónomas, la capital, el idioma, los sÃmbolos nacionales y la monarquÃa parlamentaria del paÃs.
Este documento describe las diferentes fuentes de energÃa, incluyendo energÃas renovables como la solar, eólica e hidráulica, y no renovables como el carbón, petróleo y gas natural. Explica las ventajas e inconvenientes de cada tipo de energÃa, asà como su uso histórico y actual en España. Los datos muestran que España ha aumentado su producción de energÃas renovables en los últimos años, aunque todavÃa depende en gran medida de fuentes de energÃa no renovables.
Symbols commonly associated with Easter include rabbits, eggs, chicks, lambs, daffodils and other spring flowers, crosses, Bibles, and representations of Jesus, which are used to represent aspects of the Easter story and the spring season.
Jesus rode into Jerusalem on a donkey. He got angry when people were misusing the temple and talked to them. Some people did not like Jesus and wanted him killed. Jesus had a special last supper with his friends where he said the bread and wine would remind them of him. Judas then betrayed Jesus to the guards who arrested him. Jesus was put on trial and hung on a cross to die, but his body later disappeared from its cave. His friends then saw Jesus alive again, and he told them to spread the word before ascending to heaven.
This document discusses different farm animals and the foods that come from them. It explains that beef comes from beef bulls and is used to make roast beef, beef burgers, and minced beef. Milk comes from dairy cows and is used to make yogurt, cheese and other dairy products. Pork comes from pigs and is used to make pork steaks, bacon, and ham. Lamb meat comes from lambs and is used to make lamb chops, lamb kebabs, and roast lamb. Chicken meat and eggs come from chickens. Different types of fish provide foods like canned sardines, smoked salmon, and fish fingers.
This document discusses how plants and animals are important to humans, noting that we need plants for furniture, decoration, and food, and we need animals as pets, food sources, and for work.
Birds can fly with their wings and have feathers, a beak, legs, and a tail. They are born from eggs and eat foods like fish, insects, and fruit with their beaks.
The document lists various places that can be found in a town, including public services like hospitals, schools and police stations, commercial establishments such as hotels, restaurants, bakeries and shops, as well as parks, places of worship and transportation hubs. Many common locations are mentioned multiple times, highlighting the variety of facilities typically available in an urban environment.
The document lists various physical activities and skills that the subject can perform such as swimming, skipping, running, hopping, reading, writing, sitting, standing, drawing, singing, walking, and talking. It also notes one thing the subject cannot do which is fly.
The document outlines the daily hygiene routine of brushing hair, washing hands and face, showering with shower gel and shampoo, brushing teeth with toothpaste on a wet toothbrush, and rinsing with water. It asks what you do to stay healthy, listing activities like dancing, reading, sports, running, playing, sleeping, drinking water, exercising, eating healthy food, and sitting correctly.
The document discusses the differences between night and day, noting that it gets dark at night when some animals like hedgehogs, foxes, owls, frogs and bats come out, while people go to bed, and it is light during the day when people are awake and can go to the park, ride bikes, go swimming, or play in the garden.
This document discusses the five senses - sight, hearing, smell, taste, and touch. It lists things that can be seen, heard, smelled, tasted, and felt, such as sights, loud and quiet sounds, bad and good smells, sweet, sour, salty and bitter tastes, and things that are soft, smooth, rough and hard to the touch.
This document lists common objects found in a school including a school, classroom, board, desk, schoolbag, books, notebooks, pencilcase, pens, pencils, erasers, pencil sharpener, colourful pencils, crayons, scissors and glue.
La constitucion-para-ninos-infantil-1c2baciclo-primaria1Rebeca
Este documento presenta un resumen de la Constitución Española de 1978. Explica que España está formada por muchos pueblos y que la Constitución establece cómo los españoles deben comportarse entre sà y con otras naciones. Además, destaca que España busca ante todo su patria y su unidad, y presenta información básica sobre las comunidades autónomas, la capital, el idioma, los sÃmbolos nacionales y la monarquÃa parlamentaria del paÃs.
Este documento describe las diferentes fuentes de energÃa, incluyendo energÃas renovables como la solar, eólica e hidráulica, y no renovables como el carbón, petróleo y gas natural. Explica las ventajas e inconvenientes de cada tipo de energÃa, asà como su uso histórico y actual en España. Los datos muestran que España ha aumentado su producción de energÃas renovables en los últimos años, aunque todavÃa depende en gran medida de fuentes de energÃa no renovables.
Symbols commonly associated with Easter include rabbits, eggs, chicks, lambs, daffodils and other spring flowers, crosses, Bibles, and representations of Jesus, which are used to represent aspects of the Easter story and the spring season.
Water can exist in three states: as a liquid, which takes the shape of its container; as a solid like ice or snow; and as an invisible gas called water vapor, which forms clouds and steam. Water changes between these states through the addition or subtraction of heat, with solids melting into liquids and liquids evaporating into vapor when heat is added, or liquids freezing into solids when heat is removed.