Film Opening Sequence Codes & Conventionsmimammedia
The document discusses various codes and conventions that are commonly used in film opening sequences. It begins by explaining the purpose of an opening sequence is to introduce the genre, setting, mood, and other elements. It then lists and describes different compositional and graphical elements that may be included, such as studio logos, titles, establishing the genre, character introductions, narration, sounds, credits, flashbacks, establishing shots, action scenes, and animation. Specific film examples are provided to illustrate several of these elements.
El documento describe diferentes elementos del lenguaje cinematogr叩fico como planos, encuadres, 叩ngulos y movimientos de c叩mara. Define diferentes tipos de planos como primer plano, plano medio y plano general. Tambi辿n describe diferentes 叩ngulos de c叩mara como normal, picado y contrapicado. Finalmente, explica diferentes tipos de movimiento de c叩mara como paneo, travelling, zoom y c叩mara en mano.
Elementos narrativos do cinema - Parte 2 (ngulos e Efeitos Psicol坦gicos)Mauricio Mallet Duprat
Elementos narrativos do cinema.
Conceitos b叩sicos.
ngulos e efeitos psicol坦gicos
Defini巽達o de CENA
O documento descreve os diferentes tipos de planos cinematogr叩ficos, incluindo sua defini巽達o, uso na filmagem e montagem, e categorias como enquadramento, dura巽達o, 但ngulo e movimento. Os principais tipos de planos s達o definidos como plano geral, m辿dio, americano, close-up e detalhe de acordo com a dist但ncia da c但mera, e plano fixo, zoom, panor但mica e travelling de acordo com o movimento da c但mera.
The document discusses different styles and types of films including realism, classicism, and formalism. It provides characteristics of each style and describes how formalist films emphasize technique and expression, classical films have believable narratives, and realist films attempt to reproduce reality with minimal distortion. The document also discusses genres, film roles including directors, producers and screenwriters, and narrative structures such as classical, formalist, and documentary.
This document provides an overview of key cinematography techniques used in filmmaking, including: framing, lighting, depth of field, camera shots/angles/lenses, and camera movements. It discusses techniques like high and low angles, close-ups, tracking shots, pans, tilts, and zooms and how they are used to convey meaning and influence audience perception. The document emphasizes that cinematography is a dynamic, essential part of film language that has evolved with camera technology to tell visual stories and efficiently communicate information through shots and lighting.
Camera movements are an expressive filmmaking tool that alter the relationship between subject and frame, shaping viewer perspective of space and time. Common camera movements include tilt, pan, zoom, dolly, truck, track, arc, crane/boom, and pedestal. Tilt moves the camera vertically up or down. Pan moves the camera horizontally left or right. Zoom moves the lens in or out to change viewing angle. Dolly moves the camera closer or further on wheels. Camera movements can enhance understanding or add excitement when used purposefully, but can be distracting in overuse.
1. O documento discute os conceitos de plano, campo, 但ngulos de c但mera e dist但ncia focal no cinema.
2. S達o definidos os tipos de planos de acordo com a escala de planos francesa, incluindo plano geral, conjunto, m辿dio, americano, pr坦ximo, primeiro plano e detalhe.
3. Tamb辿m s達o explicados os conceitos de 但ngulo de c但mera, com exemplos de 但ngulo ascendente e descendente, e movimentos de c但mera como travellings e panor但micas.
An Analysis Of The Opening Sequence Of VertigoMedia Studies
The opening title sequence of Vertigo establishes the key themes, characters, and style of the film in two parts. Part one introduces Madeleine through close-ups of Kim Novak's face that highlight her anxiety and unstable identity. Graphic spirals represent her psychological state. Part two shows Scottie's acrophobia through a dizzying camera technique. It sets up his flaw that is exploited in the film. The sequence immerses viewers in the film's obsession-driven narrative through its visuals and Bernard Herrmann's looping score.
El documento habla sobre diferentes t辿cnicas de encuadre, 叩ngulo, composici坦n y planos en fotograf鱈a. Explica 叩ngulos como el normal, picado, contrapicado, cenital y nadir y c坦mo afectan la percepci坦n de la imagen. Tambi辿n discute el encuadre, la composici坦n mediante elementos como la claridad y regla de los tercios, y el uso de la perspectiva, superposici坦n, profundidad de campo y efectos atmosf辿ricos.
1) O documento discute os elementos essenciais da linguagem cinematogr叩fica como planos, movimentos de c但mera e montagem.
2) destacada a capacidade do cinema de dirigir a aten巽達o do espectador atrav辿s da sucess達o de planos filmados sob diferentes 但ngulos.
3) Os planos, seus tipos e fun巽探es na narrativa cinematogr叩fica s達o explicados detalhadamente.
El documento trata sobre diferentes t辿cnicas de continuidad, montaje y realizaci坦n audiovisual. Explica los tipos de continuidad cinematogr叩fica como la narrativa, formal y de movimiento. Tambi辿n describe signos de puntuaci坦n como cortes, fundidos y encadenados. Adem叩s, cubre conceptos como el eje de acci坦n, plano maestro, plano y contraplano, y la evoluci坦n hist坦rica y funciones del montaje como manipular el tiempo y dar sentido narrativo.
O documento discute t辿cnicas de posicionamento de c但mera, movimenta巽達o e 但ngulos para criar diferentes emo巽探es no espectador. Tamb辿m aborda linhas de a巽達o, edi巽達o de cenas e estilos de videoclipes, incluindo a tend棚ncia de abandonar regras tradicionais em favor de uma nova visualidade.
This document provides an analysis of the conventions and techniques used in the 1960 film Psycho. It summarizes that Psycho set the classic conventions of the thriller genre by taking place in a remote isolated location away from the city. It introduces a pretty blonde woman as the likely first victim and features murders at night during rainy miserable weather. The opening music establishes an unsettling tone. Titles use the date without a year to make the events feel like they could happen at any time. Camera techniques like panning and close-up shots create unease and a sense of voyeurism. Costuming is used to signify the main character Marion Crane's shifting innocence and doomed fate.
1) The narrative of Scream follows Todorov's three-part structure of equilibrium, disruption, and resolution. The opening scene establishes equilibrium before the phone call acts as disruption, disturbing Casey's night. Attempts are made to catch the killer and restore order.
2) Propp's character types are also present in Scream, with Stu and Billy as the false heroes revealed as the killers. The victim is Casey and the policeman investigates as the hero.
3) Levi Strauss' concept of binary oppositions is shown through contrasts like Casey's changing demeanor from relaxed to panicked on the phone call. The film shifts from control to panic and light to dark scenes.
This document provides an overview of key cinematography techniques used to convey meaning and emotion in film, including lighting, color, camera work, and composition. It discusses two main approaches to lighting - realistic lighting using three-point lighting for a natural look, and expressive low-key lighting to create shadow and mood. It also covers camera angles, movement, position/framing, composition using rules of thirds, and depth of field. Examples are given from famous films to illustrate different techniques.
El documento presenta una introducci坦n al lenguaje audiovisual y la composici坦n cinematogr叩fica. Explica la historia del cine desde los hermanos Lumi竪re, pasando por M辿li竪s y la Escuela de Brighton. Luego describe elementos como planos, encuadres, movimientos de c叩mara y continuidad. El objetivo es comprender la gram叩tica del lenguaje audiovisual y c坦mo transmitir significado a trav辿s de im叩genes y sonidos en la pantalla.
The document analyzes key scenes from the movie "The Pursuit of Happiness" through the lens of camera shots, mise-en-scene, sound, and lighting. It describes the gritty urban setting shown through various camera angles. Specific shots convey Will Smith's character's status, passion, and sympathy. Mise-en-scene reveals the isolation and awkwardness of the main character. The sound of piano music sets a mellow, peaceful tone. Gloomy lighting and cloudy skies create a dark, depressing mood.
El documento describe diferentes tipos de encuadres y movimientos de c叩mara, incluyendo paneos, travellings, zooms, y 叩ngulos como normal, picado, contrapicado y subjetivo. Define cada t辿cnica y explica c坦mo afectan a la perspectiva y representaci坦n visual.
The Dark Knight - Genre, Narrative and Representation (Student Project) Elle Sullivan
Here are a few key points about representation in The Dark Knight:
- Male characters like Batman and Harvey Dent are portrayed as strong, powerful, intelligent and in positions of authority. Their masculinity is exaggerated.
- Female characters like Rachel are often sexualized and objectified. Rachel is depicted as needing to be rescued and is tempted by multiple men.
- Elderly characters take on wise but less dominant roles. Youth are more easily manipulated. Children are shown as helpless victims.
- Villains like the Joker and Two-Face have physical disabilities/deformities and are depicted as insane and unaccepted by society.
- Ethnic groups like Russians, Italians and Black people are associated more with crimin
El documento describe diferentes tipos de planos, 叩ngulos y movimientos de c叩mara que se pueden usar en la animaci坦n. Explica que los planos dividen la secuencia para un mejor control y planeaci坦n, mostrando las acciones de los personajes y su relaci坦n con el entorno. Describe planos como el general, medio y primer plano, as鱈 como 叩ngulos como el horizonte, picado y contrapicado. Tambi辿n cubre movimientos de c叩mara como el tracking, panor叩mico, zoom, barrido y shake.
The document discusses various camera angles and shots used in the opening sequence of the film I Am Legend. It begins with an establishing shot of empty New York City streets to create a sense of abandonment. It then shows a close-up shot of empty Times Square before cutting to a bird's eye view of the city from above, with only the sound of birds to be heard. These shots introduce the protagonist and setting while establishing the deserted tone.
This document provides an overview of key cinematography techniques used in filmmaking, including: framing, lighting, depth of field, camera shots/angles/lenses, and camera movements. It discusses techniques like high and low angles, close-ups, tracking shots, pans, tilts, and zooms and how they are used to convey meaning and influence audience perception. The document emphasizes that cinematography is a dynamic, essential part of film language that has evolved with camera technology to tell visual stories and efficiently communicate information through shots and lighting.
Camera movements are an expressive filmmaking tool that alter the relationship between subject and frame, shaping viewer perspective of space and time. Common camera movements include tilt, pan, zoom, dolly, truck, track, arc, crane/boom, and pedestal. Tilt moves the camera vertically up or down. Pan moves the camera horizontally left or right. Zoom moves the lens in or out to change viewing angle. Dolly moves the camera closer or further on wheels. Camera movements can enhance understanding or add excitement when used purposefully, but can be distracting in overuse.
1. O documento discute os conceitos de plano, campo, 但ngulos de c但mera e dist但ncia focal no cinema.
2. S達o definidos os tipos de planos de acordo com a escala de planos francesa, incluindo plano geral, conjunto, m辿dio, americano, pr坦ximo, primeiro plano e detalhe.
3. Tamb辿m s達o explicados os conceitos de 但ngulo de c但mera, com exemplos de 但ngulo ascendente e descendente, e movimentos de c但mera como travellings e panor但micas.
An Analysis Of The Opening Sequence Of VertigoMedia Studies
The opening title sequence of Vertigo establishes the key themes, characters, and style of the film in two parts. Part one introduces Madeleine through close-ups of Kim Novak's face that highlight her anxiety and unstable identity. Graphic spirals represent her psychological state. Part two shows Scottie's acrophobia through a dizzying camera technique. It sets up his flaw that is exploited in the film. The sequence immerses viewers in the film's obsession-driven narrative through its visuals and Bernard Herrmann's looping score.
El documento habla sobre diferentes t辿cnicas de encuadre, 叩ngulo, composici坦n y planos en fotograf鱈a. Explica 叩ngulos como el normal, picado, contrapicado, cenital y nadir y c坦mo afectan la percepci坦n de la imagen. Tambi辿n discute el encuadre, la composici坦n mediante elementos como la claridad y regla de los tercios, y el uso de la perspectiva, superposici坦n, profundidad de campo y efectos atmosf辿ricos.
1) O documento discute os elementos essenciais da linguagem cinematogr叩fica como planos, movimentos de c但mera e montagem.
2) destacada a capacidade do cinema de dirigir a aten巽達o do espectador atrav辿s da sucess達o de planos filmados sob diferentes 但ngulos.
3) Os planos, seus tipos e fun巽探es na narrativa cinematogr叩fica s達o explicados detalhadamente.
El documento trata sobre diferentes t辿cnicas de continuidad, montaje y realizaci坦n audiovisual. Explica los tipos de continuidad cinematogr叩fica como la narrativa, formal y de movimiento. Tambi辿n describe signos de puntuaci坦n como cortes, fundidos y encadenados. Adem叩s, cubre conceptos como el eje de acci坦n, plano maestro, plano y contraplano, y la evoluci坦n hist坦rica y funciones del montaje como manipular el tiempo y dar sentido narrativo.
O documento discute t辿cnicas de posicionamento de c但mera, movimenta巽達o e 但ngulos para criar diferentes emo巽探es no espectador. Tamb辿m aborda linhas de a巽達o, edi巽達o de cenas e estilos de videoclipes, incluindo a tend棚ncia de abandonar regras tradicionais em favor de uma nova visualidade.
This document provides an analysis of the conventions and techniques used in the 1960 film Psycho. It summarizes that Psycho set the classic conventions of the thriller genre by taking place in a remote isolated location away from the city. It introduces a pretty blonde woman as the likely first victim and features murders at night during rainy miserable weather. The opening music establishes an unsettling tone. Titles use the date without a year to make the events feel like they could happen at any time. Camera techniques like panning and close-up shots create unease and a sense of voyeurism. Costuming is used to signify the main character Marion Crane's shifting innocence and doomed fate.
1) The narrative of Scream follows Todorov's three-part structure of equilibrium, disruption, and resolution. The opening scene establishes equilibrium before the phone call acts as disruption, disturbing Casey's night. Attempts are made to catch the killer and restore order.
2) Propp's character types are also present in Scream, with Stu and Billy as the false heroes revealed as the killers. The victim is Casey and the policeman investigates as the hero.
3) Levi Strauss' concept of binary oppositions is shown through contrasts like Casey's changing demeanor from relaxed to panicked on the phone call. The film shifts from control to panic and light to dark scenes.
This document provides an overview of key cinematography techniques used to convey meaning and emotion in film, including lighting, color, camera work, and composition. It discusses two main approaches to lighting - realistic lighting using three-point lighting for a natural look, and expressive low-key lighting to create shadow and mood. It also covers camera angles, movement, position/framing, composition using rules of thirds, and depth of field. Examples are given from famous films to illustrate different techniques.
El documento presenta una introducci坦n al lenguaje audiovisual y la composici坦n cinematogr叩fica. Explica la historia del cine desde los hermanos Lumi竪re, pasando por M辿li竪s y la Escuela de Brighton. Luego describe elementos como planos, encuadres, movimientos de c叩mara y continuidad. El objetivo es comprender la gram叩tica del lenguaje audiovisual y c坦mo transmitir significado a trav辿s de im叩genes y sonidos en la pantalla.
The document analyzes key scenes from the movie "The Pursuit of Happiness" through the lens of camera shots, mise-en-scene, sound, and lighting. It describes the gritty urban setting shown through various camera angles. Specific shots convey Will Smith's character's status, passion, and sympathy. Mise-en-scene reveals the isolation and awkwardness of the main character. The sound of piano music sets a mellow, peaceful tone. Gloomy lighting and cloudy skies create a dark, depressing mood.
El documento describe diferentes tipos de encuadres y movimientos de c叩mara, incluyendo paneos, travellings, zooms, y 叩ngulos como normal, picado, contrapicado y subjetivo. Define cada t辿cnica y explica c坦mo afectan a la perspectiva y representaci坦n visual.
The Dark Knight - Genre, Narrative and Representation (Student Project) Elle Sullivan
Here are a few key points about representation in The Dark Knight:
- Male characters like Batman and Harvey Dent are portrayed as strong, powerful, intelligent and in positions of authority. Their masculinity is exaggerated.
- Female characters like Rachel are often sexualized and objectified. Rachel is depicted as needing to be rescued and is tempted by multiple men.
- Elderly characters take on wise but less dominant roles. Youth are more easily manipulated. Children are shown as helpless victims.
- Villains like the Joker and Two-Face have physical disabilities/deformities and are depicted as insane and unaccepted by society.
- Ethnic groups like Russians, Italians and Black people are associated more with crimin
El documento describe diferentes tipos de planos, 叩ngulos y movimientos de c叩mara que se pueden usar en la animaci坦n. Explica que los planos dividen la secuencia para un mejor control y planeaci坦n, mostrando las acciones de los personajes y su relaci坦n con el entorno. Describe planos como el general, medio y primer plano, as鱈 como 叩ngulos como el horizonte, picado y contrapicado. Tambi辿n cubre movimientos de c叩mara como el tracking, panor叩mico, zoom, barrido y shake.
The document discusses various camera angles and shots used in the opening sequence of the film I Am Legend. It begins with an establishing shot of empty New York City streets to create a sense of abandonment. It then shows a close-up shot of empty Times Square before cutting to a bird's eye view of the city from above, with only the sound of birds to be heard. These shots introduce the protagonist and setting while establishing the deserted tone.
L'ultima lampada - Bozza di sceneggiatura e semantica di un filmLucio Musacchio
Il tema principale della sceneggiatura 竪 lumanit delluomo, visto nel suo aspetto storico-sociale, nella relazioni che stabilisce nei confronti del prossimo e in relazione allequilibrio dellecologia terrestre. In sintesi i temi sono quelli trattati dalla filosofia classica e moderna, con lattenzione alle capacit delluomo come inventore-innovatore, e quindi allaspetto tecnologico dellevoluzione storica, nel periodo storico considerato.
Spiegazione dei termini relativi alla transcodifica dei videonerodude
Non siete sicuri delle proporzioni video per l'iPhone? Non riuscite a calcolare il bitrate dalla frequenza fotogrammi? Non avete idea di cosa siano i codec lossy e lossless?
Quest'utile guida di riferimento in cui sono descritti i termini pi湛 comuni relativi ai video vi offrir tutte le competenze necessarie per iniziare a transcodificare i video come un vero professionista.
Una scena pu嘆 essere realizzata in due modi:
-utilizzando stacchi di inquadrature, (passaggio diretto e
immediato da un piano a quello successivo)
-utilizzando un'unica ripresa continua e compiuta
(piano sequenza)
Senza stacchi
Una sequenza cio竪 lunione di pi湛 scene pu嘆 essere
effettuata mediante
Stacchi produce un passaggio immediato e brusco da
una scena alla successiva.
Dissolvenze in apertura
inizio film
dopo una diss. in chiusura. In genere indicano
passaggio di tempo
Dissolvenze in chiusura
fine film,
Tra due sequenze. In genere indica passaggio di tempo
Dissolvenze incrociate la nuova scena inizia a comparire
mentre la scena precedente sfuma.
In genere indica passaggio di tempo o flashback
Loperatore cinematografico deve effettuare le
riprese correttamente cio竪 deve fare in modo che le
inquadrature si raccordino tra di loro
Si chiama raccordo qualsiasi elemento di continuit
tra due o pi湛 inquadrature.
Raccordo di sguardo: soggettiva
Con il termine Campo si intende tutto lo spazio compreso
Il Fuori campo: tutto lo spazio al di fuori dei confini di un'inquadratura in
ogni direzione.
Campo-controcampo: si utilizza solitamente nei dialoghi. Consiste
nella ripresa alternata di diversi piani dei due soggetti dialoganti. In fase
di ripresa si realizza girando due master shot e poi si dividono al
Fuori Campo
1. Raccordo sullasse
Il primo tipo di raccordo si chiama raccordo sullasse ottico.
un raccordo di grandezza scalare: sullo stesso asse visivo,
si passa da un punto di vista lontano a uno vicino.
Quest'attacco produce un "salto", per evitarlo basta
spostare l'angolo di ripresa leggermente verso
sinistra o verso destra.
Si pu嘆 usare per esigenze dettate dalla narrazione (per
focalizzare lattenzione su un dettaglio della scena, sul
volto di un personaggio ecc.)
Si pu嘆 usare (specie nel cinema moderno) anche solo per
mantenere il ritmo narrativo, evitando con lalternanza
dei piani un calo dellattenzione
1. Raccordo di direzione
Due soggetti C e B che si muovono l'uno verso
l'altro, daranno l'impressione di incontrarsi
sullo schermo se vengono ripresi con
angolazioni corrispondenti.
Errore di raccordo noto come
scavalcamento di campo
Il terzo tipo di raccordo 竪 il raccordo di sguardo.
La macchina da presa ci mostra il personaggio B che
guarda loggetto o un personaggio C.
Se si mostra un inquadratura di una persona che
guarda qualcosa, quella successiva sar sempre
questo qualcosa.
Ad esempio dopo un primo piano sugli occhi
dell'attore qualsiasi scena montata sar percepita
come vista dall'attore stesso (inquadratura
Raccordo di direzione di sguardi : la macchina da
presa viene posizionata in modo tale che quando
ognuno dei personaggi viene inquadrato
singolarmente, il suo sguardo si rivolga verso laltro
I 4 schemi seguenti prendono in esame 2 soggetti che si
guardano negli occhi:
1) inquadrature contigue