El documento habla sobre la historia del cine, los formatos cinematogr叩ficos, y una tabla con guionistas, directores y actores. Tambi辿n menciona la pel鱈cula "El Padrino" y el t辿rmino "estrella de la pantalla".
This document introduces an international outsourcing company called USDearner that has started operations in Bangladesh. It offers different account types (Basic, Premium, Gold) that allow users to earn daily profits by completing simple tasks like CAPTCHAs. The Basic account offers 10% daily profits, while Premium and Gold offer 2% daily profits but have higher deposit amounts. Users can refer others and earn referral bonuses. Payments are processed daily via e-gold accounts. The company encourages joining through promotional offers like notebooks or tablets.
Still just reporting when you could be optimizing?Conversionista
Chief Conversionista @ Google Analytics Conference.
Everybody says they want to use analytics to improve their business. In reality we all get stuck in day-to-day reporting and analysis paralysis. If you want to take the next step on your Analytics ninjafication journey, this is for you.
Vad dina anvandare EGENTLIGEN gor p奪 din sajtConversionista
L辰r dig vad dina bes旦kare tittar p奪 och vad de struntar i. Se hur bilder och ord f奪ngar bes旦karnas uppm辰rksamhet och leder dem varsamt men best辰mt till avslut. Och se exempel p奪 hur A/B-tester kan hitta ov辰ntade och makal旦sa resultat.
The poor little buy buy button has many jobs to do. But designs are not based on what would be best for the user or the business. Most of it is done because "hat's how we always did it" This presentation challenges conventions and talks about how to display the add to cart button, what happens when you press it, and what happens afterwards.
Content marketing 辰r det nya svarta och nu spammar B2B-marknadsf旦rarna webben med webbinarier och whitepapers f旦r att skapa leads som teles辰ljarna kan jaga livet ur.
Tyv辰rr du m奪ste jobba smartare 辰n s奪, och det kommer du l辰ra dig h辰r. Vi visar hur du strukturerar din kommunikation och din webbsajt f旦r att f旦ra dina prospects, v辰nligt men best辰mt, mot ditt konverteringsm奪l nr 1: Sales ready lead.
Vi g奪r ocks奪 igenom hur du undviker de vanligaste misstagen i ditt Marketing Automation-projekt.
What did e tailers learn from retailers-absolutely nothingConversionista
Retailing has evolved rapidly over the last 20 years, but many e-commerce sites have failed to translate merchandising and space management techniques to their online stores.This presentation will demonstrate how these offline techniques can be applied to online retailing. Learn how to avoid the typical pitfalls in categorization, navigation and search results presentation that kill many ecommerce sites. How do you put the milk at the back of the online store? Does the most usable site sell the most? Get these answers and more in this compelling presentation - a must for anyone responsible for an online catalog site.
En snabb och enkel introduktion till AB-testning. L辰r dig allt du beh旦ver f旦r att komma ig奪ng med ditt f旦rsta egan AB-test.
Vi g奪r igenom:
1. Vad 辰r A/B-testning?
2. Varf旦r ska man testa?
3. Var ska man testa?
4. Vad ska man testa?
5. Hur testar man?
Vilket ar ditt storsta konverteringsproblem?Conversionista
Chief Conversionistas Preso fr奪n #emeet 2014.
Anv辰nd v奪r modell f旦r ehandelskonvertering i 4 steg och ladda ner v奪rt verktyg (Google Sheets), f旦r att hitta var du har ditt st旦rsta konverteringsproblem.
This document discusses digital conversion optimization and metrics. It provides tips on setting up goals and funnels in Google Analytics, enabling site search, measuring on-page events on critical pages, tracking error messages, and analyzing the four steps of e-commerce conversion (staying on site, finding products, adding to cart, checkout). Key metrics mentioned include bounce rate, engagement rate, add to cart rate, view cart rate, and conversion rate. The document emphasizes tracking the user journey holistically from multiple traffic sources to understand conversion problems.
Conversion happens in the brain of the customer, not in Google Analytics - Si...Conversionista
As a Sitecore Experience Optimization partner - Conversionista talks about how you can craft experiences built on the underlying motivational factors in your visitors' brains.
In other words: Being Brain-driven, not just data-driven.
La metodolog鱈a Cristal Clear es una metodolog鱈a 叩gil apropiada para equipos peque単os de 3 a 8 personas. Se enfoca en la entrega temprana de software a trav辿s de iteraciones cortas, la comunicaci坦n efectiva entre el equipo y los clientes, y la capacidad de adaptarse r叩pidamente a los cambios. Cristal Clear promueve valores como entregas frecuentes, comunicaci坦n abierta, mejora continua y enfoque en las personas.
Content marketing 辰r det nya svarta och nu spammar B2B-marknadsf旦rarna webben med webbinarier och whitepapers f旦r att skapa leads som teles辰ljarna kan jaga livet ur.
Tyv辰rr du m奪ste jobba smartare 辰n s奪, och det kommer du l辰ra dig h辰r. Vi visar hur du strukturerar din kommunikation och din webbsajt f旦r att f旦ra dina prospects, v辰nligt men best辰mt, mot ditt konverteringsm奪l nr 1: Sales ready lead.
Vi g奪r ocks奪 igenom hur du undviker de vanligaste misstagen i ditt Marketing Automation-projekt.
What did e tailers learn from retailers-absolutely nothingConversionista
Retailing has evolved rapidly over the last 20 years, but many e-commerce sites have failed to translate merchandising and space management techniques to their online stores.This presentation will demonstrate how these offline techniques can be applied to online retailing. Learn how to avoid the typical pitfalls in categorization, navigation and search results presentation that kill many ecommerce sites. How do you put the milk at the back of the online store? Does the most usable site sell the most? Get these answers and more in this compelling presentation - a must for anyone responsible for an online catalog site.
En snabb och enkel introduktion till AB-testning. L辰r dig allt du beh旦ver f旦r att komma ig奪ng med ditt f旦rsta egan AB-test.
Vi g奪r igenom:
1. Vad 辰r A/B-testning?
2. Varf旦r ska man testa?
3. Var ska man testa?
4. Vad ska man testa?
5. Hur testar man?
Vilket ar ditt storsta konverteringsproblem?Conversionista
Chief Conversionistas Preso fr奪n #emeet 2014.
Anv辰nd v奪r modell f旦r ehandelskonvertering i 4 steg och ladda ner v奪rt verktyg (Google Sheets), f旦r att hitta var du har ditt st旦rsta konverteringsproblem.
This document discusses digital conversion optimization and metrics. It provides tips on setting up goals and funnels in Google Analytics, enabling site search, measuring on-page events on critical pages, tracking error messages, and analyzing the four steps of e-commerce conversion (staying on site, finding products, adding to cart, checkout). Key metrics mentioned include bounce rate, engagement rate, add to cart rate, view cart rate, and conversion rate. The document emphasizes tracking the user journey holistically from multiple traffic sources to understand conversion problems.
Conversion happens in the brain of the customer, not in Google Analytics - Si...Conversionista
As a Sitecore Experience Optimization partner - Conversionista talks about how you can craft experiences built on the underlying motivational factors in your visitors' brains.
In other words: Being Brain-driven, not just data-driven.
La metodolog鱈a Cristal Clear es una metodolog鱈a 叩gil apropiada para equipos peque単os de 3 a 8 personas. Se enfoca en la entrega temprana de software a trav辿s de iteraciones cortas, la comunicaci坦n efectiva entre el equipo y los clientes, y la capacidad de adaptarse r叩pidamente a los cambios. Cristal Clear promueve valores como entregas frecuentes, comunicaci坦n abierta, mejora continua y enfoque en las personas.