Basic Camera Composition - Shots and Angles in FilmmakingProfessor Bauer
This document discusses different types of shots and camera angles used in filmmaking. It defines close-up (CU), extreme close-up (ECU), medium shot (MS), long shot (LS), extreme long shot (ELS), two-shot, three-shot, over-the-shoulder (O.S.), and establishing shot. It also defines eye-level, point-of-view (POV), high angle, bird's-eye view, low angle, worm's-eye view, and Dutch/canted angle. The purpose of these shots and angles is to position elements in the frame and convey meaning through camera perspective.
El documento describe diferentes elementos del lenguaje cinematogr叩fico como planos, encuadres, 叩ngulos y movimientos de c叩mara. Define diferentes tipos de planos como primer plano, plano medio y plano general. Tambi辿n describe diferentes 叩ngulos de c叩mara como normal, picado y contrapicado. Finalmente, explica diferentes tipos de movimiento de c叩mara como paneo, travelling, zoom y c叩mara en mano.
El documento describe las etapas principales de producci坦n de un proyecto audiovisual: preproducci坦n, producci坦n y posproducci坦n. Explica que en la preproducci坦n nace la idea, se hace el pitch, el gui坦n y la planeaci坦n. En producci坦n se graba o filma de acuerdo al plan. En posproducci坦n se edita el material y agregan efectos. Tambi辿n define los roles clave como productor ejecutivo, director, guionista y sus responsabilidades.
ayuda a mantener la c叩mara
estable durante los movimientos.
Dolly: permite desplazar la c叩mara sobre
Pedestal: permite elevar o bajar la c叩mara.
Zoom: acercamiento o alejamiento de la
imagen sin desplazar la c叩mara.
Tracking: desplazamiento lateral de la
c叩mara sobre rieles.
Jib: brazo articulado que permite elevar o
bajar la c叩mara.
Gr炭a: permite elevar la c叩mara a grandes
8.2. elementos expresivos de_la_narrativa_audiovisual - copiabrunoculturaa
Este documento describe los elementos expresivos de la narrativa audiovisual como fotogramas, tomas, planos, escenas, secuencias y tipos de planos. Explica diferentes tipos de movimientos de c叩mara como panor叩micas, travellings, zoom, gr炭as y steady-cam. Tambi辿n cubre conceptos como el espacio en off, el tiempo f鱈lmico, y las reglas de montaje como la continuidad cinematogr叩fica.
The document discusses single camera techniques used in film and television productions. It explains that a single camera production involves filming various shots and angles from one camera by moving or resetting it between takes, rather than filming with multiple cameras simultaneously. This allows for more creative freedom but requires actors to do multiple takes. Some advantages are lower costs, more control over locations and shots, and flexibility in filming order. Disadvantages include less realistic reactions, repetition in getting shots, and longer production time. Specific examples then analyze how single camera techniques effectively served the creative visions in shows like The Haunting of Hill House and films like Trainspotting and Requiem for a Dream.
Film Language: Editing explanation examples and worksheets. Ian Moreno-Melgar
A long and detailed look at what editing is in Film and how it helps to not only present a story to the audience but how it functions on a technical level. The presentation is broadly split into two areas: Pace and Transitions. Each section contains a definition, a range of examples (many of which are gifs and videos which obviously won't play on here) and some activities for students to engage with.
El documento describe las 7 etapas clave en la elaboraci坦n de un guion cinematogr叩fico o audiovisual: 1) la idea, 2) la sinopsis corta, 3) la sinopsis larga o argumento, 4) el tratamiento o esquema, 5) el guion literario, 6) el guion t辿cnico, y 7) el storyboard. Explica cada una de estas etapas y los elementos que debe contener cada una para desarrollar progresivamente la historia desde su concepci坦n inicial hasta su planificaci坦n t辿cnica para la producci坦n.
This document defines cinematography and discusses various cinematography techniques. It begins by defining cinematography as how the camera is used to create meaning through elements like camera movement, lenses, and lighting. It then discusses different shot types like close-ups, long shots, and over-the-shoulder shots and how they impact viewers. Finally, it covers concepts like depth of field, camera movement, framing, and the rule of thirds to guide visual storytelling.
El documento describe los diferentes tipos de guiones utilizados en la producci坦n cinematogr叩fica. Explica que el gui坦n literario se usa en la preproducci坦n y contiene menos detalles que el gui坦n de producci坦n y el gui坦n t辿cnico, los cuales se usan durante la filmaci坦n y contienen informaci坦n m叩s espec鱈fica para la filmaci坦n como marcas, formato y estructura.
The document discusses various elements of film editing that can be analyzed, including: order of shots, continuity, transitions, shot duration/pace and rhythm, and special effects. It explains how these technical elements help create meaning and influence what information is revealed or hidden from the characters and audience. Order of shots can reveal character perspectives and importance. Continuity editing implies spatial relationships to tell a story smoothly. Transitions can imply passage of time or location changes. Shot duration impacts pace, while special effects further manipulate scenes.
This is my take on iconography which is for my A Level Media project and this looks at what can be included when it come to the sub genre Crime Thriller. It includes what props and symbols that the genre features.
The document discusses single camera techniques versus multi-camera techniques. It provides details on:
- Single camera production uses one camera to film each shot from different angles, while multi-camera uses multiple cameras simultaneously.
- Single camera is used for dramas, documentaries and comedies as it allows more creative control, while multi-camera is used for live productions like news shows.
- A scene from the film Silence of the Lambs effectively demonstrates how single camera captures emotions and tension between two characters in a confined space better than multi-camera could.
The director oversees the production team and technical crew, and ensures the smooth running of the studio according to the script and running order. They issue commands to camera operators, the vision mixer, and sound supervisor. The production assistant times segments and warns of upcoming transitions. The floor manager communicates with the director and cues presenters. Camera operators frame shots under the director's guidance. The vision mixer selects camera angles for broadcast. The sound supervisor balances audio levels live on air.
Este documento ofrece informaci坦n sobre el proceso tradicional de fotograf鱈a y revelado, incluyendo los materiales y qu鱈micos necesarios, los pasos del revelado, posibles errores y c坦mo prevenirlos. Explica conceptos como la imagen latente, el revelado, el fijado y proporciona detalles sobre los tiempos y temperaturas requeridos para cada paso del proceso. Tambi辿n cubre la historia temprana de la fotograf鱈a y los inventores clave.
Este documento describe las principales etapas y conceptos b叩sicos de la producci坦n audiovisual. Explica las etapas de preproducci坦n, producci坦n y postproducci坦n, y define la preproducci坦n como la etapa m叩s importante para preparar todos los elementos necesarios para el rodaje. Tambi辿n describe varios tipos de planos cinematogr叩ficos, incluyendo planos generales, medios y primeros planos.
El documento describe 15 partes principales de una c叩mara fotogr叩fica como el ocular, el expos鱈metro, y el alojamiento de chasis. Tambi辿n describe funciones como el disparador del obturador, el contador de exposiciones, y la manivela de rebobinado. Finalmente, explica elementos de ajuste como el anillo de enfoque, el anillo de aperturas, y el mando de velocidades.
The document provides tips for effective camera composition and framing when filming, including using a variety of shot types and sizes, following rules of composition like the rule of thirds, and considering how lighting and camera angles can impact the mood of a scene. It emphasizes planning shots in advance and using techniques like tripods to minimize camera shake and create smooth footage that cannot be fixed during editing. Proper filming techniques are necessary to capture high quality raw footage that provides good options during the editing process.
The document discusses different types of camera shots including close-ups, long shots, birds eye/high angle shots, over the shoulder shots, medium shots, and extreme close ups. It provides examples of when each shot would be used and how it directs the audience's attention. Close-ups emphasize facial expressions or important objects. Long shots show the subject and surroundings. Birds eye shots are from above to provide perspective. Over the shoulder shots show conversations. Medium shots focus on the character from waist up. Extreme close ups add tension by focusing entirely on a small detail like eyes or an object.
The document discusses storyboarding techniques for planning film productions. A storyboard is a visual plan that represents each shot of a film through illustrations and includes information like camera movements, cuts between shots, and brief descriptions of the action. Storyboards are created during pre-production and are used on set by the director, assistant director, cinematographer, camera operator, and lighting technician to ensure shots are framed correctly and the lighting matches the vision.
Film trailers follow certain codes and conventions to effectively promote movies. Trailers typically include production logos, the film title, social media promotions, age ratings, music and voiceovers to set the tone, introductions of characters, and last under 2 minutes. Key information like the release date is often shown at the end to leave a lasting impression on viewers. Thrillers commonly use quick cuts, battles of good vs evil, interrupted actions, and isolated heroes to generate suspense through their trailers.
ayuda a mantener la c叩mara
estable durante los movimientos.
Dolly: permite desplazar la c叩mara sobre
Pedestal: permite elevar o bajar la c叩mara.
Zoom: acercamiento o alejamiento de la
imagen sin desplazar la c叩mara.
Tracking: desplazamiento lateral de la
c叩mara sobre rieles.
Jib: brazo articulado que permite elevar o
bajar la c叩mara.
Gr炭a: permite elevar la c叩mara a grandes
8.2. elementos expresivos de_la_narrativa_audiovisual - copiabrunoculturaa
Este documento describe los elementos expresivos de la narrativa audiovisual como fotogramas, tomas, planos, escenas, secuencias y tipos de planos. Explica diferentes tipos de movimientos de c叩mara como panor叩micas, travellings, zoom, gr炭as y steady-cam. Tambi辿n cubre conceptos como el espacio en off, el tiempo f鱈lmico, y las reglas de montaje como la continuidad cinematogr叩fica.
The document discusses single camera techniques used in film and television productions. It explains that a single camera production involves filming various shots and angles from one camera by moving or resetting it between takes, rather than filming with multiple cameras simultaneously. This allows for more creative freedom but requires actors to do multiple takes. Some advantages are lower costs, more control over locations and shots, and flexibility in filming order. Disadvantages include less realistic reactions, repetition in getting shots, and longer production time. Specific examples then analyze how single camera techniques effectively served the creative visions in shows like The Haunting of Hill House and films like Trainspotting and Requiem for a Dream.
Film Language: Editing explanation examples and worksheets. Ian Moreno-Melgar
A long and detailed look at what editing is in Film and how it helps to not only present a story to the audience but how it functions on a technical level. The presentation is broadly split into two areas: Pace and Transitions. Each section contains a definition, a range of examples (many of which are gifs and videos which obviously won't play on here) and some activities for students to engage with.
El documento describe las 7 etapas clave en la elaboraci坦n de un guion cinematogr叩fico o audiovisual: 1) la idea, 2) la sinopsis corta, 3) la sinopsis larga o argumento, 4) el tratamiento o esquema, 5) el guion literario, 6) el guion t辿cnico, y 7) el storyboard. Explica cada una de estas etapas y los elementos que debe contener cada una para desarrollar progresivamente la historia desde su concepci坦n inicial hasta su planificaci坦n t辿cnica para la producci坦n.
This document defines cinematography and discusses various cinematography techniques. It begins by defining cinematography as how the camera is used to create meaning through elements like camera movement, lenses, and lighting. It then discusses different shot types like close-ups, long shots, and over-the-shoulder shots and how they impact viewers. Finally, it covers concepts like depth of field, camera movement, framing, and the rule of thirds to guide visual storytelling.
El documento describe los diferentes tipos de guiones utilizados en la producci坦n cinematogr叩fica. Explica que el gui坦n literario se usa en la preproducci坦n y contiene menos detalles que el gui坦n de producci坦n y el gui坦n t辿cnico, los cuales se usan durante la filmaci坦n y contienen informaci坦n m叩s espec鱈fica para la filmaci坦n como marcas, formato y estructura.
The document discusses various elements of film editing that can be analyzed, including: order of shots, continuity, transitions, shot duration/pace and rhythm, and special effects. It explains how these technical elements help create meaning and influence what information is revealed or hidden from the characters and audience. Order of shots can reveal character perspectives and importance. Continuity editing implies spatial relationships to tell a story smoothly. Transitions can imply passage of time or location changes. Shot duration impacts pace, while special effects further manipulate scenes.
This is my take on iconography which is for my A Level Media project and this looks at what can be included when it come to the sub genre Crime Thriller. It includes what props and symbols that the genre features.
The document discusses single camera techniques versus multi-camera techniques. It provides details on:
- Single camera production uses one camera to film each shot from different angles, while multi-camera uses multiple cameras simultaneously.
- Single camera is used for dramas, documentaries and comedies as it allows more creative control, while multi-camera is used for live productions like news shows.
- A scene from the film Silence of the Lambs effectively demonstrates how single camera captures emotions and tension between two characters in a confined space better than multi-camera could.
The director oversees the production team and technical crew, and ensures the smooth running of the studio according to the script and running order. They issue commands to camera operators, the vision mixer, and sound supervisor. The production assistant times segments and warns of upcoming transitions. The floor manager communicates with the director and cues presenters. Camera operators frame shots under the director's guidance. The vision mixer selects camera angles for broadcast. The sound supervisor balances audio levels live on air.
Este documento ofrece informaci坦n sobre el proceso tradicional de fotograf鱈a y revelado, incluyendo los materiales y qu鱈micos necesarios, los pasos del revelado, posibles errores y c坦mo prevenirlos. Explica conceptos como la imagen latente, el revelado, el fijado y proporciona detalles sobre los tiempos y temperaturas requeridos para cada paso del proceso. Tambi辿n cubre la historia temprana de la fotograf鱈a y los inventores clave.
Este documento describe las principales etapas y conceptos b叩sicos de la producci坦n audiovisual. Explica las etapas de preproducci坦n, producci坦n y postproducci坦n, y define la preproducci坦n como la etapa m叩s importante para preparar todos los elementos necesarios para el rodaje. Tambi辿n describe varios tipos de planos cinematogr叩ficos, incluyendo planos generales, medios y primeros planos.
El documento describe 15 partes principales de una c叩mara fotogr叩fica como el ocular, el expos鱈metro, y el alojamiento de chasis. Tambi辿n describe funciones como el disparador del obturador, el contador de exposiciones, y la manivela de rebobinado. Finalmente, explica elementos de ajuste como el anillo de enfoque, el anillo de aperturas, y el mando de velocidades.
The document provides tips for effective camera composition and framing when filming, including using a variety of shot types and sizes, following rules of composition like the rule of thirds, and considering how lighting and camera angles can impact the mood of a scene. It emphasizes planning shots in advance and using techniques like tripods to minimize camera shake and create smooth footage that cannot be fixed during editing. Proper filming techniques are necessary to capture high quality raw footage that provides good options during the editing process.
The document discusses different types of camera shots including close-ups, long shots, birds eye/high angle shots, over the shoulder shots, medium shots, and extreme close ups. It provides examples of when each shot would be used and how it directs the audience's attention. Close-ups emphasize facial expressions or important objects. Long shots show the subject and surroundings. Birds eye shots are from above to provide perspective. Over the shoulder shots show conversations. Medium shots focus on the character from waist up. Extreme close ups add tension by focusing entirely on a small detail like eyes or an object.
The document discusses storyboarding techniques for planning film productions. A storyboard is a visual plan that represents each shot of a film through illustrations and includes information like camera movements, cuts between shots, and brief descriptions of the action. Storyboards are created during pre-production and are used on set by the director, assistant director, cinematographer, camera operator, and lighting technician to ensure shots are framed correctly and the lighting matches the vision.
Film trailers follow certain codes and conventions to effectively promote movies. Trailers typically include production logos, the film title, social media promotions, age ratings, music and voiceovers to set the tone, introductions of characters, and last under 2 minutes. Key information like the release date is often shown at the end to leave a lasting impression on viewers. Thrillers commonly use quick cuts, battles of good vs evil, interrupted actions, and isolated heroes to generate suspense through their trailers.
Valorizzazione culturale con i media - Canosa di Puglia: una Citt-MuseoMaria Novella Fabiano
Tutte le risorse qui contenute sono mostrate a scopo non-commerciale, ma con esclusivo fine educativo e di diffusione culturale, in pieno rispetto delle leggi e dei trattati nazionali e internazionali sulle norme che regolano e tutelano il diritto d'autore.
Seguiamo la raccolta dei materiali fin dallinizio, la produzione,
la pubblicazione su vari supporti (LMS, DVD) e la divulgazione sul web (Social network).
Clicmuse I une exp辿rience in辿dite du patrimoineAube Lebel
D辿cideurs du Tourisme et du Patrimoine,
Offrez vos visiteurs jeunes et famille une exp辿rience in辿dite : participative, ludique et cr辿ative
D辿couvrez ClicMuse, un service de m辿diation num辿rique innovant simple, peu co短teux, votre image
Contact : Aube Lebel I
en savoir + :
The document profiles the accomplishments of 14 leaders who fought for civil rights and social justice:
- Ella Baker inspired emerging civil rights leaders and helped form the SNCC.
- Fannie Lou Hamer challenged segregation and represented Mississippi at the 1964 Democratic Convention.
- Bob Moses organized activists in the South to teach literacy and math skills.
- Martin Luther King Jr. orchestrated the March on Washington and taught non-violence.
Abbiamo definito linquadratura come Unit minima del discorso cinematografico
Nel cinema una singola inquadratura non ha significato di per s辿 ma solo in rapporto a quelle che la
precedono e a quelle che la seguono.
Immagini prese dal film Psycho (1960) di Alfred Hitchcocks.
Un insieme di inquadrature unite tra loro da una continuit di spazio, di tempo e di azione si definisce
nel linguaggio cinematografico Scena :
Una scena quindi tratta una argomento preciso, si svolge in un unico ambiente e
non ha stacchi di tempo.
Pi湛 scene messe assieme formano una sequenza, pi湛 sequenze formano unopera
compiuta (film) :
Una scena pu嘆 essere realizzata in due modi:
-utilizzando stacchi di inquadrature, (passaggio diretto e immediato da un piano a quello successivo)
-utilizzando un'unica ripresa continua e compiuta (piano sequenza).
Una sequenza cio竪 lunione di pi湛 scene pu嘆
essere effettuata mediante :
Dissolvenze in apertura
inizio film
dopo una dissolvenza in
chiusura. In genere indicano
passaggio di tempo
Dissolvenze incrociate
la nuova scena inizia a
comparire mentre la scena
precedente sfuma.
In genere indica passaggio
di tempo o flashback
Stacchiproduce un
passaggio immediato e
brusco da una scena alla
Loperatore cinematografico deve effettuare le riprese correttamente cio竪 deve fare in modo che le
inquadrature si raccordino tra di loro
Si chiama raccordo qualsiasi elemento di continuit tra due o pi湛 inquadrature.
Con il termine Campo si intende tutto lo spazio compreso nell'inquadratura.
Il Fuori campo: tutto lo spazio al di fuori dei confini di un'inquadratura in ogni direzione.
Fuori Campo
Campo-controcampo: si utilizza solitamente nei dialoghi. Consiste nella ripresa alternata di
diversi piani dei due soggetti dialoganti. In fase di ripresa si realizza girando due master shot e
poi si dividono al montaggio