El documento habla sobre la lectura de im叩genes fijas y propone un esquema para analizarlas de forma objetiva y subjetiva. Explica que la lectura objetiva se refiere a los elementos objetivos de la imagen mientras que la subjetiva se refiere a las reacciones del espectador. Tambi辿n presenta una escala del nivel de iconicidad de una imagen que va desde esquemas arbitrarios hasta la imagen natural.
This document discusses three ways that films communicate with viewers: formality, point of view, and directness. It defines intimate, social, and impersonal shots to describe the level of formality. Point of view can be subjective, showing directly through a character's eyes, or selective, mainly following one character. Directness refers to whether characters directly address the viewer through voiceover or eye contact. Examples are provided to illustrate these concepts of how films establish relationships with their audience.
This document defines and describes various camera shots and angles used in filmmaking, including:
- High angle shots make characters seem less powerful by looking down on them, while low angle shots have the opposite effect of making characters seem dominant.
- Establishing and extreme long shots provide context of the location.
- Medium shots show characters from head to waist to capture facial expressions and body language.
- Close-ups emphasize emotional states by focusing on heads, while extreme close-ups focus on specific facial features.
- Point-of-view and over-the-shoulder shots capture the perspective of characters.
The document analyzes features of postmodernism in the "Jack Rabbit Slims" sequence from the film "Pulp Fiction" through several examples. It identifies instances of intertextuality through references to other films, parody through John Travolta's dancing mimicking "Saturday Night Fever", pastiche through a character recreating a famous pose from "The Seven Year Itch", and reflexivity by breaking the fourth wall. The sequence also exhibits bricolage through references to different historical eras within a single shot.
El documento habla sobre el uso de la luz en el cine y c坦mo puede manipularse para crear diferentes efectos. Explica que la luz permite decidir la impresi坦n de una escena al controlar factores como la cantidad, calidad, temperatura y color. Tambi辿n discute la importancia del contraste, la separaci坦n de figuras y fondos, y la creaci坦n de ambientes convincentes a trav辿s del uso estrat辿gico de la iluminaci坦n.
Camera movements are an expressive filmmaking tool that alter the relationship between subject and frame, shaping viewer perspective of space and time. Common camera movements include tilt, pan, zoom, dolly, truck, track, arc, crane/boom, and pedestal. Tilt moves the camera vertically up or down. Pan moves the camera horizontally left or right. Zoom moves the lens in or out to change viewing angle. Dolly moves the camera closer or further on wheels. Camera movements can enhance understanding or add excitement when used purposefully, but can be distracting in overuse.
La cinematograf鱈a es el arte y la t辿cnica de proyectar im叩genes fijas de manera continua para crear la ilusi坦n de movimiento, ya sea mediante pel鱈culas o secuencias digitales capturadas por una c叩mara. La cinematograf鱈a se relaciona estrechamente con la fotograf鱈a y requiere de t辿cnicas creativas para capturar escenas en movimiento. El montaje es fundamental en la cinematograf鱈a para dar orden y sentido a las secuencias grabadas.
The opening sequence of Shaun of the Dead depicts ordinary people going through mundane daily routines to portray them as being like "zombies". Various shots show people working dead-end jobs with little thought or commuters checking their phones in unison. These shots establish the film's theme of modern life creating zombie-like conformity. The sequence then introduces the protagonist Shaun through an unexpected shriek that subverts horror conventions for comedic effect while also potentially foreshadowing Shaun as the film's antagonist.
El documento describe los diferentes elementos del lenguaje fotogr叩fico como planos, 叩ngulos, composici坦n y otros factores que influyen en el resultado de una fotograf鱈a. Explica los diferentes tipos de planos como plano general, primer plano y detalle y los 叩ngulos como picado, contrapicado y central. Tambi辿n cubre conceptos de composici坦n como la regla de los tercios, l鱈neas dominantes y uso de la luz. El objetivo es aprender a elegir el encuadre y 叩ngulo adecuados y componer la fotograf鱈a de
El documento trata sobre diferentes t辿cnicas de continuidad, montaje y realizaci坦n audiovisual. Explica los tipos de continuidad cinematogr叩fica como la narrativa, formal y de movimiento. Tambi辿n describe signos de puntuaci坦n como cortes, fundidos y encadenados. Adem叩s, cubre conceptos como el eje de acci坦n, plano maestro, plano y contraplano, y la evoluci坦n hist坦rica y funciones del montaje como manipular el tiempo y dar sentido narrativo.
1. Documentaries are not a recreation of real life as they are influenced by filmmaking techniques like camera crews and editing. However, documentaries can use creative treatments of reality to tell more compelling stories and narratives.
2. Documentaries employ techniques like reenactments and dramatic structure to add impact and aid audience understanding, though this risks compromising the integrity of the reality being portrayed.
3. The lines between fiction and nonfiction films are blurred, as both genres borrow each other's techniques, but apply them differently to their material. Documentaries represent typical events or activities to show routines rather than fictionalize singular occurrences.
El documento describe diferentes elementos del lenguaje cinematogr叩fico como planos, encuadres, 叩ngulos y movimientos de c叩mara. Define diferentes tipos de planos como primer plano, plano medio y plano general. Tambi辿n describe diferentes 叩ngulos de c叩mara como normal, picado y contrapicado. Finalmente, explica diferentes tipos de movimiento de c叩mara como paneo, travelling, zoom y c叩mara en mano.
The film conforms to many horror/slasher genre conventions through the use of mysterious sounds, a masked killer holding a knife, and dark lighting. It subverts some stereotypes by showing the killer hanging a victim and bringing the body home. While the narrative shifts non-linearly between past and present, it leaves the killer's motives ambiguous and ends on a cliffhanger, setting up potential sequels.
Bloque 4 La Lectura De Im叩Genes (Vii) B El ColorFernando Roman
El documento habla sobre los desaf鱈os que enfrentan las peque単as empresas en la actualidad. Menciona que la pandemia ha afectado negativamente a muchas peque単as empresas y que necesitan apoyo gubernamental para sobrevivir y recuperarse. Tambi辿n se単ala que las peque単as empresas son esenciales para la econom鱈a y el empleo.
The document provides a textual analysis of the film Ex Machina. It summarizes the plot, which involves a programmer being selected to evaluate the human qualities of an AI at an isolated estate. It analyzes key scenes and shots from the opening, noting how camerawork and editing establish themes of isolation, surveillance and foreshadowing danger. Character profiles are given for the protagonist Caleb, antagonist Nathan who created the AI, and AI Eva, whose role as antagonist is ambiguous.
This document provides an overview of key cinematography techniques used to convey meaning and emotion in film, including lighting, color, camera work, and composition. It discusses two main approaches to lighting - realistic lighting using three-point lighting for a natural look, and expressive low-key lighting to create shadow and mood. It also covers camera angles, movement, position/framing, composition using rules of thirds, and depth of field. Examples are given from famous films to illustrate different techniques.
1. Low camera angles involve positioning the camera below the subject and pointing it upward to emphasize and distort scale.
2. High camera angles position the camera above the subject, pointing downward, making the subject seem smaller or less significant for a dramatic effect.
3. Changing the camera angle and position relative to the subject can accentuate or elongate it while distorting its scale and the perspective of the background.
Planos, Encuadres y Movimientos de C叩maragambitguille
Presentaci坦n para uso acad辿mico en el programa de Trabajo Social de la Universidad Mariana como herramienta de apoyo al trabajo independiente y desarrollo de actividades.
The document defines and provides examples of various camera shots and techniques used in filmmaking. It discusses long shots, establishing shots, wide shots, medium long shots, medium shots, medium close ups, close ups, big close ups, extreme close ups, aerial shots, overhead shots, high-angle shots, eye-level shots, low-angle shots, two-shots, over the shoulder shots, tracking shots, tilting shots, static shots, panning shots, zooms, zoom in/track outs, focus, foreground focus, and deep focus. Examples are provided from various Harry Potter films to illustrate each technique.
8.2. elementos expresivos de_la_narrativa_audiovisual - copiabrunoculturaa
Este documento describe los elementos expresivos de la narrativa audiovisual como fotogramas, tomas, planos, escenas, secuencias y tipos de planos. Explica diferentes tipos de movimientos de c叩mara como panor叩micas, travellings, zoom, gr炭as y steady-cam. Tambi辿n cubre conceptos como el espacio en off, el tiempo f鱈lmico, y las reglas de montaje como la continuidad cinematogr叩fica.
El documento habla sobre el uso de la luz en el cine y c坦mo puede manipularse para crear diferentes efectos. Explica que la luz permite decidir la impresi坦n de una escena al controlar factores como la cantidad, calidad, temperatura y color. Tambi辿n discute la importancia del contraste, la separaci坦n de figuras y fondos, y la creaci坦n de ambientes convincentes a trav辿s del uso estrat辿gico de la iluminaci坦n.
Camera movements are an expressive filmmaking tool that alter the relationship between subject and frame, shaping viewer perspective of space and time. Common camera movements include tilt, pan, zoom, dolly, truck, track, arc, crane/boom, and pedestal. Tilt moves the camera vertically up or down. Pan moves the camera horizontally left or right. Zoom moves the lens in or out to change viewing angle. Dolly moves the camera closer or further on wheels. Camera movements can enhance understanding or add excitement when used purposefully, but can be distracting in overuse.
La cinematograf鱈a es el arte y la t辿cnica de proyectar im叩genes fijas de manera continua para crear la ilusi坦n de movimiento, ya sea mediante pel鱈culas o secuencias digitales capturadas por una c叩mara. La cinematograf鱈a se relaciona estrechamente con la fotograf鱈a y requiere de t辿cnicas creativas para capturar escenas en movimiento. El montaje es fundamental en la cinematograf鱈a para dar orden y sentido a las secuencias grabadas.
The opening sequence of Shaun of the Dead depicts ordinary people going through mundane daily routines to portray them as being like "zombies". Various shots show people working dead-end jobs with little thought or commuters checking their phones in unison. These shots establish the film's theme of modern life creating zombie-like conformity. The sequence then introduces the protagonist Shaun through an unexpected shriek that subverts horror conventions for comedic effect while also potentially foreshadowing Shaun as the film's antagonist.
El documento describe los diferentes elementos del lenguaje fotogr叩fico como planos, 叩ngulos, composici坦n y otros factores que influyen en el resultado de una fotograf鱈a. Explica los diferentes tipos de planos como plano general, primer plano y detalle y los 叩ngulos como picado, contrapicado y central. Tambi辿n cubre conceptos de composici坦n como la regla de los tercios, l鱈neas dominantes y uso de la luz. El objetivo es aprender a elegir el encuadre y 叩ngulo adecuados y componer la fotograf鱈a de
El documento trata sobre diferentes t辿cnicas de continuidad, montaje y realizaci坦n audiovisual. Explica los tipos de continuidad cinematogr叩fica como la narrativa, formal y de movimiento. Tambi辿n describe signos de puntuaci坦n como cortes, fundidos y encadenados. Adem叩s, cubre conceptos como el eje de acci坦n, plano maestro, plano y contraplano, y la evoluci坦n hist坦rica y funciones del montaje como manipular el tiempo y dar sentido narrativo.
1. Documentaries are not a recreation of real life as they are influenced by filmmaking techniques like camera crews and editing. However, documentaries can use creative treatments of reality to tell more compelling stories and narratives.
2. Documentaries employ techniques like reenactments and dramatic structure to add impact and aid audience understanding, though this risks compromising the integrity of the reality being portrayed.
3. The lines between fiction and nonfiction films are blurred, as both genres borrow each other's techniques, but apply them differently to their material. Documentaries represent typical events or activities to show routines rather than fictionalize singular occurrences.
El documento describe diferentes elementos del lenguaje cinematogr叩fico como planos, encuadres, 叩ngulos y movimientos de c叩mara. Define diferentes tipos de planos como primer plano, plano medio y plano general. Tambi辿n describe diferentes 叩ngulos de c叩mara como normal, picado y contrapicado. Finalmente, explica diferentes tipos de movimiento de c叩mara como paneo, travelling, zoom y c叩mara en mano.
The film conforms to many horror/slasher genre conventions through the use of mysterious sounds, a masked killer holding a knife, and dark lighting. It subverts some stereotypes by showing the killer hanging a victim and bringing the body home. While the narrative shifts non-linearly between past and present, it leaves the killer's motives ambiguous and ends on a cliffhanger, setting up potential sequels.
Bloque 4 La Lectura De Im叩Genes (Vii) B El ColorFernando Roman
El documento habla sobre los desaf鱈os que enfrentan las peque単as empresas en la actualidad. Menciona que la pandemia ha afectado negativamente a muchas peque単as empresas y que necesitan apoyo gubernamental para sobrevivir y recuperarse. Tambi辿n se単ala que las peque単as empresas son esenciales para la econom鱈a y el empleo.
The document provides a textual analysis of the film Ex Machina. It summarizes the plot, which involves a programmer being selected to evaluate the human qualities of an AI at an isolated estate. It analyzes key scenes and shots from the opening, noting how camerawork and editing establish themes of isolation, surveillance and foreshadowing danger. Character profiles are given for the protagonist Caleb, antagonist Nathan who created the AI, and AI Eva, whose role as antagonist is ambiguous.
This document provides an overview of key cinematography techniques used to convey meaning and emotion in film, including lighting, color, camera work, and composition. It discusses two main approaches to lighting - realistic lighting using three-point lighting for a natural look, and expressive low-key lighting to create shadow and mood. It also covers camera angles, movement, position/framing, composition using rules of thirds, and depth of field. Examples are given from famous films to illustrate different techniques.
1. Low camera angles involve positioning the camera below the subject and pointing it upward to emphasize and distort scale.
2. High camera angles position the camera above the subject, pointing downward, making the subject seem smaller or less significant for a dramatic effect.
3. Changing the camera angle and position relative to the subject can accentuate or elongate it while distorting its scale and the perspective of the background.
Planos, Encuadres y Movimientos de C叩maragambitguille
Presentaci坦n para uso acad辿mico en el programa de Trabajo Social de la Universidad Mariana como herramienta de apoyo al trabajo independiente y desarrollo de actividades.
The document defines and provides examples of various camera shots and techniques used in filmmaking. It discusses long shots, establishing shots, wide shots, medium long shots, medium shots, medium close ups, close ups, big close ups, extreme close ups, aerial shots, overhead shots, high-angle shots, eye-level shots, low-angle shots, two-shots, over the shoulder shots, tracking shots, tilting shots, static shots, panning shots, zooms, zoom in/track outs, focus, foreground focus, and deep focus. Examples are provided from various Harry Potter films to illustrate each technique.
8.2. elementos expresivos de_la_narrativa_audiovisual - copiabrunoculturaa
Este documento describe los elementos expresivos de la narrativa audiovisual como fotogramas, tomas, planos, escenas, secuencias y tipos de planos. Explica diferentes tipos de movimientos de c叩mara como panor叩micas, travellings, zoom, gr炭as y steady-cam. Tambi辿n cubre conceptos como el espacio en off, el tiempo f鱈lmico, y las reglas de montaje como la continuidad cinematogr叩fica.
L'ultima lampada - Bozza di sceneggiatura e semantica di un filmLucio Musacchio
Il tema principale della sceneggiatura 竪 lumanit delluomo, visto nel suo aspetto storico-sociale, nella relazioni che stabilisce nei confronti del prossimo e in relazione allequilibrio dellecologia terrestre. In sintesi i temi sono quelli trattati dalla filosofia classica e moderna, con lattenzione alle capacit delluomo come inventore-innovatore, e quindi allaspetto tecnologico dellevoluzione storica, nel periodo storico considerato.
Spiegazione dei termini relativi alla transcodifica dei videonerodude
Non siete sicuri delle proporzioni video per l'iPhone? Non riuscite a calcolare il bitrate dalla frequenza fotogrammi? Non avete idea di cosa siano i codec lossy e lossless?
Quest'utile guida di riferimento in cui sono descritti i termini pi湛 comuni relativi ai video vi offrir tutte le competenze necessarie per iniziare a transcodificare i video come un vero professionista.
2. Analisi dei raccordi e degli stacchidel film cult di Alfred Hitchcock del 1960, Psycho.
E il passaggio pi湛 semplice da uninquadratura
ad unaltra, passa semplicemente dalla prima
alla seconda senza alcun tipo di effetto. E la pi湛
usata nei film.
Stacco da un PPP ad un altro PPP, in questo caso usato in un dialogo,
per dare leffetto botta e risposta.
Passa gradualmente da una schermata totalmente nera
allinquadratura. Viene in genere usato a inizio film o
per rendere graduale e meno violenta lapertura di
una sequenza ad unaltra.
Passaggio graduale da uninquadratura ad una schermata
totalmente nera, usata sempre per rendere pi湛 morbida
la chiusura del film o di una sequenza.
Passaggio graduale dalle immagini di una sequenza ad una
seconda, serve appunto per rendere pi湛 morbido il passaggio.
Passaggio dallassassinio della donna ad un particolare del suo occhio,
lasciando intendere che sia passato del tempo e che stia iniziando una
nuova sequenza del film.
7. Fuori campo
Fuori campo
Fuori campo
Quando si parla di campo sintende tutto quello che 竪 lo
spazio compreso nellinquadratura, il fuoricampo 竪 tutto
ci嘆 che si trova fuori dai limiti della ripresa. Il fuoricampo
fa comunque parte della scena, basti pensare quando un attore Fuori campo
osserva qualcosa che va oltre linquadratura, il suo sguardo porta
lattenzione in fuoricampo.
Il controcampo invece 竪 un tipo di raccordo che si
ottiene girando il piano del soggetto per osservare
la scena dal suo punto di vista, 竪 usata spessissimo nei dialoghi.
Un campo e il suo rispettivo controcampo, tecnica usata per lappunto
in un dialogo.
Stacco da una scena ad unaltra con lo stesso punto di vista
e nella stessa direzione, pi湛 zoommata o meno zoommata.
Il raccordo tra le due scene 竪 uno stacco in orizzontale della scena,
cio竪, da sinistra a destra o viceversa.
Raccordo di direzione dopo una dissolvenza incrociata di una ripresa
della citt.
Le riprese dei soggetti sono incrociate, dando limpressione che
i personaggi siano uno di fronte allaltro. (In questo caso si tratta
pure di un raccordo di direzione sguardi).
Il raccordo si trova nel fatto che noi guardiamo con gli occhi
del personaggio appena ripreso, per questo chiamata soggettiva.
Il raccordo di queste inquadratura sta nella direzione degli
degli sguardi dei personaggi, lasciano intendere che si stiano
Il collegamento tra le due inquadrature lo si trova in un gesto
in un movimento del personaggio iniziato nella prima
inquadratura continua nella seconda.
Il raccordo tra le due inquadrature lo si trova nella posizione
personaggio ripreso da due angolazioni diverse o da diversi
punti di vista.